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72 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between Genitive and Accusative?

1. Genitive limits as to quality while Accusative limits as to quantity

2. Genitive usually relates to a noun while Accusative usually to a verb

How is the Genitive distinct from the Dative?

1. The force of the genitive is generally adjectival and the force of the dative is basically adverbial.

2. Genitive usually relates to a noun while Dative usually to a verb

Define descriptive Genitive and provide the other name

1. Aporetic Genitive

2. the catch-all (black hole) of the genitive categories

3. Is the last resort if a narrower category cannot be found

What is the identification for Aporetic Genitive?

For the word "of" replace it with "characterized by" or "described by"

What is the definition of Possessive Genititve?

the substantive in the genitive possess the thing to which it stands related.

(in some sense the head noun is owned by the genitive noun)

What is the identification for Possessive Genitive?

instead of the word "of" replace it with ""belonging to" or "possessed by"

Define Genitve of Relationship

1. Subset of Possessive Genitive

2. indicates familial relationship

How do you identify Genitive of Relationship?

whether the noun to which the genitive is related is a family relation noun (son, mother, etc.)

Provide the definition and other name for Partitive Genitive

1. Wholative Genitive

2. the substantive in the genitive denote the whole of which the head noun is a part

(the head noun is a part of the portion)

What is the identification for Wholative Genitive?

the word "of" is substituted with "which is a part of"

Define Attributive Genitive

1. Actively modifies head noun

2. Functions like an adjective

3. Specifies an attribute or innate quality of the head substantive

Key to identification of Attributive Genitive

if the noun in the genitive can be converted into an attribute adjective modifying the noun to which the genitive stands related

What is Attributed Genitive?

1. The head noun, rather than the genitive, is functioning as an attributive adjective

2. Head noun modifies the genitive

What is the key to identifying the Attributed Genitive?

1. If it is possible to convert the noun into a mere adjective of the genitive

2. to omit the "of" in translation between the head noun and the genitive and change the head noun into its corresponding adjective

Define Genitve of Material

the genitive substantive specifies the material out of which the head noun is made

What is the Key to Identifying Genitive of Material?

replace the word "of" with "made out of" or "consisting of"

Define Genitive of Content

the genitive substantive specifies the contents of the word to which it is related

Key to identifying Genitive of Content

1. If the word is a noun, replace "of" with "full of" or "containing"

2. If the word is a verb, "with"

Key to identifying Genitive in Simple Apposition

1. both nouns be the same case

2. "of" will always be omitted

What is the definition of Genitive of Apposition?

1. states a specific example that is part of the larger category named by the head noun

AKA: the genitive refers tot he same thing as the substantive to which it is related (restating the noun)

2. does not always need the same case, requires only the second noun to be in the genitive

Key to identification of Genitive of Apposition and Simple Apposition

1. replace the word "of" with "which is" or "that is" or "namely"

2. If a personal noun, "who is"

How to tell the difference between Genitive in Simple Apposition and Genitive of Apposition

if the word "of" can be used before the genitive in question, then it is a genitive of apposition

What is the definition of Genitive of Subordination?

Specifies that which is subordinated to or under the dominion of the head noun

Key to identification of Genitive of Subordination

Instead of "of" supply the gloss "over" or something like it that suggests dominion or priority

What is a subset proposition?

a predicate nominative that describes the class to which the subject belongs to

What is a convertible proposition

a predicate nominate where both nouns are identical and can be exchanged

What are three ways we can distinguish subject from Predicate Nominative?

1. Subject will be a pronoun

2. Subject will be articular

3. Subject will be a proper name

What is the priority for finding the subject?

1. Pronoun has greatest priority

2. Articular nouns and proper names seem to have equal priority (check word order)

What is a Nominate Absolute?

1. the use of a nominate case in introductory material.

2. does not occur in a sentence, but only in titles, salutations, and other introductory phrases

What is a Pendent Nominative?

- logical rather than syntactical subject at the beginning of a sentence

- the "subject" maybe a noun or participle, which is grammatically unrelated to the rest of the sentence

- followed by a sentence in which this subject is now replaced by a pronoun

What is a Parenthetic Nominative?

- a subject in a clause inside a sentence that may or may not have a different subject

- primarily explanatory

- normally not found at the head of the construction

What is an Ablatival Genitive?

Genitive that involves the notion of separation

What is the def of Genitive of Separation?

the genitive substantive is that from which the verb or sometimes head noun is separated

What is the key to identifying Genitive of Separation?

- For the word "of" supply the words "out of, away from, from"

- will be dependent on the verb instead of the noun

What is the Genitive of Source (or Origin)?

the genitive substantive is the source from which the noun derives or depends

What is the key to identification for Genitive of Source

for the word "of" supply the paraphrase "out of, derived from, dependent on, sourced in"

What is the definition of Genitive of Comparison?

the genitive substantive, almost always after a comparative adjective, is used to indicate comparison

What is the key to identification for Genitive of Comparison?

For the word "of" insert "than"

What is the definition for Subjective Genitive?

the genitive substantive functions semantically as the subject of the verbal idea implicit in the head noun

What is the key to Identifying the Subjective Genitive?

If a subjective genitive is suspected, attempt to convert the verbal noun to which the genitive is related into a verbal form and turn the genitive into its subject

What is the definition of Objective Genitive?

the genitive substantive functions semantically as the direct object of the verbal idea implicit in the head noun

What is the key to identifying the Objective Genitive?

- attempt to convert the verbal noun to which the genitive is related into a verbal form and turn the genitive into its direct object

- "of" to "for, about, concerning, toward" and sometimes "against"

What is the definition of Plenary Genitive?

- the noun in the genitive is BOTH subjective and objective

- in most cases the subjective produces an objective genitive

What is the key to identifying Plenary Genitives?

1. if both ideas seem to fit in a given passage and do not contradict but rather complement one another, then there is a good possibility that the genitive in question is a plenary (or full) genitive

What is the definition for the Genitive of Time?

indicates the kind of him, or time within which the word to which it stands related takes place

What is the key to identifying the Genitive of time?

the "of' becomes during, at, within

What is the Genitive of Means?

the genitive substantive indicates the means or instrumentality by which the verbal action is accomplished

Key to identifying the Genitive of Means

for "of" supply "by"

What is the genitive of agency?

the genitive substantive indicates personal agent by whom the action in view is accomplished (usually material)

What is the key to identifying genitive of agency?

for "of" supply "by"

What is the Genitive Absolute?

the action in the genitive participle is outside of the subject

What is the Genitive of Reference?

The genitive substantive indicate that in reference to which the noun or adjective to which it stands related is true

What is the key to identifying the Genitive of Reference?

for the word "of" supply "with reference to" or "with respect to"

What is the Genitive of Association?

the genitive substantive indicates the one with whom the noun to which it stands related to is associated

What is the key to identifying the Genitive of Association?

For "of" supply "with" or "in association with"

What is the Genitive After Certain Verbs?

some verbs take a genitive substantive as the direct object

What is the Genitive After Certain Adjectives?

Certain adjectives (such as αξιος) and adverbs normally take a genitive "object"

What is the Genitive After Certain Prepositions?

Certain prepositions take the genitive after them

God loves X

shows what type of Genitive?

Subjective Genitive

X loves God

Shows what type of Genitive?

Objective Genitive

What is the definition of the Dative of Indirect Object?

The dative substantive is that to or for which the action of the verb is performed

What is the key to identifying the Dative of Indirect Object?

The verb MUST be transitive; and if the dative can be translated with "to" or "for" it is most likely

What is the definition of Dative of Reference

The dative substantive is that in reference to which something is presented as true

What is the key to identifying the Dative of Reference?

Instead of the word "of" supply the phrase "with reference to" (concerning, about, around) before the dative

What is the Dative of Destination?

Similar to an indirect object, except that it appears with intransitive verbs (esp. erxomai)

What is the Dative of Possession?

functions like possesses the noun to which it is related

What is Dative of Sphere?

the dative substantive indicates the sphere or realm in which the word to which it is related takes place or exists

What is the key to identifying the Dative of Sphere?

Before the noun insert the words "in the sphere of" or "in the realm of"

What is the Dative of Time?

The noun indicates the time when the action of the main verb is accomplished

What is the key to identifying the Dative of Time?

The root idea of the local dative is position, thus the dative of time expresses a point in time

What is the Dative of Assossiation?

indicates the person or thing one associates with or accompanies

What is the key to identifying the Dative of Association?

insert the phrase "in association with"