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104 Cards in this Set

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What is a white matter structrue consisting of a massive bundle of fibers that interconnect the cortex of the two sides of the brain?
Corpus callosum
What is the largest group of commissural fibers int he CNS?
Corpus callosum
What are the four parts of the corpus callosum?
What is the membrane stretching downward from the ventral surface of the body of the corpus callosum?
Septum pellucidum
What attaches ventrally to the genu of the corpus callosum and the dorsal surface of the body of the fornix?
Septum pellucidum
What forms the medial wall of the lateral ventricle?
Septum pellucidum
What is the curved fiber bundle formed by axons of neurons int eh temporal lobe?
What arches over the thalamus, and is ventral to the body of the corpus calosum
Body of the fornix
What is the name for the region where the fornix curves downward and most fibers pass posterior to the anterior commisure?
Column of the fornix
What is the oval-shaped bundle of fibers that cross the midline rostral to the column of the fornix?
Anterior Commissure
What is made up of fibers taht interconnect the two temporal lobes and its 3D shape therefore resembles the handlebards of a bicycle?
Anterior Commissure
What is the thin memran extending from the anterior commissure ot the optic chiasm at the base of the diencephalon?
Lamina Terminalis
What forms by the closure of the anterior neuropore in the embryo?
Lamina Terminalis
What represents the diencephalon/telencephalon junction?
Lamina Terminalis
What is located above (dorsal to ) the corpus callosum and becomase the hippocampal sulcus caudal ot the splenium of the corpus callosum?
Callosal Sulcus
What gyrus is located above the callosal sulcus?
Cingulate Gyrus
What is the name given to part of the cingulate tyrus located inferior to the rostrum of the Corpus Callosum?
The subcallosal gyrus
What is the name for the cingulate gyrus when it thins out posterior and inferior to the splenium of the corpus callosum?
Isthmus of the cingulate gyrus
Proceeding posteriorly what is continuous with the parahippocampal gyrus?
The isthmus is the cingulate gyrus
What sulcus is located superior to the cingulate gyrus?
Cingulate Sulcus
Where does the cingulate sulcus terminate on the medial aspect?
Marginal sulcus
What is the medial continuation of the precentral and postcentral gyri?
Paracentral lobule
What represents both the primary motor cortex and priamry somatosensory cortex fotr the lower extremity and external genitalia?
Paracentral lobule
What is the clinical applciation asssociated with paracentral lobule?
A lesion that damages this region will cause paralysis and loss of sensation of the contralateral lower extremity while sparing the rest of the body.
What is the gyri located anterio (rostal) to the paracentral lobule and superio (dorsal) to the cingulate sulcus?
Superior Frontal Gyri
What is the deep sulcus that separates the pareital and occipital lobes on the medial aspect of brain?
Parieto-occipital sulcus
Where does the parieto-Occipital sulcus end inferiorly?
The calcarine sulcus
What is the deep sulcus coursing from the occipital poel towards the splenium of the corpus callousm?
Calcarine sulcus
Where is the location of the primary visual cortex?
The superior and inferior banks of the calcarine sulcus
What is the region of the parietal lobe between the marginal and parietal-occipital sulci and above the cingulate gyrus?
What is the region between the parieto-occipital sulcus and calcarine sulcus? The primary visual cortext is partly located within the cuneus?
What is a tongue shaped gyrus lcoated inferior to the calcarine sulcus?
Lingual gyrus
What gyrus merges rostrally with the parahippocamapl gyrus?
Lingual gyrus
T/F does the lingual gyrus contain the inferior portion of the primary visual cortex?
List these Temporal lobe from superior to inferior:
Occipitotemporal Gyrus
Sup to Inf:
What consists of the cingulate and parahippocampal gyri? It is a synthetic lobe.
Limbic lobe
What synthetic lobe is part of the limbic system which is involved in emotions and behavior?
Limbic lobe
What diencephalic structrues are visible on the hemisected brain?
III Ventricle
Intraventricular Foramen
Hypothalamic sulcus
Stria Medularis Thalami
Pineal Body
Posterior Commissure
Optic chiasm
Infundibular stalk
Mammillary body
What opneing connects the lateral ventircle of the telencephalon to the III ventricle of the diencephalon?
Intraventricular foramen (of Munro)
What twwo structures mark the division between the diencephalon/telencephalon junction?
Intraventricular foramen
Lamina Terminalis
What the diencephalic egg-shaped mass whose medial surface forms the dorsal part of the lateral wall of the III ventricle?
What is the largest part of the diencephalon?
What connects the two thalamic across the III ventricle? Probably not needed for normally brain function.
Massa Intermedia (Thalamic adhesion)
What is the groove in the lateral wall of III ventricle that marks the boundary between the thalamus and the hypothalamus?
Hypothalamic sulcus
What is located ventral to the hypothalamic sulcus and its medial surface forms the ventral part of the lateral wall of the III ventricle?
What is the thin band of fibers coursing on the dorsomedial aspect of the thalamus?
STria Medularis Thalami
What is the unparied, raisin-shaped gland located dorsally at the caudal end of the diencephalon?
Pineal Body
What is the small, curved band of white matter located rostral and ventral ot the pineal body?
Posterior Commissure
List these structrues from the ventral aspect of the diecenphalon anterior to posterior:
Infundibular Stalk
Mammilary Body
Optic chiasm
Ant to Post
Optic chiasm
Infindibular Stalk
What is the most rostral subdivision of the brainstem?
Midbrain (mesencephalon_)
What defines the midbrain/diencephalon junction?
A line drawn from the posterior border of the mammillary body through the posterior commissure
What defines the pons-midbrain boundary?
A line drawn from the superior pontien sulcus (ventrally) to just caudal to the inferior colliculus (dorsally)
What are the massive bundle of fibers, separated in the midline by a space, the intrapeduncular fossa?
Cerebral peduncles (crura cerebri)
What is the name of the space separating the cerebral peduncles?
Intrapeduncular fossa
What forms the floor of the cerebral aqueduct?
What forms the "roof" of the cerebral aqueduct consisting of the superior and inferior colliculus?
What is boundary between the pons and the midbrain?
A line drawn from teh superior pontine sulcuse to just caudal to the inferior colliculus
What defines the medulla-pons boundary?
A line drawn posteriorly form the inferior pontine sulcus (dorsally, there is no well-defined anatomical landmark for the medulla-pons boundary on the hemisected brain)
What are the two components of the pons?
basilar pons
What is the most caudal subdivison of the brainstem?
Define the medulla-pons boundary?
A line drawn posteriorly from the inferior pontine sulcus
Define the medulla-spinal cord boundary?
The medulla becomes the spinal cord at the foramen magnum (there is no well-defined landmark for this boundary on the hemisected brain.)
What consists of a series of interconnected cavities in the brain and spinal cord that are filled wtih cSF and lined with a layer of ependymal cells?
Ventricular system of the brain
What are the five portions of the lateral ventricle?
Anterior horm
Posterior Horn
Inferior Horn
What part of the lateral ventricle is locate din the frontal obe rostral to the intraventricular foramen?
Anterior horn
What part of the lateral ventricle is located in the parietal lobe caudal to the IVF?
What part of the lateral ventricle is located in near the splenium of the corpus callosum at the parieto-occipitio-temporal junction is the region where th ebody meets the posterior and inferior horns?
What is the part of the lateral ventricle which projects backward from the trigone into the occipital lobe?
Posterior horn
What part of the lateral ventricle curves downward and forward into the temporal lobe?
Inferior horn
What component of the ventricular system is located int the Diencephalon?
Unpaired III ventricle (connected to the lateral ventricles by the paired IVF)
What component of the ventricular system is located in the cerebral aqueduct?
Cerebral aqueduct
What component of the ventricular system is located in the cerebral aqueduct?
Cerebral aqueduct
What component of the ventricular system is located in the Pons and upper medulla?
IV ventricle
What component of the ventricular system is located in the lower medulla and spinal cord?
Central canal
List the seven locations of the choroid plexus?
Body of lateral ventricle
Trigone of lateral ventricle
Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
Interventricular foramen
Roof of III ventricle
Caudal part of roof of IV ventricle
Foramina of Luschka
Trace the flow of CSF through the ventricular system?
Lateral ventricle to III ventricle to Cerebral Aqueduct to IV ventricle
Which foramen in the ventricular system is paried openings located in the lateral wall of the IV ventricle on each side
Foramina of Luschka
What foramen of the ventricular system is the medial opening in the caudal wall of the IV ventricle
Foramen of Magendie
Where do the foramen of magendie and forman of luschka lead into?
The subarachnoid space
How does the telencephalon grow during development?
Grows in a semihelical manner about a transverse axis through the intraventricular foramen.
What is a subcortical nucleus that is part of the basal ganglia?
Caudate nucleus
What are the three parts of the caudate nucleus?
What part of the caudate nucleus: Enlarged paortion forming the lateral wall of the anterior horn of lateral ventricle?
Head of the Caudate nucleus
What part of the caudate nucleus? Forms the lateral wall of the body of the lateral ventricle?
Body of the Caudate nucleus
What part of the caudate nucleus? A thinner portion located in the roof of the interior horn of th lateral ventricle; merges rostrally with teh amygdala
Tail of the caudate nucleus
What is a fiber tract that originates in the amygdala and courses caudally int he roof of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle, medial to the tail fot the caudate?
Stria Terminalis
What structure arches upward over the thalamus can be seen by looking into the lateral ventricle as a band of white matter between the dorsal surface of the thalamus and the caudate?
Stria terminalis
What structure arises from the hippocampal formation
Is a collection of neurons in the floors of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
Ascends behind the thalamus
Arches over the thalamus similarly to the stria terminalis, but is located medially, in the inferior margin of the sptum pellucidum
Descneds anteriorly, with most fibers passing behind the anterior commissure to reach the mammillary body in the diencephalon
What is a group of large subcortical telencephalic nuclei is collectively __________?
Basal Ganglia
What are the three Basal Ganglia?
Caudate Nucleus
Lentiform Nucleus
What is a pyramidal shaped structure made up of the putamen and globus pallidus?
Lentiform nucleus
What is the largest and most lateral part of the lentiform nucles
Is located deep (medial to) the insula
The head of the caudate merges with the _______ rostrally
What is a wedge-shaped nucleus located medial to the putamen consisting of the medial and lateral pallidal segments that are separated by a thin lamina of white matter?
Globus pallidus
What is a nucleus situated at the rostral tip of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle in the temporal obe deep to the uncus
The tail of the caudate merges with it?
What is an egg-shaped diencephalic structure located ventral and medial to the body of the caudate?
The posterior limb lateral or medial to the thalamus?
Lateral between the htalamus and the lentiform nucleus
What is large boomeragn shaped fiber tract made up of fibers ascneding to and descending from teh cerebral cortex?
Internal capsule
Is the internal capsule lateral or medial to the caudate nucleus and thalamus?
Is the internal capsule lateral or medial to the lentifomr nucleus?
Is the internal capsule lateral or medial to the lentifomr nucleus?
What is the part of the internal capsule which courses between the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus and is anterior to the thalamus?
Anterior limb
What is the part of the internal capsule which courses between the thalamus and caudate (both located medially) an dth elentiform nucleus (located laterally).
Posterior limb
What is the obtuse angle where the posterior and anterior limbs of the internal capsule meet?
The genu of the internal capsule
Where does the genu of the internal capsule meet the thalamus?
At the anterior tip