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60 Cards in this Set

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Name the two branches of the left coronary artery
anterior interventricular artery (or left anterior descending artery) and left circumflex artery
True or false... the left anterior descending artery travels in the coronary groove.
False, it travels in the anterior interventricular sulcus/groove
Which parts of the heart does the left anterior descending artery supply?
most of the left ventricle, part of the right ventricle, anterior 2/3 of interventricular septum
what does the circumflex artery often anastomose with?
posterior interventricular artery
true or false... the right coronary artery travels in the coronary (atrioventricular) groove
what does the right coronary artery supply?
right atrium
what supplies the inferior border of the heart?
marginal artery (branch of RCA)
Which artery supplies both ventricles and the posterior 1/3 of the IV septum?
posterior interventricular artery (from RCA)
True or false... the coronary sinus receives the great and middle cardiac veins at its left end and the small cardiac vein at its right end
false, it receives the great cardiac at its left end and the middle and small at its right end.
Where is the coronary sinus?
in the posterior part of the coronary groove, running from left to right
what does the circumflex artery supply?
left atrium and part of the left ventricle
where does the great cardiac vein begin?
near the apex
which artery/ies does the great cardiac vein travel with?
it ascends with the left anterior descending then travels with the circumflex artery to the coronary sinus
which part of the heart does the great cardiac vein drain?
the area supplied by the left coronary artery i.e. left ventricle, left atrium, anterior 2/3 of interventricular septum and part of right ventricle
which vein travels with the posterior interventricular artery?
middle cardiac vein
which artery does the small cardiac vein travel with?
marginal branch of right coronary artery
which vein/s drain the area of the heart supplied by the right coronary artery?
the middle and small cardiac veins
true or false... the venae cordis minimae begin in the capillary beds of the myocardium and open directly into the chambers of the heart, mainly the atria
do the venae cordis minimae have valves?
where are the superficial and deep cardiac plexuses located?
anterior to the bifurcation of the trachea and posterior to the ascending aorta
what does the intima of an artery consist of?
single layer of endothelial cells resting on a basal lamina and loose connective tissue
what type of cells are in the media?
smooth muscle cells
what is the adventitia composed of?
longitudinally arranged collagenous tissue, some elastic fibres
which type of arteries have a diameter greater than 1 cm?
elastic arteries
which arteries have the most prominent internal elastic membranes as part of the intima?
muscular arteries
how many layers of smooth muscle cells are there in the media of arterioles?
1-2 layers
which nerve gives parasympathetic supply to the heart?
the stimulation of which fibres results in inhibition of vasoconstriction of the coronary arteries?
what is the most anterior structure in the superior mediastinum?
in which part of the mediastinum is the azygos vein located?
posterior mediastinum
name the structures in the middle mediastinum
heart, pericardium, roots of great vessels (SVC, IVC, ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary veins), phrenic nerve
where in the mediastinum is the oesophagus?
superior and posterior mediastinum
which two structures lie in both the superior and posterior mediastinum?
oseophagus and thoracic duct
at which level is the superior border of the heart?
is the heart closer to the sternum or the vertebral column?
what forms the right border of the heart?
right atrium
name the muscles on the anterior wall of the right atrium
pectinate muscles
in which chamber of the heart is the crista terminalis located?
right atrium
true or false... the traberculae carnae are located in the right atrium
false, they are in the right ventricle
what is the function of the fibrous pericardium?
retains heart in position, limits acute overdistension
what is the epicardium?
the visceral layer of serous pericardium
what is the function of the serous pericardium?
allows frictionless movement of the heart
what is the endocardium blood supply?
the blood inside the chambers
which region of the heart is most vulnerable to ischaemia and infarct?
subendocardial region
true or false... most coronary blood flow occurs in systole
false, it occurs in diastole
which coronary artery supplies the sinoatrial node?
60% of people - RCA
40% of people - LCA
which part of the left ventricle is supplied by the right coronary artery?
diaphragmatic surface
which coronary artery supplies the atrioventricular node?
left coronary artery
where is the SA node located?
junction of SVC and right atrium (at sulcus terminalis)
where is the AV node located?
posteroinferior region of interatrial septum (opening of coronary sinus)
what is the intrinsic depolarisation rate of the AV node?
what is the spontaneous depolarisation rate of the bundle of His
regarding sensory innervation of the heart, which fibres travel with the vagus nerve and which travel with sympathetic fibres?
reflexes travel with vagus, pain fibres travel with sympathetic fibres
what innervates the parietal layer of serous pericardium and the fibrous pericardium?
phrenic nerve (C3,4,5)
Where is the ligamentum arteriosum located?
between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk
what is the sympathetic supply to the heart?
T1-4 via the sympathetic trunk
what attaches the fibrous pericardium to the diaphragm?
pericardiophrenic ligament
what attaches the pericardium to the sternum?
sternopericardial ligament
what is the arterial supply to the pericardium?
pericardiophrenic branch of internal thoracic artery
which structures form the base of the heart?
left atrium and part of the right atrium