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45 Cards in this Set

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Action: Retract scalp by pulling on galea- supports frontalis

Innervation: Facial- Posterior Auricular
Action: Raises eyebrows and nasal skin. Surprise and transverse wrinkles on forehead

Innervation: Facial- Temporal
Orbicularis Oculi
Action: Close lids & compress lacrimal sac

Innervation: Facial- Zygomatic & Temporal
Corrugator Supercilli
Action: Draws eyebrows down and medial. Vertical wrinkles.

Innervation: Facial- Temporal

*** Deep to Orbicularis Oculi
Action: Transverse- Compresses nasal cartilages; Alar- widens nasal aperture

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Action: Pulls down MEDIAL part of eyebrow; produces transverse wrinkles on nose bridge

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Orbicularis Oris
Action: Compresses lips together

Innervation: Facial-Buccal
Levator Labii Superioris Alequae Nasi
Action: Elevates upper lip & alar part of nose

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Levator Labii Superioris
Action: Elevates & everts upper lip

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Except for these agents all SSRI have significant inhibition of Cyp P450 enzymes
Citalopram and its metabolite escitalopram
Zygomaticus Minor
Action: Elevates upper lip

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Zygomaticus Major
Action: Draws angle of mouth up and back- Laughing

Innervation: Facial-Buccal
Depressor Anguli Oris
Action: Depresses angle of the mouth- frown

Innervation: Facial- Marginal Mandibular
Action: Raises and protrudes lower lip

Innervation: Facial- Marginal Mandibular
Action: Retracts corner of the mouth

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Action: Compress cheeks against teeth

Innervation: Facial- Buccal
Action: Retracts & Depresses angle of the mouth

Innervation: Facial- Cervical
Origin: Floor of Temporal fossa

Insertion: Tip of coronoid process & anterior border of ramus of mandible

Action: Elevates mandible, retracts mandibl

Innervation: CN V(3)
Origin: Medial surface of zygomatic arch

Insertion: angle of lateral surface of ramus of mandible

Action: Eleates mandible

Innervation: CN V(3)
Medial Pterygoid
Origin: Medial surface of lateral Pterygoid plate

Insertion: Lower medial surface of ramus of mandible

Action: Elevates mandible, protrudes jaw

Innervation: CN V(3)
Lateral Pterygoid
Origin: Superior Head- lower lateral surface of sphenoid bone

Inferior Head- lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate

Insertion: Neck of mandible, capusule & disc of TMJ

Action: Protrudes and depresses chin when alone; moves side to side when alone

Innervation: CN V(3)
Tensor Tympani
Origin: Auditory Tube, Sphenoid & Temporal

Insertion: Malleus

Action: Tenses tympanic membrane to reduce amplitude of vibration

Innervation: CN V (3)
Stapedius Muscle
Origin: Posterior wall of tympanic cavity

Insertion: Neck of Stapes

Action: Pulls stapes back & decreases vibration range

Innervation: Facial Nerve
Increased tension of vocal folds
Decreased tension of vocal folds
Posterior Cricoartytenoid
Lateral Cricoarytenoid
Transverse Arytenoid
Closure of Rima Glottides
Levator Palbebrae Superioris
Origin: Lesser wind of sphenoid- anterosuperior to optic canal

Insertion: Skin of upper eyelid

Action: Raises eyelid

Innervation: Superior ramus of CN 3
Superior Rectus
Origin: Common Tendinous Ring

Insertion: Superomedial aspect of sclera

Action: Raises and medially rotates eyeball

Innervation: CN 3
Inferior Rectus
Origin: Common Tendinous Ring

Insertion: Inferomedia aspect of Sclera

Action: Rotate down and medially

Innervation: CN 3
Medial Rectus
Origin: Common Tendinous Ring

Insertion: Medial Aspect of Sclera

Action: Rotate eye medially

Innervation: CN 3
Lateral Rectus
Origin: Common Tendinous Ring

Insertion: Lateral Aspect of Sclera

Action: Rotate eye Lateral

Innervation: CN 6- Abducens
Superior Oblique Muscles
Origin: Body of Sphenoid- superomedial to optic canal

Insertion: Superior Lateral aspect of posterior sclera

Action: Rotates eye down and lateral

Innervation: CN 4- Trochlear
Inferior Oblique
Origin: Maxilla in anterior part of floor of orbit

Insertion: Inferior lateral aspect of posterior sclera

Action: Rotate up and lateral

Innervation: CN 3
Cilliary Muscle
Insert: Sclera

Action: Contraction modifies lens shape

Innervation: Parasympathetic fibers of CN 3
Sphincter Pupillae
Located circumferential around pupil

Action: Reacts to light and closes Iris

Innervation: Parasympathetic fibers via CN 3
Dilator Pupillae
Anterior to the iridial surface

Action: Reacts in fright and dim light and opens iris

Innervation: Sympathetic fibers of CN 3
Superior and Inferior Longitudinal Fibers of Tongue
Origin: Hyoid, Mandible, Geniohyoid & mylohyoid

Action: Shorten the length of tongue

Innervation: CN 12
Transverse Fibers
Origin: Hyoid, Mandible, Geniohyoid & mylohyoid

Action: Narrows and elongates tongue

Innervation: CN 12
Vertical Fibers
Origin: Hyoid, Mandible, Geniohyoid & mylohyoid

Action: Flattens & Widens tongue

Innervation: CN 12
Insertion: Entire length of tongue

Action: Posterior fibers- protrude tongue

Anterior fibers- Retract and depress tongue

Innervation: CN 12
Insertion: Side & inferior aspect of tongue

Action: Depresses Tongue

Innervation: CN 12
Insertion: Side & inferior aspect of tongue

Action: Raises & retracts tongue

Innervation: CN 12
Origin: Soft Palate

Insertion: Side of Tongue

Action: Raises posterior part of tongue

Innervation: CN 11 through pharyngeal branch of CN 10