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82 Cards in this Set

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Preganglionic sympathetic neuron in the
Intermediolateral grey column or horn
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers from
T1 to L2
remember 12 thoracic regions
Where do the preganglionic sympathetic fibers on the postsympathetic neuron
super cervical ganglion
preganglionic sympathetic fibers for the head region from
T1 to T4
Trace the sympathetic nerve supply to the dilator pupillae muscle of the iris
Preganglionic fibers from the intermediolateral horm of T1-T4 that ascend to superior cervical ganglion to end in the postganglionic neuron where the postganglionic fibers leave and follow blood vessels to the dilator muscle in the iris of the eye. The fibers go through the ciliary ganglion but they do not synapse there
All the sympathetic fibers in the head are postganglionic fibers so the don't synapse example
Fibers to submand glands pass submand ganglion but do not synapse
Fibers to lacrimal gland,palatal glands , nasal and paranasal glands pass thru pterygopalatine ganglion but do not synapse
Horner's syndrome
side of face flushes because vasodilation full of blood
Feel warm to touch(vasodilation)
eyelids ptosis
pupil constricted : dilators knocked out so constrictors kick in
skin absolutely dry, scaly and not perspiring
cell bodies for the preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic are located in
The autonomic nuclei (multipolar cells located within the brain stem of the CNS) which send their preganglionic neurons along the branches of the 3,7,9,10 and 11th CN . Other groups of nerve cell bodies are located in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th sacral segments of the spinal cord
swelling of the upper and lower eyelids
facial space between the muscles of facial expressions where there is no barrier to spread the infection
pain on swallowing
parapharyngeal space
difficulty breathing with wheezing noise
peritracheal space
dysphagia or inability to swallow
dilated pulsating veins of the neck
infection which started initially in one of the sublingual spaces of the head can spread into one or more of the following spaces
contralateral sublingual space
For the infection to reach the buccal surgical space the pus has to perforate the mandible
below the buccinator muscle attachment
If a patient with a swelling of the buccal space becomes unable to open his mouth(trismus)the infection more likely has reached one or more of the following surgical spaces
Infection in the parapharyngeal space is likely to spread into one of the following spaces
superior mediastinum
The isthmus of the thyroid gland is
projects upward into the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid
attached to the thyroglossal duct
Which vein does not accompany the artery with the same name
Inferior thyroid vein
cricothyroidotomy is safe because
the posterior lamina of the cricoid cartilage is broad post. and therefore should protect the post. esophagus from injury
isthmus of the thyroid is rarely damaged
no vital structures exist between the skin and the cricothyroid membrane
vital structures to be protected during a tracheotomy
inferior thyroid veins
isthmus of the thyroid gland
thyroid ima artery
What is a fascia
a dense fibrous tissue sheets arranged to enclose and protect muscles, glands or vital structures
visceral fascia encloses
fascia that sorrounds parotid and submand glands
investing fascia
investing or deep fascia of the head
encloses muscles of mastication,parotid,submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, sorrounds buccinator muscles, muscles of the floor of the mouth(suprahyoid muscles)
a fascia that encloses the platysma muscle
a superficial fascia
middle cervical fascia
part of the investing fascia of the neck
The superficial fascia that surrounds muscles of facial of facial expressions is continuos that surrounds
platysma muscles
visceral fascia sorrounds
visceral units of the neck:
sorrounds the constrictor muscles
thyroid gland
buccal pharyngeal fascia sorrounds buccinator with
superior constrictor muscle through the pterygomandibular raphe
Alar fascia connects the carotid sheath with
the visceral fascia
What connects the pterygoid plexus in the infratemporal fossa with the carvenous sinus
maxillary vein
submandibular(digastric) triangle borders
Ant: Anterior belly of digastric
post: post. belly of digastric and stylohyoid
above: base of the mandible
muscular triangle borders
Ant: Midline of neck
Post: anterior of the sternocleiodmastoid muscle
above: superior belly of omohyoid
boundaries of carotid
posterior belly of digastric
anterior border of sternomastoid
superior belly of omohyoid
Tonsillar node
Tongue node
The postganglionic sympathetic fibers to structures in the head region are processes of what neuron
Superior cervical ganglion
carotid sinus
Is a dilated area in the area of bifurcation of the CCA at the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage and is sensitive oi pressure changes in the arterial blood at this level
Medial branch of the ECA
Ascending pharyngeal artery
carotid body
a chemoreceptor located in the posterior surface of the CCA bifurcation in the carotid triangle
Has no sensory innervation
All motor to geniohyoid and thyrohyoid
Ansa cervicalis invervates
strap muscles of the neck : sternohyoid,sternothyroid,omohyoid
Descendens cervicalis
descendens hypoglossi
The IJV is
receives the sigmoid venous sinus at the jugular foramen
This nerve gives rise to the nerve that will branch into the internal and external layngeal nerves
Vagus nerve
Muscles at the floor of the carotid triangle
middle pharyngeal constrictor
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
longus capitus
The superior cervical ganglion and other ganglia located in respect to common carotid sheath
lateral to the carotid sheath
The afferent nerve from the carotid sinus is
glossopharyngeal nerve
muscles on the floor of the posterior triangle
Levator scapulae
scaleneus medius
splenius capitis
scalenus posterior
which nerves innervate the sternocleidomastoid
spinal accessory
C2, C3
Which veins join to form EJV
the posterior auricular and posterior division of retromandibular vein
Branches of cervical plexus in the posterior triangle
lesser occipital (C2)
anterior cutaneous or transverse (C2,C3)
supraclavicular nerves (C3,C4)
great auricular nerve((C2,C3)
union of posterior auricular with posterior division of retromandibular V
Terminate into subclavian vein
Posterior auricular Vein
Post division of retromandibular V
Anterior Jugular vein
Transverse cervical
Begin bey continuation of sigmoid sinus
Ends by joining subclavian to form brachiocephalic vein
Inferior petrosal sinus
common facial Vein
Lingual vein
superior and middle thyroid veins
pharyngeal vein
begins in the submental plexus of veins
Terminates into EJV
Submental Vein
Cervical plexus
ventral rami of spinal nerves C1-C4
Brachial plexus
Trapezius innervated by
spinal accessory nerve and branches of C3 and C4
Spinal accessory nerve
Enter cranial cavity thru jugular magnum
consists of spinal and cranial part
supplies sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
joins vagus nerve
arises from nucleus ambiguus in medulla oblongata
used to monitor central venous pressure during physical examination
Sternocleidomastoid action
turning face to the opposite side
lateral flexion of the neck
flexion of the neck forwards if both muscles contract at the same time
level just below thyroid cartilage
Foramen cecum
Frontal and ethmoid bone
Emissary vein
Incisive canal
nasopalatine nerve
Supraorbital foramen
supraorbital nerve,artery,vein
Infraorbital foramen
sphenoid and maxilla
infraorbital nerve V2, artery and vein
optic canal
optic nerve (II) and opthalmic artery
Superior orbital fissure
sphenoid between greather an lesser wings
oculomotor III, trochlear IV, abducens VI, trigeminal V1- lacrimal,frontal and nasociliary nerves and superior ophthalmic vein
inferior orbital fissure
V2,infraorbital vessels,ascending branches of sphenopalatine ganglion
formane rotundum
V3,lesser petrosal nerve
middle meningeal artery and vein
petrotympanic fissure
chorday tymphani, anterior tymphanic artery
temporal and sphenoid
greater and deep petrosal nerves ( internal carotid artery runs over top)
internal acoustic meatus
temporal (petrous)
stylomastoid foramen
facial nerve VII
jugular foramen
temporal and occipital
foramen magnum
medulla oblongata,spinal cord,vertebral arteries,spinal accessory nerve
mandibular foramen
inferior alveolar nerve,artery,vein
mental foramen
mental nerve,artery and vein