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50 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
rectitude (n.)
moral virtue
interregnum (n.)
pause/interruption in continuity
verbiage (n.)
verbosity/use of wording
emaciated (v.)
to make abnormally lean/thin (starve)
naivete (n.)
the quality of being naive; artless
ovine (adj.)
pertaining to sheep
staid (adj.)
acrimonious (adj.)
caustic in speech/nature/behaviour
sylvan (adj./n.)
1) pertaining to/inhabiting the woods
2) person who dwells in the woods
libelous (adj.)
maliciously defamatory
inclement (adj.)
proselyte (n.)
person who changed opinion/belief
canter (n./v.)
1) an easy gallop
2) to move /ride in canter
protract (v.)
to prolong/extend/protrude
licentious (adj.)
lawless; immoral
veiled (adj.)
concealed; obscured; mysterious
wieldy (adj.)
easily manged
vapidity (adj.)
w/o liveliness/spirit
scurrilous (adj.)
grossly obscene/abusive
accosting (v.)
to approach
typified (v.)
to serve as a symbol
remunerate (v.)
to compensate
vitrines (n.)
glass paneled cabinet/case for display
ineffable (adj.)
annealed (v.)
to strength/harden
atavistic (adj.)
pertaining to characterisitic of a remote ancesotr/primitive type
bathyscaph (n.)
a submersible vessel for ocean floor exploration
parlance (n.)
way/manner of speaking
droll (adj./n.)
1) amusing in an odd way
2) a droll person
concupiscent (adj.)
vicissitude (n.)
angora (n.)
place where meetings held
catenary (adj.)
pertaining to a chain/link/series
percolate (v.)
to filter/show life
bulwark (n.)
a wall of earth protecting against danger, injury/annoyance; support
temblors (n.)
harbingers (n.)
one that indicates/foreshadows
mullioned (n.)
a vertical diving window/opening
panache (n.)
a grand/flamboyant manner; flair
stochastic (adj.)
having/being random variables
exiguous (adj.)
penultimate (adj.)
next to the last
locution (n.)
a particular form of expression
abseil (v.)
to rappel
callous (adj.)
insensitive; indifferent
gamut (n.)
the entire scale/range
exude (v.)
to project/display conspiculously
ambling (v.)
to saunter
braggadocios (adj.)
overtly proud
brusque (adj.)q
blunt in manner; rough