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70 Cards in this Set

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what are the three main branches of the opthalmic branch of CN V?
Which are completely GSA?

what are the branches of the lacrimal branch of V1?
there are no branches!

(lacrimal "lac"ks branches)
what are the branches of the frontal branch of V1?
Which are GSA?

both are GSA
what are the branches of the nasociliary branch of V1?
WHich are GSA?
Posterior ethmoidal
Anterior ethmoidal
Infratrochlear (still above the midline of eye so branch off v1)
Long ciliary

Ant. ethmoidal and Infratrochlear
What are the five main branches of the maxillary branch of CN V? (V2)
Posterior superior alveolar
Descending palatine
What are the branches of the Posterior Superior alveolar N?
What is it a branch of?
There are no branches!

It is a branch off V2
What are the branches of the Zygomatic N?
What is it a branch of?

It is a branch off V2
What are the branches of the Infraorbital N?
What is it a branch of?
No branches from it

it is a branch off V2
What are the branches of the Descending Palatine N?
What is it a branch of?
Greater Palatine branch
Lesser palatine branches

It is a branch off V2
What branches of V2 are GSA?
zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial
WHat are the branches of the pterygopalatine N (sphenopalatine N)?
What is it a branch of?
Posterior Nasal

It is a branch off V2
What are the four main branches off V3?
Inferior alveolar
Long buccal
What are the branches off Auriculotemporal N?
What is it a branch of?
No branches

Branch of V3
What are the branches off Inferior alveolar N?
What is it a branch of?
Mental N
Mylohyoid N
Branch of V3
What are the branches off Lingual N?
What is it a branch of?
What joins it on its way to the tongue?
No branches
Branch of V3
Chorda tympani of CN VII (SVA and GVE)
What are the branches of Long buccal N?
What is it a branch of?
What is it NOT a branch of?
No branches
Branch of V3
Not a branch of VII
where does V1 leave the cranial vault?
Superior orbital Fissure
Where does V2 leave the cranial vault?
Foramen Rotundum
Where does V3 leave the cranial vault?
Foramen Ovale
What are the seven nerves that go through the Superior Orbital fissure?
inferior branch ofOcculomotor (CN III)
superior branch of occulomotor
Trochlear (CN IV)
Lacrimal N. (br. of V1)
Frontal N. (br. of V1)
Nasociliary N (br. V1)
Abducent (VI)
What structures go through the pterygoid canal?
Deep petrosal N.
Greater petrosal N.
(the two come together to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal)
Artery of pterygoid canal (vidian)
what is the highest sympathetic ganglion in the body?
superior Cervical ganglion

(all postganglionic sympathetic of head and neck)
What nerve innervates the dilator papillae?
WHat is it a branch of?
postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers from superior cervical ganglion traveling on

Long ciliary N.

Branch of nasociliary which is branch of V1
What nerve innervates the Superior Oblique muscle of the eye?
What nerve innervates the Lateral Rectus muscle of the eye?
What nerve innervates all but two external muscles of the eye?
III (occulomotor)

SO4 LR6 AO3 (all others = III)
what makes the veins of the head unique from other parts of the body?
no valves!
WHat is more medial, the supraorbital N or the supratrochlear N?
(bc trochlea of eye is found on the medial side)
what nerve of CN V goes past the midline of the scalp to innervate some of the posterior part of scalp?
What are the boundaries of the cutaneous domains of V1 V2 and V3?
V1 = scalp to upper eyelid
V2 = lower eyelid to upper lip
V3 = Lower lip and down
What is the greater petrosal n a branch of?
what does it join up with?
branch of Facial

Travels with branches of maxillary N (V2)
the geniculate ganglia is made of what nerve's fibers?
VII (facial)
Where does the facial nerve leave the cranial vault?
Stylomastoid foramen?
Where does the Chorda tympani leave the cranial vault?
What is it a branch of?
Petrotympanic fissure
Branch of VII
What are the branches of the facial nerve?
(A Testy Zebra Bit My Cousin)
Where are the 1st order cell bodies of the facial nerve?
2nd order?
Geniculate nucleus
mesencephalic nucleus of V
("face" it, "gen" first, "me" second)
What type of fibers does the Facial nerve carry?
GSA (Proprioception)
SVE (facial muscles)
GVE (glands: submandibular, sublingual, etc.)
SVA (taste ant. 2/3 tongue)
WHat nerve innervates the skin over the gonion (corner of mandible)?
Great Auricular N
(cervicospinal nerve)
Generally, what are the origins and insertions of hte facial muslces?
Origin = bony
Insertion = Soft tissue
which has a more medial insertion, the zygomaticus major or minor?
Zygomaticus minor is more medial and more superior
What is always in front, the artery or the vein?
The artery is always first
(a is always before v in alphabet)
What are the two main arteries of the superficial face?
What are they branches of?
Facial artery
Superficial Temporal Artery

branches of external carotid artery
what are the two main veins of the superficial face?
What do they drain into?
Facial V (with labial veins)
Superficial temporal V

Drain into external jugular
What is the major artery of the Infratemporal fossa?
Maxillary artery and its branches
what is the major nerve of the Infratemporal fossa?
V3 (Mandibular Nerve) and its branches
What is the superior boundary of the Infratemporal fossa?
Infratemporal surface of greater wing of sphenoid
Infratemporal surface of the temporal bones
What is the medial boundary of the infratemporal fossa?
lateral side of lateral pterygoid plate
What is the anterior boundary of the infratemporal fossa?
Posterior surface of Maxilla
What is the lateral boundary of the infratemporal fossa?
inside of Ramus of mandible with coronoid process and condyle
What is the posterior boundary of the infratemporal fossa?
Parotid gland
Styloid muscles
Internal Carotid artery
WHat is the inferior boundary of the infratemporal fossa
lower border of mandible
what is the doorway between the Infratemporal fossa and the pterygopalatine fossa?
Pterygomaxillary fissure
What is the "window" into the Infratemporal fossa?
Mandibular notch
What is the origin of the Temporalis m?
Inferior temporal line (of Parietal bone)
Superior temporal line is where its fascia attaches
What is the insertion of the temporalis m?
temporal crest of coronoid process
anterior border of ramus
what is so special about the temporalis compared to the other muscles of mastication?
it is the only one that can retrude the mandible
what nerve innervates the temporalis m?
the Temporal n. branch of V3
WHat is origin of masseter muscle?
Superficial part - anterior 2/3 of lower border of zygomatic arch
Deep part - medial surface of zygomatic arch
What is insertion of masseter muscle?
lateral surface of ramus and coronoid process
angle of mandible
What nerve innervates the masseter m?
the masseteric n. branch of V3
What is origin of Medial pterygoid?
medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
What is insertion of M. Pterygoid?
Pterygoid tuberosity on the posterior and medial part of the ramus of the mandible
Is the origin or insertion more medial of the m. pterygoid m?
origin is more medial (ramus is more lateral than sphenoid)
What innervates the m. pterygoid m?
Pterygoid n. branch of V3
What is origin of lateral pterygoid m?
superior head - infratemporal surface of sphenoid greater wing
inferior head - lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
What is insertion of lateral pterygoid m?
anterior portion of condylar neck (pterygoid fovea)
TMJ capsule and meniscus
What innervates the lateral pterygoid m?
Pterygoid n. branch of V3
What is the major muscle for lateral excursions?
What other muscle helps?
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
What nerve joins up with the lingual n. branch of V3 in the infratemporal fossa?
Chorda tympani of VII
(carrying GVE and SVA fibers)
what two structures pass through the petrotympanic fissure?
1. Chorda Tympani

2. Anterior Tympanic a. (branch of maxillary a.)