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45 Cards in this Set

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what structures of significance are present between the deep fascia and the skin of the leg?
the two saphenous veins and the sensory nerves
where does the great saphenous vein drain?
the femoral vein
what nerve travels with the great saphenous vein?
the saphenous nerve
where does the great saphenous vein pass with respect to the malleoli
anterior to the medial malleolus
what nerve accompanies the small saphenous vein?
the sural nerve
where does the small saphenous vein pass with respect to the malleoli?
posterior to the lateral malleolus
does the fibula bear weight?
what inserts on the tibial tuberosity?
the patellar ligament
what is the groove on the posterior surface of the medial malleolus for?
the tibialis posterior tendon
what muscles make up the pes anserinus?
the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus
what msucles are in the anterior compartment of the leg?
the tibialis anterior, extensor hallicus longus, extensor digitorum longus, and fibularis tertius
where does the tibialis anterior insert?
the medial cunefirom bone and first metatarsal
what muscles are in the lateral compartment of the leg?
the fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
what muscle is the most powerful everter of the foot?
the fibularis longus
do any muscles attach to the talus?
what bone does the achilles tendon attach to?
the calcaneus
what ligaments make up the lateral ligament of the talocrural joint?
the anterior and posterior talofibular and calcaneofibular
what ligaments make up the medial or deltiod ligament of the talocrural joint?
the tibionavicular, tibiocalcaneal, posterior tibiotalar and anterior tibiotalar
what do the lateral ligaments of the ankle do?
ensure the talocrural joint is only capable of plantar and dorsiflexion
which is more stable: dorsi or plantarflexion?
what bones are involved int he talocrural joint?
the tibia, fibula, and talus
what bones are involved in the subtalar joint?
the talus and calcaneus
what joint do eversion and inversion take place at?
the subtalar joint
what is the function of the subtalar joint?
inversion and eversion
what bones are involved in the midtarsal or transverse tarsal joint?
the talsu, navicular, and calcaneus
what is the function of the midtarsal joint?
allows front of the foot to pivot relative to the back
which joint allows the two parts of the foot to move relative to each other?
the midtarsal joint
what ligament is primarily responsible for maintaining the arch of the foot?
the calcaneonavicular ligament
what does the calcaneonavicular ligament attach?
the the navicular bone and sustenaculum tali
what nerve innervates the anterior and lateral leg muscles?
the common fibular nerve
what nerve innervates the anterior compartment muscles?
the deep fibular nerve
what nerve innervates the lateral compartment muscles?
the superficial fibular nerve
which has more cutaneous innervation - the deep or superficial fibular nerve?
the superficial fibular nerve
where is the cutaneous innervation for the deep fibular nerve?
between the first and second toes
what supplies blood to the lateral compartment?
the anterior tibial artery
what artery becomes the dorsalis pedis?
the anterior tibial artery
is there an artery in the lateral compartment?
what artery supplies the lateral compartment?
perforating braches of the fibular artery
which compartment is most likely to be the site of compartment syndrome?
the anterior compartment
what is the funciton in general of the anterior compartment muscles?
dorsiflex the ankle
what is the function of muscles in the lateral compartment?
evert the foot
what ligament is commonly injured when someone sprains their ankle?
the talofibular ligament
loss of function of what nerve causes foot drop?
the common fibular nerve
what do both the posterior tibial artery and the tibial nerve divide into in the foot?
the lateral and medial plantar artery and nerve, respectively
which three muscles insert on the medial cuneiform?
the tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, and the fibularis longus