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99 Cards in this Set

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Male to female ratio with Urinary Stone?
3 to 1
What is the most common Urinary Stone ?
calcium based and therefore, radio opaque (85%)
incidence of symptomatic ureteral stones is greatest during____ months.
hot summer
Urinary Stone lodge at ____ may cause increased frequency and urgency
ureterovesicular junction
Pain usually anterior abdomen, may refer to___ or ___
labium or ipsilateral testis
Urinary Stone size does correlate with severity of symptoms T/F
The most important factor in reducing urinary stone recurrence is an____
increased fluid intake
SNS levels for ureters
T-L Junction Referral Pattern
Inguinal Ligament
One main structural cause of groin or inguinal pain is___ somatic dysfunction
inguinal ligament
Inguinal Ligament Dysfunction is also implicated in ___.
Meralgia Paresthetica
In Meraligia Paresthetica, Paresthesia in the distribution of the ____ nerve due to compression of the nerve as it passes between the inguinal ligament and sartorius
Lat. Femoral cutaneous
Where is the Anterior Inguinal Tender Point?
Located on the lateral border of the pubic bone near the attachment of the inguinal ligament
Iliolumbar Ligament Role?
Restricts lumbosacral side-bending and rotation
Iliolumbar Ligament attaches to the transverse processes of____, extends to the iliac crest, and posterior and anterior regions of the ___
L4, L5, SI joint
Iliolumbar Ligament Syndrome Tender Point
1 inch superior and lateral from the inferior margin of the PSIS and in the iliolumbar ligament
Iliolumbar Ligament Syndrome Becomes tender with low back pain due to ____
postural decompensation, It is the first ligament stressed with postural instability
A 37-year-old female presents with dysuria, urinary urgency and frequency. She denies flank pain, fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting. She does admit to some mild suprapubic tenderness
UTI (Acute Cystitis)
The offending pathogen in Acute cystitis
E.Coli (75-95%)
Acute cystitis is unusual in what group of people?
Unusual in men under 50 y/o
Acute cystitis, Occur in 1-3% of ____ and increase with adolescence
school girls
What is the positive test result for Ecoli in UTI?
E. coli—Nitrite Positive
Which antibiotics do you use in UTIs?
Bactrim, Quinolones, Macrodantin
OMM in UTI, ____ affording an opportunity for chronic passive congestion
Postural decompensation
Remember that ____ stimulation of the bladder can lead to a functional urinary retention
chronic sympathetic
SNS levels of Bladder
SNS ___ ureteral peristalsis
SNS ____ detrusor muscle
SNS ___ internal sphincter tone
PNS levels of Bladder
PNS __ peristalsis
PNS ___ detrusor
The apex of the bladder is attached to the anterior abdominal wall by the____.
remnant of the urachus—the median umbilical ligament
____ connects the bladder neck to the inferior aspects of the pubic bones
Fibromuscular tissue
Bladder drains to the___ nodes
external iliac
Median umbilical ligament is attached to the deep portion of the umbilicus, which is invested in the ___
linea alba
A 56 y/o female who presents with c/o urinary frequency. Pt describes that she is passing urine more often & states it is assoc. w/ laughing, coughing & jogging
___% of women and ___% of men up to age 64 have urinary incontinence
10-30%, 1.5-5
In people 65 years and older – ___% of individuals living in the community are incontinent
In Urge Incontinence, Osteopathic condesideration includes sacral dysfunction leading to hyperstimulation of____ (remember detrusor contraction is a ___ controlled)
parasympathetics, parasympathetically
Which Incontinence, Occurs when increase intra-abdominal pressure leads to sphincter opening in the absence of bladder contraction
Stress Incontinence
Stress Incontinence, Insufficient urethral support from the ___ and ____
pelvic endofascia and muscles
Stress Incontinence, Complete failure of urethral closure called____
intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD)
Stress Incontinence, Controversial consideration of ____
urethral instability
which incontinence, Typically small volume – continuous in nature
Overflow Incontinence
Which Incontinence, Post-void volume is elevated and maybe assoc. w/ weak stream, dribbling, frequency
Overflow Incontinence
Which Incontinence, Due to detrusor weakness and/or bladder outlet obstruction.
Overflow Incontinence
Which incontinence, Usually occurs when obstruction causes detrusor decompensation
Overflow Incontinence
Etiologies include replacement of the detrusor smooth muscle by fibrosis and connective tissue (as w/ chronic outlet obstruction), peripheral neuropathy (DM, Pernicious anemia, Parkinsons, Etoh abuse) and damage to spinal afferents by disc herniation, spinal stenosis, tumor, etc.
Overflow Incontinence
Voiding Reflex, ___ contracts the detrusor
Voiding Reflex, ___ relaxes the internal sphincter
Voiding Reflex, ___relaxes the external sphincter and pelvic floor
Pudendal nerve
What 3 muscles make up the levator ani muscle?
Iliococcygeus, Puborectalis, Pubococcygeus muscles
A 23 year old male presents with the complaint of fever and unilateral scrotal pain with tenderness and swelling, unprotect sex
Acute Epididymitis
Sexually Transmitted cause for Acute Epididymitis, age group
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia. Males under 40
Non-Sexually Transmitted cause for Acute Epididymitis, age group
usually UTI or Prostatitis, Older men
Treatment of Acute Epididymitis, ____ is important in the acute phase
Bed rest with scrotal elevation
Treatment of Acute Epididymitis, The sexually transmitted variety is treated with ___days of antibiotics
Treatment of Acute Epididymitis, Non-sexually transmitted forms are treated for ___days with appropriate antibiotics
Anterior Chapman’s points for Urethra located in ____
myofascial tissues along the superior margin of the pubis ramus about 2cm lateral to the symphysis
In Epidydymitis, ____ positive for somatic dysfunction
Pelvic diaphragm
SNS level for testes
What nerve to Superior Mesenteric Ganglion for testes?
Lesser Splanchnic Nerve
SNS levels for Prostate/Genitals
Nerve to To Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion for Prostate/Genitals
Least/Lumbar Spl NN.
PNS to Testes
PNS to Prostate and Genitals
S2-4 via the Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves
Stimulation of the ___produces true glandular secretion from the prostate
hypogastric plexus
Stimulation of the___ forces secretions out of the urethra.
pudendal nerve
Somatic Nerve for Erection
Pudendal N. S2-4
Autonomic nerve for Erection
Pelvic Splanchnic N S2-4 (PNS)
Autonomic nerve for Orgasm
Lumbar Splanchnic N L1-2 (SNS)
Autonomic Nerve for Ejaculation
Lumbar Splanchnic N via Hypogastric N (SNS) to Vas. And Seminal Vesicles
In the Male Reproductive System, The Superficial Lymphatic is under the ____
tunica vaginalis
In the Male Reproductive System, The Deep Lymphatic Plexus is within the ____
testis and epididymis
In Male Reproductive System, Both Lymphatics Plexuses join and ascend in the spermatic cord to join the __and __ nodes
lateral and pre-aortic
The spermatic cord and all testicular vessels run on the surface of ___
psoas major
A 59 year old male presents with fatigue, malaise, urinary urgency, pain and difficulty with urination, and complains of perineal and low back pain for 10 days. Patient relates a history of urinating 5-6 times during the night
Most common pathogen for Acute Bacterial Prostatitis?
Usually gram neg rods—E. coli or Pseudomonas
Anterior Chapman’s points for Prostate located in _______
myofascial tissues along the posterior margin of the iliotibial band.
Prostate Lymphatics drains to ___ and ___nodes
internal iliac and sacral
What ligament is important to consider in Acute Bacterial Prostatitis?
Puboprostatic ligament
a ligament from the pubic bone that attaches it to the prostate
puboprostatic ligament
Patients with recurrent urinary stones are encouraged to follow a low sodium/low protein diet. What are the Na/protein recommendations
Sodium less than 100mEq/day
Protein less than 1g/kg/day
PNS for ureters
Proximally by Vagus
Distally by S2-4
Suprapubic pain
On average associated with 6.1 d of symptoms, 1.2 d of missed work/school, 2.4 d of restricted activity
Clinical Features of Acute Cystitis
UA shows Pyuria and Bacteriuria with varying degrees of Hematuria.
Leukocyte Esterase usually positive
Levels of Pyuria and Bacteriuria do not positively correlate with severity of infection
Urine Culture to identify the organism
Diagnosis and Treatment of UTI
Abrupt mod-large leakage
Can be assoc. w/ frequency & nocturia
Presumed etiology is uninhibited bladder contractions of the detrusor
Urge Incontinence
Insufficient urethral support from the pelvic endofascia and muscles.
Complete failure of urethral closure called intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD).
Controversial consideration of urethral instability.
Stress Incontinence
Tx of Urge incontinence
Behavioral treatment, drug therapy can be considered to decrease detrusor over activity (oxybutynin),
Osteopathic treatment of sacrum (S2-S4)
Tx of Overflow incontinence
Treatment of obstruction and withdrawal of meds that impair detrusor contractility
Balancing autonomic tone and treatment of the sacrum to optimize the voiding reflex and detrusor control
Tx of Stress incontinence
Pelvic muscle exercise, estrogen & alpha adrenergic agonists may be considered
Essential Features
Irritative voiding symptoms.
Painful enlargement of epididymis
Acute Epididymitis
Pain develops in the scrotum and can radiate along the spermatic cord or to the flank
Prehn Sign: elevation of hemiscrotum relieves pain
Diagnosis can be made with a positive urethral smear in the STD variety, and UA in the non-STD.
Acute Epididymitis
Essential Features
Perineal or Suprapubic Pain, and likely extreme tenderness on DRE
Positive Urine Culture
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
Prostate warm and tender to palpation.
Pyuria and bacteriuria in UA with Culture & Sensitivity of expressed prostatic secretions or voided urine.
Asymmetry in tension of right and left sides of pelvic diaphragm is positive for dysfunction.
Treatment of Acute Bacterial Prostatitis, Admission with IV Abx may be warranted
IV abx until ___ afebrile
Then a ___ course of oral tx, then follow up with ___
1-2 days, 4-6 week, Cultures and Stool softeners
Treatment of Acute Bacterial Prostatitis, If the pt develops urinary rentention—___
Suprapubic percutaneous bladder catheterization (ouch)
Where are the Psoas trigger points?
Rt of Umbilicus
Rt femur head