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88 Cards in this Set

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Patient gets sodium nitroprusside infusion, develops SpO2 85%: Cause?
Methemoglobinemia (SpO2 falsely stuck at 85%)

Why does sodium nitroprusside cause met-Hb?

Metabolism of nitroprusside requires conversion of Oxy-Hb (Fe2+) to methemoglobin (Fe3+)

What is closing capacity?

Lung volume at which small-airway (non-cartilagenous) closure begins to occur

Why do you want to maximize FRC preoperatively?
Ensure that it is greater than closing volume to prevent atelectasis
Patient with history of previous MI (12 mo ago): most likely to develop post-op MI when?
3 days
BMI formula?
Weight (kg) divided by height (m) squared
Normal FEV1/FVC ratio?

DC cardioversion is not indicated in which unstable tachycardia?


During the first minute of apnea, how much will PaCO2 rise? (mmHg)
During the second minute onwards of apnea, how much will PaCO2 rise? (mmHg)

What is the O2 requirement of an adult? (mL/kg/min)

4 mL/kg/min

What is the O2 requirement of a neonate? (mL/kg)
FRC is a combination of what lung volumes?
Residual Volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume
What is the VD/VT equation? What does it measure?
Dead Space: (PaCO2 - PECO2)/PaCO2

What is the formula for oxygen content?

(1.36 * Hb * SaO2) + (0.003 * PaO2)

1 mmHg increase in PaCO2 = ? increase in minute ventilation?
3 L/min
What is the P50 for normal adult hemoglobin? (mmHg)

What is the P90 for normal adult hemoglobin? (mmHg)


What is the P50 for sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS)? (mmHg)

How does sepsis affect MvO2? Why?

Increases MvO2 (decreased oxygen consumption) due to maldistribution of perfusion

What is normal vital capacity? (mL/kg)
How does CO poisoning affect PaO2?
No effect
How does CO poisoning affect hemoglobin-dissociation curve?
Left shift and decreased plateau value
How does CO poisoning cause acidosis?
Lactic acidosis due to decreased oxygen delivery to tissues

How do volatile anesthetics affect central and peripheral chemoreceptors for ventilation?

PERIPHERAL chemoreceptors: decrease ventilatory response.

CENTRAL chemoreceptors: no effect

How much will pH change with acute change of PaCO2?
0.08 decrease in pH with 10 mmHg increase in PaCO2
How much will HCO3 decrease with a chronic decrease in PaCO2?
5 mEq for every 10 mmHg drop in PaCO2
Vasopressin infusion dosage?
0.01-0.04 units/min (not weight based)
What is the time-window for DC cardioversion of stable atrial fibrillation? Why?
< 48 hours; risk of emoblic events after

PaO2 is the highest at the lung: apex or base? Why?

PaO2 highest at lung apex because there is the least amount of shunting here (mostly dead space)

PaCO2 is the highest at the lung apex or base? Why?
PaCO2 highest at the lung base because you have more perfusion than ventilation (shunt) and cannot blow off CO2
Which acid-base disturbance is the least compensated? Why?
Metabolis alkalosis is least compensated by respiratory acidosis (hypoventilation) because you can't hypoventilate enough
What is the alveolar gas equation?
[ FiO2 * (atmospheric pressure - water vapor pressure) ] - [ PaCO2 / RQ ]

What is respiratory quotient (RQ)?

Volume of expired CO2 divided by volume of oxygen consumed

What is the normal range of RQ?
0.7 - 1
What does RQ = 1 indicate?
Pure carbohydrate metabolism
What does RQ = 0.7 indicate?
Pure fat metabolism
What is the best VENOUS location to estimate arterial O2?
Vein on posterior surface of warmed hand because of minimal extraction of O2 here
Which PFT is least dependent on patient effort?
FEF 25%-75%
What is the shunt equation?
Qs/Qt = (C_alv_cap_O2 - C_a_O2) / (C_alv_cap_o2 - C_v_O2)
What is the approx. numerical relationship between A-a gradient and shunt fraction?
Every 20 mmHg increase in A-a gradient = 1% shunt
Which IV anesthetic does not affect respiratory drive?
Which part of the lung (apex/base) is the best ventilated?
Which part of the lung (apex/base) is the best perfused?
The base of the lung has more ventilation or perfusion?
The base of the lung is a shunt or dead space?
What is the volume of anatomic dead space? (mL/kg)
What are the two most important buffering systems in the body?
HCO3 (50%), Hemoglobin (35%)
A pH drop of 0.1 will increase K by how much?
0.6 mEq/L
What are the three ABG compensation rules?
(1) 1 mmHg PaCO2 = 0.08 pH (2) 1 HCO3 = 1 PaCO2 (3) 10 HCO3 = 0.15 pH

How do volatile anesthetics affect the Hb-O2 curve?


What is the half-life of CO-Hb at room air?
4 hours
What is the half-life of CO-Hb at 100% O2?
1 hour

How do you speed up clearance of CO beyond 100% O2?

Hyperbaric 3atm: half-life decreases to 15-30 minutes

At what duration and rate does propofol cause PIS?

>48 hrs @ 88 mcg/kg/min

Anion gap formula?

Na - (Cl + HCO3) [normal <12]

Organophosphates cause: miosis or mydriasis?
Miosis (constriction)
How does acidosis affect vessel tone?
Vasodilation (think of sepsis)
How does acidosis affect ICP?
Increased ICP
How does acidosis affect pulmonary vascular resistance?
Increased pulmonary hypertension
What is the key factor you can change to increase arterial saturation in one-lung ventilation?
Increase MvO2

What is the extubation criteria for vital capacity?

> 15 mL/kg (2 x VT)

What is the extubation criteria for NIF?
Less than -20 cm H2O
What is the extubation criteria for PaCO2?
< 50 mmHg

What is the extubation criteria for A-a gradient?

< 35 mmHg ?

What is the extubation criteria for dead space?
< 0.6 Vd/Vt
What is the extubation criteria for PaO2?
> 60 mmHg on < 50% O2
After what time period of a trauma should you be wary of using SCh?
> 24 hours

Spinal cord transection at C7: how does it affect autonomic hyper-reflexia?

No effect; this is a chronic problem

Hypernatremia after head injury in old person: Cause?
Diabetes insipidus (central decreased ADH release)
What is the best treatment for hypotension in severe acidosis?
How does TRALI manifest?
Fever, increased A-a gradient, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, leukoPENIA
What would you expect the neutrophil count in TRALI to be?
low (sequestration in lung)
What is the vein just before the SVC where the SC and IJ meet?
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in a newborn?
3:1 (90 compressions to 30 breaths per minute!)
How does anthrax manifest on CXR?
Widened mediastinum from large lymph nodes due to spores
Atelectasis: shunt or dead space?
Mainstem intubation: shunt or dead space?
Hypovolemia: shunt or dead space?
Dead space (decreased perfusion)
Energy expenditure in sepsis + fever? (% compared to normal)
Energy expenditure in multiple fractures? (% compared to normal)
Energy expendite in burns? (% compared to normal)
At what temperature(s) is energy expenditure the least in burns?
33C (180%) < 21C (200%) < 25C (room air; 220%)

Energy expenditure in post-op period? (% compared to normal)


High mixed venous oxygen saturation indicates what?
Hypoperfusion to peripheral tissues
High mixed venous oxygen saturation in a liver failure patient indicates what kind of circulatory failure?
Hyperdynamic shock due to vasodilation

Patient found to have normal anion gap metabolic acidosis with high Cl after surgery: what could have caused this?

Normal saline fluid resuscitation

How does pneumothorax affect EtCO2?

No effect (dead space remains the same, a new shunt is formed)