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104 Cards in this Set

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Offered his son Pelops to gods in a feast
Cannot eat or drink in underworld
King with daughter Hippodamia, challenges suitors to a chariot race. Lost and was killed.
Son of Tantalus, married Hippodamia after tricking Myrtilus to help him. Invoked Poseidon, who gave him a chariot with flying horses. Son to rule Mycenae.
Wife of Pelops, daughter of Oenomaus, mother of Atreus and Theyestes.
Pelops told him he could have the wedding night in exchange for sabatoging Oenomaus' chariot. Did so, but was killed by Pelops. Cursed his family.
Son of Pelops, given the Golden Fleece by Pan, husband of Aerope and brother of Thyestes, father of Melelaus and Agamemnon. Kills Thyestes kids, is killed by Aegisthus.
Brother of Atreus, seduces Aerope and gets the Golden Fleece back, but is usurped again. His children are killed by Atreus. His son is Aegisthus, had by his daughter Pelopia.
Wife of Atreus, seduced by Thyestes and gives him the golden fleece.
Son of Atreus, see him return as husband of Helen.
Son of Atreus, husband of Clytemnestra. Sacrifices his daughter Iphigeneia to make the winds pick up, sends for her by saying she is to be married. When he comes home (with concubine Cassandra), he is killed by Clytemnestra and her new lover Aegisthus.
Daughter of Thyestes, they mate and have Aegisthus.
Wife of Agamemnon, mother of Iphigeneia, Orestes, and Electra, lover of Aegisthus. Kills Agamemnon after he sacrifices Iphigeneia.
Daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, helps her brother Orestes to kill her and her lover Aegisthus in revenge for them killing their father.
Son of Agamemnon, kills his mother Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus after they kill their father. The Furies chase him to Athens because he killed his dad, but a trial is had and he is let go.
Sacrificed by Agamemnon because the winds wouldn't pick up.
King of Sparta, husband of Leda, father of Castor and Clytemnestra.
Wife of Tyndareus, pursued by Zeus who comes to her as a swan, and they have Polydeuces and Helen.
Oath of Tyndareus
Many suited Helen, Tyndareus made them all swear an oath that they'd protect her future husband against anyone who should come against him.
Wedding of Peleus and Thetis
Wedding where everything went to chaos and the golden apple "to the fairest" was thrown in because Eris, goddess of discord, wasn't invited.
Goddess of discord, throws a golden apple into the reception "to the fairest"-- Aphtodite, Athena, and Hera try to claim it. Zeus makes Paris judge.
Judgment of Paris
Paris must judge who is the fairest-- Athena offers victory in war, Hera offers political power, and Aphrodite the most beautiful woman in the world. He abducts Helen.
Odysseus and Palamedes
Everyone is round up at Aulis, Odysseus feigns madness and is missing. Palamedes is sent to retrieve him and puts his son in front of the reaper in the fields, and Odysseus stops, proving he isn't mad.
Hid by his mother Thetis on Scyros with Lycomedes dressed like a women. Odysseus goes like a merchant and brings jewelry and a sword, and Achilles goes after the sword. Also say a fake alarm was set off and he jumped to fight.
sees a snake eat the mother and 9 baby sparrows then turn to stone, sign that Troy will faill in the 10th year of the war.
Resting and bitten by a snake on Lemnos/Chryse, wound festered and smelled awful so the greeks left him. They returned for him when they needed the bow of Heracles.
Prophesized that the first Achean to walk on land after stepping off the ship would die, and he (leader of the Phylaceans) landed first and was killed.
King of Troy, husband of Hecuba, have 19 children, importantly Paris, Cassandra, and Hector. Descends from Dardanus, Tros, Ilus.
Wife of King Priam, mother of Paris, Cassandra, and Hector.
Given to Agamemnon as they're dividing spoils, taken back by Apollo after his priest asks.
Given to Achilles, after Chryseis is taken from Agamemnon he wants her. Achilles gets mad and he refuses to fight.
Great greek warrior, attacks Trojan Aeneas and wounds Aphrodite and Ares as they try to protect him.
Friend of Achilles, fights in his armor after he gives up and is warned to stay near the ship but he strays and is killed by Hector, which pisses off Achilles and gets him back in the fight.
Ajax (son of Telamon)
Went with Phoenix and Odysseus to try to persuade Achilles to rejoin the fight.
End of Illiad
Achilles drags Hector around behind his chariot, Priam asks if he can have him back.
an Amazonian queen who is killed by Achilles, but he really likes her.
Brother of Priam, the seer who explains the conditions for their victory: Neoptolemus being present, having Heracles' bows and arrows, bones of Pelops being brought to Troy, and taking the Palladium.
Son of Achilles, kills Polyxena after his fathers ghost tells him to. Must be present for Troy to fall.
a wooden statue of Pallas Athena. Stolen from Troy by Odysseus and Diomedes.
Warns the Trojans not to accept the horse thought up by Odysseus and crafted by Epeus. Greeks are hiding at Tenedos and Sinon lies. Throws his spear at the horse, then strangled by serpents.
Ajax (son of Oileus)
rapes Cassandra.
Son of Hector and Andromache, thrown thrown to his death off a cliff because it's feared he'd avenge his father.
Tells Paris of Achilles' heel, he comes back as a ghost and demands she is killed at the foot of his grave.
Athena appears to Telemachus as this disguise and urges him to search for news of his father and to tell the suitors to leave.
One of the head suitors, blames Penelope for not picking and mentions how she said she'd choose after the knitting.
Another head suitor, just a jerk.
Another disguise, encourages Telemachus and predicts the journey will be fruitful.
King of PYLOS, he says he has no information about him other than 1/2 went with Menelaus, straight to Greece, and 1/2 went with Agamemnon. Sends his son to accompany him and hopes he'll redeem hsi father.
Old Man of the Sea
Menelaus says he had to capture Proteus, who told him the way back to Sparta, fate of Agamemnon and Ajax, and taht Odysseus was alive but imprisoned by Calypso on her island.
Gives Odysseus a veil that keeps him safe after Poseidon stirs a storm which nearly kills him.
Phaeacian princess who Athena comes to and tells her to meet Ody at the river. She begins to fall in love with him and gives him advice on how to approach her father and mother.
King Alkinoos and Queen Arete
Offer daughters hand in marriage, eventually call for a ship to take him home to Ithaca.
Blind man who sings of the quarrels of Troy, which makes Odysseus sad and ultimately shows his identity.
Lotus Eaters
Feed the men the fruit of the lotus, which makes them lose all thoughts of home and just want to stay and eat fruit.
Cyclops Polyphemus
Son of Poseidon, ody lingers in his hosue after eating his food, and he eats 2 of his men. Ody gets him drunk then blinds him with a hot staff in the eye, wakes up yelling, "NOBODY'S KILLING ME!" They escape by clinging to the bellies of sheep, piss off Poseidon.
King of winds, gives Ody a bag with all the winds and stirs a west wind to guide him home. The men get jealous and open the bag, which brings them back and he refuses to help again because the gods must hate him.
race of powerful giants whose king eats Ody's scouts for dinner. Pelt the ship with boulders and only Ody escapes.
Drugs the men and turns them into pigs. Hermes tells him to eat an herb (moly) to protect himself from her drug and lunges when she tries to strike. She changes the men back, then theyb ecome lovers and live in luxury. Tells him to speak with Tiresias in Hades.
In Ody's crew, gets drunk and falls off a roof, met in Hades and he asks to be buried.
Says Poseidon is punishing them for blinding Polyphemus, and that he'll return home, reclaim his wife and palace, and make a trip to a distant land to appease Poseidon. DON'T TOUCH THE FLOCK OF THE SUN GOD!
Creatures who sing and lure men to crash into the rocks. Ody plugs their ears and has them bind him to the ship.
Scylla is the 6 headed monster who swallows a sailor per head. Charybdis is the whirlpool that swallows the whole ship.
Island of the sun god. Eurylochus convinces them to rest and they slaughter the cattle, so as they leave Zeus sends a storm that destroys the ship and sends Ody back to Charybdis.
swineherd, Odyssey asa beggar is sent to chill in this hut. Praises his former master and lets him borrow a cloak. Brought up alongside Laertes' wife. Fights with Odysseus to regain control.
disloyal goatherd who who scorns Eumaeus and kicks Odysseus; eventually tries to help the suitors when Odysseus is taking over and is killed last.
Other beggar who insults Odysseus and challenges him to boxing, and Odysseus stops just short of killing him.
Odysseus' dog who lives 20 years until he lays eyes on his master again and then dies.
Nurse who washes his feet and notices a scar that he got when he was boar hunting with his grandfather. She says she'll keep his secret.
a kind herdsman who says he hasn't given up on his return and helps Odysseus at the end.
Phemius and Medon
Herald and Poet, the only ones spared
Telemachus' father who he visits and reunites with. This is where the parents of the suitors come and find him, and Athena stops the violence.
Spring from the ground and founded Attica, was the earliest king (half serpant). Judged the contest between Poseidon and Athena.
born of the soil and raised by Athena after Hephaestus tried to rape her and his semen fell on the ground, impregnating Gaia. Given in a box to the 3 daughters. Instituted the Panathenaic festival and statue of Athena in the Parthenon.
sacrificed a daughter to win a war with mother's permission. Has the Erechtheum built after him and dedicated to Athena Polias.
Wooden statue of Athena, tomb of Erechtheus, and Poseidon's salt spring.
Procne and Philomela's father
Marries Procne, rapes Philomela and cuts out her tongue, she sends a knitting to her sister. Kills her son Itys and serves him to Tereus.
No children. Wineskin. Meets king Pittheus, gets him drunk and introduces him to Aethra his daughter, have babies. Covers sandals and sword under a rock.
Goes to father and beats that bull and a lot of people along the way. Driven out of Athens by MENESTHEUS and LYCOMEDES kills him.
Tied them between trees, then let the trees go which tore them apart.
Wash his feet at a cliff then knock them off to be eaten by a turtle
Bed he offered to passerbys and he would stretch them or cut them to fit it.
Son of Minos who is killed by the sons of Pallas, and is the reason they have to send people to the Minotaur and Theseus must kill it.
Amazon that Theseus marries and has Hippolytus.
king of Argos, his daughter DANAE was prophesized to have a son that would have killed him, Zeus has sex with her in the form of a shower of gold.
Put in a chest and thrown to sea with Danae, killed Medusa and took her head. Put in in a KIBISIS.
King and wants to remove Perseus to get with Danae, so he sends him after Medusa's head. CHRYSAOR and PEGASUS spring from their.
Exposed to a sea monster because Cassiopeia says she's beautiful, Perseus slays the monster and sets her fee.
king of Orchomenus, father of Phrixus and Helle from Nephele and marries Ino.
Phrixus and Helle
Nephele's children, Ino hates them, they're rescued by a golden ram sent by Nephele. Helle dies, Phrixus survives and is taken in by King Aeetes, who is given the golden fleece.
King of the land who tells Jason that to take his throne he must find the Golden Fleece.
man with 1 sandal. Learned from CHIRON. Gets a boat called the Argo, with the Argonauts. Queen HIPSIPYLE and him have twins.
Prophecizer and then was blind. Harpies sent by Helios eat his food, so Jason killed them and he told him how to cross the Symplegades.
Beats King Amycus in a boxing match.
King Aeetes- Colchis
Will give Jason the fleece if he performs 3 tasks-- yoke the fire breathing oxen, sow the teeth of the dragon and fight the men that pop out, and overcome the sleepless dragon. Medea helps all of that.
the bronze man guarding Crete, hurls huge stones at the ship. He has 1 blood vessel from ankle to neck shut by 1 nail. Medea makes him sleep and removes the nail.
kills Pelias by chopping him up.
daughter of the king of Corinth. she's pissed, burns her to death with dress and Creon dies by trying to save him.
mother of Meleager, when he was born fates told him if a log was consumed by a fire he'd die. She lets him die after he kills her brothers.
Fierce huntress who first wounds the Calydonian Boar. She is given the hide, which pisses off Meleager's family and he must kill them.
Son of King GLAUCUS. Kills the Chimaera with help from Pegasus. Fights the Solymi (warlike) and the amazons. Hubris grows, tries to fly to Mt. Olympus and falls back to earth.
Takes Bellerophon in and his wife Stheneboea loves him but when she's rejected she accuses him of attempting to rape her.
Stheneboea's father who Bellerophon is sent to and sends him to kill the chimaera.