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64 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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head and neck muscles are grouped into: ______ & ______
facial and chewing muscles
circular muscle of the lips
orbicularis oris
it closes the mouth and protrudes the lips, often called the "kissing muscle"
orbicularis oris
allows you to raise your eyebrows, as in surprise and to wrinkle your forehead
allows you to squint, close your eyes and wink
orbicularis oris
flattens the cheek (as in whistling or blowing a trumpet)
raises the corner of the mouth; "smiling muscle"
muscle fibers that run circle around your eyes
orbicularis oculi
fan-shaped muscle overlying temporal bone, it acts as a synergist of the masseter in closing the jaw
compresses the cheek to hold the food between the teeth during chewing
"prayer muscle"
this muscle closes the jaw by elevating the mandible
when both sternocleidomastoid contract together the action is: _____
flex the neck
raise the rib cage for air breathing
external intercostals
fan-shaped muscle covering the part of the chest
pectoralis major
it pulls the corner of the mouth inferiorly/downward sag of the mouth
when one sternocleidomastoid contracts the action is: _____
rotate the head to opposite side
forms the wall of the axilla and acts to adduct and flex the arm
pectoralis major
deep muscles found between the ribs
depress the rib cage, helps to move air out of the lungs
internal intercostals
paired superficial muscles that make up the lateral walls of the abdomen
external oblique
most superficial muscles of the abdomen
rectus abdominis
deepest muscle of the abdominal wall
transversus abdominis
deep to the external oblique, runs at right angles to those of external oblique
internal oblique
flex the vertebral column but also they rotate the trunk and bend it laterally
external oblique
flex the vertebral column, compresses the abdominal contents during defacation and child birth and invloved in forced breathing
rectus abdominis
compresses the abdominal contents
transversus abdominis
diamond or "kite shaped"muscle
extends the head
imp muscles when the arm must be brought down in a power stroke, as when swimming or striking a blow
latissimus dorsi
a large and flat muscle pair that covers the lower back
latissimus dorsi
prime mover of back extension
erector spinae
erector spinae is composed of:
______,_______ and ______... powerful back extensors
spinalis, iliocostalis, longissimus
fleshy, traingle-shaped muscles that form the rounded shape of your shoulders
prime mover for arm abduction
prime mover of the flexion of the forearm and acts to supinate the forarm
biceps brachii
it bulges when the elbow is flexed
biceps brachii
lies deep to the biceps muscle and is as imp as the biceps in elbow flexion
resides mainly in the forearm
often called "boxer's muscle"
triceps brachii
only muscle posterior to the humerus
triceps brachii
forms most of the flesh of the buttocks
gluteus maximus
powerful hip extensor
gluteus maximus
imp site for giving intramuscular injections if more than 5ml is administered
gluteus medius
prime mover of hip flexion
acts to keep the upper body from falling backward when standing erect
press the thighs together
adductor muscles
(4) muscles causing movement at the hip joint
gluteus maximus
adductor muscles
gluteus medius

...in short GAGI :p
muscle mass forming the posterior thigh
hamstring group
hamstring group is consists of:
_____, _____ & _____
biceps femoris
most superficial muscle of the thigh
"tailor's muscle"
this group act to extend the knee powerfully, as when kicking a ball
quadriceps group
the quadriceps group is consists of: ____,____, ____ & ____
3 vastus muscles
rectus femoris
sometimes the site used for intramuscular injections for infants
lateral vastus and rectus femoris
muscles that causes movement to the knee joint:
____, _____, & ______
hamstring group
quadriceps group
muscles that causes movement to ankle and foot:
____,_____,____, ____ & ____
Extensor digitorum longus
Fibularis muscles
Tibialis anterior
prime mover for toe extension and dorsiflexor of the foot
extensor digitorum longus
plantar flexes and everts the foot
fibularis muscles : longus, brevis, tertius
"toes dancer's muscle"
forms the curved calf of the posterior leg
strong plantar flexor of the foot
superficial muscle of the anterior leg
tibialis anterior
dorsiflex and inverts the food
tibialis anterior