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124 Cards in this Set

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Suspension of the bladder is performed to treat urinary stress incontinence in the
a surgically created connection between the urinary bladder and the skin which is used to drain urine from the bladder in individuals with obstruction of normal urinary flow.
Suprapubic cystostomy
An adrenalectomy procedure has the potential for
many postoperative metabolic complications.

offers good exposure to the kidney

trans costal incision
A nephrostomy tube is placed
in the kidney.
an artificial opening created between the kidney and the skin which allows for the urinary diversion directly from the upper part of the urinary system (renal pelvis) is
A nephrostomy
Penile implants
DO NOT increase the size of the penis, only to allow the man to have and maintain an erection
An undescended testicle can cause sterility due to
the increased temperature in the abdominal cavity
Complete epispadias deformity is
always associated with urinary incontinence because there is little to no bladder neck development
can be performed on males or females
Urethral meatoplasty
Vesicourethral suspension is also called
Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure
a suspension of the bladder neck and urethra
Vesicourethral suspension
done to treat urinary stress incontinence in the female
Vesicourethral suspension
advantages to the perineal prostatectomy procedure
preservation of the bladder neck, improved urethrovesical anastomosis, easier control of bleeding
to remove en bloc without trauma
The incision made for a suprapubic prostatectomy is
transverse or longitudinal incision into the space of Retzius
Renal failure is not a cause of renal obstruction


What position would be used for a simple nephrectomy
A lateral position with the flank over the table break
the removal of impacted calculi from the kidney pelvis
A malfunctioning erectile system of the penis is caused by
neurologic disease, diabetes mellitus, vascular disease with arthrosclerosis
Pyeloplasty is
remodeling the renal pelvis to repair tissue damage
A retrograde pyelogram
performed to identify the location of a stone
Stones in the renal pelvis are removed because
they are extremely painful, they cause tissue trauma because of their sharp surfaces, they may travel down the ureter and become lodged
Torsion of the testicle is
twisting of the testis, resulting in ischemia and necrosis
Removal of one testicle is most commonly performed to treat all of the following
testicular carcinoma, torsion, trauma
Bilateral orchiectomy is performed to control
carcinoma of the prostate
During orchiectomy
the spermatic veins and arteries are cross-clamped and ligated
Immediately after delivering the hydrocele from the testicle, the scrub should
have suction ready for use
Dressing appropriate following an orchiectomy
4 × 4s and scrotal support
done to improve spermatogenesis
To repair bilateral undescended testicles, the surgeon must make an incision or incisions in
the bilateral inguinal areas and unilateral scrotum
Orchiopexy is performed on
preschool children
Repair of epispadias
is performed in stages, depending on the severity of the deformity
is a diagnosis in which the urethra is shortened, causing the penis to bow inward toward the body
associated with hypospadias
Urethral meatotomy
incisional enlargement and repair of the external meatus of the urethra
Phimosis is caused by
irritation of the foreskin, the inability of the foreskin to be retracted, an accumulation of smegma under the prepuce
What suture would be appropriate in an adult circumcision
Chromic suture(absorbable)
The specimen that is sent to pathology following a TURP
The urethra is dilated before a cystoscope with
Van Buren sounds
Following TURP, the main reason for inserting a 30cc 3-way Foley catheter is
to act as a tamponade
Whenever electrosurgical instruments are used, the irrigation fluid must be
may be used during observation of the bladder and retrograde pyelography
Sterile water
A hypotonic solution is one that will not cause lysis of the cells


Cystoscopic irrigation solutions warmer than 65°C
might delay the body’s natural clotting mechanism
During cystoscopic procedures, the grounding plate may be placed
on the patient’s thigh or waist
The procedure for kidney transplant requires skills in
GU and abdominal and Vascular surgery
Which incision is utilized during simple nephrectomy
A simple flank incision
a pyeloplasty may be necessary when
a stone is lodged in the ureteropelvic junction
Urethral meatoplasty
performed to relieve a congenital or an acquired stenosis or stricture at the external meatus
The most common nonelectrolytic solutions used during resection
3% sorbitol or glycine
Opening the ureter for continued drainage into another part of the body
Segmented resection of a diseased portion of the ureter with reconstruction in the continuity of the ureter
Complete removal of the ureter; includes the kidney and a portion of the bladder cuff
Diversion of the ureter into a segment of the ileum or sigmoid colon
cutaneous procedure
Bypassing the flow of urine from the kidney, through the ureter, away from the bladder, and out the skin of the abdomen
A fluid-filled sac that develops over the testicle
Permanent sterilization
Surgical re-anastomosis of the vas deferens
Congenital condition where the urethra opens inferior to its normal location. Normally seen in males where the urethra opens on the undersurface of the penis
High ligation of the gonadal veins
Congenital abnormality where the opening of the urethra is on the dorsum of the penis
The kidneys are retroperitoneal


The kidneys
are encased in a layer of fat, lie just above the waistline, help maintain proper blood pH
The cortex
outer part of the kidney
The medulla
the inner part of the kidney
The pyramids
the triangular divisions of the medulla
The pelvis of the kidney
an expansion of the upper end of the ureter
The nephron is composed of
renal corpuscle, renal tubules
Bowman’s capsule
the cup-shaped top part of the nephron
The glomerulus
a network of blood capillaries
The distal convoluted tubules are
the part of the nephron between the loop of Henle and the collecting tube
The loop of Henle
is part of the renal tubules, has a hairpin turn in its structure
Which part of the nephron can be found in the medulla of the kidney
loop of Henle
Kidneys help regulate the concentration of which substance in the blood
sodium, potassium, bicarbonate
The movement of substances from the blood into the renal tubules is called
The production of an unusually large amount of urine is called
The renal pelvis drains into the
Urine leaves the body through the
Until it leaves the body, urine is held by the
urinary bladder
Peristalsis-like movement helps move urine through the
Emptying of the bladder is called
voiding, urinating, micturition
The emptying reflex causes the
contracting of the muscles of the bladder, relaxation of the internal sphincter
Which part of urinating is under voluntary control
relaxation of the external sphincter
The kidneys do not play a vital role in regulating
blood glucose level
Which of the following do not help protect the kidney
the hip bone
Nitrogenous waste in the blood is the result of
protein catabolism
Most of the water in the nephron is reabsorbed by the
proximal convoluted tubule
The kidneys do play a vital role in all of these functions
maintaining blood pressure, stimulating red blood cell production, acid-base balance
Which of the following structures is not part of the renal corpuscle
loop of Henle
an important mineral that cannot be reabsorbed by the kidney
the left kidney is slightly higher than the right kidney


The calyces
are part of the renal pelvis
is actually part of the circulatory system rather than the urinary system
The glomerulus
The proximal convoluted tubule is the renal tubule nearest
Bowman’s capsule
The distal convoluted tubule connects with
the collecting tubule
The distal and proximal convoluted tubules are named for their proximity to
Bowman’s capsule
catches glomerular filtrate
Bowman’s capsule
Water is moved from the kidney tubules into the blood by
Anuria is an opposite condition of
connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder
The ureter
The trigone is formed by
the entry of the two ureters and the exit of the urethra
The urinary meatus is part of
the urethra
The urethra is the tube leading from
the bladder to the outside
Urinary catheterization is a successful treatment to permit
passage of fluid
is a condition in which urine is voided involuntarily.
The lower part of the rib cage protects
the uppermost part of the kidney.
renal columns
The portion of the medulla between the renal pyramids
Filtration and secretion occur in
in different parts of the nephron
The bladder can easily hold
300 to 400 mL of urine
juxtaglomerular apparatus
Part of the nephron that helps regulate blood pressure
A division of the renal pelvis into which a renal pyramid opens
renal papilla
Narrow, innermost end of a renal pyramid
proximal convoluted tubule
First part of the renal tubules
Microscopic structure that makes up the unit of filtration for the kidney


A hormone that is made in the heart and is the salt- and water-losing hormone
A condition in which urine can be produced but cannot be voided
A hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland and helps reabsorb water
urinary bladder
Organ that stores urine until it is removed from the body
A condition in which the bladder can empty itself, but the kidney is not producing urine
Movement of substances from the capillaries into the renal tubules
Movement of substances out of the renal tubules into the capillaries
A hormone that is made by the adrenal gland and helps reabsorb salt
Trace the flow of filtrate/urine
1Bowman’s Capsule, 2 Proximal convoluted tubule, 3 Loop of Henle, 4 Distal convoluted tubule, 5 Collecting tubule, 6 Pelvis of the kidney, 7 Ureter, 8 Urinary bladder, 9 Urethra