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111 Cards in this Set

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synthetic – [adjective]
(thesis – put, place) -- material made by putting chemicals together
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
synthesis – [noun]
(thesis – put, place) – putting together [verb = synthesize]
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
synonym – [noun]
(onoma – name) – two words with the same meaning
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
syndrome – [noun]
(dromos – running) – a group of symptoms that collectively describe a disease or disorder.
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
syncopation – [noun]
(koptein – to strike or cut) – a rhythm in music in which an accent is put on an unexpected note, or a rest is substituted for an accented note. [verb = syncopate; adjective = syncopated]
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
synchronize – [verb]
(chronos – time) – to do things at the same time. “Synchronize your watches!”
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
synagogue – [noun]
(ago – bring) – place to bring people together
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
symphony – [noun]
(phone – sound) – sounds that go together
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
sympathy – [noun]
(pathos – feeling) – to feel with someone else [verb = sympathize]
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
symbiosis – [noun]
(bios – life) – a close association between two or more different organisms, especially when mutually beneficial.
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
photosynthesis – [noun]
(photo – light) – process by which light puts plant nutrients together to make green chlorophyll
Greek word base: SYN (assimilated form = SYM). prefix meaning: with, together
thesis – [noun]
a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons
Greek word base: THESIS (base word meaning: put, place, position)
parenthesis – [noun]
(para – beside) – statement beside (or inside) a main sentence [parenthetical = adjective]
Greek word base: THESIS (base word meaning: put, place, position)
synthesizer [noun]
(syn – together) – instrument which puts sounds together like real musical instruments
Greek word base: THESIS (base word meaning: put, place, position)
antithesis – [noun]
(anti – against) – a position or point of view about a subject against the position under consideration. Opposition; contrast.
Greek word base: THESIS (base word meaning: put, place, position)
[noun] (ballein– to throw) – a story “thrown in” for comparison while teaching a lesson or moral
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun or verb] (Latin ~ cadere – to fall) – goes along with you as you fall and slows you down
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun] (dox – thought, idea) – a statement that seems true and contradictory at the same time; the truth along with the contradiction is strange (e.g. the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know)
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun] (graph – write) – sentences along with each other to form a group of sentences on a similar topic; also, an editing mark beside a page of print to show needed indentation.
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun] – one who works beside a lawyer as an aide
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun or verb] (allos – other) – lying along side of another line but not touching
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun]—one who works beside a doctor as an aide
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun] – soldiers who parachute down from the sky (relates to parachute)
From the Greek PARA. prefix meaning: beside, along with
[noun] (photo -- light) – picture “drawn” by light
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun or verb] (autos – self) – (n.) one’s signed name; (v.) to write one’s own name
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun or adjective] – (n.) a picture, map, or graphic used for illustration; (adj.) written, drawn, or engraved; of or related to the written or pictorial arts; evoking a clear and lifelike picture (e.g. “graphic” violence in a movie)
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] – black carbon used for drawing or writing (used in lead pencils)
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (lithos – stone)– drawing made on a stone
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (deigma— to show) – an example that serves as a pattern or a model
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (akone – touchstone) – a model of excellence or perfection (touchstones were once used to test the purity of gold and silver by the streak left on the stone when rubbed with the metal)
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (nous – mind) – a rare chronic psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or of grandeur usually not associated with hallucinations;  excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others.
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[verb or noun] (phrazein – to point out) – (v.) to restate a text, passage, or work, giving the meaning in another word; (n.) a restatement of a text, passage, or work, giving the meaning in another word
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (phono -- sound) – machine for writing (or recording) sound
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (seismo – to move back and forth, shake violently) – an apparatus to measure and record (draw) vibrations within the earth and of the ground (as in during an earthquake)
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (tele -- distant) – writing from far away
From the Greek GRAPH base word meaning: to write or draw
[noun] (sophia -- wisdom) – one who loves wisdom
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] (adelphos – brother) – the city of brotherly love
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[noun] (anthropos -- man) – one who cares about his fellow man; one who donates wealth, possessions for the good of mankind; someone who gives to charities.
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[noun] (gyne -- woman) – one who loves women, being with women, relating to women (philogyny refers to the condition itself)
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[noun] one who hates or distrusts women (misogyny refers to the condition itself)
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[noun] (logos – word) – one who loves words
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] (Angli – English)– a love for England or anything English
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] one who loves England
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] – antonym: one who hates or fears England or the English
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] (Francus – France) – a love for France or anything French
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] one who loves France;
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] antonym: one who hates or fears France or the French
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] (biblos -- book) – a love for books.
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[noun] one who loves books
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[proper noun] antonym: one who hates or fears books
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun or adjective] (harmonia – harmony) – (n.) a musical organization or group that plays music; (adj.) relating to a symphony orchestra consisting of lovers of harmony or sounds which agree well together
From the Greek, PHILIA, base word meaning: love, friendship
[noun] irrational fear
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] (agora -- field) – fear of open space (like fields)
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] – (claustrum (Latin) – lock or bolt) – fear of closed (locked or bolted) places
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] (zoon -- animal)– fear of animals
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] – fear of germs
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] (pyro -- fire) – fear of fire
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
philophobia [noun]
(philia – love, friendship) – fear of falling in love or of being loved; a fear of committing yourself to another
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[noun] (xenos – stranger, guest, host) – fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners, or of anything that is strange or foreign (person with condition = xenophobe)
From the Greek, PHOBOS base word meaning: fear
[adjective] (relating to fear, having the quality of fear). So someone is claustrophobic, agoraphobic, xenophobic, etc. They have claustrophobia, agoraphobia, zenophobia.
From the Greek, -IC, suffix to create adjectives meaning: quality of; relating to
[noun] (phone -- sound) – device that transmits a small sound over distance
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (bios – life) – tiny form of life; microorganism; germ
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (cosmos -- world) – a tiny world; a small human community in which all the functions of the greater world are carried on and represented
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (filmen [Anglo-Saxon] – thin skin) – tiny film for storing books, records, etc.
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (metron – measure) – instrument for measuring small things
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] unit of length equal to 1/1,000 of 1 millimeter
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (skopeo – look at) – instrument for looking at tiny organisms
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun or adjective] (wafian [Anglo-Saxon] -- wave) – tiny electromagnetic wave between 1 and 100 centimeters long
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (bios – life; logos – word, study) – the science dealing with microorganisms, especially fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and viruses
From the Greek: MIKROS, base word meaning: small
[noun] (phone – sound) device for making a sound larger (louder)
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[noun] (lithos -- rock) – huge rock (e.g. those at Stonehenge)
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[noun] – (mania – craze) – crazy person with delusions of grandeur or greatness; megalomania (noun) – the condition of having these delusions of grandeur
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[adjective] (phone -- sound)– having a big or loud sound or voice, such as you might hear in the cafeteria at lunchtime
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[noun] (polis -- city) – a huge, sprawling city such as New York or Los Angeles
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
in the metric system = a million times, thus…
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[noun] – a million meters
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[noun or adjective] -- a million tons; an explosive force equivalent to that of a million tons of TNT, as in a megaton bomb
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[noun] – American slang for “a whole lot of money” (or, literally, a million dollars)
From the Greek: MEGALO, base word meaning: great, large, big
[adj.] (bole – shot, blow) – shot through, possessed (by a devil); fiendish
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[noun] (gnosis -- knowledge) – thorough knowledge; the act of identifying a disease based on its signs or symptoms
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[adj.] (gony -- knee) – line between two nonadjacent corners in a figure of four or more sides
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[noun] (graph – write, draw) – a cross-section drawing; a drawing or plan that outlines or explains the parts or operation of something
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[noun] (metron – measure) – the length of a straight line through the center of an object
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[adj.] (phainein – to show) characterized by such fineness of texture to permit seeing through, as in a diaphanous curtain, scarf, or insect wing
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[noun] (phrassein – to enclose) – a body partition of muscle and tissue between the chest and abdominal cavities in mammals
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
dialogue (or dialog)
[noun] (logos – word, study) – a written or verbal conversation between two or more persons
From the Greek DIA-, prefix meaning: through, between, across, apart
[noun] (logos) reasoning to gain knowledge and wisdom, usually done through words written or spoken (adj. = logical; antonym = illogical)
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[noun] (logos) – the planning, organizing, and working out of a project, enterprise, or operation, military (e.g. an invasion) or otherwise (e.g. a camping trip)
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[adj.] – (ana -- again) – similar, akin, alike, parallel, such as the wings of a bird and those of an airplane; showing a likeness allowing one to draw an analogy. Example: yellow and orange are analogous color combinations.
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[verb] (eu -- good)– to speak or write words of high praise, often at a funeral; eulogy [noun] – the speech or written statement of praise
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[noun] (psyche – soul, life) – study of the soul or mental life of man (psychologist = someone who practices psychology)
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[noun] – (etymon – true source) – the history of a word, often tracing its transmission from one language to another
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[noun] – (anthropos – man) study of mankind (anthropologist = someone who practices anthropology
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
archeology (or archaeology)
[noun] – (archaios – ancient) scientific study of the cultures of historic and prehistoric peoples by analysis of their artifacts and other remains (archeologist or archaeologist) = someone who practices archeology)
From the Greek LOGOS-, base word meaning: word, study
[noun] (graph – write, draw) – literally: draw the earth (make maps) and write about it; the science that deals with the earth and its life. geographic [adj.] – of or relating to geography
From the Greek, GEO", base word meaning: earth
[noun] (logos – word, study) – study of the earth and its formations, especially as recorded in rocks. geologist [noun] – one who specializes in geology
From the Greek, GEO", base word meaning: earth
[noun] (metron – measure) – literally: branch of study on ways to measure the earth; a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurements, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids.
From the Greek, GEO", base word meaning: earth
[adj.] (kentros -- center) – mistaken theory that the earth is the center of the universe
From the Greek, GEO", base word meaning: earth
[adj.] (thermos -- heat) – of or relating to the heat of the earth’s interior
From the Greek, GEO", base word meaning: earth
[noun] – a star-shaped flower
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
[noun] (onoma -- name) –one who names the stars
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
astronomy [noun]
the science of the celestial bodies and of their magnitudes, motions, and constitution.
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
[noun] – (eidos -- form) – literally, in the form of a star; thousands of minor planets forming a belt between Mars and Jupiter
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
[noun] (logos – word, study)– the non-scientific belief in and study of the effect of stars and planets’ positions and movements on human affairs (think: signs of the zodiac, horoscopes, etc.)
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
[noun] (nauta -- sailor) – literally, a “star sailor” or traveler in interplanetary space
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
disaster [noun]
(dis – separation or parting from) – literally, separation from the good influence of friendly stars; a sudden or great misfortune
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
disastrous [adj.]
of or relating to a great misfortune
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
[adj.] pertaining to the stars (e.g. astral navigation – navigating by the stars)
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
asterisk [noun]
literally, little star – the character * used in printing or writing as a reference mark or an indication of the omission of letters or words
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
astrodome [noun]
covered stadium where sports stars perform (e.g. the Houston Astros play in the Astrodome on astroturf).
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star
astronomical [adj.]
(onoma – name) – like a star, extremely large, exceedingly great, enormous, and humongous
From the Greek, ASTRON (ASTER; ASTRO), base word meaning: star