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43 Cards in this Set

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def: poikilothermic animals
core temp. varies with enviro. And have limited ability to metabolically maintain core temp (fish, amphibians, reptiles)
Microenvironment for aquatic animals is characterized by which factors?
water quality, illumination, noise, vibration, temperature
Water characteristics to support aquatic animals
temp, pH, alkalinity, nitrogen waste products, phosphourus, chlorine/bromide, oxidation-reduction potential, conductivity/salinity, hardness (osmolality/dissolved minerals), dissoloved oxygen, total gas pressure, ion/metal content, and established microbial ecology
Water quality testing, standards, parameters to test, and frequency should be set by the
institution or protocol
What is found in human potable water that can be toxic to fish and amphibians and MUST be removed or neutralized before use in aquatic systems
chlorine and chloramines
def: life support system for aquatic animals
physical structure used to contain the water and animals + ancillary equip. used to move/treat the water
3 types of life support systems
1. recirculating (water is moved around the system) 2. flow-thorugh systems (water is constantly replaced) 3. Static system (periodic replacement)
4 sources of water for aquatic species
1. treated wastewater (tap) 2. Surface water (lakes) 3. protected water (well/aquifer) 4. articifical water (RO or distilled)
Considerations for chose of water for aquatic species
supply, biosecrutigy, volumes, species, and research
Recirculating systems: methods to filter
1. biofilter (nitrifying bacteria) 2. protein skimmers (foam fractionators) 3. particulate filters (remove undissolved/dissolved proteins and particulate mater) 4. carbon filters (remove dissolved chemicals) 5. UV or ozone (disinfect)
Rack recirculating sytem for zebrafish and xenopus
multiple individual taks are supplied with treated water from a single source
biofilter considerations
MUST be of sufficient size (bacterial number) to process bioload. Change in water quality parameters may kill biofilter (environment and chemical)
Continuous or timed flow-through systems
may use extremely large volumes of water because it is not reused. Water may or may not be treated prior to use (usu. Aquaculture)
Semiopen systems
may depend on source water temp. and can vary (ex: raceway by a river)
The volume of water in a room can affect
the room temp., temp stability, and humidity
Humidity considerations with aquatic species
geared toward human comfort. Too high = condensation and potential for microbial growth; Too low = evaporation and water replacement with more frequent monitoring
Aquatic room exchange air rates
governed by thermal and mositure loads. Note: airborne particulates and compounds (volatle organic compounds and ammonia) may dissolve in take water and affect animal health + pathogens can aerosolize in water droplets
what components of light are aquatic and semiaquatic species sensitive to
photoperiod, light intensity, and wavelength. Sudden changes can elicit a startle response and lead to trauma
The primary enclosure of aquatic animals should (10)
1. normal physiologic and behavioral needs (excretory, control/maint of body temp, movement, repro., temp gradients prn for feeding/digestion) 2. conspecific social interaction 3. balanced/stable enviro. 4. water quality 5. access to food and removal of waste 6. restrict escape or entrapment 7. free of sharp edges 8. can observe with minimal disturbance 9. constructed of non-toxic material 10. no electrical hazard
anuran species
toads and frogs
Enrichment for aquatic species
should elicit species-appropriate behavior and be evaulated for safety and utility
In aquaculture where there is natural predation and mortalities it may be appropriate to measure animal "numbers" by using standard aquaculture techniques such as..
Final production biomass
Space: Zebrafish
5 adults per liter (general recommendation)
X. laevis
2 liters per adult frog (general recommendation)
Handling of aquatic species should be kept to a minimum, why?
avoid damage to the protective mucus layers and negative effects of the immune function (use visual inspections).
T/F: latex gloves have been associated with toxicity in some species
TRUE (some species of amphibians)
Use of nets
Trained, santized, and dedicated to animals with similar health status
Food considerations
store well; ensure access to all animals; may not be ad libitum or daily
Live food sources
maintained and managed to ensure a steady supply and the health and suitability of the organism as food
Substrate may be needed for the life support system. Give 2 examples:
1. Undergravel filtration (increased surface area for denitrifying bacteria) 2. Hydrocleaning (routine siphoning)
Sanitation should focus on
maintained life support system, removal of solid waste, periodic water changes
How does sanitation differ from terrestiral species
nitrogenous waste and respiraotry output is dissolved in water
end product that is less toxic but at high level can be problematic. Generally removed from water changes or design of system
Disinfection of aquatic systems
accomplished through water treatment (filtration or UV/ozone) and water changes
Most chemical disinfectants are toxic. Care MUST be taken to ensure ..
Residual chlorine, chemical, and reactive byproducts are neutralized or removed
Algal and Cyanobacterial (blue-green algae) growth is common and increases with
nitrogen, phosphorus and light
Notes on algae
usually non-toxic but can be toxic, don't want too much because decreases visualization
Macroenvironment sanitation
similar to terrestiral
Identification systems for aquatic species
Fin clip, genetic testing, tags, SQ injection of elastomeric materials, transponder tags, color patterns, and group ID
recordkeeping is important, so things that may be included are:
species, genetic info, sock source, stock number in system, tank ID, life support system information, breeding, deaths, illness, transfer, and fertilization/hatching info
Feeding Records should be kept on
1. feeding (offered accepted) 2. nonexpired food supplies 3. live cultures/food (hatch rate, etc.),
Records on water quality
testing for system and source water should be maintained with parameters clearly established based on animal, research, system
Records on animal tracking
Records on transfers, breeding, death; periodic censuses; biomass