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53 Cards in this Set

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sartorial (adj.)
of/pertaining to a tailor or his work
blarney (n./v.)
1) flattery; deceptive/misleading talk
2) to adorn/bedizen
gradualism (n.)
the principle of using gradual steps vs. drastic change to achieve s.t.
iniquitous (adj.)
wicked; sinful
inquest (n.)
an investigation/inquiry
leonine (adj.)
resembling a lion
lupine (adj.)
pertaining to a wolf
ophidian (adj.)
pertaining to snakes; a snake
porcine (adj.)
pertaining to swine
sybaritic (adj.)
taurine (adj.)
pertaining to the bull
vulpine (adj.)
pertaining to fox
ursine (adj.)
pertaining to bears
arrogate (v.)
to claim/take
carping (adj./n.)
1) tending to find fault
2) petty, nagging critcism
congeal (v.)
to thicken; to make inflexible/rigid
invidious (adj.)
offensive; hateful
largesse (n.)
generosity in giving
temporize (v.)
to stall/act evasively to gain time, avoid contract, postpone decision
accost (v.)
to approach & speak first
animadversion (n.)
a comment indicating strong criticism/disapproval
incendiary (adj./n.)
1) starting fires; up fires/rebellion
2) a person who starting fires
maelstrom (n.)
whirlpool of size/violence
cavort (v.)
to romp/prance around exaberrantly
credence (n.)
belief, mental acceptance
unwanted (adj.)
not usual/expected
verbiage (n.)
language that is verbose
verdant (adj.)
green in tint/colour; immature
flotsam (n.)
floating debris; impoverished people
mordant (adj.)
biting/caustic in though, manner, style
nettle (n./v.)
1) prickly/stinging plant
2) to arrive displeasure
stratagem (n.)
a scheme to outwit/deceive an opponent
fecund (adj.)
fruitful in offspring/vegetation; intellectually productive
fiat (n.)
arbitrary degree/order (edict)
sumptuous (adj.)
costly, rich, magnificent
abject (adj.)
derelict (n.)
s.o./s.t.that is neglected/abandoned
indubitable (adj.)
certain; not to be doubted
moot (adj./v.)
1) open to discussion/debate
2) to bring up to discussion
plenary (adj.)
complete in all aspects/essentials
allay (v.)
to calm/pacify; lesson/relieve
coterie (n.)
circle of acquaintances
indigent (adj.)
needy; impoverished
pertinacious (adj.)
very persistent
picayune (adj.)
of little value/importance
raiment (n.)
badinage (n.)
light/playful in conversation
litany (n.)
a prayer cession w/ leader & congregation; repetitive chant
macabre (adj.)
gruesome; horrible
portend (v.)
to foreshadow
raze (v.)
to tear down, destroy completely
slough (v./n.)
1) to cast off
2) anything that is shed/cast off
paltry (adj.)
trifling; insignificant