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41 Cards in this Set

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1. The process of endochondral ossification
a. Is a process during which bone is formed directly from a mesenchyme model
b. Characterizes all bones of the skull
c. Characterizes development of the basicranium
d. Characterizes ossification of the fontanelles
e. Results in the formation of the mandibular body
2. All of the following statements regarding bone are true except
a. Bone is an example of a connective tissue
b. Bone is formed by osteoblasts
c. An osteocyte is a mature osteoblast
d. Bones grow both appositionally and interstitially
e. All of the above are true
3. Which of the following bones is not found in the immediate vicinity of pterion?
a. Sphenoid
b. Parietal
c. Temporal
d. Frontal
e. Occipital
4. A blow to the side of the head can result in a fracture of this bone in the roof of the orbit
a. Frontal
b. Lacrimal
c. Ethmoid
d. Temporal
e. Maxilla
5. All of the following are openings in the sphenoid bone except:
a. Internal acoustic meatus
b. Foramen spinosum
c. Foramen ovale
d. Superior orbital fissure
e. Optic canal
6. Ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid indicates loss of function of what structure?
a. Levator palpebrae superioris
b. Obicularis oculi
c. Frontalis
d. Superioris rectus
e. Superior oblique
7. The pituitary fossa (sella turcica) lies just above the
a. Cavernous sinus
b. Body of the sphenoid
c. Confluence of sinuses
d. Sinus rectus
e. Internal carotid artery
8. Postganglionic sympathetic nerves enter the cranium via the
a. Jugular foramen
b. Foramen magnum
c. Carotid canal
d. Foramen ovale
e. Hiatus of the facial canal
9. All of the following are true of the female face and or skull, except?
a. Flat glabella
b. Small buccal fat pad
c. Short styloid process
d. Small mastoid process
e. Thin, knife-like superior orbital rims
10. People with a brachicephalic head form?
a. Hae a narrow nasal aperture
b. Sloping foreheads
c. Wide set eyes
d. A European ancestry
e. Usually have a retrognathic jaw relationship
11. The aleque nasi is a portion of which muscle?
a. Orbiularis occuli
b. Levator anguli oris
c. Levator labii superioris
d. The orbicularis oris
12. The sensory nerve branch which supplies the skin over the angle of the mandible?
a. Buccal branch of the trigeminal
b. Auriculotemporal
c. Zygomatico facial
d. Great auricular
e. Cervical branch of the facial
13. The TMJ is described as what type of joint?
a. Ginglimo-arthroidal
b. Syndesmosis
c. Amphiarthroidial
d. Synchondrosis
i. A, b & c
ii. A & c
iii. B & d
iv. D only
14. The chorda tympanic branch of the facial nerve leaves the middle ear through the petrotympanic fissure to join which nerve
a. Inferior alveolar
b. Lingual
c. Mylohyoid
d. Posterior superior alveolar
15. The anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves are branches of which nerve?
a. Nasociliary
b. Lacrimal
c. Frontal
d. Trochlear
16. Which specific nerve branch travels through the foramen rotundum?
a. Opthalamic of V
b. Maxillary of V
c. Mandibular of V
d. Vidian
e. Oculomotor
17. The superior sagital sinus most frequently drains into?
a. Sigmoid sinus
b. Straight sinus
c. Right transverse sinus
d. Left transverse sinus
e. Cavernous sinus
18. The middle meningeal artery enters the skull through which opening?
a. Superior orbital fissure
b. Optic canal
c. Foramen ovale
d. Foramen spinosum
e. Foramen magnum
19. All of the following muscles are innervated by the occulomotor nerve except?
a. Levator palpebrae superioris
b. Lateral rectus
c. Inferior oblique
d. Superior rectus
e. Medial rectus
20. Sympathetic post-ganglionic fibers innervate which muscles of the eye?
a. Constrictor papillae
b. Levator palpebrae superioris
c. Ciliary muscles of the lens of the eye
d. Dilator papillae
i. A, b & c
ii. A & c
iii. B &d
iv. D only
21. The extraocular muscle which moves the visual axis laterally?
a. Superior rectus
b. Medial rectus
c. Lateral rectus
d. Inferior rectus
1. The motor innervation of the lacrimal gland is supplied by from which specific cranial nerve?
a. VII
b. V
c. III
d. IV
23. The parotid duct pierces which muscle to enter the oral cavity?
a. Masseter
b. Medial pterygoid
c. Buccinators
d. Levator anguli oris
24. Sensory innervations from the skin over the chin is received from what specific nerve branch?
a. Mental nerve
b. Long buccal nerve
c. Great auricular nerve
d. Mandibular branch of the facial
25. The superficial temporal and facial arteries are branches of?
a. Opthalamic artery
b. External carotid artery
c. Internal carotid artery
d. Maxillary artery
26. Which facial nerve branch would innervate the depressor anguli oris muscle?
a. Cervical
b. Buccal
c. Auricular
d. Temporal
e. Mandibular
27. Name two ligaments of the TMJ.
lateral tmj ligament

sphenomandibular ligament
28. Which autonomic ganglion gives rise to the post-ganglionic neurons which innervate the constrictor papillae muscle? (be specific)
ciliary ganglion of CN III
29. Name two structures which pass through the optic canal.

opthalmic artery
30. Which specific dural structure separates the left from the right cerebral hemisphere?
falx cerebri
31. Cerebrospinal fluid is returned into the venous circulation from the subarachnoid space through what specific structures?
arachnoid granulations
32. The primary sensory cortex is represented by which specific cerebrocortical gyrus?
postcentral gyrus
33. Which sulcus separates the parietal and frontal lobes from each other?
central sulcus of rolando
34. Name two actions of the temporalis muscle?
elevates the mandible

retrudes the mandible
35. Which cranial nerves give rise to GVE components?
36. What type of nerve components are directly associated with the trigeminal nerve?
37. Which cranial nerves have SSA components?
38. What specific functional (component) type of nerve cell bodies are found in the trigeminal ganglion?
Sensory (GSA)
39. The trigeminal nerve arises from which specific region of the brainstem?
the pons
40. Which muscle of mastication has as its origin from a surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and its insertion the angle of the mandible?
medial pterygoid muscle
41. The frontalis and occipitalis muscles are interconnected to each other by what specific structure?
gala aponeuration