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27 Cards in this Set

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absence of menses
When do many teenage girls usually experience intervals of amenorrhea?
2-12mo during 1st 2 yrs after menarche
How early can spontaneous menopause occur in women?
mid 30s
Classification of Amenorrhea
eugonadotropic - congenital/acquired anomalies
hypergonadotropic - primary amenorrhea
hypogonadotropic - secondary amenorrhea
__ is failure of menarche by age 15 in presence of normal growth and secondary sexual development/ by age 13
Primary amenorrhea
Causes of primary amenorrhea
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (mc vagina/uterus agenesis with renal abnormalities)
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome(testicular feminization)
Mullerian dysgenesis (Turner's syndrome)
Imperforate hymen
Transverse vaginal septum
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism(Kallmann's syn)
Primary hypothyroidism (chronic autoimm thyroiditis)
Infection/pelvic radiation/TB
__ is absence of menses for 6 consecutive mo in women with normal menstruation has been established OR >3 cycle intervals in woman with oligomenorrhea
Secondary amenorrhea
Types of secondary amenorrhea
uterine (Asherman's syndrome)
pituitary (galatorrhea syndrome, empty sella syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, pituitary adenoma, Sheehan's syndrome)
hypothalamic dysfunction (nutritional deficiency, chronic illness, histiocytosis, lymphoma, meds, overtraining, emotional stress)
adrenal (CAH, Cushing's syndrome)
ovarian (Halban's syndrome, premature ovarian failure, PCOS)
physiologic (pregnancy)
What is the MCC of secondary amenorrhea causing infertility and synechiae/adhesions as well?
Asherman's syndrome
What is the prevalence of women on OC that have amenorrhea once stopping the pill?
What labs are important in evaluating amenorrhea?
serum hCG, prolactin levels, thyroid function tests, gonadotropin levels (LH/FSH)
Tx of amenorrhea
counseling and education
estrogen therapy
progesterone therapy
gonadotropins (Clomid)
endocrine meds
__ is excessive growth of non-sexual hair
__ is increased growth of male-like hairs on midline of body, face, chest, abdomen, and inner thigh associated with anovulatory amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, or infertility
__ is hirsutism associated with increased muscle mass, clitoromegaly, temporal balding, voice deepening, increased libido, and possible de-feminization
__ are steroids that promote development of masculine secondary sex characteristics with transformation occurring in the liver and skin
What are the 3 sources of androgens in women?
adrenal gland (0-30%)
ovary (5-20%)
preandrogens peripheral transformation/DHEA(50-70%)
What is the most important androgen that mostly circulates bound to albumin/binding globulin in the blood and small portion found in free form?
classification of hirsutism
ovarian (PCOS, hyperthecosis, tumors)
adrenal (CAH,adenoma, carcinoma)
primary endocrinopathy (Cushing's, acromegaly)
drugs (danazol, phenothiazine, diazoxide, minoxidil)
hyperprolactinemia/ menopause
What is the most important treatment goal for hirsutism and what are the serious complications of hirsutism?
goal: stop virilizing process
complications: infertility, DM, HTN, heart dz

*significant weight loss is only long-term soln to obesity-related hirsutism
medical tx of hirsutism
combo OC
medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera)
flutamide (hepatotoxic comp)
finasteride (5alpha reductase inhib; teratogenic)
cimetidine, metformin
eflornithine (vaniqua) - hair reduction
T/F: Combo of hormonal suppression and supportive measure offers best long-term results for hirsute patients
MC endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age and MCC of androgen excess and hirsutism
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Who 1st described PCOS and was the prior name?
Stein and Leventhal
sx of PCOS
menstrual irregularities, chronic anovulation, acne, hirsutism, infertility, enlarged polycystic ovaries, obesity, acanthosis nigricans (common skin fold), inc testosterone/DHEAS, inc fasting insulin levels, Ferrin Galloway score>6, LH-FSH ratio>2, norm-inc serum prolactin, norm serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone, norm TSH level
dx of PCOS
chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism, hyperandrogenemia, US polycystic ovaries
tx of PCOS
OC (mc)
weight reduction diet
clomiphene citrate
GnRH agonists (Lupron, Viadur, Synarel)
hair removal