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32 Cards in this Set

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abortive: (adj)
failing to succeede
fractious(ness): (adj)
rebellious, quarrelsom
supercilious: (adj)
conceited, arrogant
languid(ly): (adj)
moving slowly and weakly
extemporize: (verb)
to do or manage something in a makeshift way, improvise
peremptory: (adj)
permitting no denial or refusal
contiguous: (adj)
touching, in contact
propietary: (adj)
privately owned and operated for profit
hauteur: (noun)
innuendo: (noun)
a derogatory insinuation, hint, or suggestion
full of twists, turns, or bends
subterfuse: (noun)
trick or excuse
punctilious: (adj)
strick, exact, or careful
(non)olfactory: (adj)
pertaining to the sense of smell
somnabulatory: (adj)
related to sleepwalking
denizen: (noun)
an inhabitant, resident, or occupan
elongate: (verb)
to draw out to greater length
nebulous: (adj)
indistinct, vague
meretricious: (adj)
like or related to a prostitute, showy
cocnceits: (noun)
fanciful or farfetched thoughts, imagination
euphemisms: (noun)
the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt
dilatory: (adj)
tending to delay or procrastinate
magnanimous: (adj)
generous in forgiving an insult or injury
truculent: (adj)
fierce, cruel, savagely brutal
benediction: (noun)
an utterance of good wishes, blessing
garrulous: (adj)
excessively talkative
fortuitous(ly): (adj)
bringing good luck or favorable results
adventitious: (adj)
appearing out of the normal
circumstantial: (adj)
based on circumstances
inquisitions: (noun)
and official investigation
commensurate: (adj)
having a common measure
pander: (noun or verb)
a person (or the act of) who helps other people in low desires. (to) pimp