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28 Cards in this Set

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What determines Subjective well-being?
life satisfaction, satisfaction with domains of life (work), frequency of positive mood
Waht is the correlation between wealth and hapiness?
wealth and hapiness are weakly correlated.

those who are poorer rate lower on hapiness than rich BUT those with adequate income rate the same levels of hapiness as rich.
Who rates happier extroverts or introvets?
extraverts are happier than introverts.

neuroticism is associated with lesss hapiness.

Conscientiousness is associated with higher well being
What is hapiness associated with?
giving and recieving support.

those who are happiest rport excellent quality of social relationships.
one's skills and efforts are creativley or productively contributing to the world

associated with well being
What is the self-determination theory?
Self realization is at the core of well being.

Autonomy, competence, and realatedness are crucial in well being
What is the importance of meaning theory?
people need to have a life purpose and goals
In Midlife, "time left to live" may occur as a result of what?
increased responsibilty and authority at work, obligations to children, financial planning, retirement
What are come healthy coping strategies?
adaptive flexibiltym self- efficacy, optimism, self-esteem, personal control, social support
Psychological Resillience Facotrs (table 14.2)
1. Positive attitiude: optimism, sense of humor
2. Active coping: seeking solutions, managing emotions
3: Cognative flexibility/cognitive reappraisal: finding meaning in adversity
4. Moral compass: set of core beliefs
5. Physical Exercise: improve mood/self esteem
6. Social support and role models
Phsysical challanges and changes in late adulthood
phsycial losses require adjustment in lifestyle and expectations

immune system is less effective

organs function less adequatley

over 45, cancer and heart diseases are leading cause of death
pain stifness, swelling of joints

after 65, 50% of women and 40% of men suffer from osteoarthritis
congative changes in late adulthood
processing speed slows and inhibitory functions decline

*crystalized inteeligence doesnt decline until about 74
Brain changes in late adulthood
underactiviation and overactivation of prefrontal lobes. Use both sides more.
what is Dementia
inpairment in cognative functioing that affects ability to relate to others and manage daily acitiviites

extreme memory loss, disorientation.

Normal ageing does not cause dementia but risk of dementia goes up with age
Alzheimer's Disease (type of dementia)
prevelence increases wtih age- 20% of 85 yr olds.

early onset beings in 40-50's
early stages: absentmindedness then more gradual confusion- paranoia

late stages: need supervision, death as a result of disorientation, memory and language problems are severe
What is the terminal drop?
between 5 yrs- 6 months before death, adults show a substantial decline in intellectual functioinig
What is autobiographical memory?
involves long-term memory systems
*provides us with sense of self-identitiy
* elderly ppl. remember more recent memories beter but old stories are well-rehearsed
What does "the bump" refer to?
the bump- older people remember memories from young adulthood (18-22) more.

flashbulb memories- almost all come from bump era
Negative sterotypes and age discriminatinon about older adults
1.severly impaired:incompotent, incoherent, senile, inarticulate,
2. despondent:, depressed, sad, hopeless, lonely, afraid
3. shre/curmudgeon: complaining, ill etmpered, stubborn, bitter, prejudiced
4. reclusive: quiet, timid, naieve
Positive sterotypes and age discriminatinon about older adults
5. golden ager: active, capable, sociable
6. perfect grandparent: loving, supportive, wise, generous
7. conservative: patriotic, proud, religious, nostalgic
Social loss in late adulthood
Death, illness, retirement
constrains of budget
decrease social network
often life far away from family
lack of interaction with younger generations
feelings of segergation from society
What is:
way of maintaining well being in face of loss

Selection: narrowing goals and limiting domains in which we expend effort (EX: family vs. career:
ways of maintaining well being in face of loss
OptimizationL enhancing remaining achievements or finding enviornments that are enhancing (ex: moving closer to family)
ways of maintaining well being in face of loss

compensation: maintainane of fuctioning
Death and Dying
80% of US population lives past 65

elderly report less anxiety about death adn are more realistic about its inevitability than middle aged adults
What is a good death?
symptom managment (no pain)
practical details
patient- professional realtionship quality
maintaining dignity
not dying alone
unfinished buisness (say goodbye)
remain mentally aware, funeral arrangments
When working with clients or families who are facing death
religious and cultural differences.

some cultures protect teh patient from knowlesge of full extent of illness