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102 Cards in this Set

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PSA Levels are???
under 4-normal
4-10 borderline high
10-20 75% risk of cancer
>20 90% risk of cancer
The Dentate line is important for what?
Black blood in the stool usually means blood is coming from where? And is also called what?
-high in GI tract

If red stool it usually means that blood is coming from where?
It is also called what?

What color usually indicates a positive on hemoccult test?
A healthy prostate should not protrude more than how many cm into the rectum?
1 cm
In men under 35, prostatitis is usually caused by what?
In med over 35, prostatitis is usually caused by what?
Prostatitis is usually accompanied by what?
a fever
What are some findings in rectal cancer?
-firm nodules with rolled edge
How does a rectal shelf feel?
firm and nodular
A rectal shelf usually indicates what disease?
peritoneal metastases
Internal hemorrhoids are at or above what?
the dentate line
Tell me about external hemorrhoids.
below the dentate line and usually covered with skin
What is an anorectal fistula?
-an inflammatory tract or tube that ipens at one and into the anus or rectum and at the other end onto the skin surface or into another viscus
What are common causes of perirectal irritation and itch?
-pinworms and candida
A pencil like stool can be indicative of what?
A gray or tan stool can indicate what?
-obstructive jaundice
-conjugated billirubin cannot pass into intestine instead enters the bloodstrem
A black or tarry stool can indicate what?
-duodenal ulcer hemorrhage
-gastric ulcer hemorrhage
-mucosal tears of the esophagus or fundus
-esophageal varices
-erosive gastritis
Bright Red Blood Per rectum can indicate what diseases?
-colorectal cancer
What are the lymph nodes that are accessible to physical examination?
-cervical nodes
-axillary nodes
-inguinal/femoral nodes
If you find an abnormal lymph node, you should think SLAP, which stands for what?
-associated lymph sites
-primary site
What are some features taht you should note when assessing pulses?
-presence of burit
WHat are the 6 P's?
What are some causes for concern a vascular physical exam?
-pain in the arms or legs
-intermittent claudication
-cold, numbness, pallor in the legs, hair loss
-color change in findertips or toes
-swelling calves, legs, or feet
-swelling with redness or tenderness
What is PAD?
-pain in the legs that stops when you rest
What is classic triad of symptoms for PAD?
-exercise-induced calf pain
-pain causes patient to stop exercise
-relief of pain within 10 minutes of stopping exercise
What are trophic changes?
shiny, hariless skin, dystrophic nail changes and depedent rubor associated with peripheral arterial occlusive disease
What is pallor on elevation?
-Lift the leg and it gets red, but put it down and it goes back to normal
What is the common name for Telaniectasias?
SPider veins
What is the edema grading scale?
-1+: mild pitting, slight indentation
-2+: moderate pitting, indentation subsides rapidly
-3+:deep pitting to 6mm, remains for a short time after pressure applied
-4+: deep pitting >6mm, leg is very swollen
What is the ratio that you want for an Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)?
Resting and post exercise Systolic BP in ankle and arm
-95% sensitiviety for angiographic PVD
-correlates w/claudication
-indicates advanced ischemia
Deviation of the spine posteriorly?
Deviation of the spine anteriorly is what?
A marked kyphosis resulting in a hunchback deformity.
Deviation of the spine laterally
difficulty breathing
Frating, crackling or popping sounds and sensations?
Palpable vibration.
When is fremitus decreased?
-Pleural Effusion
When is fremitus increased?
Crackles and rales are what kind of sounds?
Wheezes and rhonci are what kind of sounds?
A high-pitched musical sounds that usually indicates narrowed airways?
Continuous rattle; fluid in the large airways, and can clear with coughing?
High pitched sound due to turbulent air flow in the upper airway?
Voice sounds heard clearly via the stethoscope?
eeeee to AAAAA sound
Can be a sign of what?
Very deep and labored breathing with normal or reduced frequency, seen in severe acidosis?
Abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by oscillation of ventilation between apnea and hyperpnea to compensate for changing serum partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Often seen in brain damage.
Cheyne Stokes breaths
Pursed lips breathing is often seen in what patients?
What condition is characterized by SOB and pleuritic pain, and on physical exam there may be tracheal deviation, diminished expansion on affected side, diminished breath sounds, and hyperrrosonance with percussion?
-Productive cough w/purulent sputum and SOB and chest pain
-fever, tachypnea, and tachycardia
-dimished breath sounds & dullness to percussion of affected lobe
-Positive egophony
All suggest what?
Lobar Pneumonia
Symptoms:cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, weight loss, anorexia, fatigue, CP, muscle weakness, cofusion or memory loss
Signs:lobar consolidation, localized wheezing, pleural effusion, tracheal shift, cachexia, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, ascites, and clubbing
All suggest what?
Lung Cancer
How do you get evaluated pulse pressure?
Systolic - diastolic
S1 is best heard where?
over apex with diaphragm
S1 is made by what valves closing?
Mitral and Tricuspid
S2 is best heard where?
left upper sternal border over base of the heart
S2 is made by the closure of what valves?
Aortic and Pulmonic
S1 is louder in what conditions?
-mitral stenosis
-short PR interval
S1 is softer in what conditions?
-long PR interval
-acute aortic regurgitation
How do you get Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)?
Diastolic plus 1/3 pulse pressure
Apical impulse that is more virogous than normal?
A fine, palpable, rushing vibration; a palpable murmur?
Auscultated arterial murmur (turbulent flow)
Sound heard when two surfaces are rubbed together?
Friction Rub
What are some Diastolic Murmurs?
-Aortic insufficiency
-Mitral Stenosis
What are some systolic murmurs?
-Aortic Stenosis
-Mitral insufficiency
-Tricuspid Insufficiency
What is Cullen's sign?
A bluish discoloration around the umbilicus
What is Grey Turner's sign?
A bluish discoloration of the flanks that may be a sign of pancreatitis.
Cullen and Grey Turner's sign my occur in what condition?
What is borborygmi?
prolonged loud gurgles that occur with gastroenteritis, early intestinal obstruction, or hunger.
What can cause hypoactive bowel sounds?
-Paralytic ileus
-decreased appitite
Murphy's sign is used to test for what?
What signs can be used to test the appendix?
-Psoas Sign
-Obturator Sign
-McBurney's Point
-Localized or diffuse RUQ pain
-Radiation to right scapula
-Vomiting and constipation
-Low grade fever
All indicate what condition?
Acute Cholecystitis
-Sever flan pain-intermittent
-Radiation to groin and genitals
-Vomiting and urinary symptoms
-positive Kehr's sign.
Renal Colic
What is Kehr's sign?
Pain radiation to the left shoulder that is seen in Renal colic or speen rupture
-Non-palpable liver
-Caput Medusa
-Testicular Atrophy
All indicate what?
What is the order of the abdominal exam?
Black or tarry stool can indicate what disease?
Bright Red blood Per Rectum can indicate what diseases?
What are some causes of Prostatitis?
A pencil stool can indicate what disease?
Rectal Cancer
Phren's Sign can be seen in what disease?
What is Phren's sign?
Pain relief on scrotal elevation
The following signs indicated what disease?:
-bacterial infection
-Teens to adults
-gradual onset of pain
-dysuria, pyuria
-Redness of scrotum
-Urethral discharge
-Nodular epididymis
What is paraphimosis?
when you can't put the foreskin back in place
What is phimosis?
when you can't retract the foreskin
Inflammatory disoder of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and adjacent pelvic structures?
Cervical motion tenderness is associated with what condition?
What are the two main types of cervical cancer?
-Squamous Cell
What are some symptoms of cervical cancer?
-Abnormal bleeding
-Pap and biopsy
What are some risk factors for cervical cancer?
-intercourse at early age
-multiple sex partners
Tell me about Fibrocystic Disease?
-most common palpable mass
-associated with menstration
-pain in UOQ
-tender mass
-usually bilateral
-rubbery diffuse lumpiness on exam
-Benign solid mass on breast
-usually nontender
-< 30 y/o
-can grow w/hormonal influence, primarliy during pregnancy
-best visualized by ultrasounds
-Fine Needle aspiration to confirm binign mass.
Enlargement of one or more lymph nodes as a result of normal reactive effects or a pathologic occurence?
An edema score of 1+ means what?
mild pitting, slight indentation
An edema of score of 2+ means what?
moderate pitting, indentation subsides rapidly
An edema score of 3+ means what?
deep pitting to 6mm, remains for a short time after pressure applied
An edema score of 4 plus means what?
Deep pitting >6mm, legs is very swollen