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61 Cards in this Set

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kidneys 3 function and structure
extract waste from the blood, balance body fluids, form urine
ureters 1
carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
urinary bladder 1
receives and stores the urine
urethra 1
carries urine from the bladder to outside the body
blood supply to the kidney
renal artery
specilized cells that regulate kidney function, made of afferent arteriole distal convoluted tubule, triggered by low blood pressure, secrets enxyme renin
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
if b.p is to low ...... increases B.p
Juxta glomerular apparatus
Functions of the kidney
excretion(urea from protein metabolism, produced in the liver transported to the kidneys
water balance maintenance
body fluid acid-base regulation
blood presure regulation
red blood cell production
glomerular filtration
walls of glom cappillaris (sieve like) free flowing water and soluble materials, BLOOD CELLS AND LARGE PROTEINS do not pass through, blood pressure is higher than other capillaries enabling materials to pass through the cappillary membrane,
glomerular filtration trace the path of blood
blood enters via the afferent arteriole, exited the efferent arteriole and water, electrolytes waste begin the path of tubular system
kidneys 3 function and structure
extract waste from the blood, balance body fluids, form urine
ureters 1
carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
urinary bladder 1
receives and stores the urine
urethra 1
carries urine from the bladder to outside the body
blood supply to the kidney
renal artery
specilized cells that regulate kidney function, made of afferent arteriole distal convoluted tubule, triggered by low blood pressure, secrets enxyme renin
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
if b.p is to low ...... increases B.p
Juxta glomerular apparatus
Functions of the kidney
excretion(urea from protein metabolism, produced in the liver transported to the kidneys
water balance maintenance
body fluid acid-base regulation
blood presure regulation
red blood cell production
glomerular filtration
walls of glom cappillaris (sieve like) free flowing water and soluble materials, BLOOD CELLS AND LARGE PROTEINS do not pass through, blood pressure is higher than other capillaries enabling materials to pass through the cappillary membrane,
glomerular filtration trace the path of blood
blood enters via the afferent arteriole, exited the efferent arteriole and water, electrolytes waste begin the path of tubular system
kidneys 3 function and structure
extract waste from the blood, balance body fluids, form urine
ureters 1
carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
urinary bladder 1
receives and stores the urine
urethra 1
carries urine from the bladder to outside the body
blood supply to the kidney
renal artery
specilized cells that regulate kidney function, made of afferent arteriole distal convoluted tubule, triggered by low blood pressure, secrets enxyme renin
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
if b.p is to low ...... increases B.p
Juxta glomerular apparatus
Functions of the kidney
excretion(urea from protein metabolism, produced in the liver transported to the kidneys
water balance maintenance
body fluid acid-base regulation
blood presure regulation
red blood cell production
glomerular filtration
walls of glom cappillaris (sieve like) free flowing water and soluble materials, BLOOD CELLS AND LARGE PROTEINS do not pass through, blood pressure is higher than other capillaries enabling materials to pass through the cappillary membrane,
glomerular filtration trace the path of blood
blood enters via the afferent arteriole, exited the efferent arteriole and water, electrolytes waste begin the path of tubular system
What is the function of ADH hormone in the body
Release of ADH hormone stimulates the collecting duct in the nephron to become more permeable to WATER promoting reabsorption by capillaries into the bloodstream.
When you lack a large amount of ADH what happens?
Lots of dilute Urine may be Diabeties Insipidus
Describe the characteristics and explain how Urine is transported in the body.
Travels down the muscular tubes of the ureters lined of epithelial and connective tissue coat(Thick)
Urine is moved by gravitiy and perstalsis.
When the bladder is empty it is ___ and when full it is ____
below the pubic joint and full may extend to abdominal cavity
The special lining of the Bladder is__ which consists of ____
transitional epithelium, rugae folds
the urethra in males is ___ and in females is ___
Micuration is
the process of expelling (voiding) urine from the bladder
Sodium (na+)
the main extra cellular ion
main intracellular ion
inflammation of the bladder
what is external exchange
when air is breathed through the lungs exchanged with the alveoli sacs where fresh o2 is exchanged at the blood and c02 diffuses out of blood to be eliminated
internal gas exchange
o2 is exchanged at the tissue level 02 diffuses from the blood to the cells and c02 passes from the cells into the blood.
Nasal cavities Functions 2
filters foreign bodies (hair and mucous)
air is warmed and moistened by blood vascularize mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity
what is the pharynx and the three parts
a pharynx is the throat which carries air to respiratory tract and food to digestive system, nasophayrynx, oropharynx, laryngeal pharynx
The larynx
the voice box which is located between the pharynx and trachea
made of cartilage, vocal folds used for speach
space between the vocal cords, open during breathing, closed during eating
as the larynx moves up during swallowing the epiglottis moves downward covering the opening into the larynx
the trachea (wind pipe)
conducts air between layrnx and lungs
frame work of seperate cartilages keeps the trachea open
the bronchi
the trachea divides into two primary bronchi that enter the lungs
what type of cell lines most of the upper respiratory tract
pseudostratified ciliated columbar
the space between the lungs
contains the heart vessels, esophagus, trachea, and lymph nodes
Lobes in the lungs
3 on the right, 2 on the left
bronchioles 2 facts type of muscle and control
smooth muscle only no cartilage, under autonomic control
at the end of the termina bronchioles, clusters of tiny air sacs, single layer of squamous epithelium make up walls of each alveolus,
septal cells
scatter amost the squamous epitheliul cells of alveoli, produce surfactnt keeps them open prevents collapsing
trace the steps of the diaphram movement during inhallation and exhalation
inhallation diaphragm contracts down on abdomen, exhalation relaxes and goes up
parietal pluera
attatched to the chest walls
visceral pleura
attatched to the surface of the lung inside
plueral space
contains a thin film of lubricating fluid.
pulmonary ventilation
movement of air into and out of the lungs 2 phases inhallation- air is drawn into the lungs (active process) Exhallation - expulsion of air from the lungs (passive process)
exchange of gases
external exchange between alveoli and the blood, internal exchange movement of gasses btween the bloode and the tissues.