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125 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 bones of the pelvis?
2 innominate bones, the sacrum, the coccyx
What are the 3 parts of the innominate bone?
pubis, ischium, ilium
What are the ilium?
top portion of pelvis, "hip bones" join with sacrum
What are the ischium?
medial/lower portions of innominate bones providing landmarks: ischial spines & tuberosity
Where do the pubis bones join?
symphysis pubis, form pubic arch
What forms the sacrum?
fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae
what forms the coccyx?
4 rudimentary movable vertebrae
What are the 4 basic pelvic types?
How is the pelvis classified?
by the charictaristics of the posterior segment of the inlet, most pelvi are mixed types.
What is the pelvic diaphram?
2 muscles that form the walls of the cavity and 2 that form the floor.
What is the urogenital diaphram?
anterior and superficial muscle groups that are associated with the genitalia
Where is the urogenital area?
Lower pelvic area in the hollow of the pubic arch
What does it consist of?
transverse perineal muscles.
What do the transverse perineal muscles do?
support the anal canal during defecation, support lower vagina during childbirth
What makes up the transverse perineal muscles?
transverses perinea, bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus
What forms the pelvic walls?
Piriformis & obturator internus
What forms the pelvic floor?
levator ani muscle & cocygeus muscle
what muscle forms the perineal body, and where is it?
Levator Ani located between vagina and rectum. Attaches pubic bone & coccyx (sheet like)
What does the fan shaped coccygeus muscle do?
works synergistically to aid the levator ani muscle.
What small straplike muscles support the pelvic viscera?
transverse perinei
what aids in strengthening the pelvic diaphram and constricting the urethra and vaginal openings?
bulbocavernosus muscles
What does the ischiocavernous muscle do?
contracts to cause erection of the clitoris
What 8 things are included in the vulva?
mons pubis, labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, urinary meatus, vaginal opening, corpus spongiosium tissue, perineum
Where is the vestibule?
inside the labia minora, outside the hymen
what is on either side of the vestibule?
Bartholin's gland
What is the function of the Bartholin's gland?
secretes lubricating mucous into the introitus during sexual excitement
What is the mons pubis?
mound of fatty tissue that protects the syphysis pubis
Where does the labia majora join together?
mons veneris (anterior prominence of the symphysis)
what is the function of the labia majora?
keeping vaginal introitus closed, keeping out infection
What is the function of the labia minora?
Forms hood/prepuce of clitoris & assists in enclosing the opening of urethra and vagina
What is the clitoris formed from?
tubercle of undifferentiated tissue in the embryo
What does the clitoris consist of?
2 paired erectile chambers
What are the erectile chambers composed of?
endothelial lined lacunar spaces,
trabecular smooth muscle, trabecular connective tissue and are surrounded by the tunica albuginea
What is the pars intermedia?
bilateral vestigial bulbs that unite venterally to the uretheral orifice to form the spongiosus erectile tissue
What is the clitoris capped by?
the glans, which is then covered by the hood made by the labia minora
What is blood supplied to the clitoris by?
dorsal & clitoral cavernosal arteries from the iliohypogastric pudendal bed
Where is the motor innervation to the clitoris from?
cavernosal nerve arising from the pelvic/hypogastric plexus.
What are the periurethral glands?
skene's glands
where are skene's glands and what are their function?
in the vulva, near the urethral opening. They release mucus from the clitoral glans to the upper vaginal rim (caruncle)
How long is the urethra?
3-5 cms
What is the urethra composed of?
Muscular layer, thin layer of spongy erectile tissue, and a mucousal layer
Which layer of the urethra contains a plexus of large veins?
spongy erectile tissue
What kind of cells are in the mucousal layer of the urethra?
stratified squamous that contained scattered cells with 5-HT
What is the Halban's Fascia?
space between the trigone of the bladder and the anterior part of the vaginal wall.
what does Halban's fascia contain?
mesenchymal lamina & elastic muscle fibers
What do the muscle fibers of Halban's fascia contain?
Krause bodies (pseudo corpuscular nerve endings), as well as rich vascular nerve supply
what do the ovaries produce?
gametes, estrogen, progesterone
How large are the ovaries?
2 x 4 cms
What are the color and texture of the ovaries.
that depends on age and reproductive stage
where are the ovaries located?
in the shallow depression called the ovarian fossa
What is the ligament that supports all internal genital organs?
broad ligament
What 3 ligaments besides the broad, support the ovaries?
Mesovarium, ovarian, suspensory
What is the outermost layer of the ovary?
germinal epithelium
What is below the germinal epithelium?
tunia albuginea (collagenous tissue)
What is the outer region of the ovary called?
what is the cortex comprised of?
germinal epithelium with oogenia, and ovarian follicles that # 200,000 at puberty
What is laced in the cortex & medulla of the ovary?
what is stroma?
substance in which bloodvessels and follicles are imbedded
What is in the hilum?
Nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue since it is the point of entrance in the ovary
How is circulation provided to the ovaries?
ovarian artieries via abdominal aorta
venous drainage for ovaries?
venous plexus collecting @ adnexa draining to vena cava on R and renal vein on L
About how long are fallopian tubes?
10 cm
what are the 4 segments of the fallopian tubes?
Pars interstitialis, isthmus, ampulla, infundibulum
What is the pars interstitialis?
attaches to uterine wall, portion of myometrium responsible for muscularity
what is the isthmus?
narrow segment adjacent to uterine wall, contains few mucousal folds.
What is the ampulla?
Longest widest portion of tubes, contains a lot of mucousal folds/cillia and is primary site for fertilization
What is the infundibulum?
funnel shaped end of tube near ovary that has fimbrae to direct oocyte into tube
What are the walls of the fallopian tubes comprised of ?
mucosa, muscularis, and serosa
What are the 2 main cell types of the mucousal layer?
ciliated columnar cells & peg cells to secrete mucus
What is the serosa?
lubricative layer that is part of the visceral peritoneum
what type of innervation is there to the ovaries & tubes?
sympathetic & parasympathetic
what arteries supply blood to the tubes?
ovarian & uterine
How large is a nullaparous uterus?
7.5cm long, 5cm wide, 2cm thick
How much does a nulliparous uterus weigh?
approx 90 gms
what are the 3 layers of the uterus?
endometrium, myometrium, and serosa/adventitia
What is the stratum functionale?
The temporary layer in the uterus (endometrium) regulated by the cyclic horomones resulting in shedding/thicking
What is the stratum basale?
the deeper thinner, permanent layer that contains endometrial glands that protect the raw endometrium during menses
What layer of the uterus receives a double blood supply?
What is the myometrium composed of?
four poorly defined layers of smooth muscle that is thickest at the fundus.
What is the cervix comprised of?
connective tissue that is 2.5cms in length
What types of cells cover the interior portion of the cervix?
mucous secreting ciliated epithelium
What type of cells are at the vaginal end of the cervix?
stratified squamous epithelium
What is the vagina?
is a canal that extends from external vulva to the cervix
About how long is the average vaginal wall anteriorly?
7.5 cm
About how long is the average vaginal wall posteriorly?
What does the upper portion of the vagina encircle?
the vaginal portion of the cervix
What does the vagina touch on the ventral & superior surface?
empty bladder
Inferiorly, what does the vagina adhere to?
the posterior wall of the urethra
What is adjacent to the vaginal opening?
Labia minora
What is the mucous membrane of the vagina continious with?
the uterus
What are the 3 layers of the vaginal walls?
mucosa, muscle, & adventitia
What type of epithelium is in the vagina?
stratified squamous epithelium
What is the stratified squamous of the vagina supported by?
a thick lamina propria
What is in the lamina propria that contributes to the spread of fluid on the epithelium?
many thin walled blood vessels
What does the lamina propria of the vagina contain?
elastic fibers
dense netowork of blood vessels
lymph nodes
and nerve supplies
what slight hormonal changes occur to the vaginal epithelium during the menstrual cycle?
slight keratinization
Does the vaginal epithelium secret mucous? why?
No, it has no glands
What does estrogen cause the vaginal epithelium to do?
thicken, differentiate, and accumulate glycogen
What cx the typically low PH of the vaginal environment?
when vaginal bacteria metabolize the glycogen to lactic acid
what is the source for vaginal moisture during sexual stimulation?
The loose connective tissue layer that is under the Vag. Epithel. that has a subdermal layer rich in capillaries
What types of muscles are in the muscularis?
smooth muscle
How are the muscles in the muscularis lying?
longitudinally on the outer layer & in circular bundles on the inner layer
What is the outer layer of the muscularis also called?
What is the adventita made of? What are 2 of the functions?
dense connective tissue with many elastic fibers that provides structural support to the vagina & expansion of the vagina during intercourse & childbirth
What are the breasts & what do they consist of?
milk producing glands that lie over the pectoral muscles & consist of the nipple, lobes, ducts and fiberous fatty tissue
How many lobes of glandular tissue are in a breast?
15-20 lobes
Is the number of lobes releated to the size of a breast?
What do the lobes branch into?
20-40 lobules, these are subdivided into many secretory alveoli
What do the alveoli produce?
Milk & other substances during lactation
Where does each lobe empty to?
a single lactiferous duct that travels out through the nipple
How many lactiferous ducts empty through the nipple?
Where are the slight enlargements to the lactiferous ducts & what are they called?
behind the nipple, they form small reserviors called lactiferous sinuses.
How big is each L. sinus?
What surrounds the lobes of glandular tissue in the breast?
fatty & connective tissues
What does the amount of fatty tissue in the breast depend on?
Age, % of body fat, & heredity
What gives the breast it's shape and elasticity & connects the chest wall to the skin of the breast itself?
Cooper's ligaments
What do the nipple & areola consist of?
smooth muscle fibers and a thick network of nerve endings
What oil producing glands are found in the areola?
Montgomery's glands
What happens to the Montgomery's glands during menses?
they may formed raised bumps and are responsive to menses.
What is the purpose of the Montgomery's glands?
to lubricate the nipple during lactation
What does estrogen promote in the breasts?
The growth of glands & ducts
What does progesterone stimulate in the breasts?
development of milk-producing cells
What does Prolactin do in the breast?
stimulates milk production
What is the function of Oxytocin in the breast?
In response to suckling, cx milk ejection from the lactating breast
Where is Prolactin released from? Oxytocin?
anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary