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79 Cards in this Set

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Bonds involving the sharing of electrons of two or more atoms.
Chemical Bonds
Negatively charged particles that orbit around the nucleus of an atom.
Chemical bond formed between two Sulfur atoms in amino acids.
Disulfide Bond
Found in cortex of hair; side bond containing sulfur.
Disulfide Bond
Directly affected by perming and relaxing.
Disulfide Bond
Compounds consisting of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen & nitrogen.
Amino Acids
Positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom; energy nutrient in food; makes up 10% of RDA guidelines.
Bonds that can only be broken by water or heat.
Physical Bonds
Side bonds that work on the principle that unlike charges attract; can be broken by water or heat.
Hydrogen Bonds
End bond of amino acids where amino ends attach to acid ends.
Peptide Bonds
Bonds formed when amino acids are lined up side by side.
Side Bonds
Hair on face.
Hair on head.
Short, fine, downy hair that first appears on the body.
Replaces lanugo hair.
Technical term for the study of hair.
To add beauty to look and feel good.
Only part of hair which is alive; the hair follicle forms a cluster of cells in the upper layer of skin.
Hair Bulb
The portion of hair that extends above the skin's surface.
Hair Strand/Fibre/Shaft
A cluster of cells in the upper layer of the skin; the cell cluster pulls the upper layer down with it creating a tube-like pocket called the root sheath, out of which the hair will grow.
The portion of hair that is inside the hair follicle, under the skin's surface.
Hair Root
A tube-like pocket created when a cluster of cells in the upper layer of the skin pull the upper layer down.
Root Sheath
Comprised of smaller microfibres that are held together by four types of chemical bonds.
Cortex of the Hair
Responsible for about 35% of hair's strength and nearly all its elasticity.
Hydrogen Bonds
Only bond broken down by water.
Hydrogen Bonds
Responsible for another 35% of hair's strength and hosts attachment sites for hair colour.
Salt Bonds
Responsible for hair's toughness or abrasion resistance; important for successful permanent waving; effected by ALL chemicals.
Cystine Bonds
Holds one amino acid chain to another by positive acid to negative alkaline attraction.
Polypeptide Bonds
Hair is primarily comprised of this protein.
This bond is the backbone of all protein bonds.
Peptide Bond
This is the most important side bond to be concerned about as a cosmetologist.
Disulfide Bond
Amino acids that create protein are linked together by this bond.
Peptide Bond
A hydrogen bond is very weak and can be broken by this.
Heat and Water
Hydrogen bonds work on the principle that this kind of charge attracts.
Healthy hair can be stretched this much when wet.
Healthy hair can be stretched this much when dry.
Hair protects us from these elements.
Heat and Cold
The only cells of the hair that are alive.
Hair Bulb
The cluster of cells in the epidermis from which the hair follicle forms.
Primitive Root Germ
Oval or round root sheath produces this kind of hair.
Elliptical or flat root sheath produces this kind of hair.
Provides nourishment for the primitive hair germ.
Arrector pilli muscles come from cells in this layer of skin.
Arrector pilli muscles aid in the secretion of this.
Causes the hair to stand on end when cold or scared.
Arrector Pilli Muscles
A hardening process that causes the three major layers of the hair.
The outer covering of the hair shaft.
Bulges attached to the sides of root sheathes.
Sebaceous Glands
As cells begin their journey through the hair follicle, they become these.
Cuticle scales; cortex; medulla cells.
The twisting of the macrofibrils in the cortex gives hair the ability to do this.
The hair growth stage when all cell division stops.
Catagen Stage
Hair colour is darker during this stage.
Anagen Stage
The stage of hair growth when the hair bulb has no attached root to the sheath.
The three things that affects the way hair behaves.
Heredity; environment; products used on hair.
Three things that can affect the structural organization of the hair.
Hair dryers; perms; shampoo.
Hair that is 90% cortex and 10% cuticle would have more of this than hair that is 60% cortex and 40% cuticle.
Melanin is found mainly in this section of the hair.
Bundles called melanosomes are formed by these.
Melain is brown/black hair.
Melanin in lighter coloured hair is found only in this section of the hair.
Lack of pigement in the skin and hair.
A client's hair type may be determined by these.
Touch; visual examination; density.
The coarseness of firmness of the hair fibre is known as this.
Hair that absorbs the least amount of moisture is described as this.
Hair with normal ability to absorb moisture is said to have this.
Average Porosity
The ability of hair to stretch and return to its original shape without breaking.
Wet hair can be stretched up to this amount of its length.
40% to 50%
Caused by cracks in the cuticle.
Split Ends
This determines & produces the number of melanocytes in the hair and pigment.
Melanin in red hair is predominantly this.
Reduced colour pigment in the cortex layer of the hair can result in this.
Grey Hair
Damaged hair due to chemical services or environment is said to have these.
Extreme Porosity
Hair with a combination of porosities is referred to as having this.
Uneven Porosity
The technical name for the study of hair.
The layer of the hair fibre that gives hair its pigment and elasticity.
The amount of moisture hair can absorb.
Describes hair that has been damaged from chemical services or the environment.
Extreme Porosity