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122 Cards in this Set

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When Happenstance first awakens, what is covering his eyes?
a blindfold
What is the first thing Umber discovers about Happenstance's eyes?
they have nocturnal vision
What is the name of the buried city in which Happenstance is discovered by Umber?
What destroyed Alzumar?
Mount Ignis erupted and its ash buried the city
What is the first fear Happenstance discovers he has?
fear of water
In what city does Umber live?
What covers the sides of Boroon?
Besides shooting arrows, what does Sophie do very well?
make sketches of things she's seen
In what shape is the prow of the boat that follows Hap from Alzumar to Kurahaven?
a serpent
What causes sharks to attack Boroon?
blood from a small cut on his fin
How does Nima lose the ship that is following them to Kurahaven?
she submerges Boroon
What is Nima afraid of?
the land
Who are the Merinots?
shipbuilders, sailors and Nima's family
What is the name of Umber's home in Kurahaven?
the Aerie
What ship meets Boroon and takes his passengers to Kurahaven?
the Swifft
Who captains the Swift?
Captain Sandar of the Merinots, Nima's half-brother
What wonderful opportunity at Andobar does Hoyle shout about to Umber?
rare perfume
What is the first structure Hap sees from the harbor of Kurahaven?
an ancient castle, the ruins of Petraportus
What two items did Umber receive when he landed at Kurahaven?
a rat in a cage, and an orange class bottle in a box
What word does Umber speak to open the large door of the Aerie and what does it mean?
Hurkhor, it means open
Who is the strange fellow in Umber's archives?
What does Smudge throw at Tru and Hap at Hap's first encounter with him?
a rotten peach
What are the four symbols on the royal coat of arms?
crown, sun, mountains, shell
Who are the three princes?
Argent, Galbus, & Loden
What wonderful food dish did Umber introduce that Poncius loves?
What does Jonas call Occo and why?
Creep, because he frightened Jonas
What does Occo's horse transform into when it reaches the harbor?
a sea horse
What is the first thing Umber wants to try on Hap to get him to remember his past?
What is Oates' curse?
he is forced to tell the truth
Who drove out the sea giants from Kurahaven?
Who are Umber's private guard?
Wilkin, Barkin, and Dodd
What feeds the moat of the castle?
the Heartspring
Where does the thread lead Hap the first time he sees it?
to the crack in the wall where Thimble lives
What are the green-eyed people mostly called and what do they do?
Meddlers, bend the path of destiny
What is a speaker of many languages?
a polyglot
What does Turiana want Hap to do in exchange for information?
return her trinkets that Umber keeps from her
What is the source of Turiana's power?
her trinkets
What makes Umber sink into a deep depression?
his visit with Turiana
How many years ago did Umber first come to Kurahaven and who was the first person he met?
10 years ago, Balfour
What was wrong with the girl's arm in Umber's party?
Her right arm ended at the wrist.
What did the voice say to call the boy with striking eyes?
The stranger tells Umber there is a note where?
in the boy's pocket
What weapons did Happenstance notice that Oates carried?
an ax dangling on one side of his belt, and a thick headed club on the other
What kind of vision does Happenstance have?
Nocturnal vision
What color are Happenstance's eyes?
an unusual shade of bright green.
Oates is compelled to do what at all times?
Tell the truth
What is the name of the city where Umber meets Hap?
What type of creature lives in Alzumar?
The tyrant worm
What does the tyrant worm's body look like?
a serpent with a thousand legs
What did they smell on the island while trying to get away from the tyrant worm?
Umber tells Hap he is taking him back to their home which is called…
What was the name of the captain of the leviathan?
What was the name of the leviathan?
Umber whispered the names of five places to Hap to see if he recognized them. What were they?
New York. Lon-dun. Paris. Toe-key-oh and Moss-cow
When Hap asked how long Nima could hold her breath, what was Umber's answer?
She's not holding her breath at all.
What was the distance that Boroon would swim underwater to throw off their pursuer?
Seven miles or so
Which hourglass does Umber turn upside down and why?
The fifth because there are five passengers. It tells how long they can stay under before the air is used up.
How is Nima different from other people?
She's part fish
The note about Hap said that there was a creature searching for Hap. What was this creature's name?
What did Nima tell Hap she was afraid of?
The land
Nima says that Umber is perhaps the most powerful man in his kingdom other than whom?
The king and the three princes
What is Umber's home in Kurahaven called?
The aerie
What opportunity does Hoyle say came about while Umber was on his expedition?
rare perfume out of Andobar
What was the name of the ancient castle ruins Hap saw on his way to Kurahaven?
What magic word did Umber use to open the door to the Aerie?
What were the four symbols on the royal coat of arms of Kurahaven?
The crown, the sun, the mountains and a shell for the sea
What are the princes names?
Argent the eldest, Galbus the middle and Loden the youngest
What is the name of the clothier?
What news does Sandar have for Umber about the ship?
It is deserted
What was so weird about the Creep's legs?
His knees bent the wrong way: backward, like a long-legged bird's.
What happened to Occo's horse as he got to the water?
It transformed into a seahorse
What was Umber going to use to try and help Hap remember?
Oates says that Umber only trusts him because…
He has to tell the truth
What does Umber say happened to Petraportus?
Torn to pieces from an invasion of sea giants
Who drove out the invaders of Kurahaven?
A sorceress named Turiana
Who defeated Turiana?
What are the names of Umber's private guard?
Wilkin, Barkin and Dodd
Which of Umber's guard had dark hair to his shoulders?
Which of Umber's guard was a poet?
What does Prince Argent tell Umber that he and his father are waiting for a response about?
How to improve the kingdom's defenses
Which of the princes does Umber call a cunning, ambitious schemer with no scruples to think of?
Prince Loden
What did the prince say he gave himself as a gift for his birthday?
a royal guard of two dozen pigs all in uniforms with yellow capes
What was the new music that Umber prepared for Prince Galbus for his birthday?
the Canon in D Major by Johann Pachelbel
When Hap peered through Lady Truden's door, he could see her looking at what?
a portrait of Umber
While walking through the house at night, Hap spotted the cat trying to pounce on what?
the little man
How tall was the little man?
Three inches, maybe four
What is the little man's name?
Umber liberated Thimble from what kingdom?
the kingdom of Meer
What did Hap see in the pond in the cavern?
Who told Smudge not to talk about the green-eyed folk?
Brother Caspar
Magical men with bright eyes were called many things. What were the names?
Hoppers, Tinkers and Meddlers
Meddlers tinkle with what?
The fates of men
What does Umber say is the word for a speaker of many languages?
A polyglot
What does Turiana ask Hap to bring her?
Her rings, bracelets, pendants and amulets
What two words does Turiana say when Hap says he won't help her?
You're dead
How long does Umber's episodes of sadness usually last?
as short as a few days or as long as a month
When Umber went to Turiana's door with flowers, how long was it before Umber was heard from again?
Forty days
What were the two things that Umber wanted from King Tyrian when Umber had defeated Turiana?
The Aerie and for Turiana's life to be spared
What actually defeated Turiana?
Who painted the portrait of Umber that Hap saw in Lady Truden's room?
What kind of venom does Thimble have on his spear?
Spider venom
The thread that Hap saw the second time was what color?
a bruised, infected purple
What word was engraved on the vertical surface in Umber's room?
What did Balfour find on the floor near where Umber liked to sit, under the tree?
Umber's black ring
Occo's note says what?
That if anybody but the boy comes, he'll kill Lord Umber
What meeting place does Occo choose?
What did Hap hear as he was climbing up to meet Occo?
Umber talking
When Hap asks Occo what he wants, what does Occo reply?
I want to see
What was Occo's face studded with?
Occo tells Hap that he is a meddler and can see what?
The filaments - fortune, doom, destiny, fat
What did Thimble do to Occo?
drove his spear into Occo's ankle
Umber tells Hap that in his world, there was no magic but there was what?
What is Umber's full name?
Brian Umber
Doane called on Umber to supervise what?
the Doomsday Vault
The reboot suitcase held what kind of machine?
a computer
When Umber awoke after being locked inside with the Reboot suitcase, he had only two things inside his pack. What were they?
a gold coin and the computer
What color are Happenstance's eyes?
Bright green
What are the initials on the seal that Hap gives to Umber?
What is the name of the ruined city where the WORM scares Hap, Umber, Oates and Sophia?
What is the name of the trusted friend and cook on the leviathan barge?
When Nima stitched up Baroon with a needle, what type of needle did she use?
What type of exercise does Umber do onboard the ship to start getting into shape?
jumping jacks