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54 Cards in this Set

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What are the four muscles of mastication?
medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, temporalis, and masseter
What are the five suprahyoid muscles?
anterior belly of digastric, posterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and stylohyoid
Which suprahyoid muscles are classified as anteriors?
anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid
Which suprahyoid muscles are classified as posteriors?
posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid
What are the four infrahyoid muscles?
Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, and omohyoid
What are the three extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus
What is the insertion, action and nerve of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
I: throughout the tongue
A: fine movement; speech and movement of food
N: 12th cranial nerve
What two muscles are classified as cervical muscles?
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
What are the two muscles of the pharynx?
stylopharyngeus and pharyngeal constrictor
What are the four muscles of the soft palate?
palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus, levator veli palatini, and tensor veli palatini
What two muscles are attached to the pterygomandibular raphe?
buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor
What are the three epicranial muscles of facial expression?
frontalis, galea aponeurotica, occipitalis
What two muscles of facial expression are used for frowning?
frontalis and currugator supercilii
What three muscles are used for surprise?
frontalis, galea aponeurotica, and occipitalis
What three muscles are used for smiling?
zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, and levator anguli oris
What two muscles are used for grimacing?
platysma and risorius
What two muscles raise the upper lip?
levator labii superioris and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
What two muscles lower the lower lip?
depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris
Which muscle raises the chin and protrudes the lower lip?
Which muscle closes the eyelid?
orbicularis oculi
Which muscle makes the kissing motion/closes lips?
orbicularis oris
Which muscle helps in the manipulation of food?
Which cranial nerve are all the muscles of facial expression ennervated by?
Medial Pterygoid?
O: pterygoid fossa of the sphenoid bone
I: Inner aspect of the angle of the mandible
A: closes the mandible
Lateral Pterygoid?
O: Greater wing of the sphenoid and lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid
I: pterygoid fovia of the mandible
A: protrusion, opening the jaw, lateral movement
Which nerve are all the muscles of mastication ennervated by?
third division of the fifth cranial nerve
O:temporal fossa
I: coronoid process
A: closes jaw, retracts
O: zygomatic arch
I: angle/ramus of the mandible (outer aspect)
A: to close mandible
Anterior belly of digastric?
O: intermediate tendon
I: Inner surface of the mandible (area of genial tubercles)
A: opening jaw; pulls hyoid forward and up
N:3rd division of fifth cranial nerve
O: mylohyoid line
I: hyoid bone
A: opening jaw, pull hyoid forward and up
N: 3rd division of fifth cranial nerve
O: geniotubercles
I: hyoid bone
A: opening jaw; pulls hyoid forward and up
N: nerve that comes out of Cervical vertebra #1
Posterior Belly of Digastric?
O: mastoid process
I: intermediate tendon
A: pulls hyoid up and back
N: 7th cranial nerve
O: styloid process
I: hyoid bone
A: pulls hyoid bone up and back
N: 7th cranial nerve
What is the action of all infrahyoid muscles? innervation?
to depress hyoid; cervical vertebra #2 and #3
O: sternum
I: hyoid bone
O: sternum
I: thyroid cartilage
O: thyroid cartilage
I: hyoid bone
O: scapula
I: hyoid bone
O: genial tubercles
I: tongue
A: protrudes tongue
O: styloid process
I: tongue
A: retracts tongue
What are the muscles of the tongue innervated by?
the 12th cranial nerve
O: hyoid bone
I: tongue
A: depresses tongue
O: sternum and clavicle
I: mastoid process
A: both-head tilts forward; one-face goes the opposite direction
What nerve are the cervicle muscles innervated
the 11th cranial nerve
O:1. occipital bone
2. midline of cervical vertebrae
3. midline of thoracic vertebrae
I: clavicle and scapula
A: lifts shoulders
What is the action of the muscles of the pharynx?
elevated and widens pharynx
What is the insertion and nerve of all the parts of the pharyngeal constrictor?
I: median pharyngeal raphe
N: Pharyngeal plexus (group of nerves)
Superior pharyngeal constrictor?
O: hamulus, mandible, and pterygomandibular raphe
Middle pharyngeal constrictor?
O: hyoid bone and stylohyoid muscle
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
O: thyroid and cricoid cartilages
A: forms anterior faucial pillars
N: pharyngeal plexus
Palato pharyngeus?
A: forms posterior faucial pillars
N: pharyngeal plexus
Levator veli palatini?
A: raises soft palate
N: pharyngeal plexus
Tensor veli palatini?
A: lowers soft palate
N: third branch of fifth cranial nerve