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87 Cards in this Set

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Which 2 groups of animals are endothermic?
mammals & birds
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What happens to the body temperature of an endothermic animal as its environment cools?
It stays the same. It doesn't increase or decrease.
How can large ears help an animal cool?
They help release heat.
What does endothermic mean?
mammal maintains internal body temperature
What does ectothermic mean?
mammals can't control internal temperature (Their temperature is usually the same as their enviroment.)
How can animals help regulate their body temperatures?
in endotherms...to stay warm--heavy fur, thick layers of feathers, small ears so heat doesn't escape. To keep cool...blood vessels near skin help keep blood cool, sweat cools skin, large ears help heat to escape. Animals pant too.
in ectotherms...to stay warm, they sun themselves. They hide under a rock or in the dirt to get cool.
Does ectothermic mean cold blooded or warm blooded?
cold blooded
Does endothermic mean cold blooded or warm blooded?
warm blooded
What benefits do birds give us?
control rodents & insects and give us meat & eggs
What birds can not fly?
penguins & ostriches
Which animal needs more food..an endothermic or ectothermic? Why?
An endothermic because they have to keep their body at a constant temperature.
What does the crop organ do in a bird?
It stores large amounts of food for it.
Which muscles in a bird need large amounts of energy (food) and oxygen?
flight muscles
Do all birds lay eggs?
What 5 things does a fertile bird egg consist of?
yolk (yellow) (food supply)
albumen or egg white (liquid environment)
shell membrane
brittle shell
What 2 things can pass through the shell and shell membrane?
oxygen & carbon
How do birds warm their eggs?
by incubating them
Why do birds have to turn their eggs?
So the yolk doesn't come in contact with the shell.
Name some birds that hatch fully feathered, can walk, and peck for their own food. They also nest on the ground.
Turkeys, chickens, geese & quail.
Where do you find the blind, naked and helpless at birth birds?
In nests & tree cavities so the parents can take care of them.
Name 3 ways birds care for their young?
They turn their eggs so they develop properly, they incubate the eggs, and build nests.
Name 3 purposes that feathers have.
They insulate from cold, heat, water, and light.
They camouflage the bird.
They help attract a mate.
Name the 3 things a feather consists of.
What part of the feather sticks into the bird?
What are the small bumps called on the bird's skin where the feathers grow out of?
Why do birds preen themselves with oil?
to keep their feathers flexible
What muscle moves feathers in different directions for flight?
papillae muscles
What is it called when birds lose feathers & grow new ones once a year?
Do birds lose all their feathers at once or just a few? Why?
just a few...so they can keep on flying!
Describe the down feathers.
short & fluffy
They're next to the birds skin.
They hold warm air close to its body.
(good for our blankets & pillows)
Describe contour feathers.
longer feathers that cover the bird
helps insulate it from water
oil is applied to them so water rolls off
Which of the contour feathers are the largest?
the flight feathers of the wing and tail
How does the diet of birds benefit mankind?
Eats rodents/insects
Why does a bird preen itself?
so its feathers don't break off
How does a developing chick inside an egg get oxygen?
Oxygen passes through the shell!
Are mammals vertebrates?
Are mammals endothermic or ectothermic?
What 2 characteristics do mammals have?
Hair and they product milk for their young
Where is milk produced in the mother?
mammary glands
Describe contour feathers.
longer feathers that cover the bird
helps insulate it from water
oil is applied to them so water rolls off
What 6 things does milk provide?
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Which of the contour feathers are the largest?
the flight feathers of the wing and tail
How does the diet of birds benefit mankind?
Eats rodents/insects
Why does a bird preen itself?
so its feathers don't break off
How does a developing chick inside an egg get oxygen?
Oxygen passes through the shell!
Are mammals vertebrates?
Are mammals endothermic or ectothermic?
What 2 characteristics do mammals have?
Hair and they product milk for their young
Where is milk produced in the mother?
mammary glands
What 6 things does milk provide?
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What does it mean if a baby has been weaned from its mother?
It no longer receives milk from her.
What 4 kinds of teeth do mammals have?
Mammals can be divided into 3 groups based on how they reproduce. What are the 3 groups?
placental mammals
Describe placental mammals.
They have an umbilical cord. They are live births; not from an egg. Dogs, horses, deer, whales and people are examples.
Describe monotremes.
They lay eggs. The duckbilled platypus and echidna are the only 2 mammals that do this.
What is the only mammal that's poisonous?
duckbilled platypus
Describe marsupials.
They have a pouch. They aren't born in it, but they crawl their shortly after they're born. Kangaroos & opossums are examples.
What do porcupine quills, bristles of hogs, and horns of rhinos have in common?
They are all animal hair!
What are hair follicles?
They are tubular hair-producing organs in the skin of mammals. Live cells add to the base of a hair & pushes the hair out of the follicle making it grow.
What is keratin?
It's protein that makes up fingernails, feathers, claws & hooves. The hair that we see on our body is made of dead, keratin-filled cells.
What is the hardest substance in a mammal's body?
tooth enamel
What is tensile strength? What has the greatest tensile strength?
Tensile strength is the resistance a substance has to being pulled apart.
Hair has the greatest tensile strength.
What are the 2 layers of fur called?
underhair & guard hair
Describe underhair.
short, soft layer that provides excellent insulation
can prevent water from reaching animal's skin
Describe guard hair.
longer, stiffer hair that protects the underhair from wear & contains pigment granules that product the colors of fur
Why is sheep's wool curly?
Its underhair grows longer than the guard hair and makes it look the way it does.
What good does an erector muscle do?
It contracts to make the animal's hair stand up so warm air can stay next to its skin.
What do cats use their whiskers for?
to see if openings are big enough for the whole cats body to fit through.
How are seal's whiskers helpful?
They are used to detect vibrations in the water. They also help to find food and avoid predators or obstacles.
Why does a dog's hair stand up on its neck sometimes?
If a dog senses danger, the hair stands up. Lots of blood vessels cary blood to the brain through the neck. If something touches the dogs hair on its neck when it's afraid, it may bite!
What is another name for a womb?
What do we call the long, pointed teeth used for tearing?
What is the special name for the insulating hair?
What is a bellybutton?
the place where an umbilical cord attached to a mammal & leaves a mark.
Name a mammal that lays eggs.
Platypus and echidna
Which order of mammals includes squirrels?
Are humans primates? Why or why not?
No, we're not animals. We're made in God's image.
How does a dog cool itself?
by panting
What main advantage is there to being endothermic?
the animal can keep a constant body temperature
Describe one bird's beak.
The eagle's is curved and pointed. It's good for tearing apart meat.
How are a bird's bones different from those of other animals?
They're very light weight, have air sacs, and are reinforced by a crisscross structure inside.
Which type of feather helps insulate a bird?
contour feathers
Why does a mammal need a placenta?
The placenta helps it receive oxygen & food, and it gets rid of waste.
Why does a mammal need an umbilical cord?
The animal is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. Blood runs from the mom to the baby through it. It helps deliver food & oxygen and gets rid of waste.
What kind of mammal is connected by a placenta to its mother?
placental mammals
What kind of mammal lays eggs?
What kind of mammal develops in a pouch?