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107 Cards in this Set

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The study that shows that form, arrangement, and composition of cells in different tissues account for their properties?
Four main groups of tissue?
Tissue that covers surfaces, lines cavities, and forms glands?
Tissue that supports and forms the framework of all parts of the body?
Tissue that contracts and produces movement?
Tisse that conducts nerve impulses?
Main structure of the skins outer layer?
Lines body cavities and hollow organs (digestive, respiratory, urinary tract)
Tightly packed to form barriers between systems?
Flat irregular epithelial tissue?
Squamous (digestive tract)
Square epithelial tissue?
Cuboidal (around cell nuclei)
Long and narrow epithelial tissue?
Columnar (lining of uterine tube)
Epithelial cells in multiple layers?
Cells that are staggered and appear to be in layers but are not?
Pseudo stratified
A single layer of flat irregular epithelium?
Simple squamous epithelium
Tissues with many layers of the same cells?
Stratified squamous epithelium
Organs such as the bladder must vary a great deal in size as they work, these type of organs are lined with?
transitional epithelium
A clear sticky fluid produced by some epithelium cells?
Mucus secreting cells that are scattered among pseudostratified epithelium cells?
Goblet cells (their shaped like a goblet) (bronchial tubes, digestive tract)
An organ specialized to produce a substance that is sent out to other parts of the body?
Have ducts or tubes that carry secretions away from the gland?
Exocrine (gastroentestinal tract, sebacious glands, lacrimal (tear) glands)
Tubular, straight, coiled, sac-like, all describe types of?
Exocrine glands (have ducts)
Secrete directly into the blood, which then carries their secretions to other areas of the body?
Endocrine glands(ductless glands) (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal)
These glands secrete hormones that effect target tissues?
Endocrine glands
The support fabric for all parts of the body is this type of tissue?
Intercellular background material found between connective tissue cells?
This type of connective tissue have cells that are suspended in a fluid environment?
Liquid connective tissue
(blood and lymph)
Loosely held together with semi-liquid material between the cells?
Soft connective tissue
This type of connective tissue includes adipose (fat)and areolar (loose)?
Soft connective tissue
This type of connective tissue is densely packed with fibroblasts (fibers)?
Fibrous connective tissue
This type of connective tissue has a firm consistency, cartilage, or is hardened by minerals in the matrix as bone?
Hard connective tissue
Found in membranes around vessels and organs?
aerola tissue (loose) (soft connective tissue)
Type of CT that stores large amounts of fat for energy?
Adipose tissue
Type of CT that contains cells and fibers in very loose, jelly like background material?
The main type of fiber in fibrous and other type of CT is?
Fibrous CT that allows the tissue to stretch and then return to is original length/size?
elastic connective tissue
Particularly strong forms of fibrous tissus is known as?
capsules (around organs and some glands)
Two types of CT where fibers are arranged in the same direction?
tendons & ligaments
Cordlike CT that connect muscle to bones?
Cordlike CT that connect bones together?
Type of CT that is used as a structural material and as reinforcement?
Type of CT used as a shock absorber?
Type of CT that is used as a bearing surface that reduces friction between moving parts, as in joints?
Type of hard CT that forms a tough translucent material seen over the ends of LONG bones?
Hyaline cartilage
Type of hard CT that is found at the tip of the nose, larynx and trachea?
Hyaline cartilage
Type of hard CT that is found between the segments of the spine?
Type of hard CT that is found in knee joints?
Type of hard CT that can SPRING back into shape after bent (ear, larynx)?
Elastic cartilage
The cells that produce cartilage?
Tissue in which bones are made?
Osseous tissue
The cells that form bone?
Osteo blasts
(osteo=bone, blast=immature cell)
Mature osteoblasts are called?
Enclosed in bone is a special type of tissue called?
Bone marrow
Cells in muscle tissue that are long and threadlike are known as?
muscle fibers
Muscle tissue is classified into 3 types?
Type of MT that works with tendons and bones to move the body?
Skeletal muscle (voluntary)
A pattern of dark and light banding describes?
Type of MT that is known as striated muscle?
Cardiac muscle is also known as?
(myo=muscle, cardi=heart)
Type of MT that is involuntary?
In cardiac muscle, these have branching cells and specialized membranes between the cells that appear as dark lines under a mcrscp?
Intercalated disks
The most abundant protein in the body?
Type of MT that forms the buld of the heart wall?
Cardiac muscle
Type of MT that forms wall around the visceral organs?
Smooth muscle
Sometimes referred to as visceral muscle?
Smooth muscle
Contraction of the muscles that causes raised bumps on the skin?
Type of MT that are not striated, and have only one nucleus per cell?
Smooth muscle
Type of epithelial tissue that uses the nerves, spinal cord, and brain as its source of communications with the body?
nervous tissue
The basic unit of nervous tissue?
neuron (nerve cell)
Consists of a nerve cell body plus small branches from the cell called fibers?
One type of fiber in a nerve cell body that carries impulses TO the nerve cell body?
A single fiber that carries impulses away from the nerve cell body?
A bundle of nerve cell fibers held together with connective tissue?
A protective coating that insulates axons, also known as white matter?
myelin (not all axons are coated with this, hence the brain (grey matter)
Do not transmit nerve impulses, primary job is protection, ridding of foreign organsims, sheath?
Neuroglia or glial
Thin sheets of tissue?
Type of membrane who outerlayer is made up of epithelium?
epithelial membrane
Made up of closely packed active cells that manufacture lubricants?
epithelial membrane
Type of membrane used to protect deeper structures from invasion of microorganisms?
epithelial membrane
Type of epithelial membranes that are folded back onto the surface if internal organs, forming the outermost ayer?
Serous membranes
Type of epithelial membrane that line tubes andother spaces open to outside of body?
Mucous membrane
Type of epithelial membrane commonly known as the skin?
Cutaneous membrane
Type of epithelial membrane that secrete a fluid called serous fluid?
Serous membrane
A smooth, glistening kind of tissue lining the serous membrane?
Also known as serosa?
Serous membrane
Type of Serous membrane that lines the thoracic cavity and cover each lung?
The pleurae or pleuras
Type of Serous membrane that forms part of a sac that encloses the heart?
serous pericardium
The largest serous membrane?
Type of Serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity?
The portion of the serous membrane attached to the wall of a cavity is known as?
parietal layer
The portion of the serous membran that attaches to an organ?
visceral layer
The area between the two the visceral and parietal layers in known as?
potential space
The mucous membrane of an organ?
This type of CT membrane are thin tissue membranes that line th joint cavities?
Synovial membranes
Type of CT membranes that secrete a lubricating fluid that reduces friction between the ends of bones?
Synovial membranes
Small cushioning sacs near the joints?
Type of CT membranes that line bursae?
Synovial membranes
Refers to fibrous bands or sheets that support organs and hold them in place?
Type of CT membrane that has continuous sheet of tissue that underlies the skin and contains adipose?
Superficial Fascia
Type of CT membrane that can also be called subcutaneous fascia?
Superficial Fascia
Type of CT membrane that covers, separates, and protects skeletal muscles?
Deep fascia
Type of CT membrane that forms the cavity that encloses the heart?
Fibrous pericardium
Type of CT membrane that is referred to as pericardium?
Fibrous pericardium
Type of CT membrane that is around the bone?
Type of CT membrane that is around the cartilage?
Type of membrane around the lungs?
Membrane around abdominal organs?