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500 Cards in this Set

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petal PETAL ['petl]
PETAL n. 花瓣(英) n. 花瓣 (leaflike divisions of a flower)
petition PETITION [pi'ti62n]
PETITION n. 请愿; 请愿书(英) n. 请愿(entreaty; appeal)(记) pet(寻求)+ition→ 寻求(帮助)→请愿(例) The workers signed a petition demanding better working conditions.
petitioner PETITIONER [pi'ti62n2]
PETITIONER n. 请愿人(英) n. 请愿人(the person who makes a request)(考) minion : dependent / groveler : petitioner(奴才是过分依赖者/ 奴颜婢膝者是过分请 求者)
petrifaction PETRIFACTION [`petri'f9k62n]
PETRIFACTION n. 石化; 目瞪口呆(英) n. 石化;目瞪口呆(the state of being petrified)
petrify PETRIFY ['petrifai]
PETRIFY v. 石化; 吓呆(英) v. 石化(to convert into stone);吓呆(to confound with fear or awe)(考) evaporate :vapor / petrify : stone(蒸发产生蒸汽/石化 产生石头)(记) petr(石头)+ify→石 化(例) Over millions of years, the wood petrified.
petroglyph PETROGLYPH ['petr2glif]
petroleum PETROLEUM [pi'tr2uli2m]
PETROLEUM n. 石油(英) n. 石油 (a mineral oil)(考) refinery : petroleum / mill : grain(炼油厂加工石油/磨 房加工谷物)
petrology PETROLOGY [pi'tr0l2d7i]
PETROLOGY n. 岩石学(记) petro(石头)+ology→ 岩石学
pettish PETTISH ['peti6]
PETTISH adj. 易怒的,使性子的(英) adj. 易怒的,使性子的(fr etful, peevish)(记) 来自pet(不高兴)+tis h→不高兴的,易怒的(例) He was getting more and more pettish and hysterical.
petty PETTY ['peti]
PETTY adj.琐碎的;小心眼的(英) adj.琐碎的(trivial; unimportant);小心眼的( petty-minded)
petulant PETULANT ['pet6ul2nt]
PETULANT adj. 性急的,暴躁的(英) adj. 性急的,暴躁的(inso lent; peevish)(记) 来自pet(不高兴)+ula nt→非常不高兴→暴 躁的(同) n.petulance(例) She becomes petulant when people disagree with her.
phantom PHANTOM ['f9nt2m]
pharisaic PHARISAIC [`f9ri'sei`ik]
PHARISAIC adj. 伪善的,伪装虔诚的(英) adj. 伪善的,伪装虔诚的( marked by hypercritical censorious self-righteousness)(记) 来自公元前后犹太教 的一派法利赛人(Phar isee), 以形式上遵守教义的 伪善作风闻名
pharmaceutical PHARMACEUTICAL [`fm2'sju:tik2l]
PHARMACEUTICAL adj. 制药的(英) adj. 制药的(of the manufacture and sale of medicines)(例) The pharmaceutical company researched the new drug's effects.
pharmacist PHARMACIST ['fm2sist]
PHARMACIST n. 药剂师(英) n. 药剂师 (a person skilled in the making of medicine)
pharmacology PHARMACOLOGY [`fm2'k0l2d7i]
PHARMACOLOGY n. 药理学,药物学(记) 来自pharmacy(药房, 药剂学), pharma(药,毒)(例) The pharmacist has a degree in pharmacology.
phenomenology PHENOMENOLOGY [fi`n0mi'n0l2d7i]
PHENOMENOLOGY n. 现象学(对现象的哲学 研究)(记) 来自名词phenomenon (现象, 奇迹)
phial PHIAL ['fai2l]
PHIAL n. 小瓶(药水瓶)(英) n. 小瓶(药水瓶)(vial)
philander PHILANDER [fi'l9nd2]
PHILANDER v. 调戏追逐女人(英) v. 调戏追逐女人(to have many love affairs)(记) phil(爱)+ander(=and re男子)→乱爱的男子 →追逐女人(例) Belles and beaux philandered in the hotels.(美女和花花 公子在旅馆调情)
philanthropic PHILANTHROPIC [fil2n'4r0pik]
PHILANTHROPIC adj.博爱的(考) resourceful : inventiveness / philanthropic : geniality(足智多谋的[人]创造 /博爱的[人]亲切)
philanthropist PHILANTHROPIST [fi'l9n4r2pist]
PHILANTHROPIST n. 慈善家(英) n. 慈善家(one who makes active efforts to promote human welfare)(考) sage : wisdom / philanthropist : benevolence / comedian : humor(哲人有智慧/慈善家 有善意/喜剧演员有幽 默)coward : brave / philanthropist :selfish(懦夫不会勇敢/慈善 家不会自私)(记) phil(爱)+anthrop(人 )+ist→爱人的人→博 爱家
philanthropy PHILANTHROPY [fi'l9n4r2pi]
PHILANTHROPY n. 慈善,仁慈(英) n. 慈善,仁慈 (a feeling of kindness and love)
philatelist PHILATELIST [fi'l9tlist]
PHILATELIST n. 集邮家(英) n. 集邮家(one who collects or studies stamps)(考) philatelist : stamps / numismatist :coins(集邮家收集邮票/钱 币收藏家收集硬币)
philately PHILATELY [fi'l9t2li]
PHILATELY n. 集邮(英) n. 集邮(stamp collecting)(记) phil(爱)+ately(邮票 )
philistine PHILISTINE ['filistain]
PHILISTINE n. 庸人,市侩(英) n. 庸人,市侩(a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values)(考) 反义词:aesthete(唯 美主义者)(记) 来自腓力斯丁人(Phil istia),是庸俗的市 侩阶层
philology PHILOLOGY [fi'l0l2d7i]
PHILOLOGY n. 语文学,文学语言学(记) phil(爱)+ology(语言 )→语言学
philosopher PHILOSOPHER [fi'l0s2f2]
PHILOSOPHER n.哲学家(考) philosopher : cogitate / iconoclast ; attack(哲学家善于思考/反 传统观念的人善于攻 击)
phlegmatic PHLEGMATIC [fleg'm9tik]
PHLEGMATIC adj. 冷静的,冷淡的(英) adj. 冷静的,冷淡的(of slow and stolid temperature; impassive)(考) intractable : manage / phlegmatic : provoke(倔强的不易管理/冷 漠的不易激起)反义词:vivacious( 活泼的); spirited(生气勃勃的)(记) 来自phlegma(痰)+ati c→西方人认为痰多的 人不易动感情(例) Bob seems phlegmatic, but if something interests him, he gets excited.
phobia PHOBIA ['f2ubi2]
PHOBIA n. 恐惧症(英) n. 恐惧症(an exaggerated illogical fear)(记) phob(恐惧)+ia;(同) 参考:xenophobe(排 外)(例) Bill always stays at home because of his phobia for crowds.
phoenix PHOENIX ['fi:niks]
PHOENIX n.凤凰,长生鸟(英) n.凤凰,长生鸟(symbo l of immortality or rebirth)
phonetic PHONETIC [f2'netik]
PHONETIC adj. 语音的(英) adj. 语音的 ( about the sounds of human speech)(记) phon(声音)+etic
phony PHONY ['f2uni]
PHONY adj. 假的,伪造的(英) adj. 假的,伪造的(not genuine or real)(例) a phony address(假的). Thieves stole the valuable diamond and put a phony in its place.
photograph PHOTOGRAPH ['f2ut2grf]
PHOTOGRAPH n.照片(考) listen : recording / view : photograph(听唱片/看照片)photograph : light / recording : sound(照片通过光记录/录 音通过声音记录)daguerreotype : photograph / musket : firearm(银板照相是早期的照 片/毛瑟枪是早期的火 器)
photosynthesis PHOTOSYNTHESIS [`f2ut2u'sin42sis]
PHOTOSYNTHESIS n. 光合作用(英) n. 光合作用(formation of carbonhydrates through light)(记) photo(光)+synthesis (综合)→光合作用(同) 同根词:photics(光 学); photography(照相)
phrase PHRASE [freiz]
PHRASE n.乐句; 短语(英) n. 乐句(a short musical thought );短语(a word or group of words)(例) the opening phrase of the overture(序曲的起首 乐句)
phylogeny PHYLOGENY [fai'l0d7ini]
PHYLOGENY n. 发展史(英) n. 发展史(the lines of descent or evolutionary development)
phylum PHYLUM ['fail2m]
PHYLUM n.(动植物分类的)门(英) n.(动植物分类的)门( category ranking below a kingdom and above a class)
physiognomy PHYSIOGNOMY [`fizi'0n2mi]
PHYSIOGNOMY n.面容学, 人相学(英) n.面容学, 人相学(face as showing the character and the mind)
piano PIANO [pi'9n2u,'pjn2u]
PIANO adj. (音乐)轻柔的(英) adj. (音乐)轻柔的(at a soft volume)(记) piano作为'钢琴'一意 大家都知道;(同) 参考:反义词forte( 强音的)
piazza PIAZZA [pi'9ts2]
PIAZZA n. 阳台; 广场; 露天市场(英) n. 阳台(veranda, porch);广场(an open square)(记) 来自意大利语,意为m arketplace(市场)
pictorial PICTORIAL [pik't0:ri2l]
PICTORIAL adj. 有图片的,用图片表 示的(英) adj. 有图片的,用图片表 示的 (having, or expressed in pictures)(考) restive : calmness / pidding : considerable(反义: 不安的→平静的/无用 的→重要的)(记) 来自名词picture(图 片)pidding adj.无用的,琐碎的( trivial)
piddling PIDDLING ['pidli8]
PIDDLING adj. 微小的,微不足道的
piecemeal PIECEMEAL ['pi:smi:l]
PIECEMEAL adj.一件一件的,零碎 的(英) adj.一件一件的,零碎 的(one part at a time; gradually)
pied PIED [paid]
PIED adj. 杂色的(英) adj. 杂色的(of two or more colors in blotches)(考) 反义词:solid-color ed(单色的)(记) 分割记忆:pie(馅饼) +d; 参考: a pied horse(花斑马)(例) a pied horse(花斑马)
pier PIER [pi2]
PIER n. 桥墩; 码头(英) n. 桥墩(an intermediate support)(例) The ship you want to board is at pier 4.
pierce PIERCE [pi2s]
PIERCE v. 刺透; 穿过(英) v. 刺透(to run into or through; stab);穿过(to force through)(考) awl : pierce / pestle : mash(锥子用来刺穿/研棒 用来捣碎)(例) The needle pierced his finger.
piercing PIERCING ['pi2si8]
PIERCING adj. 刺骨的; 敏锐的(英) adj. 刺骨的(penetratingl y cold);敏锐的(perceptive)(例) Suddenly, there was a piercing scream from next room.
piety PIETY ['pai2ti]
PIETY n. 虔诚(英) n. 虔诚(dutifulness in religion; devoutness)(记) pious(虔诚的)名词;(同) 参考:impious(不敬 的)
pigment PIGMENT ['pigm2nt]
PIGMENT n. 天然色素; 干粉颜料(英) n. 天然色素(a coloring matter in animals and plants);干粉颜料(a powdered substance that imparts colors to other materials)(考) pigment : color / spice : flavor(颜料形成颜色/调味 品形成味道)albino : pigment / prairie : tree(白化变种没有色素/ 大草原没有树木)(记) 联想记忆:pigmeat( 猪肉,肉感女人) →pigment(色素)(例) the pigment of the skin(皮肤的色素)
pilfer PILFER ['pilf2]
PILFER v. 偷窃(英) v. 偷窃(esp. to steal in small quantities)(考) abscond : depart / pilfer : take(逃跑是偷偷离开/偷 窃是偷偷获取)(记) 可能是pelf(钱财)+er →拿钱财→偷窃(例) Jimmy pilfered a few cookies when his mother wasn't looking.
pilgrim PILGRIM ['pilgrim]
PILGRIM n. 朝圣客,香客(英) n. 朝圣客,香客(one who travels to a shrine as a devotee)(考) shrine : pilgrim / peak : climber(朝圣者去圣地/攀登 者去顶峰)(例) Many pilgrims travel to a holy city.
pilgrimage PILGRIMAGE ['pilgrimid7]
PILGRIMAGE n. 朝圣之旅(英) n. 朝圣之旅 (journey made by a pilgrim)
pillage PILLAGE ['pilid7]
PILLAGE n./v. 抢劫,掠夺(英) n./v. 抢劫,掠夺( looting; plundering; ravage)(记) 来自pill(抢劫)+age
pillar PILLAR ['pil2]
PILLAR n. 柱子(英) n. 柱子 (a tall upright round post)(考) frieze : ornament / pillar : support / stockade : enclosure(横饰带用来装饰/柱 子用来支撑/栅栏用来 包围)colonnade : pillar / queue : person(柱子组成柱廊/人组 成队列)反义词:derelict(废 物)-pillar of society(社会栋梁)
pillory PILLORY ['pil2ri]
PILLORY n. 颈手枷; 示众,嘲弄(英) n. 颈手枷;示众,嘲弄( a means for exposing one for public scorn)(考) pillory : ridicule / guillotine : execute(示众为了嘲笑/断头 台为了处死)admonish : denounce / punish : pillory(谴责为了训诫/示众 为了惩罚)反义词:exalt(赞扬)(记) 注意不要和pillar(支 柱)相混
pilot PILOT ['pail2t]
PILOT n. 飞行员,领航员; v. 驾驶,领航(英) 飞行员,宇航员(a person who controls an aircraft)驾驶,领航(act as pilot of an aircraft)(考) pilot : ship / conductor : orchestra(领航员引导船/指挥 引导管弦乐队)
pincers PINCERS ['pins2z]
PINCERS n. 钳子,镊子(记) 由pinch(捏,掐)变化 而来
pinch PINCH [pint6]
PINCH v. 捏,掐; n. 一撮,一点(英) v. 捏,掐(compress, squeeze);n. 一撮 ,一点(a very small amount)(考) 反义词:abundant amount(充足的数量)(例) a pinch of salt(一撮盐)
pine PINE [pain]
PINE n. 松树; v. (因疾病等)憔悴; 渴望(英) v.(因疾病等)憔悴(to lose vigor; anguish)渴望(desire)(考) leaf : oak / needle : pine / frond : fern(橡树的树叶/松树的 针叶/蕨类植物的蕨类 叶)longing : pine / remorse : rue(同义: 渴望对渴望/懊悔对懊 悔)反义词:become invigorated(变得有 活力)(例) pine away with grief(因悲痛而憔悴)
pinnacle PINNACLE ['pin2k(2)l]
PINNACLE n. 尖塔; 山峰,顶峰(英) n. 尖塔(spire);山峰,顶峰(a lofty peak; summit)(记) 来自pin(针)+(n)acle →像针一样尖的东西 →山峰_(例) Receiving the prestigious award became the pinnacle of the actor's career.
pinpoint PINPOINT ['pinp0int]
PINPOINT v. 精确地找出或描述 adj. 非常精确的(英) v. 精确地找出或描述 (find or describe exactly);adj. 非常精确的 (very exact)(例) pinpoint precision
pious PIOUS ['pai2s]
PIOUS adj. 虔诚的; 虚伪的,伪善的(英) 虔诚的(showing and feeling deep respect for God and religion)虚伪的,伪善的(prete nding to have deep respect and sincere feelings)(例) He dismissed his critics as pious do-gooders who were afraid to face the facts.
pipeline PIPELINE ['paiplain]
PIPELINE n. 管道,管线(英) n. 管道,管线 (a line of connected pipes)(考) vessel : blood / pipeline : gas(血管流血/管道流 气)(记) pipe(管)+line(线 )
piquancy PIQUANCY ['pi:k2nsi]
PIQUANCY n. 辛辣(考) 反义词:blandness( 无味)
piquant PIQUANT ['pi:k2nt]
PIQUANT adj. 辛辣的,开胃的(英) adj. 辛辣的,开胃的(agre eably stimulating to the palate; spicy; pungent)(考) redolent : smell / piquant : taste(芳香的气味/辛辣的 味道)(记) piqu(刺激)+ant→刺 激的,辣味的
pique PIQUE [pi:k]
PIQUE n./v. (因自尊心受伤害而导 致的)不悦,愤怒(英) n./v. (因自尊心受伤害而导 致的)不悦,愤怒(res entment; v. to arouse anger or resentment: irritate)(考) 反义词:mollify(抚 慰)(记) pique(刺激)→因刺激 而不高兴(例) She went off in a pique.
pirate PIRATE ['pai2r2t]
PIRATE n. 海盗,剽窃者; v. 盗印; 掠夺(英) n. 海盗,剽窃者(one who commits piracy);v. 盗印(to reproduce without authorization in infringement of copyright);掠夺(to take or appropriate by piracy)(考) pirate : take / forge : copy(掠夺是非法获得/伪 造是非法复制)(记) pir(转)+ate→在海上 转悠的人→海盗(例) Someone pirated the software program that was paid $100,000 to develop.
pirouette PIROUETTE [`piru'et]
PIROUETTE n./v. (舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋 转(英) n./v. (舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋 转(a full turn on the toe in ballet)(记) pirou(转)+ette(小动 作)→小转→脚尖立地 的旋转
piscatorial PISCATORIAL [pisk2't0:ri2l]
PISCATORIAL adj. 捕鱼的,渔民的(英) adj. 捕鱼的,渔民的(depe ndent on fishing; also piscatory)(记) 来自piscator(捕鱼人 )+ial→捕鱼的;(同) 参考:pisciculture( 鱼类养殖)
pistol PISTOL ['pistl]
PISTOL n. 手枪(英) n. 手枪(handgun)(考) dagger : scabbard / pistol : holster(匕首放在剑鞘中/手 枪放在枪套中)
pitch PITCH [pit6]
PITCH n. 沥青,柏油(英) 沥青,柏油(a black or dark substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials, esp. tars)pitch[pItS]n. 音调(音符之高低)(英) n. 音调(音符之高低)(a musical tone determined by the frequency)(考) frequency : pitch / wavelength : color(频率决定音高/波长 决定颜色)pitch : sound / color : light(音调由声音组成/颜 色由光组成)反义词(at the proper pitch):off-key(走 调的)(例) Her voice dropped to a lower pitch.(他的声调低了 下来)
pitcher PITCHER ['pit62]
PITCHER n. 有柄水罐(英) n. 有柄水罐(a container for liquids)(记) 分割记忆:pitch-er;(同) adj. pitcherful
pitfall PITFALL ['pitf0:l]
PITFALL n. 陷阱;未料到的危险或 困难(英) n. 陷阱(trap)未料到的危险或困难( a hidden or not easily recognized danger or difficulty)(记) pit(坑,洞)+fall(落 下)→落下的坑→陷阱(例) Lisa was not aware of all the pitfalls she would encounter on her new job.
pith PITH [pi4]
PITH n. 精髓,要点(英) n. 精髓,要点(the essential part; core)(考) 反义词:superficial element(表面的因素) ; insignificant part(不重要的部分)(例) an argument without pith
pithiness PITHINESS ['pi4inis]
PITHINESS n. 有力,简洁(考) pithiness : aphorism / exaggeration : caricature(格言的特点是简洁/ 讽刺画的特点是夸张)
pithy PITHY ['pi4i]
PITHY adj. (讲话或文章)简练的(英) adj. (讲话或文章)简练的( tersely cogent; concise)(考) 反义词:prolix(冗长 的)(例) Her speech was short and pithy.
pitiful PITIFUL ['pitif2l]
PITIFUL adj. 值得同情的,可怜的(英) adj. 值得同情的,可怜的 (deserving pity)(记) pity(同情)+ful
pittance PITTANCE ['pit2ns]
PITTANCE n.微薄的薪俸,少量的 收入(英) n.微薄的薪俸,少量的 收入(small allowance or wage)(考) 反义词:cornucopia( 富饶)(例) He had received a mere pittance of education.(他只受过 一点儿教育)
pivot PIVOT ['piv2t]
PIVOT n. 枢轴,中心; v. 旋转(英) n. 枢轴,中心(a person, thing or factor having a major or central role);v. 旋转(to turn on as if on a pivot)(例) the pivot of the controversy(争论的 中心)
pivotal PIVOTAL ['piv2t2l]
PIVOTAL adj. 枢轴的;中枢的;关键 的(英) adj. 枢轴的(of a pivot);中枢的( central);关键的(crucial)
placate PLACATE [pl2'keit]
PLACATE v. 抚慰,平息(愤怒)(英) v. 抚慰,平息(愤怒)(to soothe or mollify)(考) stratagem : deceive / concession : placate(谋略达到欺骗的目的 /让步达到抚慰的目的)inalienable : surrendered / implacable : propitiated(不让步的无法降服/ 不平静的无法缓和)反义词:antagonize( 对抗); peeve(触怒); gall(烦恼)(记) plac(平静)+ate→使 平静,平息(同) 同根词:implacable( 难以平息的); complacent(自满的)(例) John placated his landlord by paying half of the overdue rent.
placebo PLACEBO [pl2'si:b2u]
PLACEBO n. 安慰剂(英) n. 安慰剂(something tending to soothe)(考) placedo : painkiller / backdrop :vista(安慰剂是一种假的止 痛剂/舞台背景是一种 假的景色)placebo : innocuous / salve : unctuous/ venom : toxious(安慰剂是无害的/油 膏剂是油质的/毒液是 有毒的)(记) place(平静、安慰)+b o→安慰剂(例) Placebo are given to healthy patients who think they are sick to make them think they are being treated with medicine.
placid PLACID ['pl9sid]
PLACID adj. 安静的,平和的(英) adj. 安静的,平和的(sere nely free of interruption)(记) plac(平静)+id→平静 的,安静的(例) The raft floated on the placid lake.
plagiarism PLAGIARISM ['pleid7i2riz2m]
PLAGIARISM n. 剽窃,抄袭(英) n. 剽窃,抄袭(an act of committing literary theft)(考) plagiarism : ideas / rustling : cattle(剽窃偷别人的观点/ 偷牛偷别人的牛)plagiarism : ideas / forgery : documents(剽窃的观点是假的/ 伪造的文件是假的)(记) plagiar(斜的)+ism→ 做歪事→抄袭(同) 同根词:plagiotropi sm(斜向性); plage(海滩)
plague PLAGUE [pleig]
PLAGUE n. 瘟疫; 讨厌的人或物; v. 烦扰;(英) n. 瘟疫(fatal epidemic disease);讨厌的人或物(anuisa nce) ;v. 烦扰(to disturb or annoy persistently)(例) plagued by poverty(被贫困所纠 缠) / a plague of locusts (蝗灾)
plain PLAIN [plein]
PLAIN adj. 简单的;清楚的 n. 平原(英) adj. 简单的(simple);清楚的(clear);n. 平原(a large stretch of flat land)(例) She made her annoyance plain.
plaintiff PLAINTIFF ['pleintif]
PLAINTIFF n. 原告(英) n. 原告(a person who brings a legal action)(记) plaint(哀诉,抱怨)+ iff→哀诉的一方→原告(同) 同根词:plaint(哀诉 ,起诉); complain(抱怨)(例) The plaintiff is suing the defendant for $100,000._
plaintive PLAINTIVE ['pleintiv]
PLAINTIVE adj. 可怜的,伤心的(英) adj. 可怜的,伤心的(expr essive of woe;melancholy)(记) plaint(哀诉)+ive; 参考: a plaintive old song(例) a plaintive old song
plait PLAIT [pl9t]
PLAIT n./v. 发辫,编成辫(英) n./v. 发辫,编成辫(a braid of hair)(考) knit : yarn / plait : hair(用纱线编织/用头发 编辫)(例) The woman wore her hair in two plaits.
plane PLANE [plein]
PLANE n. 刨子; 平面;v. 刨(英) n. 刨子(a tool for smoothing);平面(a flat or level surface)(例) plane a table smooth(把桌子刨平)
planet PLANET ['pl9nit]
PLANET n. 行星(英) n. 行星 (a large body in space that moves round a star)
planetary PLANETARY ['pl9nit2ri]
PLANETARY adj. 行星的(记) 来自名词planet(行星 )+ary
plangent PLANGENT ['pl9nd72nt]
PLANGENT adj. 如泣如诉的,悲哀的(英) adj. 如泣如诉的,悲哀的( having a plaintive quality)(考) 反义词:muffled(压 抑的)(记) plang原意为拍打胸脯 ,表示哀痛
plank PLANK [pl98k]
PLANK n. 厚木板; 要点(英) n. 厚木板(a heavy thick board);要点(a principal item)(例) a plank on foreign policy(对外政策的要 点)
plankton PLANKTON ['pl98kt2n]
PLANKTON n. 浮游生物(英) n. 浮游生物(minute animal and plant life of a body of water)
plant PLANT [plnt]
PLANT n. 植物 v.种植(考) greenhouse : plant / incubator : infant(温室养植物/保育箱 养婴儿)plant :soil / organism : medium(植物生长在土壤中/ 生物体生长在培养基 中)insect : pesticide / plant : herbicide(杀虫剂用来杀昆虫/ 除草剂用来杀植物)反义词: deracinate(根除)
plantation PLANTATION [pl9n'tei62n]
PLANTATION n.种植园;大农场(考) plantation : tobacco / media : bacteria(烟草在种植园中生长 /微生物在介质中生长)
plaque PLAQUE [pl9k]
PLAQUE n. 匾; 血小板(英) n. 匾(a flat decorative metal or stone plate)(考) artery : plaque / channel : silt(血小板阻碍动脉畅通 /淤泥阻碍航道畅通)
plaster PLASTER ['plst2]
PLASTER n. 灰泥,石膏; v. 抹泥(英) n. 灰泥,石膏(a pasty composition)(记) plast(塑造)+er→塑 造成墙的东西→灰泥(例) plaster over rough places on the wall
plastic PLASTIC ['pl9stik]
PLASTIC adj. 可塑的; n. 塑胶(英) adj. 可塑的(capable of being molded: pliable)(例) The sculptor molded the plastic clay with her hand.
plasticity PLASTICITY [pl9s'tisiti]
PLASTICITY n. 可塑性(英) n. 可塑性(capacity for being molded or altered)(考) dormant : inactivity / malleable : plasticity(休眠的具有不活动性 /可塑的具有可塑性)反义词:rigidity(坚 硬,刻板)(记) plast(塑造)+ic→可 塑的
plateau PLATEAU ['pl9t2u]
PLATEAU n. 高原; 平稳的状态(英) n. 高原;平稳的状态(a relatively stable period)(考) plateau : change / respite : activity(平稳没有变化/休止 没有活动)反义词:slope(斜面)(记) plat(平)+eau→高的 平地→高原(同) 同根词:plate(盘子) ; platform(站台)(例) The mountain climbers reached the first plateau by nightfall.
platitude PLATITUDE ['pl9titju:d]
PLATITUDE n. 陈词滥调(英) n. 陈词滥调(a banal, trite, or stale remark)(考) equivocation : ambiguous / platitude : banal(模棱两可的话含糊/ 陈词滥调陈腐)反义词:original observation(有新意 的评论)(记) plat(平)+itude→平 庸的状态→陈词滥调(同) adj. platitudious(例) My advisor's hollow platitudes weren't helpful.
plaudit PLAUDIT ['pl0:dit]
PLAUDIT v.喝彩,赞扬(英) v.喝彩,赞扬(praise; enthusiastic approval)(记) plaud(鼓掌)+it; 参考: applaud(鼓掌)
plausible PLAUSIBLE ['pl0:z2b2l]
PLAUSIBLE adj. 似乎合理的; 嘴巧的(英) adj. 似乎合理的(superfic ially reasonable or valuable;嘴巧的(superficiall y pleasing or persuasive)(记) plaus(鼓掌)+ible→ 值得鼓掌的→可行的(同) 派生词:plausibility (n. 似乎有理,善辩)(例) The jury believed the witness's plausible testimony.
play PLAY [plei]
PLAY n.戏剧(考) doggerel : verse / burlesque : play(打油诗是一种诗/讽 刺剧是一种戏剧)screen : movie / stage : play(电影在屏幕上放映/ 戏剧在舞台上表演)anecdote : story / skit : play(轶事是一种短故事/ 幽默剧是一种短戏剧)
playful PLAYFUL ['pleiful]
PLAYFUL adj. 爱打趣的,爱玩的(英) adj. 爱打趣的,爱玩的 (happily active)(考) playful : banter / exaggerated : hyperbole(戏谑的特点是逗乐/ 夸张法的特点是夸张)(记) play(玩)+ful
playwright PLAYWRIGHT ['pleirait]
PLAYWRIGHT n. 剧作家(英) n. 剧作家(a person who writes plays)(记) play(戏剧)+wright( 做的人)→剧作家;(同) 参考:cartwright(造 车匠)
plaza PLAZA ['plz2]
PLAZA n. 广场; 集市(英) n. 广场(a public square);集市(shopping center)(记) 来自place(地方)
pleasure PLEASURE ['ple72]
PLEASURE n.快乐,愉快,高兴(考) hedonist : pleasure / recluse : privacy(享乐主义者喜欢快乐 /隐士喜欢独处/)blush : embarrassment / smile : pleasure(窘迫的表情是脸红/ 愉快的表情是微笑)pleasure : ecstasy / surprise : astonishment(程度: 高兴→狂喜/吃惊→大 吃一惊)dislike : loathing / pleasure : b
pleat PLEAT [pli:t]
PLEAT n. (衣服上的)褶(英) n. (衣服上的)褶(a fold in cloth)(记) plait(打褶,编辫子) 的变体
plebeian PLEBEIAN [pli'bi:2n]
PLEBEIAN n. /adj. 平民,平民的(英) n. /adj. 平民,平民的( of the common people)(记) plebe(古罗马平民)+i an→平民的(例) To the brave, there is but one sort of plebeian, and that is the coward.
pledge PLEDGE [pled7]
PLEDGE n. 誓言,保证; v. 发誓(英) n. 誓言,保证 (a solemn promise )(考) renounce : pledge / rescind : order(放弃誓言/废除命令)
plenary PLENARY ['pli:n2ri]
PLENARY adj.全权的;全体出席 的(英) adj.全权的([of power] complete);全体出席的(fully attended by all qualified members)
plenitude PLENITUDE ['plentitju:d]
PLENITUDE n. 完全; 大量(英) n. 完全(completeness) ;大量(a great sufficiency)(考) 反义词:vacuity(空 虚); dearth(缺乏)(记) plen(满)+itude→充 足,大量(同) 同根词:plenteous( 丰富的,丰产的); plenilune(满月)
pleonastic PLEONASTIC [`pli:2'n9stik]
PLEONASTIC adj. 罗嗦的(英) adj. 罗嗦的(using more words than necessary)(记) pleon(太多)+astic→ 太多的话→罗嗦的
plethora PLETHORA ['ple42r2]
PLETHORA n. 过量,过剩(英) n. 过量,过剩(excess, superfluity)(考) 反义词:dearth(缺乏 ); scarcity(缺乏)(记) pleth(满)+ora(嘴)→ 满嘴是食物→过剩(例) a plethora of regulations(泛滥的 规章)
pliable PLIABLE ['plai2b2l]
PLIABLE adj. 易弯的,柔软的(英) adj. 易弯的,柔软的(supp le enough to bend freely; ductile)(考) palpable : touch / pliable : mold(可触摸的可以触摸到 /易变形的可以塑造)static : movable / pliable : inflexible(反义: 静态对移动/柔软对僵 硬)反义词:rigid(僵硬 的)(例) The sheet of plastic becomes very pliable when it is warmed.
pliant PLIANT ['plai2nt]
PLIANT adj. 易受影响的;易弯的(英) adj. 易受影响的(easily influenced);易弯的(pliable)(考) evanescent : disappear / pliant : yield(短暂的容易消失/易 受影响的容易屈从)pliant : influence / ticklish : offend(易受影响的容易被影 响/难对付的容易被冒 犯)反义词:mulish(顽固 的); intransigent(不妥协 的); intractable(难对付的)(记) pli(=ply弯,折)+abl e→能弯曲的
pliers PLIERS ['plai2z]
PLIERS n. 钳子(英) n. 钳子(a small pincers)(记) pli(=ply弯曲)+ers→ 使东西弯曲的东西→ 钳子
plight PLIGHT [plait]
PLIGHT n.困境,苦境(英) n.困境,苦境(difficu lt condition)(考) 反义词:favorable condition(顺境)
plinth PLINTH [plin4]
PLINTH n. 柱脚,底座(英) n. 柱脚,底座(a square block serving as a base)(记) 参考:pedestal(基座 )
plod PLOD [pl0d]
PLOD v. 重步走; 吃力干(英) v. 重步走(to walk heavily: trudge);吃力干(drudge)(考) 反义词:flit(轻快地 掠过); gambol(雀跃)(例) The old man plodded wearily along the road.
plodding PLODDING ['pl0di8]
PLODDING adj. 沉重缓慢的,单调乏 味的(考) 反义词:meteoric(疾 速的)
plot PLOT [pl0t]
PLOT n. 情节; 阴谋(英) n. 情节(the plan or main story of a literary work);阴谋(a secret plan; intrigue)(考) choreography : dance / plot : story(舞蹈有编舞/故事有 情节)joke : punch line / plot : denouement(妙语在笑话最后/结 局在情节最后)cohabit : reside / conspire : plot(同居是一起居住/共 谋是一起密谋)inveigle : interest / plot : plan(诱骗不是使人正常感 兴趣/搞阴谋不是正(例) a plot against the government(反政府的 阴谋) / plot a novel(构思小说)
plough PLOUGH [plau]
PLOUGH n. 犁; v. 犁地(英) 犁(a farming tool with a heavy cutting blade for breaking up and turning over the earth in fields)犁地(break up or turn over land with a plough)
ploy PLOY [pl0i]
PLOY n. 花招,手段(英) n. 花招,手段(a devised or contrived move)(例) Her usual ploy is to pretend to be ill, so that people will take pity on her.
pluck PLUCK [pl3k]
PLUCKn.勇气v.拔去(鸡、鸭等)毛, 采集
plucky PLUCKY ['pl3ki]
PLUCKY adj.有勇气的,有胆 量的(英) adj. 有勇气的,有胆量的 (brave and determined)
plumage PLUMAGE ['plu:mid7]
PLUMAGE n. 羽毛(英) n. 羽毛(the feathers of a bird)(记) plum(羽毛)+age→羽 毛
plumb PLUMB [pl3m]
PLUMB adv. 精确地; 完全地; v.了解意义; 测水深(英) adv. 精确地(exactly vertical or true)v.了解意义(to examine minutely and critically);测水深 (to measure the depth with a plumb)(考) measure : dimensions / calibrate : diameter / gauge : pressure / plumb :depth(量尺寸/测直径/量压 力/测深度)assess : value / plumb : depth(评估价值/测量深度)反义词:horizontal( 水平的) ;examine superficially(肤浅 地检查); examine curiously(好奇地查看)(记) 由plumb(铅锤)意义转 化而来(例) It's not plumb impossible.(这并不 是完全不可能的) / plumb the complexities of a book(了解一本书的复 杂性)
plumber PLUMBER ['pl3m2]
PLUMBER n. 管子工,铅管工(英) n. 管子工,铅管工(a person whose job is to fit and repair water pipes, bathroom apparatus)
plumbing PLUMBING ['pl3mpi8]
PLUMBING n. 管道设备,水管(英) n. 管道设备,水管 (all the water pipes in a building)
plume PLUME [plu:m]
PLUME n. 羽毛; v. 整理羽毛; 搔首弄姿(英) n. 羽毛(a feather of a bird)v. 整理羽毛(to preen and arrange the feathers of) 搔首弄姿(to indulge in pride with an obvious or vain display of self-satisfaction)(同) 参考:preen(整理羽 毛)(例) She plumed herself on her good looks.(她因为自己外 表漂亮而沾沾自喜)
plummet PLUMMET ['pl3mit]
PLUMMET v. 垂直或突然地坠下(英) v. 垂直或突然地坠下(to fall perpendicularly or abruptly)(考) plummet : fall / swerve : turn(突然落下和落下/突 然转弯和转弯)waft : plummet / meander : dash(飘落相对突然落下/ 漫步相对猛冲)contract : implode / descend : plummet(收缩和急剧收缩/下 降和突然下降)(记) plummet原意为'测深 锤'(例) His popularity has plummeted.(他名望骤 降)
plump PLUMP [pl3mp]
PLUMP adj. 颇胖的,丰满的(英) adj. 颇胖的,丰满的(havi ng a full rounded pleasing form)(考) 反义词:svelte(苗条 的)(记) 注意不要和plumb(深 入了解)相混(例) She is plump without being fat. (她丰满但并不肥胖)
plunder PLUNDER ['pl3nd2]
PLUNDER v. 抢劫,掠夺(英) v. 抢劫,掠夺(to take the goods by force: pillage)(记) 分割记忆:pl看作pla ce(放)+under(在…下 面)放在自己下面→抢劫(例) They plundered all the valuable things they could find.
plunge PLUNGE [pl3nd7]
PLUNGE v. 向前倒下; 俯冲(英) v. 向前倒下; 俯冲( move suddenly forwards and downwards)(考) hover : plunge / crouch : spring(俯冲之前盘旋/跳起 之前蹲伏)(例) a plunge into the sea from the rocks
plush PLUSH [pl36]
PLUSH adj. 豪华的(英) adj. 豪华的(notably luxurious)(记) 注意不要和blush(脸 红)相混(同) 近形词: blush(脸红); flush(丰足的; 冲洗); lush(青翠的)(例) plush mansions(豪华大厦)
plutocracy PLUTOCRACY [plu:'t0kr2si]
PLUTOCRACY n. 富豪; 财阀统治(英) n. 财阀统治(government by the wealthy)(考) plutocracy : wealth / gerontocracy : age(财阀统治是有财富的 人统治/老人政治是有 年龄的人统治)(记) pluto(财富)+cracy( 统治)→财阀统治,来 自Plutus(希腊神话中 的财神)(同) 同根词:plutolatry( 拜金主义); plutonomy(政治经济 学)
pneumonia PNEUMONIA [nju:'m2uni2]
PNEUMONIA n. 肺炎(记) pneumon(肺,元气)+i a→肺炎(同) 同根词:pneuma(元气 ,精神) ; pneumatic(元气的, 精神的)
pod POD [p0d]
POD n. 豆荚; v. 剥掉(豆荚)(英) n. 豆荚(long seed vessel of various plants, esp. peas and beans);v. 剥掉(豆荚 )(take [peas] out of pods)
podiatry PODIATRY [p2u'dai2tri]
PODIATRY n. 足病科(英) n. 足病科(the medical care and treatment of the human foot)(考) dermatologist : skin / podiatrist : feet(皮肤科医生看皮肤/ 足科医生看脚)(记) pod(足,脚)+iatry( 医学科)→足病科;(同) 参考:podiatrist(足 病医生)
podium PODIUM ['p2udi2m]
PODIUM n. 讲坛,指挥台(英) n. 讲坛,指挥台(a base esp. for an orchestral conductor)(记) pod(脚)+ium→站脚的 地方→讲坛(例) The lecture arranged her notes on the podium.
poem POEM ['p2uim]
POEM n.诗(考) stanza : poem / act : opera(诗的一节/剧的一幕)tango : dance / elegy : poem(探戈是一种舞蹈/哀 诗是一种诗)limerick : poem / lampoon : satire(打油诗是一种诗/讽 刺文章是一种讽刺作 品)statue : sculpture / ode : poem(雕像是一种雕塑/颂 诗是一种诗)
poetaster POETASTER [`p2ui't9st2]
POETASTER n. 蹩脚诗人(英) n. 蹩脚诗人(an inferior poet)(记) poet(诗人)+aster(小 星星,小人物)→蹩脚 诗人
poetry POETRY ['p2uitri]
POETRY n.诗歌,诗(考) dirge : music / elegy : poetry(挽歌是一种悲伤的音 乐/哀诗是一种悲伤的 诗)prose : paragraph / poetry : stanza(散文由段落组成/诗 由诗节组成)
poignant POIGNANT ['p0inj2nt]
POIGNANT adj. 伤心的; 尖锐的(英) adj. 伤心的(painfully affecting the feelings);尖锐的(c utting)(记) poign(刺)+ant→刺的 ,尖锐的(同) 派生词: poignancy (n. 辛酸事,尖锐)(例) poignant memories of my old life in another country
pointer POINTER ['p0int2]
POINTER n. 一种短毛猎犬(记) point(尖)+er→因该 种狗鼻尖而名
pointless POINTLESS ['p0intlis]
POINTLESS adj. 无意义的;无用的,无 益的(英) adj. 无意义的 (meaningless);无用的,无益的 (useless)(例) make a pointless remark
poise POISE [p0iz]
POISE v. 使相等,使平衡; n. 泰然自若,信心(英) v. 使相等,使平衡( to hold in equilibrium);n. 泰然自若,信心(easy self-possessed assurance of manner)(例) He is cool and poised. (他冷静沉着)
poised POISED ['p0izd]
POISED adj. 镇定的,沉着的;平衡 的(英) adj. 镇定的,沉着的 (having or showing poise);平衡的 (carefully balanced)
poison POISON ['p0iz2n]
POISON n. 毒药,毒物; v. 毒死(英) v. 毒死( harm or kill with poison)(考) detoxify : poison / dehydrate : water(解毒是要去除毒/脱 水是要去除水)antidote : poison / tonic : lethargy(解毒剂是用来解除毒 素/补药是用来解除困 乏)detoxification : poison / neutralization : acid(解毒去毒/中和去酸)
poisonous POISONOUS ['p0iz2n2s]
POISONOUS adj. 有毒的; 有害的(英) adj. 有毒的 (containing poison);有害的 (having the effects of poison)(考) ductility : malleable / toxicity : poisonous(延展的[东西]有延展 性/有毒的[东西]有毒 性)(例) the poisonous doctrine of racial superiority
poke POKE [p2uk]
POKE v. 刺,戳; 嘲弄(英) v. 刺,戳(prod, stab, thrust);嘲弄(ridicule, mock)(例) He poked me with his umbrella.
poky POKY ['p2uki]
POKY adj. (地方)狭小的,不舒适 的(英) adj. (地方)狭小的,不舒 适的(small and cramped)(例) a poky little room
polarity POLARITY [p2'l9riti]
POLARITY n. 极端性,二极分化(英) n. 极端性,二极分化(di ametrical opposition)(记) polar(地极的)+ity(例) A growing polarity between the opinions of the government and those of th trade unions.
polarization POLARIZATION [`p2ul2rai'zei6n]
POLARIZATION n. 极化, 分裂(英) n. 极化, 分裂(division into two opposites)
polemic POLEMIC [p2'lemik]
POLEMIC n. 争论,论战(英) n. 争论,论战(an aggressive attack or refutation)(考) polemic : disputatious / invective : abusive(爱争论的人争论/爱 辱骂的人漫骂)(记) polem(战争)+ic→战 争,争论;(同) 参考:polemology(战 争学)
polemical POLEMICAL [p2'lemik2l]
POLEMICAL adj. 挑起论战的(英) adj. 挑起论战的(controve rsial)(考) 反义词:conciliator y(调和的)(记) polem(战争)+ic→战 争,争论 同根词:polemology( 战争学)
polish POLISH ['p0li6]
POLISH v. 把...擦光亮; n. 上光剂; (态度等)优雅(英) v. 把…擦光亮(to make smooth and glossy: burnish);n. 上光剂(a preparation that is used to polish sth.);(态度等)优雅(freedo m from rudeness or coarseness)(考) circumspect : prudence / urbane : polish(谨慎的[人]谨慎/文 雅的[人]文雅)lustrous : polish / pure : refine(抛光使有光泽/提纯 使纯)反义词:gaucheness( 粗鲁)(例) She plays the piano with great polish.她钢琴弹得优 雅之极.
polished POLISHED ['p0li6t]
POLISHED adj. 精致的,完美的;文雅 的(英) adj. 精致的,完美的 (done with great skill and control);文雅的 (polite and graceful)(考) 反义词:rustic(乡村 的); untutored (粗野的)
politeness POLITENESS [p2'laitnis]
POLITENESS n.礼貌(考) dissemble : honesty / snub : politeness(诚实[的人]不会掩饰 /礼貌[的人]不会怠慢)
politic POLITIC ['p0litik]
POLITIC adj. 考虑周到的,明智的(英) adj. 考虑周到的,明智的 (well-judged)(考) politic : offend / aloof : associate(精明的人不会冒犯/ 冷淡的人不会合作)反义词:unsophistic ated(不老练的); officious(多管闲事 的)(例) When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.
politicize POLITICIZE [p2'litisaiz]
POLITICIZE v. 使政治化,使具有政 治性(英) v. 使政治化,使具有政 治性 ( give a political character to)(例) The strike has now been politicized.
poll POLL [p2ul]
POLL n. 民意测验; 选举投票(英) n. 民意测验; 选举投票 (the giving of votes in writing)
pollen POLLEN ['p0l2n]
POLLEN n. 花粉
pollinate POLLINATE ['p0lineit]
POLLINATE v. 给...授粉(英) v. 给…授粉(to carry out the transfer of pollen)(同) 派生词: pollination (n. 授粉)
pollster POLLSTER ['p2ulst2]
POLLSTER n. 民意测验家(英) n. 民意测验家(one that conducts a poll)(考) exponent : advocate / pollster : canvass(鼓吹者善于鼓吹/民 意测验家善于调查)(记) poll(民意调查)+ster (人)
poltroon POLTROON [p0l'tru:n]
POLTROON n. 懦夫(英) n. 懦夫(a spiritless coward: craven)(记) poltr(=colt小马)+oo n→原指小马受惊→懦夫
polyandry POLYANDRY [`p0li'9ndri,'p0li9ndri]
POLYANDRY n. 一妻多夫制(英) n. 一妻多夫制(having more than one husband)(记) poly(多)+andry(男人 )→多个男人;(同) 参考:androphobia( 恐男症)(例) Polyandry is practiced among certain animals.
polygamy POLYGAMY [p2'lig2mi]
POLYGAMY n. 一夫多妻制,多配偶制(英) n. 一夫多妻制,多配偶 制(have more than one mate at the same time)(记) poly(多)+gam(婚姻)+ y→多婚姻(例) Polygamy is acceptable in some religions.
polyglot POLYGLOT ['p0ligl0t]
POLYGLOT n./adj. 通晓多种语言的(人)(英) n./adj. 通晓多种语言的(人)( multilingual)(记) poly(多)+glot(声门 ,语言)→多语言的( 人)
polymath POLYMATH ['p0lim94]
POLYMATH n. 知识广博者(英) n. 知识广博者(a person of encyclopedic learning)(记) poly(多)+math(学习) →学得多→知识广博
pomposity POMPOSITY [p0m'p0siti]
POMPOSITY n. 自大,傲慢(英) n. 自大,傲慢(arrogant demeanor, speech, or behavior)
pompous POMPOUS ['p0mp2s]
POMPOUS adj. 自大的(英) adj. 自大的(having or exhibiting self-importance; arrogant)(考) bombast : pompous / tirade : critical / drivel : nonsensical(夸大言辞的特点是夸 大的/攻击性演说的特 点是批评的/胡说的特 点是荒谬的)pontificate : pompous / scoff : derisive / drawl : slow / bluster : loud / prate: aimless(装腔作势特点是夸大 的/嘲弄特点是嘲笑的 /懒洋洋说特点是缓慢 的/咆哮特点是大声的 /空谈特点是无目的(记) pomp(炫耀)+osity→ 过分炫耀,自大(例) a pompous politician(自命不凡 的政客)
poncho PONCHO ['p0nt62u]
PONCHO n. 斗篷; 雨衣(英) n. 斗篷(a blanket worn as a sleeveless garment);雨衣(a waterproof garment)(例) a waterproof poncho(防水披风)
ponder PONDER ['p0nd2]
PONDER v. 仔细考虑(英) v. 仔细考虑(to weigh in the mind;reflect on)(记) pond(重量)+er→掂重 量→思考(例) The prisoner pondered how to escape.
ponderous PONDEROUS ['p0nd2r2s]
PONDEROUS adj. 笨重的,笨拙的(英) adj. 笨重的,笨拙的(unwi eldy or clumsy)(考) 反义词:gossamer(轻 而薄的); lively(轻的); ethereal(轻的); slight(轻的); vibrant(活泼的); briskly(活泼的)(记) ponder(重量)+ous→ 有重量的→笨重的(例) The ponderous elephant plodded toward the river.
poniard PONIARD ['p0nj2d]
PONIARD adj. 匕首,短剑(英) adj. 匕首,短剑(a dagger with a slender blade)
pontifical PONTIFICAL [p0n'tifik2l]
PONTIFICAL adj. 自以为是的; 武断的(英) adj. 自以为是的(pompous) ;武断的(pretentiousl y dogmatic)(记) 来自pontiff(教皇, 主教);v. pontificate (武断发表意见)(例) say in pontifical tones(用自以为是的 口气说)
pontificate PONTIFICATE [p0n'tifik2t]
PONTIFICATE v. 自大武断地做,装模 作样地说(英) v.自大武断地做,装 模作样地说(speak like a pontiff)(考) pontificate : speak / strut(swagger): walk(骄傲地说和说/骄傲 地走和走)反义词:speak modestly(谦虚地说); comment tentatively(试验性 地评论)
pony PONY ['p2uni]
PONY n. 小马(英) n. 小马(a small horse)(记) 参考:colt(小马)
populace POPULACE ['p0pjul2s]
POPULACE n. 民众,老百姓(英) n. 民众,老百姓(the common people: masses)(记) popul(人民)+ace→民 众(同) 同根词:population( 人口); popularity(流行)(例) The American populace elects a president every four years.
popular POPULAR ['p0pjul2]
POPULAR adj. 受大众喜欢的; 通俗的(英) adj. 受大众喜欢的 (liked by many people)
population POPULATION [`p0pju'lei62n]
POPULATION n. 人口(考) census : population / inventory : merchandise(stock)(人口普查查人口/货 物盘点查商品(存货 ))demography : population / meteorology : weather(人口统计学研究人口 /气象学研究天气)
populous POPULOUS ['p0pjul2s]
POPULOUS adj. 人口稠密的(英) adj. 人口稠密的(densely populated)(记) popul(人民)+ous(例) California is the most populous state in the United States.
porcelain PORCELAIN ['p0:slin]
PORCELAIN n. 瓷,瓷器(考) clay : porcelain / flax : linen(瓷器由黏土造成/亚 麻布由亚麻造成)glaze: porcelain / varnish : wood(釉面保护瓷器/清漆 保护木头)
porcine PORCINE ['p0:sain]
PORCINE adj. 猪的,似猪的(英) adj. 猪的,似猪的(sugges ting swine)(记) porc(猪)+ine→猪的(同) 同根词:porcupine( 豪猪); pork(猪肉)
porcupine PORCUPINE ['p0:kjupain]
PORCUPINE n. 豪猪;箭猪
pore PORE [p0:]
PORE n.毛孔,气孔;v.仔细 地阅读(英) n.毛孔,气孔(a very small opening);v.仔细地阅读(study industriously)(考) pore : membrane / door : room(细胞膜有孔可以出入 /房间有门可以出入)
porous POROUS ['p0:r2s]
POROUS adj. 可渗透的; 多孔的(英) adj. 可渗透的(capable of being penetrated);多孔的(full of pores)(考) porous : liquid / transparent : light(可渗透的可以透过液 体/透明的可以透过光 线)反义词:impermeable (不能渗透的)(记) por(孔)+ous→有孔的 ;(同) 参考:pore(毛孔)派生词: porosity (n. 有孔性)(例) The porous sponge quickly soaked up the water.
porridge PORRIDGE ['p0rid7]
PORRIDGE n.麦片粥(英) n.麦片粥(soft food made by boiling oatmeal)
portable PORTABLE ['p0:t2b2l]
PORTABLE adj. 轻便的,手提式的(英) adj. 轻便的,手提式的(ca pable of being carried)(记) port(拿)+able→可以 拿的→轻便的(同) 同根词:portage(搬 运费); transport(运输)(例) John worked at his portable computer in the cafe.
portend PORTEND [p0:'tend]
PORTEND v. 预兆,预示(英) v. 预兆,预示(to give an omen; bode)(记) por(=pro在前面)+ten d(倾向)→预示,预兆
portent PORTENT ['p0:tent]
PORTENT n. 凶兆,异兆(英) n. 凶兆,异兆(somethin g that foreshadows a coming event: omen)(记) 来自portend(预兆)(例) a portent for further trouble
portentous PORTENTOUS [p0:'tent2s]
PORTENTOUS adj. 凶兆的,有危险的(英) adj. 凶兆的,有危险的( constituting a portent)(考) 反义词:regular(正 常的)(例) Portentous dark clouds loomed overhead.
portfolio PORTFOLIO [p0:t'f2uli2u]
PORTFOLIO n. 文件夹; 股份单(英) n. 文件夹(a hinged cover);股份单(the securities held by an investor)(考) portfolio : securities / dossier : reports(股份单是股票的总体 /档案是报告的总体)(记) port(拿)+folio(树叶 )→拿在手里的叶子→ 文件夹(例) The designer removed her drawings from her portfolio.
portion PORTION ['p0:62n]
PORTION n. 一部分(英) n. 一部分 (a part of something larger)(记) port(部分)+ion
portrait PORTRAIT ['p0:trit]
PORTRAIT n. 肖像画(英) n. 肖像画 (a painting ,drawing, or photograph of a real person )(考) portrait : painting / biography : history / jazz : music(肖像画是一种画/传 记是一种历史/爵士乐 是一种音乐)portrait : person / seascape : ocean(肖像画画人/海景画 画海)
portraiture PORTRAITURE ['p0:trit62]
PORTRAITURE n. 肖像画; 肖像画技法(英) n. 肖像画; 肖像画技法 (the art of making portraits)(考) jazz : music / portraiture : painting(爵士乐是一种音乐/ 肖像画是一种画)(记) 来自名词portrait(肖 像画)
portray PORTRAY [p0:'trei]
PORTRAY v. 描绘,描述(英) v. 描绘,描述 (make a representation or description of)(例) The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious.
pose POSE [p2uz]
POSE v. 摆姿势; 造作(英) v. 摆姿势(to assume a posture);造作(to affect an attitude to impress)(例) She posed and smiled for the cameraman.
poseur POSEUR [p2u'z2:]
POSEUR n. 装模作样的人(英) n. 装模作样的人(an affected or insincere person)(考) poseur : sincerity / recluse : gregariousness(装腔作势者不真诚/ 隐士不群居)反义词:sincere person(诚恳的人)
posit POSIT ['p0zit]
POSIT v. 假定,认为(英) v. 假定,认为(to assume or affirm the existence of;postulate)(考) 反义词:deny(否认)(记) position反推成posit
positiveness POSITIVENESS ['p0zitivnis]
POSITIVENESS n. 肯定,信心(英) n. 肯定,信心(being fully assured: confidence)
posse POSSE ['p0si]
POSSE n. 民防团(英) n. 民防团 (a group of men gathered together by a sheriff to help find a criminal or keep order)
possessed POSSESSED [p2'zest]
POSSESSED adj. 着迷的; 疯狂的(英) adj. 着迷的; 疯狂的(influenced or controlled by something;mad, crazed)(记) 来自possess(拥有, 迷住)+ed→被(邪念) 迷住的→疯狂的
possession POSSESSION [p2'ze62n]
POSSESSION n. 占有;个人财产, 所有权(英) n. 占有(owning something);个人财产, 所有权(personal property)(考) preempt : precedence / acquire : possession(先占就是取得优先权 /获得就是取得所有权)
poster POSTER ['p2ust2]
POSTER n. 海报,招贴画(英) n. 海报,招贴画(a large printed notice, picture, or photograph)(记) post(邮件,邮政)+ er(表示东西)→通 过邮寄贴出去的东西 →招贴画
posterior POSTERIOR [p0'sti2ri2]
POSTERIOR adj. (在时间,次序上)较后 的(英) adj. (在时间,次序上)较 后的(later in time;subsequent)(记) post(后)+terior→后 面的;(同) 参考:posterity(子 孙,后代)(例) The posterior section of the plane was struck by a missile.
posterity POSTERITY [p0'steriti]
POSTERITY n. 后代,子孙(英) n. 后代,子孙(all future generations)(记) post(后)+erity→后 面的人→后代(例) The author hoped her poems would survive for posterity.
posthumous POSTHUMOUS ['p0stjum2s]
POSTHUMOUS adj. 死后的; 遗腹的(英) adj. 死后的(following or occurring after death);遗腹的(born after the death of the father)(记) post(后)+hum(土)+ou s→入土以后→死后的(例) a posthumous child
postmodern POSTMODERN [p2ust'm0d2n]
POSTMODERN adj. 后现代主义的,后现 代派的(记) post(在后面)+mode rn(现代的)
postpone POSTPONE [p2ust'p2un]
POSTPONE v. 使延期,推迟(英) v. 使延期,推迟 ( move to some later time)(记) post(在后面)+pone (放)→放在后面→ 推迟
postulate POSTULATE ['p0stjuleit]
POSTULATE v. 假定; 要求(英) v. 假定(to assume or claim; presume);要求(demand, claim)(考) 反义词:deny as false(作为假的否认)(记) postul(放)+ate→放 出观点→假定;(同) 参考:expostulate( 告诫,警告)(例) He postulates that energy is expended within the plant.
posture POSTURE ['p0st62]
POSTURE n. 姿势,体态; 态度; v. 故作姿态(英) v. 故作姿态( talk or behave unnaturally)(考) posturer : unaffected / bigot : tolerant(做作者不会自然/固 执己见者不会宽容)反义词:behave naturally(举止自然)(同) 派生词:posturer(做 作者)
potable POTABLE ['p2ut2b2l]
POTABLE adj. 适于饮用的(英) adj. 适于饮用的(suitable for drinking)(考) potable : beverage / habitable : dwelling(饮料是适于饮用的/ 住处是适于居住的)反义词:undrinkable (不可饮用的)(记) pot(喝)+able→可喝 的(同) 同根词:potation(饮 ,饮酒); potamic(河流的)(例) Gallons of potable water were delivered to the disaster site.
potation POTATION [p2'tei6(2)n]
POTATION n. 畅饮; 饮料(英) n. 畅饮(the act of drinking or inhaling);饮料(an alcoholic drink or brew)
potency POTENCY ['p2ut2nsi]
POTENCY n. 能力(英) n. 能力(the ability or capacity to achieve; strength)(记) poten(力量)+cy→力 量
potent POTENT ['p2ut2nt]
POTENT adj. 强有力的(英) adj. 强有力的(having or wielding force: powerful)(同) 同根词:potential( 有潜在力量的)(例) John longed to be potent again.
potentate POTENTATE ['p2ut2nteit]
POTENTATE n. 统治者,当权者(英) n. 统治者,当权者(rule r, sovereign)(考) virtuoso : skill / potentate : power(鉴赏家有技能/统治 者有权力)反义词:subject(臣 民)(记) potent(力量)+ate→ 有力量的人(例) The potentate empire stretched across three continents.
potentiate POTENTIATE [p2u'ten6ieit]
POTENTIATE v. 加强(力量, 效果)(考) 反义词:deactivate( 使无效)(例) A novelist's work may be potentiated by his experience of war and of suffering.
potpourri POTPOURRI [p2u'pu2ri]
POTPOURRI n. 混杂,杂文集(英) n. 混杂,杂文集(a miscellaneous collection: medley)(记) 分割记忆:pot(锅)+p our(倾倒)+ri→倒在 一锅里→混杂
potshot POTSHOT ['p0t60t]
POTSHOT n. 乱射,任意射击(英) n. 乱射,任意射击 (a carelessly aimed shot)
pottery POTTERY ['p0t2ri]
POTTERY n. 制陶; 陶器(英) n. 制陶 (the work of a potter);陶器 (pots and other objects)(考) pottery : shard / bread : crumb(陶器和陶器碎片/面 包和面包屑)
poultice POULTICE ['p2ultis]
POULTICE n.膏药,泥敷剂(英) n.膏药,泥敷剂(sth. applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body)
pout POUT [paut]
POUT v.厥嘴, 板脸(英) v.厥嘴, 板脸(to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips)(考) 反义词:grin(露齿而 笑)
practice PRACTICE ['pr9ktis]
PRACTICE v./n.实践,练习(考) practicing : expertise / exercising : strength(实践形成专业技能/ 锻炼形成力量)
practitioner PRACTITIONER [pr9k'ti62n2]
PRACTITIONER n. 开业者; 从事某种手艺者(英) n. 开业者; 从事某种手艺者(a person who performs a skill or art)(考) 反义词:fledgling( 无经验者); quack(假充内行者)
pragmatic PRAGMATIC [pr9g'm9tik]
PRAGMATIC adj. 实际的,实用主义的(英) adj. 实际的,实用主义的( practical as opposed to idealistic)(记) pragm(实际)+atic→ 实际的;(同) 参考:practical(实 际的,pract=prag)(例) The successful boss took a pragmatic approach to solving problems.
praise PRAISE [preiz]
PRAISE v./n.赞扬,赞美(考) panegyric(eulopy hymn paean) : praise / valediction : farewell / elegy : \lament / dirge : grief / autobiography : reminisce(颂词表示赞扬/告别 词表示告别/哀诗表示 哀伤/挽歌表示悲伤/ 自传表示回忆)hubris : pride / flattery : praise(自大是过分自豪/奉 承是过分赞扬)
prance PRANCE [prns]
PRANCE v.昂首阔步(英) v.昂首阔步(move about proudly and confidently)(例) He pranced out of the room in a dudgeon.(他怒气冲冲 昂首阔步走出房间)
prank PRANK [pr98k]
PRANK n. 恶作剧,玩笑(英) n. 恶作剧,玩笑(a malicious, mildly mischievous, or ludicrous act)(记) 不要和plank(厚木板) 相混;(同) 派生词: prankster(n. 顽皮的人,爱开玩笑 的人)(例) As a prank, Susan put sugar in the salt shaker.
prate PRATE [preit]
PRATE v. 瞎扯,胡说(英) v. 瞎扯,胡说(to talk long and idly: chatter)(考) prate : speak / saunter : walk(闲聊是无目的地说/ 闲逛是无目的地走)(记) 参考:prattle(闲聊)(例) prate without ceasing(唠叨个不停)
prattle PRATTLE ['pr9tl]
PRATTLE v. 闲聊,空谈(英) v. 闲聊,空谈(to say in an unaffected or childish manner)(例) The girls prattled on about their clothes.
preach PREACH [pri:t6]
PREACH v. 传教,讲道(英) v. 传教,讲道(to deliver a sermon)(考) nitpicker : critcize / preacher : sermon / quibbler :cavil(挑错者批判/传道士 传道/吹毛求疵者挑剔)(记) 分割记忆:p看作prie st, reach(到达),牧师到 达→传教(例) preach honesty to young people
preamble PREAMBLE ['pri:9mb2l]
PREAMBLE n. 前言,序言;开端,先兆(英) n. 前言,序言(the introductory part of a constitution or statute)(考) oveture : opera / prolgue : novel / preamdle : statute(序曲是歌剧开头/前 言是小说开头/序言是 法律开头)(记) pre(前)+amble(跑)→ 跑在前面→前言(例) without preamble(开门见山的 ,单刀直入的)
precarious PRECARIOUS [pri'ke2ri2s]
PRECARIOUS adj. 不稳的,危险的(英) adj. 不稳的,危险的(unsa fe,uncertain)(考) precarious : stability / spent : efficacy(不稳的无稳定/用尽 的无功效)反义词: firmly grounded(理由充分的 ); safe(安全的); secure(安全); stable(稳定)(记) pre(前)+car(=care小 心)+ious→要预先小 心→危险的
precede PRECEDE [pri'si:d]
PRECEDE v. 在...之前,早于(英) v. 在…之前,早于(to be earlier than)(例) Are you certain the minister's statement preceded that of the president?
precedence PRECEDENCE ['presid2ns]
PRECEDENCE n. 优先权(英) n. 优先权 (the right to be put or dealt with before others)(考) preempt : precedence / acquire : possession(先占取得优先权/获 得取得所有权)
precedent PRECEDENT ['presid2nt]
PRECEDENT n. 先例,前例(英) n. 先例,前例(somethin g said or done that may serve as an example or rule)(考) unexceptionable : oppose / infinite : end / unique : precedent(无懈可击的不会有反 对/无限的不会有结束 /独特的不会有先例)(记) pre(前)+cede(走)→ 走在前面(例) Mary set a precedent by allowing Jimmy to stay up until _9:00_ p.m.
precept PRECEPT ['pri:sept]
PRECEPT n. 箴言,格言(英) n. 箴言,格言(a command or principle; doctrine)(记) pre(预先)+cept(拿住 )→预先接受的话→格言(同) 近形词:percept(感 觉,知觉)(例) The precepts of the ancient religions have been recorded for thousands of years.
precipice PRECIPICE ['presipis]
PRECIPICE n. 悬崖(英) n. 悬崖(a very steep or overhanging place)(考) precipice : steepness / defile : narrowness(断崖很险峻/狭谷很 狭窄)(记) pre(前面)+cip(落下) +ice→前面(突然)落 下→悬崖(例) The mountain climbers inched up the precipice.
precipitant PRECIPITANT [pri'sipit2nt]
PRECIPITANT adj. 仓促的 n.沉淀剂(英) adj. 仓促的(abrupt and sudden)(考) 反义词:solvent(溶 剂)
precipitate PRECIPITATE [pri'sipiteit]
PRECIPITATE v. 加速,促成; adj.鲁莽的(英) v. 加速,促成(to bring about abruptly);adj. 鲁莽的(exhibiting violent or unwise speed)(考) 反义词:forestall( 预先阻止); deliberate(深思熟虑 的); retard(阻碍); dilatory(拖延的)(记) pre(提前)+cipit(落 下)+ate→提前落下→ 加速(例) World War I was precipitated by political assassination.
precipitation PRECIPITATION [pri`sipi'tei62n]
PRECIPITATION n. 急躁; 降雨(量)(英) n. 急躁(hastiness);降水(量)(fall of rain, sleet, snow or hail)(考) snow : precipitation / hurricane : cyclone(雪是降水的一种/飓 风是卷风的一种)
precipitous PRECIPITOUS [pri'sipit2s]
PRECIPITOUS adj. 陡峭的; 仓促的(英) adj. 陡峭的(very steep, perpendicular);仓促的(precipitate)(考) 反义词:gradually sloping(渐渐平缓); level(变平)(记) pre(提前)+cipit(落 下)+ous→仓促的(例) The skier viewed the precipitous slope as a challenge.
precis PRECIS [prei'si:]
PRECIS n.大纲, 摘要
precision PRECISION [pri'si72n]
PRECISION n. 精确,准确(英) n. 精确,准确 (exactness)(记) 来自形容词precise( 精确的;pre[预先]+c ise[切] →预先切好的→精确 的)+ion
preclude PRECLUDE [pri'klu:d]
PRECLUDE v. 避免,排除(英) v. 避免,排除(rule out in advance; prevent)(记) pre(预先)+clude(关 闭)→提前关掉→排除(同) 同根词:occlude(堵 塞); exclude(排除)(例) Let's be exact in what we say so as to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.
precocious PRECOCIOUS [pri'k2u62s]
PRECOCIOUS adj. 早熟的(英) adj. 早熟的(premature)(记) pre(提前)+coc(=cook 煮饭)+ious→饭提前 煮好→早熟的(例) The precocious six-year-old recited the names of all the states.
precognition PRECOGNITION [`pri:k0g'ni62n]
PRECOGNITION n. 预感,早知(英) n. 预感,早知(knowledg e of sth.before it happens)(记) pre(预先)+cogn(知道 )+ition→预先知道→ 预感
preconception PRECONCEPTION [`pri:k2n'sep62n]
PRECONCEPTION n. 先人之见, 偏见(英) n. 先入之见, 偏见(a preconceived idea)(记) pre(预先)+conceptio n(观念)
precursor PRECURSOR [pri'k2:s2]
PRECURSOR n. 先驱,先兆(英) n. 先驱,先兆(forerunn er)(记) pre(前面)+curs(跑)+ or→跑在前面的人→ 先驱(例) Dark clouds are a precursor of rain.
precursory PRECURSORY [`pri:'k2:s2ri]
PRECURSORY adj. 先驱的(考) 反义词:derivative( 派生的)
predator PREDATOR ['pred2t2]
PREDATOR n. 食肉动物(英) n. 食肉动物(an animal that lives by killing and consuming other animals)(记) predat(破坏,掠夺)+ or→掠夺者,食肉动物(同) 同根词:predation( 捕食,掠夺); predatory(掠夺的)(例) The most dangerous predators of many animals are human beings.
predecessor PREDECESSOR ['pri:dises2]
PREDECESSOR n. 前任,前辈; 原先的东西(英) 前任,前辈(a person who held a position before someone else)原先的东西(somethin g formerly used, but which has now been changed for something else)(考) legacy : predecessor / gift : donor(前辈留下遗产/捐赠 者留下赠品)(例) Will the new plan be any more acceptable than its predecessors?
predestine PREDESTINE [pri'destin]
PREDESTINE v. 注定(英) v. 注定(to destine, determine beforehand)(考) 反义词:leave to chance(随机发生)(记) pre(预先)+destine( 命运注定)(同) 派生词:predestinat ion (n. 宿命论,命定论)(例) He felt that he was predestined to lead his country to freedom.
predetermined PREDETERMINED ['pri:di't2:mind]
predicament PREDICAMENT [pri'dik2m2nt]
PREDICAMENT n. 困境,窘境(英) n. 困境,窘境(dilemma; quandary)(记) pre(预先)+dica(命令 )+ment→被预先命令 的状态→不灵活→困境;(同) 近形词:predication (断言,肯定); prediction(预言)
predilection PREDILECTION [pri:di'lek62n]
PREDILECTION n. 偏好(英) n. 偏好(an established preference for something)(考) 反义词:propensity to dislike(厌恶的倾向)(记) pre(预先)+dilect(喜 爱)+ion→偏好(同) 同根词:delectable( 美味的)(例) Many young people have a predilection for dangerous sports.
predisposition PREDISPOSITION [pri:`disp2'zi62n]
PREDISPOSITION n. 倾向,癖性(英) n. 倾向,癖性(state of mind or body favorable to)(记) pre(预先)+dispositi on(性情,倾向)
predominant PREDOMINANT [pri'd0min2nt]
PREDOMINANT adj. 有势力的(英) adj. 有势力的(having superior strength; prevailing)(记) pre(前面)+dominent( 统治的)→在前面统治 的→有势力的(例) The predominant reason for my wanting to go home is that I am tired.
predominate PREDOMINATE [pri'd0mineit]
PREDOMINATE v. 支配,统治; 占优势(英) v. 支配,统治 ( have the main power or influence)占优势 ( be greater in force)
preeminence PREEMINENCE [pri:'emin2ns]
PREEMINENCE n. 卓越, 杰出(考) preeminence : importance / preponderance : weight(卓越是有重要性/优 势是有分量)
preeminent PREEMINENT [pri:'emin2nt]
PREEMINENT adj. 出类拔萃的(英) adj. 出类拔萃的(having paramount rank or importance;outstan ding)(记) pre(前面)+eminent( 著名的)→在著名的人 前面→出类拔萃的
preempt PREEMPT [pri:'empt]
PREEMPT v. 以先买权取得; 取代(英) v. 以先买权取得(to acquire by preemption);取代(to replace with)(考) preempt : precedence / acquire : possession(先买取得优先权/获 得取得所有权)(记) pre(预先)+empt(买) →先买;(同) 参考:peremptory(断 然的,专横的)派生词:preemption (n. 先买权)
preen PREEN [pri:n]
PREEN v. 整理羽毛; (人)打扮修饰(英) v. 整理羽毛([of a bird] to trim and dress with a bill);(人)打扮修饰(to dress or smooth [oneself] up;primp)(考) preen : self-satisfaction / fume : anger(打扮表示自我满足/ 冒怒气表示愤怒)ingenuous : dissemble / raffish : preen / polite : snub(自然的[人]不会假装 /艳俗的[人]不会打扮 /礼貌的[人]不会怠慢)miser : hoard / dandy : preen / sycophant : fawn / pundit : opinion(吝啬鬼喜欢(记) 参考:plume(整理羽毛 )(同) 参考:plume(整理羽 毛)(例) The birds preen themselves for hours.
preface PREFACE ['prefis]
PREFACE n. 序言(英) n. 序言(introduction)(考) 反义词:epilogue(后 记)(记) pre(前面)+face(脸面 )→前面的脸→开端(例) The author wrote a new preface for the second edition of her book.
prefatory PREFATORY ['pref2t2ri]
PREFATORY adj.作为开场白的(英) adj.作为开场白的(in troductory; of a preface)(考) 反义词:conclusive( 最后的)
prefigure PREFIGURE [pri:'fig2]
PREFIGURE v. 预示; 预想(英) v. 预示(to show, suggest, or announce by an antecedent type);预想(foresee)(记) pre(提前)+figure(形 象)→提前想好形象(同) 派生词:prefigurati on (n. 预兆,预示)(例) prefigure the future(预想未来)
pregnant PREGNANT ['pregn2nt]
PREGNANT adj. 怀孕的; 充满的(英) adj. 怀孕的(gravid);充满的(full, teeming)(考) 反义词:inane(空洞 的)(记) pregn(拿住)+ant→拿 住孩子→怀孕(同) 同根词:pregnable( 可攻克的)
prehensile PREHENSILE [`pri'hensail]
PREHENSILE adj.能抓物的,能缠绕 东西的(英) adj.能抓物的,能缠绕 东西的(capable of grasping or holding)
prehistoric PREHISTORIC [`pri:hi'st0rik]
PREHISTORIC adj. 史前的(英) adj. 史前的 (of a time before recorded history)(记) pre(在...前的)+hi storic(历史的)
prejudice PREJUDICE ['pred7udis]
PREJUDICE n. 偏见,成见 ; v. 使抱偏见(英) n. 偏见,成见 (unfair and often unfavorable feeling or opinion)(记) pre(预先)+judice(判 断)+→预先判断→偏见
prejudiced PREJUDICED ['pred72dist]
PREJUDICED adj. 有偏见的,有成见的(英) adj. 有偏见的,有成见的 (feeling or showing prejudice)(考) 反义词: disinterested(公正 的)
prejudicial PREJUDICIAL [`pred7u'di62l]
PREJUDICIAL adj. 有害的; 引起偏见的(英) adj. 有害的(detrimental) ;引起偏见的(leading to unwarranted opinion)
prelate PRELATE ['prel2t]
PRELATE adj.高级教士(英) adj.高级教士(priest of high position in the church)
preliterate PRELITERATE [`pri:'lit2rit]
PRELITERATE adj. 文字以前的(英) adj. 文字以前的(antedati ng the use of writing)(记) pre(前面)+liter(文 字)+ate→文字以前的(例) a preliterate society(文字出现以 前的社会)
prelude PRELUDE ['prelju:d]
PRELUDE n. 序幕,前奏(英) n. 序幕,前奏(an introductory performance, action, or event)(考) 反义词:coda(尾声)(记) pre(前面)+lude(玩、 弄)→前面演奏的音乐 →序幕,前奏(例) Having arrived at the concert hall late, we missed the prelude.
premature PREMATURE ['prem2t62,`prem2't6u2]
PREMATURE adj. 过早的, 早熟的(英) adj. 过早的, 早熟的(developing or happening before the natural or proper time)(记) pre(提前)+mature (成熟的)
premeditated PREMEDITATED [pri'mediteitid]
PREMEDITATED adj. 预谋的,事先计划的(英) adj. 预谋的,事先计划的( characterized by a measure of forethought)(考) 反义词:offhand(即 兴的); spontaneous(自然的)(记) pre(预先)+meditated (思考过的);(同) 参考:meditation(沉 思)(例) The police couldn't solve the premeditated crime.
premiere PREMIERE ['premie2]
PREMIERE n. 首次公演(英) n. 首次公演(a first performance or exhibition)(记) 来自premier(首要的 ,最早的)→最早的演出(例) Several critics attended the musician's premiere.
premise PREMISE ['premis]
PREMISE n. 前提(英) n. 前提 (a statement or idea on which reasoning is based)(例) Adivce to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
premium PREMIUM ['pri:mi2m]
PREMIUM n. 保险费; 奖金(英) n. 保险费(the consideration paid for a contract of insurance);奖金(a reward or recompense)(记) pre(提前)+em(=empt 买)+ium→提前买下的 东西→保险费(例) My insurance premiums are due on the first of each year.
premonition PREMONITION [`prem2'ni62n]
PREMONITION n. 预感,预兆(英) n. 预感,预兆 (a feeling that something is going to happen)(例) a premonition of disaster
preoccupation PREOCCUPATION [pri:`0kju'pei62n]
PREOCCUPATION n. 全神贯注(英) n. 全神贯注 (the state of being preoccupied);当务之急 (something that takes up one's attention)(考) 反义词:unconcern( 不关心)
preoccupied PREOCCUPIED [pri'0kjupaid]
PREOCCUPIED adj. 心事重重的,出神的(英) adj. 心事重重的,出神的( lost in thought; absorbed in some preoccupation)(记) pre(预先)+occupied( 专心的)→十分专心的(例) The preoccupied leader didn't hear the telephone ring.
preponderance PREPONDERANCE [pri'p0nd2r2ns]
PREPONDERANCE n. 优势; 多数(英) n. 优势(a superiority in weight, power, importance);多数( majority)(考) preeminence : importance / preponderance : weight(卓越是有重要性/优 势是有分量)反义词:commensurat e(相等的)(例) The preponderance of public sentiment is with the victim.
preponderate PREPONDERATE [pri'p0nd2reit]
PREPONDERATE v.(数量上,重要性上) 压倒,超过(英) v.(数量上,重要性上 )压倒,超过(to exceed in weight or importance; outweigh)(记) pre(前面)+ponder(重 量)+ate→重量超过别 的→压倒
preposition PREPOSITION [`prep2'zi62n]
PREPOSITION n. 介词,前置词(英) 介词,前置词(a word used with a noun, pronoun, or -ing form to show its connection with another word)(记) pre(在...前的)+po sition(位置)→位 置放在前面→前置词
prepossessing PREPOSSESSING [`pri:p2'zesi8]
PREPOSSESSING adj.(个性等)给人好 感的(英) adj.(个性等)给人好 感的(tending to create a favorable impression; attractive)(记) pre(预先)+possess( 拥有)+ing→预先就拥 有人的情感→有吸引力的
preposterous PREPOSTEROUS [pri'p0st2r2s]
PREPOSTEROUS adj. 荒谬的(英) adj. 荒谬的(contradictor y to nature or common sense; absurd)(考) 反义词:commonsensi cal(明智的)(记) pre(前面)+poster(招 贴)+ous;联想:像玩 牌时在额前贴上纸条 一样→可笑的(例) a preposterous idea(荒谬的想法)
prerequisite PREREQUISITE [pri:'rekwizit]
PREREQUISITE n. 先决条件(英) n. 先决条件(something that is necessary to an end)(记) pre(预先)+requis(要 求)→ite→预先要求 →先决条件(例) Passing the test is a prerequisite for graduating.
prerogative PREROGATIVE [pri'r0g2tiv]
PREROGATIVE n. 特权(英) n. 特权(privilege, the discretionary power)(记) pre(预先)+rog(要求) +ative→预先要求得 到→特权
presage PRESAGE ['presid7]
PRESAGE n. 预感; v. 预示(英) n. 预感(an intuition or feeling of the future);v. 预示(foreshadow, foretell)(考) harbinger : presage / archetype : exemplify(预兆有预测作用/原 型有示范作用)(记) pre(预先)+sage(智者 ,智慧)→预知(例) Some people say that the appearance of a black cat presages good luck.
prescient PRESCIENT ['pre6i2nt]
PRESCIENT adj. 有先见之明的(英) adj. 有先见之明的(having foreknowledge of events)(考) prescience : future / erudition : esoteric(有先见之明的知道未 来的东西/有学问的知 道深奥的东西)反义词:myopia(短见 )(记) pre(预先)+scient(知 道的);(同) 参考:omniscient(全 知的)派生词:n. prescience(n. 预知)
prescribe PRESCRIBE [pri'skraib]
PRESCRIBE v. 开处方;规定(英) v. 开处方 ( say what treatment a sick person should have);规定(state what must happen in certain conditions)
prescribed PRESCRIBED [pri'skraibd]
PRESCRIBED adj. 规定的(英) adj. 规定的(laid down as a rule ; ordained)(记) pre(预先)+scribe(写 )→预先写好的→规定的(例) The prescribed penalty for certain crimes is life imprisonment.
prescript PRESCRIPT ['priskript]
PRESCRIPT n. 命令,规定(英) n. 命令,规定(command, ordinance)
prescription PRESCRIPTION [pri'skrip62n]
PRESCRIPTION n. 处方(上的药)(英) n. 处方(上的药)(a written direction for the preparation and use of a medicine; a prescribed medicine)(考) overdose : prescription / indiscretion : convention(用药过量没有依照处 方/行为不慎没有依照 习俗)
presentation PRESENTATION [`prez2n'tei62n]
PRESENTATION n. 表演,介绍, 描述(英) n. 表演,介绍, 描述(the way in which something is said, offered, shown, explained to others)(例) She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments.
presenter PRESENTER [pri'zent2]
PRESENTER n. 主持人(英) n. 主持人(the person who brings sth. before the public)(记) present(介绍)+er→ 介绍的人→主持人(例) The presenter announced the five nominees for Best Picture.
preservation PRESERVATION [`prez2'vei62n]
PRESERVATION n. 保持,保护,维护(英) n. 保持,保护,维护 (the act of preserving or state of being preserved)(记) 来自动词preserve
preservative PRESERVATIVE [pri'z2:v2tiv]
PRESERVATIVE adj. 防腐的;n. 防腐剂(英) n. 防腐剂(an additive used to protect against decay, discoloration, or spoilage)(考) censorship : communication / preservative : decay(审查机构防止交流/ 防腐剂防止腐烂)(例) The packaged doughnuts were full of artificial preservatives.
preserve PRESERVE [pri'z2:v]
PRESERVE v. 保护; 保藏(英) v. 保护(protect);保藏(to keep alive or intact; maintain)(记) pre(预先)+serve(保 存)(同) 同根词:reserve(保 留,储备); conserve(保存)(例) Max eats only good things, hoping to preserve his health.
preside PRESIDE [pri'zaid]
PRESIDE v. 任主席; 负责; 指挥(英) v. 任主席; 负责(act as president, chairman);指挥(to exercise control)(记) pre(前面)+side(坐) →坐在前面→主持, 指挥;(同) 参考:president(总 统,校长)(例) When court is in session, the judge presides.
press PRESS [pres]
PRESS v. 挤压(英) v. 挤压(to act upon through steady pushing; squeeze)(考) 反义词: withdraw(撤退)(例) press the orange to get juice
pressing PRESSING ['presi8]
PRESSING adj. 紧迫的,迫切的;恳切 要求的(英) adj. 紧迫的,迫切的 (urgent);恳切要求的(asking for something strongly)
prestidigitation PRESTIDIGITATION [presti`did7i'tei62n]
PRESTIDIGITATION n. 变戏法,手法敏捷(英) n. 变戏法,手法敏捷(a conjuring trick requiring manualdexterity)(记) presti(灵活)+digit( 手指)+ation→灵活的 手指→变戏法
prestigious PRESTIGIOUS [pre'stid72s]
PRESTIGIOUS adj. 有名望的,有威信的(英) adj. 有名望的,有威信的( having prestige; honored)(记) 来自prestige(威信, 魅力),pre(前面)+st ige(拉近,拉紧)→把 人拉到前面的力量→威望(例) The prestigious celebrity raised a lot of money for charity.
presumable PRESUMABLE [pri'zju:m2b2l]
PRESUMABLE adj. 可能的,可假定的(英) adj. 可能的,可假定的(ac ceptable as an assumption)(记) 来自presume(推测, 认定),pre(提前)+su me(=sum结论)→提前 结论→假定
presumed PRESUMED [pri'zu:md]
PRESUMED adj. 假定的,推测的
presumption PRESUMPTION [pri'z3mp62n]
PRESUMPTION n. 冒昧; 专横; 假定(英) n.专横(presumptuous attitude or conduct; audacity);假定(assumption)(考) transgression : morality / presumption : propriety(犯罪不讲道德/专横 不讲礼貌)(例) The presumption of innocence is part of every criminal trial.
presumptuous PRESUMPTUOUS [pri'z3mptju2s]
PRESUMPTUOUS adj. 专横的,冒昧的(英) adj. 专横的,冒昧的(over stepping propriety or courtesy)(考) 反义词:humble(谦恭 的)(记) 来自presume(擅自, 放肆)(例) The bold student asked his teacher a presumptuous personal question.
presupposition PRESUPPOSITION [`pri:s3p2'zi62n]
PRESUPPOSITION n. 预先假定,臆测(英) n. 预先假定,臆测(the act of supposing beforehand)(记) pre(预先)+suppositi on(推测)
pretence PRETENCE [pri'tens]
PRETENCE n.虚伪; 借口(英) n.虚伪(mere ostentation);借口(pretext)(考) pretence : deceive / admonition : reprove(找借口是为了欺骗/ 提训诫是为了责备)(记) pre(预先)+tence(=te nd倾向)→预先装出的 →虚伪(例) make a pretence of affection(假装多情)
pretend PRETEND [pri'tend]
PRETEND v. 假装; 装扮(英) v. 假装 (with the intention of deceiving)
pretension PRETENSION [pri'ten62n]
PRETENSION n. 自命不凡(英) n. 自命不凡(an aspiration or intention that may not reach fulfillment)(例) I make no pretensions to skill as an artist, but I enjoy painting.
pretentious PRETENTIOUS [pri'ten62s]
PRETENTIOUS adj. 自抬身价的(英) adj. 自抬身价的(expressi ve of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance)(例) He always uses pretentious language.
preternatural PRETERNATURAL [`pri:t2'n9t62r2l]
PRETERNATURAL adj. 异常的; 超自然的(英) adj. 异常的(extraordinar y);超自然的(existing outside of nature)(考) 反义词:ordinary(常 见的)(记) preter(超过)+natura l(自然的)(同) 同根词:preterlegal( 超越法律); pretersensual(超越 感觉的)
pretext PRETEXT ['pri:tekst]
PRETEXT n. 借口(英) n. 借口(a purpose or motive assumed in order to cloak the real intention)(记) pre(预先)+text(课文 )→预先的文章→借口(例) John's claim of being sick was a pretext for skipping school.
prevail PREVAIL [pri'veil]
PREVAIL v. 战胜; 盛行(英) v. 战胜(to gain ascendancy ; triumph);盛行(predominate)(记) pre(前面)+vail(=val 力量)→力量在别人前 面→战胜(例) Despite crimes in the news, I believe that kindness prevails.
prevailing PREVAILING [pri'veili8]
PREVAILING adj. 盛行的,流行的
prevalent PREVALENT ['prev2l2nt]
PREVALENT adj. 普遍的,流行的(英) adj. 普遍的,流行的(wide spread, dominant)(考) 反义词:unusual(不 寻常的)(记) pre(前面)+val(力量) +ent(例) Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.
prevaricate PREVARICATE [pri'v9rikeit]
PREVARICATE v. 支吾其词,说谎(英) v. 支吾其词,说谎(to deviate from the truth; equivocate)(记) pre(预先)+varic(=va ry变化)+ate→预先想 好变化之词→支吾,说谎
prevent PREVENT [pri'vent]
PREVENT v. 防止,阻止(英) v. 防止,阻止 ( stop something happening)(记) pre(预先)+vent( 来)→预先来到→抢 先一步,防止别人
preventable PREVENTABLE [pri'vent2bl]
PREVENTABLE adj. 可阻止的,可预防的(记) prevent(防止)+able
preventive PREVENTIVE [pri'ventiv]
PREVENTIVE adj. 预防的,防止的(英) adj. 预防的,防止的 (that helps to prevent something undesirable)(记) prevent(防止)+ive
preview PREVIEW [pri:'vju:]
PREVIEW v./n. 预演,预展(英) v./n. 预演,预展 (a private showing before shown to the general public)(记) pre(预先)+view( 观看)
previous PREVIOUS ['pri:vi2s]
PREVIOUS adj. 在先的,以前的(英) adj. 在先的,以前的 (existing before the one mentioned)(记) pre(以前)+vi(道 路)+ous
prevision PREVISION [pri:'vi72n]
PREVISION n. 先见,预感(英) n. 先见,预感(foresigh t, prescience)(记) pre(预先)+vis(看)+i on→预先看到
prey PREY [prei]
PREY n. 被捕食的动物(英) n. 被捕食的动物(an animal taken by a predator as food)(例) The lion seized its prey and ate it.
prick PRICK [prik]
PRICK n. 小刺; 刺痛; v. 刺伤; 戳穿(英) n. 小刺( sth. pointed);刺痛(sharp feeling of remorse, regret, or sorrow);v. 刺伤(to prick something);戳穿(to pierce with a sharp point)(例) A bee pricks the skin with its sting.
prickle PRICKLE ['prik2l]
PRICKLE n.(动物或植物上的) 刺,棘; v. 刺痛(英) n.(动物或植物上的) 刺,棘(a sharp pointed emergence arising from the epidermis or bark of a plant)(记) prick(刺)+le(例) His mind prickled.(他心灵感 到刺痛)
prickly PRICKLY ['prikli]
PRICKLY adj. 多刺的; 易生气的(英) adj. 易生气的(easily irritated);多刺的(covered with prickles)
prig PRIG [prig]
PRIG n. 道学先生,自命不凡者(英) n. 道学先生,自命不凡 者(one who offends or irritates by observance of proprieties to an obnoxious degree)
prim PRIM [prim]
PRIM adj. 端庄的,整洁的(英) adj. 端庄的,整洁的(neat , trim, decorous)(记) 来自词根prim(最初的 ,最好的)(例) She's much too prim and proper to enjoy such a rude joke.
primacy PRIMACY ['praim2si]
PRIMACY n. 首要,首位(英) n. 首要,首位 (being first in position, importance)
primary PRIMARY ['praim2ri]
PRIMARY adj. 首要的;起初的(英) adj. 首要的(chief; main; principal);起初的(earliest in time)
primate PRIMATE ['praimit]
PRIMATE n. 灵长类(动物)(英) n. 灵长类(动物)(any of an order of mammals comprising humans, apes, monkeys)(记) prim(最早的)+ate→ 最早的动物→灵长类
prime PRIME [praim]
PRIME n. 全盛时期; adj. 首先的, 最好的(英) n. 全盛时期 (the time of greatest perfection);(考) 反义词:uninitial( 非最先的)(例) a prime site for development
primer PRIMER ['praim2]
PRIMER n. 启蒙书,识字课本(英) n. 启蒙书,识字课本(a small book for teaching children to read)(例) The children took their primers from their school desks.
primeval PRIMEVAL [prai'mi:v2l]
PRIMEVAL adj. 原始的, 早期的(英) adj. 原始的, 早期的(of the earliest times)(记) prim(最早)+ev(时间) +al
primitive PRIMITIVE ['primitiv]
PRIMITIVE adj. 原始的,简单的(英) adj. 原始的,简单的(not derived; original, primary)(记) prim(最早的)+titive(例) The museum displayed the skeleton of a primitive ape.
primordial PRIMORDIAL [prai'm0:di2l]
PRIMORDIAL adj. 最初的(英) adj. 最初的(first created or developed)(考) 反义词:most recent(最近的)(记) prim(最早的)+ord(顺 序)+ial(例) Scientists used to believe that all the stars developed from a primordial mass of gases.
primp PRIMP [primp]
PRIMP v. (妇女)刻意打扮(英) v.(妇女)刻意打扮(to dress and groom oneself carefully)(考) primp : vain / gloat : smug(刻意打扮是虚荣的表 现/满意凝视是自鸣得 意的表现)(记) prim(最早,最好)+p →向最好处打扮(例) Anne primped for 30 minutes before going to the party.
principal PRINCIPAL ['prins2p2l]
PRINCIPAL adj. 主要的,重要的(考) 反义词:subordinate (次要的)
principle PRINCIPLE ['prins2pl]
PRINCIPLE n. 原则,原理; 道德,准则(英) n. 原则,原理(a truth or belief that is accepted as a base for reasoning or action); 道德,准则 (a moral rule or set of ideas which guides behavior)
principled PRINCIPLED ['prinsip2ld]
PRINCIPLED adj. 有原则的; 有道德原则的(英) 有原则的(based upon principles)有道德原则的(having principles)(考) moralistic : principled / pedantic : learned(道学气是过分讲究原 则/迂腐是过分讲究学 问)(记) 来自名词principle( 原则)+d
priority PRIORITY [prai'0riti]
PRIORITY n. 在先,居前; 优先权(英) n. 在先,居前(preceden ce in date; superiority in rank, position, or privilege);(记) prior(在前的)+ity→ 在前的状态→优先权(例) Going to the movies is not a priority this week.
pristine PRISTINE ['pristain,'pristi:n]
PRISTINE adj. 太古的; 纯洁的; 新鲜的(英) adj. 太古的(belonging to the earliest period)纯洁的(not spoiled; pure)新鲜的(fresh and clean as if new)(考) pristine : decay / stable : fluctuation(新鲜的不会腐烂/稳 定的不会波动)反义词:corrupted by civilization(被文明 腐蚀的); squalid(肮脏的); contaminated(被污染 的); taint(污点)(记) prist(=prim最早的)+ ine=primitive(例) pristine innocence(天真无邪)
privacy PRIVACY ['praiv2si,`pri]
PRIVACY n.独处; 隐私(考) hedonist : pleasure / recluse : privacy(享乐主义喜欢快乐/ 隐士喜欢独处)
privation PRIVATION [prai'vei62n]
PRIVATION n. 丧失,贫困(英) n. 丧失,贫困(lack of what is needed for existence)(记) priv(分开)+ation→ 人财两分→丧失(同) 同根词:privacy(私 下,隐居); privative(剥夺性的)
privilege PRIVILEGE ['privilid7]
PRIVILEGE n. 特权,特别利益(英) n. 特权,特别利益(bepr erogative)(记) privi(分开, 个人)+lege(法律)→ 有个人的法律→特权(例) Privilege and power are in the hands of only a few people.
probation PROBATION [pr2'bei62n]
PROBATION n. 试用(期),试验(英) n. 试用(期),试验(a period of testing and trial to ascertain fitnes)(记) probe(探索)+ation→ 探索时期(同) 同根词:approbation (认可,批准); probe(探索, 调查)(例) John managed to stay out of trouble during his probation.
probe PROBE [pr2ub]
PROBE v. 探索,探测(英) v. 探索,探测(to search into and explore)(考) cavil : criticize / probe : investigate(挑剔是拼命批判/探 索是认真调查)(例) The detective probed into the circumstances of the murder.
probity PROBITY ['p2ubiti]
PROBITY n. 刚直,正直(英) n. 刚直,正直(uprightn ess; honesty)(考) disinterested : partisanship / venal : probity(公正的不会有党派偏 见/贪污的不会正直)反义词:turpitude( 卑鄙); unscrupulousness(肆 无忌惮)
proboscis PROBOSCIS [pr2'b0sis]
PROBOSCIS n.(象)长鼻; (昆虫等)吸管(英) n.(象)长鼻(the trunk of an elephant);(昆虫等)吸管(elonga ted or extensible snout of an invertebrate)(记) prob(探索)+oscis→ 探索之鼻, 象鼻
proceeds PROCEEDS ['pr2usi:dz]
PROCEEDS n. 收入(英) n. 收入(the total amount brought in)(记) 来自proceed(继续前 进,举行),pro(向前 )+ceed(走),proceed s指举行某种活动而得的收入(例) The proceeds from the auction were donated to charity.
procession PROCESSION [pr2'se62n]
PROCESSION n. 行列; 前进(英) n. 行列(a group of individuals moving along);前进(progression)(记) pro(向前)+cess(走)+ ion→前进(例) There was a long procession of actors at the open auditions.
proclaim PROCLAIM [pr2'kleim]
PROCLAIM v. 宣告,宣布; 显示(英) v. 宣告,宣布 (declare officially);显示( show clearly)(记) pro(在前)+claim( 叫喊)→在前面喊→ 公布
proclamation PROCLAMATION [`pr0kl2'mei62n]
PROCLAMATION n. 公告,声明(英) n. 公告,声明(an official public statement)(记) proclaim(宣告)+atio n
proclivity PROCLIVITY [pr2'kliv2ti]
PROCLIVITY n. 倾向,癖性(英) n. 倾向,癖性(an inclination or predisposition)(考) 反义词:aversion(厌 恶)(记) pro(向前)+cliv(斜坡 )+ity→向前斜→倾向(同) 同根词:acclivity( 斜坡,上斜)(例) John has a proclivity to cleanliness that Mary finds irritating.
procrastinate PROCRASTINATE [pr2u'kr9stineit]
PROCRASTINATE v. 耽搁,拖延(英) v. 耽搁,拖延(to put off intentionally and habitually)(考) equivocate : commitment / procrastinate : action(含糊其词不想实现承 诺/拖延不想采取行动)dilatory : procrastinate / malcontent : complain(拖拉的[人]耽误/不 满的[人]抱怨)husbandry: dissipate / alacrity : procrastinate(管理使不散漫/敏捷 使不拖延)(记) pro(向前)+crastin( 明天)+ate→直到明天 再干→拖延(例) I procrastinated returning the library book until it was overdue.
procrastination PROCRASTINATION [pr2u`kr9sti'nei62n]
PROCRASTINATION n. 延迟,拖延(考) 反义词:diligence( 勤奋)
procreate PROCREATE ['pr2ukrieit]
PROCREATE v. 生育(英) v. 生育(to beget and bring forth offspring; propagate)(记) pro(向前)+create(创 造)→不断创造→生育 儿女(例) Animals have the power to procreate their species.
procrustean PROCRUSTEAN [pr2u'kr3sti2n]
PROCRUSTEAN adj. 强求一致的(英) adj. 强求一致的(disregar d of individual differences or special circumstances)(记) 源自Procrustes,希腊 神话中的巨人,抓到 人后,缚之床榻,体 长者截下肢,体短者 拔之使与床齐长
proctor PROCTOR ['pr0kt2]
PROCTOR n. 代理人,学监(英) n. 代理人,学监(one appointed to supervise students)(考) proctor : supervise / prodigal : squander(学监监督/挥霍者挥 霍)(例) The proctor handed me a newly sharpened pencil.
procure PROCURE [pr2'kju2]
PROCURE v. 取得,获得(英) v. 取得,获得(obtain or aquire)(考) 反义词:relinquish( 放弃)-procure(记) pro(向前)+cure(关心 ,治疗)→关心…向前 发展→取得
prod PROD [pr0d]
PROD v.刺,捅;激励(英) v.刺,捅(poke);激励( stir up; urge)(考) 反义词:rein(抑制)(例) She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasinoally.
prodigal PRODIGAL ['pr0dig2l]
PRODIGAL adj. 挥霍的; n. 挥霍者(英) adj. 挥霍的(lavish);n. 挥霍者(one who spends or gives lavishly and foolishly)(考) proctor : supervise / prodigal : squander(学监监督/挥霍者挥 霍)covetous : desire / querulous : complain / prodigal : spend / parsimonious : save(贪婪的人贪婪/爱抱 怨的人抱怨/挥霍的人 花钱/吝啬的人节省)miser : parsimonious / spendthrift : prodigal(吝啬鬼很吝啬/挥霍 者(记) prodig(巨大,浪费)+ al→挥霍的
prodigality PRODIGALITY [`pr0di'g9l2ti]
PRODIGALITY n. 浪费,挥霍(考) prodigality : spending / gluttony : eating(挥霍是过分花费/暴 食是过分吃)mean : prodigality / meek : arrogance(反义: 吝啬对挥霍/谦逊对自 大)courage : rashness / generosity : prodigality(过分勇敢是鲁莽/过 分慷慨是挥霍)反义词:penury(吝啬 ); husbandry(节约)
prodigious PRODIGIOUS [pr2'did72s]
PRODIGIOUS adj. 很大的,巨大的(英) adj. 很大的,巨大的(extr aordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree; enormous)(考) 反义词:slight(微小 的)(例) I have a prodigious amount of work to do before I leave.
prodigy PRODIGY ['pr0did7i]
PRODIGY n. 奇事; 奇才(英) n. 奇事(something extraordinary or inexplicable);奇才(a highly talented child or youth)(考) prodigy : person / miracle : occurrence(奇才是神奇的人/奇 迹是神奇的事)(例) The young prodigy spoke Latin and Greek before she was 5.
produce PRODUCE [pr2'dju:s,'pr0dju:s]
PRODUCE n. 产品,农产品(英) n. 产品,农产品 (something that has been produced)(考) envelope : letter / crate : produce(信封里装信/柳条箱 里装农产品)(记) pro(向前)+duce( 引导)→引出的产品
productive PRODUCTIVE [pr2'd3ktiv]
PRODUCTIVE adj. 多产的;生产的(英) adj. 多产的(that produces well or in large quantities);生产的(of production of goods or wealth)(记) product(产物,产品 )+ive
productivity PRODUCTIVITY [`pr0d3k'tiviti]
PRODUCTIVITY n. 生产力,生产率(英) n. 生产力,生产率 (the rate of producing goods, crops)(记) product(产物,产品 )+ivity
profane PROFANE [pr2'fein]
PROFANE v. 亵渎,玷污(英) v. 亵渎,玷污(to treat with abuse, irreverence, or contempt; desecrate)(考) pierce : impenetrable / profane : inviolable(不可穿透的不能刺透 /神圣的不能亵渎)反义词:revere(崇敬 ); treat reverently(虔诚地对 待); inviolable(神圣的)(记) pro(在前)+fane(神庙 )→在神庙前(做坏事) →亵渎(同) 派生词: profanity (n. 不敬,渎神blasphemy )(例) Please don't profane things that are sacred to other people.
professional PROFESSIONAL [pr2'fe62n2l]
PROFESSIONAL adj. 职业的,专业的; n. 专业人士; 专门职业者(英) 职业的,专业的(worki ng in one of the professions)内行,专业人士(a person who has great experience and high professional standards)专门职业者(a person who earns money by practicing a particular skill or sport)(考) professonal : rookie / soldier : recruit(新手相对于专业人士 /新兵相对于老兵)(记) 来自名词profession( 职业)
proffer PROFFER ['pr0f2]
PROFFER v. 献出,赠送; n. 提议,建议(英) v. 献出,赠送(to present for acceptance; tender, offer);n. 提议,建议(offer suggestion)(考) 反义词:retain(保留 )(记) pro(向前)+offer(提 供)→向前提供→献出(例) He refused the proffered drink.
proficient PROFICIENT [pr2'fi62nt]
PROFICIENT adj. 熟练的,精通的(英) adj. 熟练的,精通的(well advanced in knowledge)(考) pest : irksome / expert : proficient(讨厌的人讨厌/专家 精通)(记) pro(在前)+ficient( 做的)→做在别人前面 →熟练的(同) 同根词:sufficient( 足够的);deficient( 缺乏的)派生词: proficiency (n. 熟练,精通)(例) The linguist was proficient in five languages.
profile PROFILE ['pr2ufail]
PROFILE n. 外形,轮廓侧面像(英) n. 外形,轮廓侧面像(so mething in outline; a human head or face seen in a side view)(记) pro(前面)+file(=fil i线条)→前部的线条 →外形,轮廓(例) He drew her profile.
profiteer PROFITEER [`pr0fi'ti2]
PROFITEER n. 奸商,牟取暴利者(英) n. 奸商,牟取暴利者(on e who makes an unreasonable profit)(记) profit(利润)+eer(人 )→赚利润之人→奸商(例) The profiteer sold items in short supply for very high prices.
profligacy PROFLIGACY ['pr0fig2si]
PROFLIGACY n. 放荡,肆意挥霍(考) 反义词: frugality(节俭)
profligate PROFLIGATE ['pr0fligit]
PROFLIGATE adj. 挥金如土的; n. 挥霍者(英) adj. 挥金如土的(wildly extravagant; prodigal)(考) profigate : solvent ./ mercurial : committed(挥霍的没有尝债能力 /善变的没有一心一意)querulous(loquaciou s): words / profligate : money(多话的喜欢说话/挥 霍的喜欢花钱)反义词:parsimoniou s(小气的); provident(节俭的); barren(贫瘠的)(记) pro(向前)+flig(搅, 拌)+ate→搅拌掉→挥 霍掉
profound PROFOUND [pr2'faund]
PROFOUND adj. 深的,深刻的; 渊博的,深奥的(英) adj. 深的,深刻的(deep, very strongly felt);渊博的,深奥的(usin g thorough knowledge and deep understanding)(考) glacial : cold / profound : deep(程度: 极冷和冷/极深和深)反义词:shallow(浅 的,肤浅的)(例) profound mysteries
profundity PROFUNDITY [pr2'f3nditi]
PROFUNDITY n. 深奥,深刻(英) n. 深奥,深刻(somethin g profound or abstruse)(考) maladroit : skill / glib : profundity(笨拙的没有技巧/油 嘴的没有深度)反义词:superficial ity(肤浅的)(记) 来自profound(深刻的 ),pro+found(基础) →找到基础→深刻;(同) 参考:unfounded(没 有根据的)
profuse PROFUSE [pr2'fju:s]
PROFUSE adj. 很多的; 浪费的(英) adj. 很多的(bountiful; lavish);浪费的(extravagant)(考) 反义词:scant(不足 的); scanty(不足的)(记) pro(向前)+fuse(流) →向前流→大量的(例) a profuse spender(大手大脚花 钱的人) / There was a profuse amount of ice on the airplane's wing.
profusion PROFUSION [pr2'fju:72n]
PROFUSION n. 丰富,大量; 浪费(英) n. 丰富,大量(great quantity);浪费(lavish expenditure)(考) 反义词:paucity(稀 少)(例) a profuse spender(大手大脚化 钱的人)
progenitor PROGENITOR [pr2u'd7en2t2]
PROGENITOR n. 祖先,始祖(英) n. 祖先,始祖(an ancestor in the direct line; forefather)(记) pro(前)+genit(产生) +or→生在前面的人→ 祖先;(同) 参考:progeniture( 生殖,后代)(例) Humans and apes share a common progenitor.
progeny PROGENY ['pr0d7ini]
PROGENY n. 后代,子女(英) n. 后代,子女(descenda nts, children)(记) pro(前)+geny(产生) →前人所生下的→后代(例) the progeny of a wheat cross(一种杂交小麦 的后代)
prognosticate PROGNOSTICATE [pr0g'n0stikeit]
PROGNOSTICATE v. 预测,预示(英) v. 预测,预示(to foretell from signs or symptoms; predict)(记) pro(提前)+gnostic( 知道)+ate→预测(同) 同根词:diagnostic( 诊断的); agnostic(不可知论者)
prohibitive PROHIBITIVE [pr2'hibitiv]
PROHIBITIVE adj. 抑制的,价格昂贵的(英) adj. 抑制的,价格昂贵的( [prices or expenses] extremely high)(考) prohibitive : purchase / peremptory : dispute(昂贵的无法购买/强 制的无法争论)(记) pro(提前)+hibit(拿 住)+ive→提前拿住→ 抑制的,禁止的
projectile PROJECTILE [pr2'd7ektail]
PROJECTILE n. 抛射物,发射体(英) n. 抛射物,发射体(a body projected by external force)(考) armada : vehicles / fusillade : projectiles(舰队由船只组成/连 发由射弹组成)(记) pro(向前)+ject(扔)+ ile→扔向前的东西→ 抛射物
projector PROJECTOR [pr2'd7ekt2]
PROJECTOR n. 电影放映机,幻灯机(英) n. 电影放映机,幻灯机 (an apparatus for projecting films or pictures onto a surface)
proliferate PROLIFERATE [pr2'lif2reit]
PROLIFERATE v. 繁殖; 激增(英) v. 繁殖(to grow by rapid production);激增(to increase rapidly; multiply)(考) expand : volume / proliferate : number(体积膨胀/数目扩增)反义词:dwindle(逐 渐减少)(记) pro(向前)+lifer(后 代)+ate→后代增加→ 繁殖(例) Tropical vegetation proliferates quickly.
prolific PROLIFIC [pr2'lifik]
PROLIFIC adj. 多产的,多结果的(英) adj. 多产的,多结果的(fr uitful; fertile)(记) 参考: a prolific writer(多产作家)(例) a prolific writer(多产作家)
prolix PROLIX ['pr2uliks]
PROLIX adj. 啰嗦的,冗长的(英) adj. 罗嗦的,冗长的(undu ly prolonged)(考) 反义词:pithy(精练 的); taciturn(沉默寡言的)(记) pro(向前)+lix(可能 来自lex,词语)→话 语太多→冗长的(同) n. prolixity
prolixity PROLIXITY [pr2u'liksiti]
PROLIXITY n.罗嗦(英) n.罗嗦(tedious wordiness; verbosity)(考) 反义词:extreme brevity(极为简洁); conciseness(简洁); succinctness(简洁)
prologue PROLOGUE ['pr2ul0g]
PROLOGUE n. 开场白; 序幕(英) n. 开场白(introduction )(考) prologue : novel / preamble : statute(小说前言/法律序言)反义词:epilogue(后 记)(记) pro(在前面)+logue( 话语)→前面说的话(例) The play's prologue was spoken by a chorus of six actors.
prolong PROLONG [pr2'l08]
PROLONG v. 延长,拉长(英) v. 延长,拉长(to lengthen in time, extent, or range)(考) accelerate : speed / prolong : duration(加速是加快速度/延 长是延长时间)反义词:curtail(缩 短); truncate(截短)(记) pro(向前)+long(长) →拉长(例) The strong medications prolonged the sick man's life.
promenade PROMENADE [`pr0m2'nd,'pr0m2nd]
PROMENADE n./v. 散步,开车兜风(英) n./v. 散步,开车兜风(a leisurely walk or ride for pleasure or display)(记) pro(向前)+menade(=w alk, drive)→向前走→散步(例) take a promenade in the street
prominent PROMINENT ['pr0min2nt]
PROMINENT adj. 显著的;著名的(英) adj. 显著的(noticeable);著名的(of great importance, fame)(记) pro(向前)+min(伸 )+ent→向前伸出→ 杰出的
promiscuous PROMISCUOUS [pr2'miskju2s]
PROMISCUOUS adj. 滥交的; 杂乱的(英) adj. 滥交的(not restricted to one's sexual partner);杂乱的(indiscrimina te)(记) pro(向前)+miscu(混 乱)+ity→杂乱(同) 同根词:miscellaneo us(混杂的)派生词: promiscuity (n. 滥交;混杂)(例) The promiscuous man spread herpes to his sex partners.
promote PROMOTE [pr2'm2ut]
PROMOTE v. 提升;促进(英) v. 提升( give someone a higher position or rank);促进(help in the growth or development of)(考) 反义词:abate(减少) ; subside(下沉)(记) pro(向前)+mote( 动)→向前动→促进(同) 派生词: promotion (n. 提升; 推销); promotor(推动者)
prompt PROMPT [pr0mpt]
PROMPT v. 促使,激起; adj. 敏捷的,迅速的(英) v. 促使,激起(to move to action; incite);adj. 敏捷的,迅速的(read y and quick to act as occasion demands)(考) alacrity : prompt / acumen : shrewd(敏捷和敏捷的/敏锐 和敏锐的)反义词:check(阻止)(同) 派生词: promptness (n. 敏捷,迅速)(例) The bad weather prompted me to dress warmly.
promulgate PROMULGATE ['pr0m2lgeit]
PROMULGATE v. 颁布,传播(法令)(英) v. 颁布,传播(法令)(to put [a law] into action or force)(考) 反义词: keep secret(保密)(记) pro(前面)+mulg(人民 )+ate→放到人民前面 的→颁布(例) promulgate a constitution
prone PRONE [pr2un]
PRONE adj. 俯卧的; 易于...的(英) adj. 俯卧的(lying flat or prostrate);易于…的(having a tendency or inclination)(例) He is prone to be late for work.(他上班往往迟 到)
pronounced PRONOUNCED [pr2'naunst]
PRONOUNCED adj.(观点等)强硬的, 明显的(英) adj.(观点等)强硬的, 明显的(strongly marked; decided)(记) 来自pronounce(宣称 ,发音)+d→被宣布的 →明显的_(例) You won't easily make him change his opinion, he has very pronounced ideas on everything.
prop PROP [pr0p]
PROP n. 支撑物,靠山; v. 支持(英) n. 支撑物,靠山(suppor t);v. 支持(to support)(例) use two sticks as props for a sagging tent.
propagate PROPAGATE ['pr0p2geit]
PROPAGATE v. 繁殖; 传播(英) v. 繁殖(to multiply);传播(to cause to spread out; publicize)(考) 反义词:fail to multiply(不能繁殖); check(阻碍)(记) pro+pag(砍,切)+ate →原义是把树的旁枝 剪掉使主干成长→引 申为繁殖(例) Most plants propagate by seed.
propagation PROPAGATION [`pr0p2'gei62n]
PROPAGATION n. 繁殖(考) 反义词:extirpation (灭绝)
propel PROPEL [pr2'pel]
PROPEL v. 推进(英) v. 推进(to drive forward or onward; push )(记) pro(向前)+pel(推)→ 推进(例) The rocket was propelled into space from the launching pad.
propeller PROPELLER [pr2'pel2]
PROPELLER n. 螺旋桨; 推进器(英) n. 螺旋桨; 推进器(one that propels)
propensity PROPENSITY [pr2'pensiti]
PROPENSITY n. 嗜好,习性(英) n. 嗜好,习性(an often intense natural inclination or preference)(考) 反义词:predilection (偏爱)-propensity to dislike; antipathy(厌恶); aversion(厌恶)(记) pro(向前)+pens(挂)+ ity→预先挂好了→癖好(例) Bill's friends are aware of his propensity for gossiping.
prophecy PROPHECY ['pr0fisi]
PROPHECY n. 预言(英) n. 预言 (a statement telling something that will happen in the future)(考) mentor : guidance / oracle : prophecy(良师指导/预言者预 言)(例) He seemed to have the gift of prophecy.
prophet PROPHET ['pr0fit]
PROPHET n. 先知; 预言家(英) n. 先知; 预言家(a person who claims to be able to tell the course of future events)
prophylactic PROPHYLACTIC [`pr0fi'l9ktik]
PROPHYLACTIC adj. 预防疾病的(英) adj. 预防疾病的(preventi ng disease)(记) pro(预先)+phylact( 保护)+ic(例) vaccination and other prophylactic measures.
propinquity PROPINQUITY [pr2'pi8kwiti]
PROPINQUITY n. 邻近; 亲近(英) n. 邻近(nearness in place or time; proximity);亲近(nearness of blood; kinship)(记) propinqu(近)+ity→ 邻近;(同) 参考:propinquant( 接近的)
propitiate PROPITIATE [pr2'pi6ieit]
PROPITIATE v. 讨好,抚慰(英) v. 讨好,抚慰(appease, conciliate; pacify)(考) immutable : altered / inalienable : surrendered / implacable : propitiated(不可更改的无法改变 /不可屈服的无法征服 /不可安抚的无法劝解)反义词: arouse hostility(激起敌意) ; antagonize(对抗); incense(激怒)(记) pro(向前)+piti(=pet 寻求)+ate→主动寻求 和解→讨好,求好感(例) England tried to propitiate Germany before Word War.
propitiatory PROPITIATORY [pr2'pi6i2t2ri]
PROPITIATORY adj. 讨好的,调解的(英) adj. 讨好的,调解的(inte nded to propitiate; expiatory)
propitious PROPITIOUS [pr2'pi62s]
PROPITIOUS adj. 吉利的; 顺利的(英) adj. 吉利的(auspicious; favorable);顺利的(advantageous )(记) pro(向前)+pit(=pet 寻求)+ious→所寻求 的→吉利的(例) a propitious omen(吉兆)
proponent PROPONENT [pr2'p2un2nt]
PROPONENT n. 支持者,拥护者(英) n. 支持者,拥护者(advo cate)(考) 反义词:detractor( 贬低者)(记) pro(向前)+pon(放)+e nt;(同) 参考:opponent(反对 者)(例) The candidate's proponents applauded her speech.
proportion PROPORTION [pr2'p0:62n]
PROPORTION n. 比例; v. 使成比例(英) n. 比例; v. 使成比例( make into correct proportion)
proposition PROPOSITION [`pr0p2'zi62n]
PROPOSITION n. 看法(英) n. 看法 (an unproved statement);提议(a suggested business offer, arrangement, or settlement)(记) propose(建议,提议 )+ition
propound PROPOUND [pr2'paund]
PROPOUND v. 提出...供考虑(英) v. 提出...供考虑 (put forward as a matter for consideration)(例) propound an idea
proprietary PROPRIETARY [pr2'prai2t2ri]
PROPRIETARY adj. 私有的(英) adj. 私有的(privately owned and managed)(记) 来自proprietor(所有 人)+y;propr(拥有)(同) 同根词:property(财 产)
propriety PROPRIETY [pr2'prai2ti]
PROPRIETY n. 礼节,适当(英) n. 礼节,适当(appropri ateness; decorum)(考) transgression : morality / presumption : propriety(犯罪不讲道德/傲慢 不讲礼貌)prudish : propriety / finicky : quality(过分注意礼节/过分 挑剔质量)indecorous : propriety / boorish : sensitivity(无礼的[人]没有礼貌 /鲁钝的[人]没有敏感)(记) propriet(拥有)+y→ 拥有得体的行为(例) a breach of propriety(失礼行为)
propulsion PROPULSION [pr2'p3l62n]
PROPULSION n. 推进力(英) n. 推进力(something that propels)(记) pro(向前)+puls(跳动 ,推动)+ion→向前推 →推进力(同) 同根词:repulse(驱 逐,反击); impulsive(冲动的)(例) The plane was thrust forward by jet propulsion.
prorogue PROROGUE [pr2u'r2ug,pr2`]
PROROGUE v. 休会; 延期(英) v. 休会(to suspend a legislative session);延期(postpone; adjourn)(记) pro(前面)+rogue(问) →在前面通知下次开 会(的日期)→休会
prosaic PROSAIC [pr2u'zeiik]
PROSAIC adj. 单调的,无趣的(英) adj. 单调的,无趣的(dull , unimaginative)(考) insipid : invention / prosaic : imagination(乏味的没有创新/单 调的没有想象力)反义词: extraordinary(非凡 的); exceptional(例外的) ; imaginary(幻想的);e xciting(刺激的)(记) 来自prose(散文)+aic →散文一般的→单调的
proscribe PROSCRIBE [pr2u'skraib]
PROSCRIBE v. 禁止(英) v. 禁止(to forbid as harmful or unlawful; prohibit)(考) 反义词:permit(允许 ); sanction(批准)(记) pro(前面)+scribe(写 )→写在前面→禁止(同) 同根词:prescribe( 开处方); circumscribe(限定)(例) The city council proscribed smoking in public places.
prose PROSE [pr2uz]
PROSE n. 散文(英) n. 散文 (written language in its usual form)(考) prose : paragraph / poetry : stanza(散文由段落组成/诗 由诗节组成)
prosecute PROSECUTE ['pr0sikju:t]
PROSECUTE v. 告发,检举(英) v. 告发,检举(to carry on a legal suit or prosecution)(考) mediation : compromise / prosecution : conviction(调停目的是和解/起 诉目的是定罪)(记) pro(前面)+secu(跟随 )+te;(同) 参考:persecute(迫 害)派生词: prosecution (n. 起诉,检控); prosecutor n. 起诉人(例) He was prosecuted for stealing. Bob will be prosecuted for fraud.
proselyte PROSELYTE ['pr0silait]
PROSELYTE n. 皈依者,改变宗教信仰 者(英) n. 皈依者,改变宗教信 仰者(a new convert)(记) pros(靠近)+elyte(来 到)→靠近宗教→皈依者
proselytize PROSELYTIZE ['pr0s2l2laiz]
PROSELYTIZE v. 使...皈依(英) v. 使…皈依(to recruit or convert to a new faith)
proselytizer PROSELYTIZER ['pl0silitaiz2]
PROSELYTIZER n. 改变宗教信仰者(考) hunter : quarry / proselytizer : convert(猎人猎取/改变宗教 信仰者改变信仰)
prospective PROSPECTIVE [pr2'spektiv]
PROSPECTIVE adj. 未来的; 预期的(英) adj. 未来的(effective in the future);预期的(expected)(记) pro(向前)+spect(看) +ive→向前看→未来的(例) prospective students of the university
prospects PROSPECTS [pr2'spekts]
PROSPECTS n. 期望;前景(英) n. 期望(reasonable hope of something happening);前景(something which is probable soon)
prosper PROSPER ['pr0sp2]
PROSPER v. 兴旺,繁荣(英) v. 兴旺,繁荣 ( become successful and esp. rich)(考) palmy : prosperity / draconian : severity(繁荣的和繁荣/严峻 的和严峻)(记) pro(向前)+sper(希望 )→希望在前面→繁荣 ,成功(同) 同根词:desperation (绝望);派生词: prosperity (n. 繁荣,兴旺)
prosperous PROSPEROUS ['pr0sp2r2s]
PROSPEROUS adj. 繁荣富强的(考) 反义词:depressed( 沮丧的); impecunious(贫穷的)(例) The prosperous nation received its revenues from oil.
prostrate PROSTRATE ['pr0streit,pr0'streit]
PROSTRATE adj.俯卧的,沮丧的 v. 使屈服(英) adj.俯卧的,沮丧的( prone);(考) 反义词:erect(直立)(例) The storm prostratedhundreds of trees(暴风雨刮倒了 几百棵树)
protagonist PROTAGONIST [pr2u't9g2nist]
PROTAGONIST n. 提议者,支持者(英) n. 提议者,支持者(a leader, proponent; champion)(记) prot(首先)+agon(打 ,行动)+ist→首先行 动者→支持者(同) 同根词:antagonist( 对抗者); agony(极度痛苦)
protean PROTEAN ['pr2uti2n,pr2u'ti:2n]
PROTEAN adj. 变化多端的,多变的(英) adj. 变化多端的,多变的 (continually changing)(考) circular : asymmetrical / protean : rigid(圆形的不是非对称的 /变化多端的不是死板 的)反义词: static(静态的)(记) 来自海神Proteus,喻 海的变化无常(例) the protean changes of nature(自然界的千变 万化)
protect PROTECT [pr2'tekt]
PROTECT v. 保护(英) v. 保护(to keep from harm or injury)(考) food : nourish / antibodies : protect(食物用来滋养/抗体 用来保护)
protest PROTEST [pr2'test,'pr2utest]
PROTEST n./v. 抗议,反对(英) v./n. 抗议,反对(organiz ed public demonstration of disapproval)(考) protest : dissuade / supplicate : entreat(抗议为了劝止/哀恳 为了恳求)(记) pro(在前面)+test( =assert断言)→在前 面抗议;注意:prote ct(保护)(例) The workers protested the reductions in their benefits.
protocol PROTOCOL ['pr2ut2k0l]
PROTOCOL n.外交礼节; 协议(英) n.外交礼节(a code to correct etiquette and precedence);协议(an original draft of a document or transaction)(考) protocol : blunder / bumper : damage(礼节是为了防止社交 错误/保险杠是为了防 止毁坏)grammar : language / protocol : conduct(语法是语言的规则/ 礼节是行为的规则)(记) proto(首要)+col→ 首要的东西→礼节(例) The worker was reprimanded for not following proper protocol.
prototype PROTOTYPE ['pr2ut2taip]
PROTOTYPE n.原型; 典型(英) n.原型(an original model; archetype);典型(a standard or typical example)(记) proto(首先)+type( 形状)→首先的形状→ 原型(例) The architect's novel design was the prototype on which more buildings were based.
protract PROTRACT [pr2'tr9kt]
PROTRACT v.延长,拖长(英) v.延长,拖长(to prolong in time or space; continue)(考) 反义词:curtail(缩 短); cut short(减短)[类比]pr otract : length / throng : number(拖延使长度加 长/群聚使数量增多)(记) pro(向前)+tracts( 拉)→向前拉→延长(例) a protracted stay in hospital
protracted PROTRACTED [pr2u'tr9ktid]
PROTRACTED adj. 拖延的(考) 反义词:summary(迅 速的)(记) protract(延长;pro[ 向前]+tract[拉] →向前拉→延长)+ed
protrude PROTRUDE [pr2'tru:d]
PROTRUDE v.突出,伸出(英) v.突出,伸出(to jut out from the surrounding surface or context)(记) pro(向前)+trude(伸 出)→向前伸→伸出(同) 同根词:intrude(闯 入); extrude(伸出)派生词: protrusive (adj.伸出来的, 突出的prominent, protuberant)(例) A sharp nail protruded from the beam of wood.
protuberant PROTUBERANT [pr2'tju:b2r2nt]
PROTUBERANT adj.突出的,隆起的(英) adj.突出的,隆起的( thrusting out; prominent)(考) 反义词:depressed( 下陷的)(记) pro(向前)+tuber(块 茎)+ant→块茎突出(同) 派生词: protuberance (n.节疤,凸出)(例) protuberant ankles(突出的脚踝)
provenance PROVENANCE ['pr0v2n2ns]
PROVENANCE n.(艺术等的)出处,起 源(英) n.(艺术等的)出处, 起源(origin, source)(记) pro(前面)+ven(来) +ance→前面来的东_ 西→起源_(例) a word of French provenance
provender PROVENDER ['pr0v2nd2]
PROVENDER n.(牛马吃的)草料,粮 秣(英) n.(牛马吃的)草料, 粮秣(dry food for domestic animals)(记) 来自provide(提供)的 变体
proverbially PROVERBIALLY [pr2'v2:bi2li]
PROVERBIALLY adv.无人不知地(英) adv.无人不知地(comm only spoken of)(记) 来自proverb(谚语), '谚语'大家都熟悉(例) He's proverbially late; no one ever expects him to come at the right time.
provident PROVIDENT ['pr0vid2nt]
PROVIDENT adj.深谋远虑的; 节俭的(英) adj.深谋远虑的(prud ent);节俭的(frugal; thrifty)(考) 反义词:profligate( 挥霍的)(记) pro(向前)+vid(看) +ent→向前看的→有 远见的;(同) 参考:improvidence( 浪费)派生词: providence (n.深谋远虑,远见)
provincial PROVINCIAL [pr2'vin62l]
PROVINCIAL adj.偏狭的,粗俗的(英) adj.偏狭的,粗俗的( limited in outlook; narrow)(考) bigoted : tolerant / provincial : cosmopolitan / servile : domination(顽固的不容忍/偏狭 的无世界性/奴性的不 统治)(记) 来自province(省)→ 地方性的→偏狭的(例) John's prejudice is an example of his provincial thinking.
provision PROVISION [pr2'vi72n]
PROVISION n.(粮食)供应; (法律等)条款(英) n.(粮食)供应(a stock of needed materials or supplies);(法律等)条款(stipul ation)(记) provide(提供)的名词 ,pro(向前)+vide( 看)(例) the provisions of the agreement
provisional PROVISIONAL [pr2'vi72n2l]
PROVISIONAL adj.暂时的,临时的(英) adj.暂时的,临时的( temporary)(考) 反义词:definitive( 决定性的)(例) provisional regulations(暂行条 例)
provisory PROVISORY [pr2u'vaiz2ri]
PROVISORY adj.有附带条件的(考) 反义词:uncondition al(绝对的)(the act of provoking; incitement)(记) 来自provoke(激怒),(例) The enemy's provocation caused our nation to declare war.The author's provocative book was also quite controversial.
provoke PROVOKE [pr2'v2uk]
PROVOKE v.激怒; 挑逗(英) v.激怒(to incite to anger);挑逗(evoke; stimulate)(考) 反义词:choleric(易 怒的)-difficult to provoke(很难被激怒 的);jejune(无兴趣的 )-thought-provoking (激发思想的)(记) pro(前面)+voke_(喊 )→在别人前面喊→ 激怒,挑衅(同) 同根词:invoke(恳求 ); revoke(取消)派生词: provocation (n.激怒); provocative (adj.激怒的,挑战的 )(例) The bear provoked the bees by swatting at their hive.
provoked PROVOKED [pr2'v2uk]
PROVOKED adj. 被激起的(考) attack : vanquished / goad : provoked(进攻使被征服/刺激 使被激起)
prowess PROWESS ['prauis]
PROWESS n.勇敢; 不凡的能力(英) n.勇敢(distinguishe d bravery);不凡的能力(extraord inary ability)(考) 反义词:timidity(胆 小)(记) 来自prow(英勇的), 是proud 的变体(例) The tribesmen sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.
proximate PROXIMATE ['pr0ksimit]
PROXIMATE adj.最接近的,直接的(英) adj.最接近的,直接 的(immediately preceding or following; imminent)(记) proxim(接近)+ate→ 接近的;(同) 参考:approximate( 大约的)
proximity PROXIMITY [pr0k'simiti]
PROXIMITY n.接近,附近(英) n.接近,附近(the quality of proximate; closeness)(例) Due to Bob's proximity to the microphone, his words were clearly recorded.
prude PRUDE [pru:d]
PRUDE n.过分守礼的人(英) n.过分守礼的人(a person who is excessively attentive to propriety or decorum)(考) fanatic : devoted / prude : proper(狂热者过分热衷/拘 谨者过分得体)(记) prud(小心)+e→小心 之人;(同) 参考:prudent(小心 的); prudence(谨慎)(例) The prude blushed when I told a slightly vulgar joke.
prudery PRUDERY ['pru:d2ri]
PRUDERY n.过分守礼,假正经(英) n.过分守礼,假正经( the characteristic quality of a prude)
prudish PRUDISH ['pru:di6]
PRUDISH adj.过分守礼的,假道 学的(英) adj.过分守礼的,假 道学的(marked by prudery; priggish)(考) prudish : propriety / finicky : quality(拘谨是过分注意礼节 /挑剔是过分注意质量)(例) The prudish minister thought dancing was sinful.
prune PRUNE [pru:n]
PRUNE n.梅干; v.修剪(英) n.梅干(a plum dried without fermentation);v.修剪(to cut away what is unwanted or superfluous)(考) prune : hedge / trim : hair(修剪树篱/修剪头发)prune : plum / raisin : grape(梅干和梅/葡萄干和 葡萄)(例) prune all the dead branches
prurient PRURIENT ['pru2ri2nt]
PRURIENT adj.好色的,淫乱的(英) adj.好色的,淫乱的( arousing, or appealing to unusual sexual desire)(记) pruri(痒)+ent→心 里痒痒→渴望的,好 色的(同) 派生词: prurience (n.好色,淫乱)
pry PRY [prai]
PRY v.刺探; 撬开(英) v. 刺探(make nosy or presumptuous inquiry);撬开(pull apart with a lever)(考) importune : request / pry : inquiry(强求是拼命要求/刺 探是拼命询问)(例) pry behind the curtain of sb's life(窥探某人的私生 活)
psalm PSALM [sm]
PSALM n.赞美诗,圣诗(英) n.赞美诗,圣诗(a sacred song or poem used in worship)(记) 主要指圣经中的赞美 诗(Book of Psalms)
psephology PSEPHOLOGY [se'f0l2d7i]
PSEPHOLOGY n.选举学(英) n.选举学(the scientific study of elections)(记) pseph(卵石)+ology( 学科)→古代雅典投票 时用卵石,故名
pseudonym PSEUDONYM ['sju:d2nim]
PSEUDONYM n.假名,笔名(英) n.假名,笔名(a fictitious name; esp. pen name)(考) mask : face / pseudonym : name(面具是假脸/笔名是 假姓名)(记) pseudo(假)+nym(名 字)→假名;(同) 参考:pseudoscience (伪科学)(例) Jane used a pseudonym when she wrote romance novels.
psyche PSYCHE ['saiki]
PSYCHE n.心智,精神(英) n.心智,精神(soul, mind)(例) After years of abuse, Mary's psyche was deeply scarred.
psychiatrist PSYCHIATRIST [sai'kai2trist]
PSYCHIATRIST n. 精神科医生(英) n. 精神科医生(a doctor trained in psychiatry)
psychiatry PSYCHIATRY [sai'kai2tri]
PSYCHIATRY n.精神病学(英) n.精神病学(a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders)(记) psychi(精神)+atry( 病学科)→精神病学(同) 派生词:psychiatric (n.精神病的)(例) David resorted to psychiatry to help cure his depression.
psychoanalysis PSYCHOANALYSIS [`saik2u2'n9lisis]
PSYCHOANALYSIS n.精神分析(英) n.精神分析( a method of analyzing psychic phenomena)(记) psycho(精神)+analy sis(分析)(例) The lecture on psychoanalysis explained the importance of dreams.
psychologist PSYCHOLOGIST [sai'k0l2d7ist]
PSYCHOLOGIST n. 心理学家(英) n. 心理学家(the study or science of the mind and the way it works and influences behavior)(考) fungi : ecologist / motivation : psychologist(真菌是生态学家研究 对象/动机是心理学家 研究对象)(记) psychology(心理学 )+ist
psychopathic PSYCHOPATHIC [psaik2u`p94ik]
PSYCHOPATHIC adj.患精神病的(英) adj.患精神病的(pert aining to mental dearrangement)(记) psycho(精神)+path( 病)+ic
psychosis PSYCHOSIS [sai'k2usis]
PSYCHOSIS n.精神病,变态心理(英) n.精神病,变态心理( fundamental mental derangement; insanity)(记) psych(精神)+osis( 病)(例) John's psychosis were so severe that he never left his house.
psychotic PSYCHOTIC [sai'k0tik]
PSYCHOTIC adj./n. 精神病的,疯子(记) 来自psychosis(精神 病),注意不要和psyc hic(精神的)相混
puberty PUBERTY ['pju:b2ti]
PUBERTY n.青春期,春情发动期(英) n.青春期,春情发动 期(marked by maturing of the genital organs)(记) puber(成熟)+ty→进 入成熟→青春期(同) 同根词:pubescent( 到达青春期的)(例) During puberty, boys′ voices get lower.
publicity PUBLICITY [p3b'lisiti]
PUBLICITY n. 众人周知,张扬;宣传(英) n. 众人周知,张扬(publ ic notice);宣传(the business of bringing to the attention of the public)
publicize PUBLICIZE ['p3blisaiz]
PUBLICIZE v.宣传,引人注意(英) v.宣传,引人注意(to bring to the attention of the public; advertise)(记) public(公开的)+ize →公开化,宣传(例) The theater company publicized its new season of plays.
pucker PUCKER ['p3k2]
PUCKER v.起皱; n.皱褶(英) v.起皱(become wrinkled);n.皱褶(a fold or wrinkle)(考) astringent : pucker / spark ; ignition(收缩剂可以用来收缩 /火花可以用来点燃)(例) If you pucker up your lips like that, you'll get lasting lines round your mouth.
puckish PUCKISH ['p3ki6]
PUCKISH adj. 淘气的(英) adj. 淘气的(mischievous)(考) 反义词:sober(严肃 的); grave(严重的)
puddle PUDDLE ['p3dl]
PUDDLE n.水坑,洼(英) n.水坑,洼(a very small pool of dirty or muddy water)(记) 注意不要和peddle(沿 街叫卖)相混
puerile PUERILE ['pju2rail]
PUERILE adj.幼稚的; 儿童的(英) adj.幼稚的(childish );儿童的(juvenile)(考) 反义词:sagacious( 精明的)(记) puer(=boy男孩)+il e→男孩的,幼稚的
pugilism PUGILISM ['pju:d7iliz2m]
PUGILISM n.拳击,搏击(英) n.拳击,搏击(boxing )(记) pugil(打斗)+ism→ 拳击
pugilist PUGILIST ['pju:d7ilist]
PUGILIST n. 拳击手,拳师(英) n. 拳击手,拳师 (a boxer)
pugnacious PUGNACIOUS [p3g'nei62s]
PUGNACIOUS adj.好斗的(英) adj.好斗的(having a quarrelsome or combative nature; truculent)(记) pugn(打斗)+acious →好斗的(同) 派生词: pugnacity (n. 好斗性)(例) The pugnacious student was sent to the principal's office.
puissance PUISSANCE ['pju:is2ns]
PUISSANCE n.权力(英) n.权力(strength, power)(考) 反义词:powerlessne ss(无权)
puissant PUISSANT ['pju:is2nt]
PUISSANT adj.强有力的,强大的(英) adj.强有力的,强大 的(having strength; powerful)(记) puis(力量)+sant
pulchritude PULCHRITUDE ['p3lkritju:d]
PULCHRITUDE n.美丽(英) n.美丽(physical comeliness)(考) 反义词:ungliness( 丑的); hideous(可怕的)(记) pulchr(美丽)+itude
pullet PULLET ['pulit]
PULLET n. 小母鸡(英) n. 小母鸡 (a young hen during its first year of laying eggs)(考) filly : horse / pullet : chicken(小母马和马/小母鸡 和鸡)
pulley PULLEY ['puli]
PULLEY n.滑轮,滑车(英) n.滑轮,滑车(a wheel used to transmit power by means of a band, belt, cord, rope, or chain passing over its rim[轮缘])(记) pull(拉)+ey
pullulate PULLULATE ['p3ljuleit]
PULLULATE v.繁殖; 剧增(英) v.繁殖(to breed or produce freely);剧增(teem)(记) pullul(小动物)+ate →生小动物→繁殖;(同) 参考:pullus(幼鸟, 雏鸟)