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39 Cards in this Set

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Vertebral formulas for dog and cat
Dog: C7 T13 L7 S3 Ca20-23

Cat: C7 T13 L7 S3 Ca18-21
Ligaments of vertebral column (3 atlas/axis, 7 vertebral, 1 costal)
Transverse ligament of atlas: dens --> fovea dentis
Apical and alar ligaments: dens --> basioccipital bone
Dorsal atlanto-axial ligament: spine of axis --> arch of atlas

Nuchal ligament: axis --> T1 (only in dogs)

Supraspinous ligament: connects spinous processes of T1-Ca3

Dorsal longitudinal ligament: courses ventral to spinal cord C2-->S

Ventral longitudinal ligament: courses ventral to vertebral bodies C2-->S

Interspinous ligaments: sheets connecting spinous processes

Intertransverse ligaments: between lumbar transverse processes

Interarcuate (yellow) ligaments: course between dorsal part of arches

Intercapital ligaments: connect pairs of ribs 2-10 at the head, across the intervertebral disc
Locations of spinal tap?
1. Cisterna magna: dilated area of subarachnoid space between foramen magnum and dorsal arch of atlas

2. Lumbar
Dogs: space between L5-6 or L6-7
Cats: lumbosacral junction
Epaxial vs. Hypaxial muscles (15)
Epaxial: iliocostalis, longissimus, and transversospinalis systems

Neck: longus capitis and colli
Thorax: scalenus, rectus thoracis, serratus ventralis and dorsalis, external and internal intercostals
Abdomen: external and internal abdominal oblique, transversus abdominus, rectus abdominus
Tail: ventro-medial/lateral sacrocaudalis, ventral caudal intertransversarius
Muscles of inspiration (4) and expiration (4)
Inspiration: scalenus, serratus dorsalis cranialis, rectus thoracis, external intercostal

Expiration: serratus dorsalis caudalis, internal intercostal, iliocostalis system, transversus thoracis
Longus capitis (origin, insertion, action)
Origin: transverse processes of C2-6

Insertion: tubercle of occipital bone

Action: flex atlantooccipital joint and draw neck downward
Longus colli (origin, insertion, action)
Origin: ventral surfaces of T1-6
Insertion: transverse processes of C6-7

Origin: ventral borders of transverse processes of C3-6
Insertion: ventral crest of cranial vertebra, and ventral tubercle of atlas

Action: draw neck downward
Obliquus capitis cranialis (origin, insertion, action)
Origin: lateral wing of atlas

Insertion: mastoid process and nuchal crest

Action: extend atlanto-occipital joint (nod head)
Obliquus capitis caudalis (origin, insertion, action)
Origin: spinous process and caudal articular process of axis

Insertion: wing of atlas

Action: stabilizes and rotates atlantoaxial joint (shake head)
Rectus capitis dorsalis (origin, insertion, action)
Origin: spinous process of axis and dorsal arch of atlas

Insertion: occipital bone

Action: extend atlantooccipital joint (nod head)
Action and innervation of epaxial muscles
Action: extend vertebral column, or bend it when they act unilaterally

Innervation: dorsal branches of spinal nerves
Components of carotid sheath (4)
Carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagosympathetic trunk
Tracheal lymphatic duct
Name 3 fetal bypass structures and their adult remnants
Ductus venosus:umbilical vein --> caudal vena cava, bypasses liver (ligamentum venosum)

Foramen ovale: right atrium --> left atrium, bypasses pulmonic circulation (fossa ovalis)

Ductus arteriosus: pulmonary trunk --> aorta, bypasses pulmonic circulation (ligamentum arteriosum)
Branches of thoracic spinal nerves
Medial: motor to epaxial muscles
Lateral cutaneous: sensory to skin

Intercostal: motor to thoracic wall
Lateral and ventral cutaneous: sensory to skin
Line of pleural reflection
Sternum at 8th costal cartilage --> middle of 9th costal cartilage --> junction of 11th rib --> dorsal 13th rib
Auscultation area of lungs
Dorsal border: lateral margin of epaxials

Cranial border: 5th rib

Ventral/caudal border: curved line from costochondral juntion of rib 6 --> middle of rib 8 --> dorsal rib 11
Pleural recesses (2)

Structure cranial to heart? Function?
Thymus: trains incompetent T-cells
Thoracic lymph nodes (names, afferent and efferent)
Sternal: drain muscles of ventral chest wall, diaphragm, mediastinum, first three pairs of mammary glands (--> cranial veins)

Tracheobronchial: drain lungs, mediastinal structures, part of diaphragm (--> cranial mediastinal lnn.)

Cranial mediastinal: drain structures of mediastinum and deep muscles at base of neck (--> veins at thoracic inlet)
Muscle structure of esophagus
Dogs and ruminants: tunica muscularis is all skeletal muscle, mucosa forms transverse folds

Cat, horse, pig: tunica muscularis transitions from skeletal to smooth muscle, mucosa creates herringbone pattern caudally
Puncta maxima of cardiac valves (dog and cat)
Pulmonary: left 3rd intercostal space at junction
Aortic: left 4th intercostal space above junction
Mitral: left 5th intercostal space at junction
Tricuspid: right 3rd or 4th intercostal space at junction

Pulmonary: high left 4th
Aortic: high left 5th
Mitral: left 6th costal cartilage
Tricuspid: low right 5th
Location of cardiac puncture in dog and cat
Dog: right 4th at junction

Cat: right 5th at junction
Layers of pericardium (clinical and anatomical)
Clinical: pericardial mediastinal pleura, fibrous pericardium, parietal pericardium

Anatomical: fibrous pericardium, parietal paricardium, visceral pericardium (epicardium)
Embryonic origin of COST muscles and muscles of head
Pharyngeal arches
Origin of phrenic nerve
ventral branches of C5-7
Branches of vertebral artery
Muscular branches: course with branches of spinal nerves

Cervical spinal branches: through intervertebral foramena to supply spinal cord, form ventral spinal artery

Basilar artery: courses ventral of brain stem, formed by terminal vertebral artery and ventral spinal artery
Branches of external jugular vein
Splits off maxillary vein, becomes linguofacial vein

Linguofacial splits to lingual and facial

Lingual veins join via venous hyoid arch
Path of lymph from abdomen
Collected in cisterna chyli

Carried cranially by thoracic duct

Drains to left veins cranial to heart
Layers of heart wall


Connection between heart and diaphragm
Phrenicopericardial ligament
Interventricular grooves
Paraconal (on auricular surface)

Subsinuosal (on atrial surface)
Parts of atrium
Sinus venarum

Grooves on heart walls
In atria: pectinate muscles

In ventricles: trabeculae carneae and trabeculae septomarginalis
Parts of valves
AV valves: parietal and septal

Aortic valve: 3 semilunar cusps (right, left, and septal) contain aortic sinuses
Outflow tract of right ventricle
Conus arteriosus
Branches of coronary arteries
Left: paraconal interventricular, circumflex --> subsinuosal interventricular

Right: circumflex (some cats --> subsinuosal interventricular)
Locations and destination of coronary veins
Great: paraconal interventricular groove

Middle: subsinuosal interventricular groove

both drain to coronary sinus
Intervertebral discs: type of joint, layers
Symphysis (cartilaginous joint)

Anulus fibrosus = collagenous outer layer

Nucleus pulposus = inner gelatinous core
Recurrent laryngeal nerves (what do they wrap around?)
Right: right subclavian artery

Left: aortic arch