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40 Cards in this Set

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True or False: In the late 1800's psychiatrists believed, that mental illness could be attributed to some sort of biological disturbance.
Who developed the first systematic nosologic (classification) system (ie- the DSM)?
Emil Kraepelin
In initial clinical trials, this drug, resulted in marked behavioral changes in manic and schizophrenic patients.
Thorazine (chlorpromazine)
This drug, was the first anti-depressent, developed in 1952.
iproniazid (an MAO inhibitor)
This drug, was the first tricyclic antidepressant, developed in 1954 and put on the market in 1957.
imipramine (Tofranil)
The first minor tranquilizer:
Other minor tranquilizers to follow meprobamate:
benzodiazepine, chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
The first drug used to treat Bipolar d/o.
lithium carbonate
small space separating individual nerve cells.
-junction between two neurons
-100 trillion of them
chemical substance that functions as a messenger.
-manufactured in the cell body, then transported down the axon for storage in vesicles
True or False: Studies indicate that the combined use of pharmacotherapy and pscyhotherapy is superior to either single treatment alone.
Mental disorders can be a result of _______ factors, _______ factors, or both.
biological, psychological
a concept describing conditions where a very specific response can be predicted with tremendous regularity when a stimulus is applied.
stimulus-response specificity
short, branched structures projecting out from the cell body. transmits impulses or info toward the cell body. (may be one or many on each cell)
relays electrical impulses away from the body cell toward the terminal bouton
at the end of the axon, stores neurotransmitters to be released into synapse
terminal bouton
fundamental unit of the nervous system; all functions of the brain results from actions of individual neurons and interconnections between them.
neuron that releases the neurotransmitters
neuron that received the neurotransmitters
True or False: many of the currently available antidepressants operate via reuptake inhibition
What are the 3 basic units of the brain?
1) brain stem
2) central core (limbic system, diencephalon & basal ganglia)
3) cerebral cortex
This primitive part of the brain is the size of the pea but is responsible for regulating a host of biological functions.
The Limbic system is involved in what 3 primary functions?
1) appraisal of emotional stimuli
2) initiation of emotional responses (fight or flight)
3) shutting down reactivity after external stressors subside
The nervous system is divided into what two parts?
Central Nervous System & Peripheal Nervous System
The central nervous system is divided into what two parts?
Brain & Spinal cord
The Peripheal nervous system is divided into what two parts?
Autonomic & Somatic
The Autonomic nervous system is divided in two what two parts?
Sympathetic & Parasympathetic
The Autonomic nervous system does what?
innervates involuntary organs (heart, smooth muscles and glands)
The Sympathetic nervous system does what?
plays a role in the fight or flight response. mobilizes in times of stressful situations
The parasympathetic nervous system does what?
activated in times of relaxation, reduces heart rate and blood pressure.
the drugs effect on the body
the body's affect on the drug

4 basic factors: absorption, distribution, biotransformation & excretion
most drugs are initially absorbed in the stomach or small intestine
once a drug has been absorbed and reaches the bloodstream, it is then distributed to various organs or sites of action throughout the body
metabolism, primarily occurs in the liver
the process by which drugs are eliminated from the body. primarily happens in the kidneys.
Steady State
occurs when concentrations of a medication in the bloodstream have reached a plateau so that the amount administered is equal to the amount being eliminated.
Enzyme Inhibition
most frequent of all drug interactions, occurs when two drugs rely on the same enzyme system for metabolism.
ligand activates the receptor
ligand occupies a receptor site but doesnt activate it