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177 Cards in this Set

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What is the nervous system divided into?

*Central Nervous System (CNS)

*Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

What is part of the CNS?

Brain and spinal cord

What does the brain and spinal cord do?

*Interpret integrate and stimuli

*Generate Motor Response

What is contained in the PNS?

Spinal and cranial nerves

What do the spinal and cranial nerves do?

Link the body to the CNS

About how many sensory neurons are there?

About 10 million

What do sensory neurons do

Deliver information to CNS

About how many motor neurons are there?

About 1/2 million

What do motor neurons do?

Deliver commands from CNS

About how many interneurons are there in the body?

About 20 million

What do interneurons do



*Coordinate a response

What is A for? 

What is A for?


What is B for?

What is B for?


What is a simple path of sensory receptor to effector muscle

What is a path from the sense organs to the affarent and to different autonomic pathways

What is A? 

What is A?

Cerebral Hemisphere

What is B? 

What is B?


What is C? 

What is C?

Spinal Cord

What is D?

What is D?

3rd Ventricle

What is E? 

What is E?

Corpus Callosum

What is F? 

What is F?

Pituitary Gland

What is G? 

What is G?


What is H?

What is H?


What is A? 

What is A?

Longitudinal Fissure

What is B? 

What is B?

Precentral gyrus

What is C? 

What is C?

Central Fissure

What is D?

What is D?

Postcentral gyrus

What is E? 

What is E?

Lateral Fissure

What is F? 

What is F?

Superior Temporal Gyrus

What is G? 

What is G?


What is H?

What is H?

Postcentral Gyrus

What is I?

What is I?

Central Fissure

What is J? 

What is J?

Postcentral gyrus

What lobe is somatic movement with


What lobe is sensation mainly with


What is optic radiation?>

What are the three meninges

*Pia mater (Inner)

*Arachnoid mater (Middle)

*Dura mater (Outer)

Where do meninges surround?

The brain and entire CNS

What is A? 

What is A?

Tentorial notch

What is B? 

What is B?

Falx cerebelli

What is C?

What is C?

Tentorium Cerebelli

What is D? 

What is D?

Falx Cerebri

What is A? 

What is A?

Dural Venous Sinus

Do meninges continue throughout the entire CNS?


What does cerebrospinal fluid (cSF) contain?

Wastes, nutrients, dissolved gases

Where can CSF be found

In the subarachnoid space

What does the CSF do?

Bathes brian and provides support. (The brain is not attached to the skull and is just kind of floating there os it provides support and protection when bangs head)

Will anything that affect CSF effect the rest of the body?


Which set is normal and which set is abnormal and why?

Which set is normal and which set is abnormal and why?

Top set is abnormal because higher pressure in the CSF that is pressing against the nerve causing it to be swollen

About how long is the spinal cord in the adult?

About 18 inches (45 cm) long

About how wide is the spinal cord in the adult

1/2 inch (14 mm) wide

Where does the spinal cord end?

Between vertebrae L1 and L2

Between vertebrae L1 and L2

What is the Cauda equina and is it still filled with CSF?

It is the end of the spinal cord and it IS still filled with cSF

It is the end of the spinal cord and it IS still filled with cSF

Where can you sample CSF without damage to the psinal cord (do a spinal tap)?

Line between the 2 iliac crest is a good landmark for a spinal tap 

Line between the 2 iliac crest is a good landmark for a spinal tap

How many pairs of spinal nerves do we have?


How many cervical nerves do we have

8 (c1 to C8)

How many thoracic nerves do we have?

12 (T1 to T12(

How many lumbar nerves do we have?

5 (L1 to L5)

How many sacral nerves do we have?

5 (S1 to S5)

How many coccygeal nerves do we have?

1 (Co or Cx)

How do we name the spinal nerves until C7 (from C7 up)

Carry name of the inferior vertebrae

How do we name spinal nerves below C7

For the vertebrae above it

Where do spinal nerves emerge from

Intervertebral foramen

What is A?

What is A?

Nucleus Pulposus

What is B?

What is B?

Spinal cord in spinal canal

What is C?

What is C?

Anulus Fibrosus

What is D? 

What is D?

Compressed Nerve Root

Can discs herniate out onto nerve root?

Yes, it is a rediculopathy

What are the spinal nerves made up of?

Doral root and ventral root

Doral root and ventral root

Does the ventral root have axons of the motor or the sensory neurons


Does the dorsal root have axons of the sesnory or the motor neurons?


What is the dorsal root ganglia

Cell bodies of sensory neurons 

Cell bodies of sensory neurons

What to dorsal and ventral roots join to form

(Mixed) spinal nerve

What is A?

What is A?

Ventral Root

What is B?

What is B?

Dorsal Root

What is C?

What is C?

(Mixed) spinal nerve

What does the spinal nerve immediately split into



Does the ramis contain motor, sensory or both motor and sensory neurons?


Where does the posterior (dorsal) ramus innervate to?

Skin and muscles of the posterior trunk

What does the anterior (ventral) ramus innervate to

Forms network (plexus) for the limbs

What is a plexus

A network of ventral rami that exchange fibers

*Crisscross & Redistribute

*Mainly innervate the limbs

Do thoracic ventral rami form nerve plexuses?


What are cervical enlargements?

Nerves of shoulders and upper limbs

Nerves of shoulders and upper limbs

What are lumbar enlargements?

Nerves of pelvis and lower limbs

Nerves of pelvis and lower limbs

What do peripheral nerves contain

Fibers from multiple spinal segments

Phrenic Nerve

Innerates the diaphragm

Innerates the diaphragm

What do the rami communicantes communicate with

Sympathetic ganglia

What is A?

What is A?

Sympathetic Chain

What is B?

What is B?

Rami Communicantes

What is C?

What is C?

Sympathetic Chain Ganglion

What is A?

What is A?

Sympathetic Chain

What is B?

What is B?

Rami Communicantes

What is C?

What is C?

Sympathetic Ganglion

Where do cranial nerves emerge?

Directly from brainstem

How many pairs of cranial nerves do we have?


How many total cranial nerves?


What are the cranial nerves?

I Olfactory

II Optic

III Oculomotor

IV Trochlear

V Trigeminal

VI Abducens

VII Facial

VIII Vestibulocochlear

IX Glossopharyngeal

X Vagus

XI Accessory

XII Hypoglossal

What is A? 

What is A?

Olfactory Bulb

What is B?

What is B?

Olfactory Tract

What is C?

What is C?

Optic Tract

What is D? 

What is D?


What is E? 

What is E?


What is F? 

What is F?

Vagus Nerv

What is G? 

What is G?

Olfactory Nerve

What is H? 

What is H?

Optic Nerve

What is I?

What is I?

Oculomotor Nerve

What is J? 

What is J?


What is K?

What is K?

Trigeminal Nerve

What is L? 

What is L?


What is M? 

What is M?


What is N?

What is N?


What is O?

What is O?

Accessory Nerve

Where does the olfactory nerve exit the skull

Cribiform plate

Where does the optic nerve exit the skull

Optic canal

Where does the oculomotor exit the skull?

Superior orbital fissure

Where does the trochlear nerve exit the skull

Superior Orbital Fissure

Where does the trigeminal - Opthalmic branch exit the skull?

Superior Orbital Fissure

Where does the trigeminal - Maxillary branch exit the skull

Foramen Rotundum

Where does the trigeminal nerve - Mandibular branch exit the skull?

Foramen Ovale

Where does the abducens nerve exit the skull

Superior Orbital Fissure

Where does the facial nerve exit the skull

Internal acoustic meatus

Where does the vestibulocochelar nerve exit the skull

Internal acoustic meatus

Where does the glossopharyngeal nerve exit the skull

Jugular Foramen

Where does the vagus nerve exit the skull

Jugular foramen

Where does the Spinal accessory nerve exit the skull

Jugular Foramen

Where does the hypoglossal nerve exit the skull?

Hypoglossal Canal

The the olfactoyr nerve really a nerve

More like a nerve tract

What is the olfactory nerve for


What happens if the cribiform plate breaks

Since it is fragile, in head trauma is can break so can loose smell

Additionally, dura covers the nerves so if the cribiform breaks the CSF can run out and if dura damaged bacteria can get in and get to the brain because lots of bacteria in nose

What is the optic nerve for


What is the oculomotor nerve for

Move extrinsic and intrisic eye muscles

What muscles does the oculomotor nerve not move?

*Superior oblique

*Lateral Rectus

What is A?

What is A?

Superior Orbital Fissure

What is B?

What is B?

Cavernous Sinus

What is C?

What is C?


What is A?

What is A?

Superior Divison of the Oculmotor Nerve

What is B?

What is B?

Inferior Divison of the Oculomotr Nerve

What is C? 

What is C?

Ciliary Ganglion

What is the ciliary ganglion

Oculomotor motor synapses with this ganglion and then it goes into the eye

Is the oculomotor nerve, parasympathetic or sympathetic?


Is the oculomotor nerve parasympathetic to the intrinsic or extrinsic eye muscles


What are the intrinsic eye muscles that the oculomtor is parasympathetic to?

Pupillary sphincter

Cilliary muscle

What is the trochlear for?

To the superior oblique muscle

Does the trochlear nerve has a long or short intra-cranial course?


Does the trochlear nerve exit the brainstem dorsally or ventrally


Is it easy to damage the trochlear

Yes, because such a long pathway

What is the motor branch of the trigeminal for

Muscles of mastication

What is the sensory branches for the trigeminal nerve for

*Opthalmic (Sensory around eyes)

*Maxillary (sensory of upper jaw and teeth)

*Mandibular (Sensory of lower jaw and teeth)

What is the area of the opthalmic division?

What is the area of the maxillary division?

What is the area of the mandibular division?

What is the facial sensory innverations like?

What does the abducens nerve do

Innervate the lateral rectus muscle

Does the abudences also travel a long path?


What is A? 

What is A?

Cavernous Sinus

What is B? 

What is B?

Abducent Nerve (Sixth Nerve)

What area does the abducens nerve run?

What kind of consequence can occur from where the abducens nerve runs?

Could be pinched which would lead to double vision

Is the facial nerve sensory, motor or mixed


What does facial nerve innervate for motor?

Muscles of facial xpression

What muscles does facial innervate

Draw out where on body, facial nerve innervates

What is the vestibulocochlear Nerve for?

Vestibular sense and hearing

What sensory does Facial nerve innervate

Taste to the anterior 2/3 of tongue

What is A? 

What is A?

Chora Tympani

What does glossopharyngeal innervate for?

*Taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue

*Visceral sensations (from throat IE gag reflex(

*Motor to stylopharyngeus muscle (assists with swallowing)

*Parasympathetic to parotid gland

What is the vagus nerve for?

Motor to pharynx and larynx

Where does the vagus run down

The neck i nthe carotid sheath (Runs down in the sheath with the jugular vein and cartoid artery

What is A?

What is A?

Right Vagus Nerve

What is B?

What is B?

Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

What is D? 

What is D?

Left Vagus Nerve

What is E?

What is E?

Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

What does the right vagus nerve loop under


What does the left vagus nerve loop under


What does the vagus nerve give parasympathetic innervation to?

*Respiratory tract

*Digestive Tract (upt to the second third of the large intestine)

What does the accessory nerve do

Motor to:



What does the hypoglossal nerve do?

Motor to tongue muscle