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6 Cards in this Set

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What makes water hard

Dissolved calcium or magnesium compounds

What is the difference between permanent and temporary hard water

Temporary hard water will lose its hardness when heated

Permanently hard water will never lose is hardness

How do we remove the calcium and magnesium from permanently hard water

Ion exchange column

What is hard water

Water which contains dissolved calcium or magnesium ions and does not form a lather with soap easily

How does the ion exchange column work

There are lots of tiny plastic beads made of a special "resin"

The calcium/magnesium ions displace the sodium ions attached to the resin and then attach to the resin molecules allowing the sodium to leave the column

What happens when the sodium ions in the ion exchange column run out

Passing a sodium chloride solution (brine) through the column flushes the calcium and magnesium out and replaces them with sodium ions so it can be used again