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115 Cards in this Set

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What day does the novel start on?
Christmas Eve
The escaped criminal puts fear into little Pip by telling him his partner will do what to him?
Rip out his liver and eat it
What phrase used over and over has a double meaning- his sister raised him and his sister abused him?
Brought up by hand
"And, please, what is Hulks?"
When Pip returns with food, what surprises the convict?
That Pip saw his partner
Pip gives a specific reason for not telling Joe about what happened. What reason?
He doesn't want Joe to look down on him
In the chapter on reading we learn that Joe has composed a rhyming couplet. For what purpose or on what topic?
To put on his father's grave stone
What kind of building is right next door to Miss Havisham's house?
Pip says this after his encounter with Estella, "they had never troubled me before, but they troubled me now." What is talking about?
His dirty hands
At the end oof chapter eight, Pip has a terror-filled vision. What specifically does he see?
That Miss Havisham was hanging herself
What does Pip tell his sister and Pumblechook about Miss Havisham?
She sat in a carriage, she fed veal to large dogs
From whom does Pip first pursue his education?
Who visits Miss Havisham on her birthday?
Her relatives
Miss Havisham tells Pip that they will do what with her body when she dies?
Lay it on the dining room table
Miss Havisham confirms that Pip willd o what as an adult?
Be apprenticed to Joe
Pip learns that Estella has left Satis House- to go where/why?
To study in France
Who is Orlick
Joe's blacksmith partner
What seems to be the weapon that hurt Mrs. Joe?
Pip takes a walk one Sunday with Bidddy- what does he confide in her?
That he wants to be a gentleman to win Estella
The theme of hypocrisy is illustrated when Mr. Trabb all of a sudden treats Pip very differently when he finds out he has money. Who is Mr. Trabb?
The tailor
Which best characterizes Pip's initial impression of London?
Filthy and disgusting
In London, Pip is taken to stay with Herbert Pocket, He turns out to be...who?
The pale boy who Pip fought at the Satis House
Herbert tells Pip the background story of Miss Havisham. What is his explanation of the bad feeling that exists between her and his father?
He tried to warn her but she didn't listen to him.
What does Pip find out about Estella?
She was adopted but from whom is unknown to Herbert
A stipulation of Pip's benefactor is that he always be called "Pip" who breaks this rule and renames Pip?
Herbert Pocket
Which is an image that is repeated to illustrates Matthew Pocket's frustration with his family
he pulls out his hair
Why in CH24, does Pip visit Jagger's office?
To ask for spending money
Wemmick's house is referred to as...
the castle
While visiting Jagger's house, what does Jagger bragginly reveal about his housekeeper?
That her wrists have been through much indicating that she is strong
Why does Joe visit Pip in London
To tell him that Miss Havisham said Estella is home and wishes to see him
Joe informs Pip that Wopsle has left the church because
He is now an actor
Who does Pip see on the coach that he takes on his trip to Miss Havisham's?
The man from the tavern with the file
Who is the new gatekeeper at Miss Havisham's?
Wemmick advises Pip to collect what kind of .... property?
What does the audience do during the Wopsle's play that makes the situation ridculous
They answer the actors back when they ask questions
Waiting for Estella to arrive, Pip passes the time in..
Pip is concerned: his great expectations have caused him to accumulate what?
Who are the finches of the grove?
A group of men who drink a lot- inspiring gentleman like pip that have a weekly dinner
With whome does Pip make a secret plan to help Herbert?
Of what does Jagger's inform Pip about the identity of Magwitch?
He is his benefactor
When Magwitch meets Herbert, he insists that HErbert...
Swear on a Bible
Where did Magwitch get the money that he gave to Pip?
In the context of his background story, Magwitch says he is enraged with Compeyson because Compeyson received a lighter sentence for the same crime. Why?
Because Compeyson looks like more of a gentleman than MAgwitch
When Pip returns from Satis he gets a note from Wemmick as he is entering the Temple. What does the note say?
Don't go home
When they hear they are being watched, where do Pip and Herbert hid Provis?
With Clara
Why does Pip start rowing--all the time?
He wants it to seem like a normal routine when he escapes with MAgwitch
Pip sees another Wopsle performance, after wich the actor informs Pip that he saw someone odd in the audience. Who?
The other convict
Miss Havisham agrees to give Pip the money for what purpose?
To help Herbert
It is revealed that Jaggers' servant with the strong wrists is who?
Estella's mom
Miss Havisham's prediction that she will be laid out on the dining room table comes true. Why?
She was burned and Pip laid her on the table
SEveral times in his conversation with Jaggers and Wemmick there is a reference to Pip's poor dreams. What dreams does this refer to?
Loving Estella
Pip receives a strange note that refers to Provis as Pip's
When Pip thinks he is about to die at the hands of Orlick, he says, "The death clsoe before me was terrible than death was the dread of...." What?
Being misremembered
A man can't help his.....
Who is the Matriarchal archetype?
Miss Havisham
What is the symbol of Earth mother, watery, formless, womb world
What is an offering of the Earth mother?
what is a feminine symbol; it stands especially for male fear/anxiety of the earthy
Who is the hero archetype
Journey of son to....and ...... with the mother
separate and reconcile
Where departure is identified with...
And return means the hero comes to understand the implicit..... between woman as mother and woman as beloved
Who is the goddess of love archetype?
As the beautiful object, and point of....with the dark, watery world, grotesque and in flux
What is the symbol of passage outside of dark Earth
the gate
Estella as...
gate keeper
Gate as symbol of..... formation
Stars= the.... of beauty as means of separation from the warm maternal
Estella is a....
star- spiteful and cold
If Drummel is the spider, then his marriage to Estella represents his ability to do what Pip cannot-...... the opposition between matriarch and the beauty archetypes.
The Hut- domestic and close to earth
The tower- regal, masculine, lording over nature
Satis House
Miss Havisham has.... herself for the lord of the manor; she throws herseld on the fire in sacrifice
Between tower and hut opposition=....= reminiscent of male bonding work space attached to Satis it represents a masculine domain, and again we are given an image of Miss Havisham as sacrifice
What is the possibility of a feminine element withtin the tower structure discounted
the ruined garden
What represents the impossibility of reconciling tower & hut; the senile AGed is the powerless father/lord.
Wemmick's castle
What is a kind of male-bonding escape from the conflict
Pip is haunted by what symbol as the only interpretation of what it means to be housed in this world
What kind of archetype is absent in the story?
The....or.... Archetype (Joe/Orlick)
metalurgist or blacksmith
Joe= the symbol of the .... man, .....the goddess from below, dirty, sooty from working the materials of earth and in distilling objects of .... from the earth, that please the.....
loyal, serving, beauty, and goddess
Fire= symbol of.... bonding; male attempts to understand and participate in the feminine
Joe understands and appreciates .... in a way Pip cannot
Mrs. Joe
A repeated symbol throughout is the man.... into the fire place as he thinks
Pip unsuccessfully.... over the fire at Wemmicks
Orlick is the metallurgist in his most base form- cut losose from the.... Pip facing being..... = the ultimate moment of reconciling with the feminine
Feminine and thrown into the fire
Who represents the old man in the sea archetype?
....character who has learned to adapt to the ..../ formlessness
Shapeshifter and water/womb
In the beginning Abel comes out of the sea; speaks of being a....
Pip must try to ....as he changes form
hold on
The....Abel represents one male figure controlling another; from which Pip Releases and goes through a proccess of..... and possible ......
shackled, guilt, and reconciliation
Who came out of the marshes
Water symbolism according to Pip
Water has many different qualtities as does Pip
What is this book about?
identity change
What do the tombstones represent?
Death and watery-ness and confusion of Pip's parent's death
Magwitch is related to what...
water and the idea of shape shifting
What does Pip have a choice of doing?
Going to the lowest or rising to the highest
Who does Dicken refer to thoroughout the book?
Is Wopsle a commical character?
Who's relationship is tied up with guilt?
Pip and Joe
Who does Pip try to erase?
What is Pip's journey about?
finding himself
Two opposties of hearth and star are related to whom.
Joe and Estella
How is Estella like a star?
She is pitiless and cold
What is the rotting garden suppose to remind us of?
Miss Havisham rotten away in her chair
Whatdoes Dickens constantly compare Estella to?
a star
Who rises above the fire?
What is disrupting Pip's relationship with Joe?
Pip is running away from whom and running towards whom
Joe and Estella and Miss Havisham
Miss havisham is the what and who is taking her away
cake and relatives
Is water masculine?
No, feminine
Through biddy's eyes Pip can almost see what..?
His future with biddy
Who is a witch like character
Miss Havisham
What makes fun of Shakesphere?
The national bard
What is represented by the sails?
holding onto something positive