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46 Cards in this Set

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Social stratification

A process by which social attributes (age,gender, race, social class, religion, ethnicity) are evaluated differently according to societal views and values

Individuals can be ranked higher or lower than others


Defined as rigidly categorizing others and pre-juding others based on limited information. In contemporary society, the media is often considered a significant source responsible for highlighting negative stereotypes of older persons.

This is changing

Socioeconomic status/ social class

Person's position in system of social stratification/ hierarchy that differently allocates major resources, services, opportunities.

Often defined on the basis of education and income

Social structure/ hiearchy

Used to think about people in society differ from one another

Placement on an invisible ladder

Social gradiant/of health and illness

The lower the socioeconomic position the worse the health

Social inequality / inequity

Uneven distribution of wealth and poverty, unequal/unfair opportunities for education, Healthcare, leisure, and differential access to power and rewards


Biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women


Socially constructed roles, behaviour, activities,and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women

Gender equality

The absence of discrimination on the basis of a person's sex in opportunities, allocation of resource or benefits, and access to services

Gender equity

Fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits, power, resources and responsibility between men and women


Learned and shared way of life, traditions, values, beliefs, norms, dress, language, artifacts, attitudes,behaviour and knowledge that create a describable pattern in the lives of groups of people or cummunities.

A series of guiding 'mechanism' that direct behaviour and thoughts and complex and concrete patterns of behaviour.


Presence and persistence of diverse racial and ethnic minorities who define themselves as different and who wish to remain so.

At the policy level is structured around the management of diversity through formal initiatives in the federal, provincial and municipal domains.

Is the process by which racial and ethnic minorities compete with central authorities for achievement of certain goals and aspirations.


Biological construct which refers to a person's physical appearance, features, and characteristics


Sociological construct which relate to people sharing a common culture, origin, language, nationality


The process through which groups come to be designated as different, and on that basis is subjected to differential and unequal treatment. In the present context, racialized groups include those who may have experience differential treatment on the basis of race, ethnicity, language, economics,religion, culture,politics.

Treated outside the norm and receiving unequal treatment based upon phenotypical (physical and visible) features

Representation of aging are determined by ______________________

Social interactions, expectations, conditions and policies

Senior discount

_______ such as life expectancy may be used to determine what is old

Health indicators

_______ cultures tend to value age, wisdom, and interdependence, while _________ cultures tend to highly value youth and individuality.

Eastern and Western

Dominant individualistic view

Sees each person as a free agent capable of independence decision making and choosing their own way of life.

Has influenced the view of aging.

Social reconstruction of aging

Form a critical perspective, what may seem to be common socio-cultural practices across a community may in fact reflect the subordinate status of certain groups in society.

Need to generate a positive reconstruction of circumstances that are often views as debilitating by focusing on positive aging

Stereotypes of older people




Mental disease

Bad workers

Not interested in sex

Positive views if older person

Golden ager


Live wire

Percentage of older women living below the low-income cut-off


Percentage of older men living below the low-income cut-off


Percentage of older couples living below the low-income cut-off


2008: After-tax income for women older than 65 was ___ that if men

65%, which translates to an annual income difference of $13 300. ($24 800 vs $38 100)

Considering the _________ category, educational attainment and income may be lower, especially for women

Oldest old

________ living in Canada's wealthiest neighborhoods had longe r life expectancy

Senior men

Health/ social disparaties

Described as differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, burden of disease, and other adverse health conditions or outcomes between minority and majority population groups.

Occur among groups who have persistently experienced historical trauma, social disadvantage, discrimination, and systemically experience worse health or greater risks than more advantage social groups.

Older adults aged _______ from lower socio-economic groups are less likely to engage in health promoting and preventive behaviour


___________ seniors are more likely to experience chronic conditions and low health literacy and barriers to accessing health services

Lower income

Women face which double jeopardy

Sexism and ageism

2011 Canada: women made up _____ of seniors aged 65-74, ________ seniors aged 75-84 and ________ seniors aged 85+

52% 65-74

56% 75-84

68% 84+

2011 globally: ________ women for every 100 men aged 60 and over, by age 80+, there are _______ women for every 100 men.

123 women for every 100 men (60+)

189 women for very 100 men (80+)

In 2011, ______ of the total Canadian Population was foreign-born


______ of seniors are immigrants, majority of whom were born in _________


Western Europe and Asia

Poverty among older ____________ has remained while poverty rates among older adults ________ have declined.

Canadian immigrants

Born in Canada

_____ of aboriginal population is over 65, and _____ is over 75.

5% 65+

1% 75+

U.S: _______ exhibits poorer health and physical and cognitive functioning relative to _________.

African American

White population

Cultures impact on seniors


Elder care

Views on death

Anti-aging medicine

Specialty founded on the application if advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment and reversal of age related dysfunction, disorder, and disease.

Healthcare promoting innovative science and research to prolong healthy lifespan in humans.

Anti-aging medicine is based in principles of sound and responsible medical care that are consistent with those applied in other preventive health specialties.

Aims to both extend and prolong the length of time we are able to live productively and independently.

Individual positive view of aging

Assing positive attributes to self and re-defining old age

Improvisation to continously reshape conditions

Determining actual needs and resources

Generating routes to resilience

Society positive view on aging


Knows how to work

In recent years, older people have been portrayed in a wider variety of _________ and ______ _______ that more closely coincide with reality

Occupations and social roles

Older adults aged 50 and older from ______________ are more likely to engage in negative or health harming behaviour

Lower socio-economic groups

________ tend to live alone after widowhood and have larger social networks than ______ outside the work environment

