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aboveboard ABOVEBOARD [2'b2v`b0:d]
ABOVEBOARD adj./adv. 光明正大的(英) adj./adv. 光明正大的(honest and open)(考) 反义词: chicanery(诡计, 狡诈); surreptitious(秘密 的)(记) above(在上面)+boa rd(木板)→一切都 放到桌面上谈→光明 正大的(例) The deal was completely aboveboard.
abandon ABANDON [2'b9nd2n]
ABANDON v./n.放弃; 放纵(英) v./n.放弃(to give up completely; desert, forsake);放纵(unrestrained freedom or emotion)(考) inhibition: abandon / agitation: tranquility(禁欲不放纵 / 躁动不宁静)abandon : inhibition / despair : hope(放纵无禁止/绝望无 希望)(记) 尤其要记住GRE中常考 的'放纵'一义(abando ned behavior)(同) n. abandonment
abase ABASE [2'beis]
ABASE v.贬抑,使卑下(to humble or humiliate;disgrace)(记)a+base(降低) →贬低(同) 同根词:debase(贬低 ); basement(地下室)
abash ABASH [2'b96]
ABASH v.使害羞,使尴尬(to make embarrassed)(记) 中间有灰ash,灰头灰 脸的反义词: embolden(v. 使 … 大胆)
abate ABATE [2'beit]
ABATE v.减轻,减少(英) v.减轻,减少(to make less in amount; wane)(考) abate : tax / alleviate : distress(减少税收/减轻压力)反义词: augment(增加); intensify(加强); promote(促进)(记) a+bate(走,打)→走 下去→减轻(同) 同根词:rebate(回扣 ), debate(辩论)
abbreviate ABBREVIATE [2'bri:vieit]
ABBREVIATE 缩短;缩写(英) v. 缩短(make shorter);缩写(shor ten a word or phrase);(考) abbreviate : sentence / abridge : essay(缩短句子/缩写文章)反义词: extend(扩展); prolong(延长)(记) ab+brev(短)+iate(同) 派生词: abbreviation(缩短, 缩写)同根词:brevity(简 短)
abdicate ABDICATE ['9bdikeit]
ABDICATE v.让位,辞职,放弃(英) v.让位,辞职,放弃( to give up a throne, authority)(考) abdicate : throne / resign : office(放弃王位/放弃职位)反义词: usurp(篡夺); assume(担当官位);co nstitute(任命)(记) ab+dic(说话,命令)+ ate→不再命令→退位;(同) 派生词: abdication(n. 退位), abdicator(n. 退位者)同根词:dictator(命 令者,独裁者); indicate(表示, 暗示)
abdomen ABDOMEN ['9bd2m2n]
ABDOMEN n. 腹, 下腹(胸部到腿部的部 分)(英) 腹(the part of body cavity from thorax to the pelvic girdle, containing the digestive organs, etc.);下腹(胸部到腿部的部 位)(the area of this part);(同) 派生词: abdominal(腹部的)
abduct ABDUCT [9b'd3kt]
ABDUCT v.绑架,拐走(英) v.绑架,拐走(to take[a person]away unlawfully; kidnap)(记) ab+duct(引导)→把人 带走→绑架;(同) 派生词: abduction(n. 绑架)同根词:viaduct(高 架桥), introduction(介绍, 引入)
aberrant ABERRANT [9'ber2nt]
ABERRANT adj. 越轨的;异常的(英) 越轨的(turning away from what is right);异常的(deviating from what is normal)(考) 反义词: normal(正常的); typical(典型的)(记) ab+err(错误)+ant→ 走向错误→越轨的(同) 派生词: aberrance, aberration(n. 越轨行为)同根词:errant(错误 的,离正道的), erratic(古怪的)
abet ABET [2'bet]
ABET v.教唆,协助(罪犯)(英) v.教唆,协助(罪犯) (to incite or help in wrongdoing)(考) abet : assistance / counsel : guidance(教唆是一种帮助/忠 告是一种指导)反义词: frustrate(使灰心); stymie(阻碍); forestall(预先阻止) ; thwart(阻碍); impede(阻碍)(同) n. abetment, abettor(例) He abetted the thief in robbing the bank.
abeyance ABEYANCE [2'bei2ns]
ABEYANCE n. 中止,搁置(英) n. 中止,搁置(temporar y suspension of an activity )(考) 反义词: continuance(继续)(例) The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival.
abhor ABHOR [2b'h0:(r)]
ABHOR v.憎恨,嫌恶(英) v.憎恨,嫌恶(to shrink from in hatred; detest; hate)(考) 反义词: adore(热爱); greatly admire(非常仰慕)(记) ab+hor(恨,怕)(同) 同根词:horrible(可 怕的),horrid
abhorrent ABHORRENT [2b'h0r2nt]
ABHORRENT adj. 可恨的,可厌的(英) adj. 可恨的,可厌的(caus ing disgust or hatred; detestable; hateful);(考) abhorrence : dislike / adoration : fondness(憎恶是十分讨厌/爱 慕是十分喜欢)(同) 派生词: abhorrence(n.憎恶)
abide ABIDE [2'baid]
ABIDE v.容忍,忍受(英) v.容忍,忍受( put up with)(记) abide=tolerate,和 词组abide by(遵守)意义不同(例) I cannot abide rude people.
abiding ABIDING [2'baidi8]
ABIDING adj. 永久的, 持久的(英) adj. 永久的, 持久的(enduring, for a long time)(考) 反义词: evanescent(短暂的)- abiding(永久的)
abject ABJECT ['9bd7ekt]
ABJECT adj. 极可怜的;卑下的(英) 极可怜的(miserable; wretched);卑下的(lacking self-respect; degraded; base)(考) 反义词:exultant(欢 跃的)(记) ab+ject(抛扔)→抛掉 的→可怜的(同) 同根词:reject(抛弃 ,拒绝), projectile(投射物)
abjure ABJURE [2b'd7u2]
ABJURE v. 誓绝;弃绝(英) 誓绝(to give up on oath; renounce);弃绝 ( recant)(考) 反义词: espouse(支持拥护); affirm(坚决肯定); embrace(拥护)(记) ab+jure(发誓)→发誓 去掉→弃绝(同) 同根词:perjury(伪 誓,伪证), jury(陪审团)
ablution ABLUTION [2'blu:62n]
ABLUTION n. (宗教的)净礼,沐浴(英) n. (宗教的)净礼,沐浴( a washing of the body as a religious ceremony)(记) ab+lut(冲,洗)+ion →沐浴(同) 同根词:dilute(冲 淡,稀释), antediluvian(史前的 ,大洪水以前的,luv =lut)
abnegate ABNEGATE [`9bni'geit]
ABNEGATE v. 克己,放弃(英) v. 克己,放弃(give up rights; self-deny; renunciate )(考) 反义词: reaffirm(再次确认和 肯定)(记) ab+neg(反对,否认)+ ation→反对自己放纵 →克制;(同) 派生词: abnegation(n. 放弃权利)同根词:negative(消 极的,否认的),rene ge(背信弃义)
abnormal ABNORMAL [9b'n0:m2l]
ABNORMAL adj. 不正常的,变态的(英) adj. 不正常的,变态的(no t normal; irregular )(记) ab+norm(标准)+al→ 不正常的;注意比较 :anomaly(反常)
abode ABODE [2'b2ud]
ABODE n. 住处,住所(英) n. 住处,住所( home; residence)(记) 不要和adobe(土坯)相 混
abolition ABOLITION [`9b2'li62n]
ABOLITION n. 废除,革除(英) n. 废除,革除(abolishi ng or being abolished)(考) abolitionist: slavery / anarchist: government(废奴主义者不要奴隶 制 / 无政府主义者不要政 府)反义词: persist in salvery(坚持奴隶制)(记) 由动词abolish(废除) 而来(同) 派生词: abolitionist(n. 废奴主义者)(例) the abolition of slavery
abominable ABOMINABLE [2'b0min2b2l]
ABOMINABLE adj. 可恶的;极坏的(英) 可恶的(nasty and disgusting; loathsome);极坏的(highly unpleasant; disagreeable)
abominate ABOMINATE [2'b0mineit]
ABOMINATE v. 痛恨;厌恶(英) 痛恨(to feel hatred and disgust for; loathe);厌恶(to dislike very much)(考) 反义词: esteem(尊敬)(记) ab+omin=omen(凶兆)+ ate→痛恨(坏运气)(同) 同根词:ominous(凶 险的)
aboriginal ABORIGINAL [9b2'rid72n2l]
ABORIGINAL n. 原始居民,土著(英) n. 原始居民,土著(peop le existing in a place from earliest days; native)(记) ab+origin(起源)+al
abortive ABORTIVE [2'b0:tiv]
ABORTIVE adj. 无结果的,失败的(英) adj. 无结果的,失败的(un successful; fruitless; futile)(记) ab+or=ori(产生)+tiv e→没有产生→无结果 的;(同) 派生词: abortion(n. 流产, 失败)
abound ABOUND [2'baund]
ABOUND v. 充满; 富于(英) 充满(exist in large numbers);富于(to have plenty; teem with)(记) a+bound(边界) →没有边界→多得没 边; 注意abundant(富裕的)(例) Wild animals abound in this park.
abrade ABRADE [2'breid]
ABRADE v.磨损,磨小(英) v.磨损,磨小(to scrape or rub off)(考) abraded: friction / vaporized: heat / desiccated:dehydrat ion(被磨损掉是因为摩擦 / 被蒸发掉是因为热 / 被弄干掉是因为脱水);lubricate: abrasion / seal: leakage(润滑阻止磨损 / 密封阻止泄露)反义词: augment(增大)(记) ab+rade(磨擦)→摩擦 掉(同) 派生词: abraded (adj.磨损的eroded); abrasion (n. 表面磨损); abrasive (adj. 有研磨作用的, 粗糙的; 粗暴的)
abrasion ABRASION [2'brei72n]
ABRASION n.表面磨损(英) 表面磨损(scraping or rubbing off, as of skin)(考) scuff : abrasion / heat : vaporization(使磨损导致磨损/加 热导致蒸发)
abreast ABREAST [2'brest]
ABREAST adv. 并列,并排;跟上某事 物(英) 并列,并排(side by side);跟上某事物( remain up to date with sth.)(记) a+breast(胸) →胸和胸并排(例) keep abreast of current affairs
abridge ABRIDGE [2'brid7]
ABRIDGE v.删减; 缩短(英) 删减(to reduce in scope, extent);缩短(to shorten by using fewer words; condense)(考) 反义词:amplify(放 大)(记) a+bridge(短, 桥)→弄短→删减;联 想记忆:a+bridge,一 座桥把路缩短了
abridgment ABRIDGMENT [2'brid7m2nt]
ABRIDGMENT n. 删节; 节本(英) n. 删节(reduction);节本(abstract, summary, synopsis)(考) abbreviation : sentence / abridgment : essay(缩写句子/缩写文章)
abrogate ABROGATE ['9br2geit]
ABROGATE v.废止,废除(英) v.废止,废除(to repeal by authority; annul; abolish)(考) 反义词:embrace(拥 护); institute(创立); uphold(支持)(记) ab+rog(问)+ate→不 再问→废除(同) 同根词:interrogati ve(审问的), arrogant(傲慢的)
abruptly ABRUPTLY [2'br3ptli]
ABRUPTLY adv. 突然地,意外地(英) adv. 突然地,意外地(sudde nly and unexpectedly)(记) ab+rupt(断)+ly→突 然断了(同) 同根词: bankrupt(破产), corrupt(腐败的)(例) speak abruptly in short sentences
abscission ABSCISSION [9b'si72n]
ABSCISSION n. 切除,截去; [植] 脱离(英) n. 切除,截去; [植] 脱离(cut off)(考) 反义词:process of grafting(嫁接)(记) ab(离开)+sciss(切, 割)+ion→切开,脱离(同) 同根词: scissors(剪刀)
abscond ABSCOND [2b'sk0nd]
ABSCOND v. 潜逃,逃亡(英) v. 潜逃,逃亡(to run away and hide in order to escape the law)(考) abscond : depart / pilfer : take / lurk : wait / purloin :appropriate(潜逃是偷偷走/偷是 偷偷拿/潜伏是偷偷等 /偷窃是偷偷获得)follow : shadow / leave : abscond(尾随是偷偷跟随/潜 逃是偷偷离开)(记) abs(离开)+cond(藏起 来)(同) 同根词:condiment( 调味品→把坏味道藏 起来), recondite(深奥难懂的)
absentmindedness ABSENTMINDEDNESS [`9bs2nt'maind2d`n2s]
ABSENTMINDEDNESS n. 心不在焉(英) n. 心不在焉(state of forgetfulness)(记) absent(茫然的)+mind ed(心思)+ness→心思 恍惚
absolute ABSOLUTE ['9bs2lu:t]
ABSOLUTE adj. 绝对的,完全的;无(条 件)限制的(英) adj. 绝对的,完全的(compl ete, total); 无(条件)限制的(unli mited, GRE常考义)(考) absolute : variability / inevitable : chance(绝对的就不具备可变 性/不可避免的就不具 备偶然性)absolute : autocrat / nominal : figurehead(独裁者的特征是绝对 /傀儡的特征是有名无 实)反义词:qualified( 受限制的)
absolve ABSOLVE [2b'z0lv]
ABSOLVE v.赦免,免除(英) v.赦免,免除( free from guilt or obligation; forgive)(考) exculpatory : absolve / hortative : encourage / motivational: stir(用辩明无罪的东西来 赦免罪行/用激励的东 西来给予勇气/用鼓励 斗志的东西来激发斗志)反义词:inculpate( 控告)(记) ab+solve(解决)+ion →不再解决→免除, 注意不要和solve(解 决)相混(同) 派生词: absolution(n. 赦免, 免罪)同根词: solvent(有溶解力的, 有还债能力的), dissolution(溶解, 分解), resolute(坚决的)
absorb ABSORB [2b's0:b]
ABSORB v. 吸收,吸进;减轻…作 用(英) 吸收,吸进(take in);减轻…作用(reduce the effect of )(考) absorb : sponge / seal : caulk(海绵的功能是吸收/ 填塞物的功能是密封)反义词:emit(发射, 喷出), radiate(发射,辐射) , reflect(反射),exud e(渗出)(记) ab(离去)+sorb(吸收) →吸收掉(同) 派生词: absorbed(adj. 精神集中的); absorption (n. 吸收,全神贯注)(例) His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport .
abstain ABSTAIN [2b'stein]
ABSTAIN v. 自动戒绝,抑制(英) v. 自动戒绝,抑制(to hold oneself back; refrain from)(考) mandatory : comply / forbidden : abstain(命令的让人遵守/禁 止的让人戒绝)(记) abs(不)+tain(拿住) →不拿住→放弃(同) 派生词: abstention, abstinence(n. 戒绝, 节制)同根词:retain(保留 ), attain(获得)
abstemious ABSTEMIOUS [2b'sti:mi2s]
ABSTEMIOUS adj. 有节制的,节俭的(英) adj. 有节制的,节俭的(mo derate in eating and drinking; temperate)(考) abstemious : indulge / austere : decorate(节制的不纵容/朴素 的不装饰)reticent : talk / abstemious : gorge(沉默寡言的不会讲话 /节制的不会暴食)(记) abs+tem(酒)+ious→ 不喝酒→节制的;tem 来自拉丁文temetum=m ead(蜜酒)
abstinence ABSTINENCE ['9bstin2ns]
ABSTINENCE n. 禁绝(尤指食物或酒)(英) n. 禁绝(尤指食物或酒) (the act of voluntarily doing without food, drink, or other pleasures)(记) abs(不)+tin(拿住) +ence→不再拿住→戒 绝, abstain的名词
abstract ABSTRACT ['9bstr9kt]
ABSTRACT n. 摘要adj.抽象的(英) n. 摘要(a brief statement; summary; abridgment);(考) 反义词:elaborate( 详细)(记) abs+tract(拉)→从文 章中拉出→摘要;(同) 同根词:intractable (倔强的), contract(n.合同, v.收缩)
abstracted ABSTRACTED [2b'str9ktid]
ABSTRACTED adj. 心不在焉的(英) adj. 心不在焉的(withdraw n; absentminded)
abstraction ABSTRACTION [2b'str9k62n]
ABSTRACTION n. 抽取;抽象概念;心 不在焉(英) n. 抽取(the act of remove or take away);抽象概念(abstract idea);心不在焉(absent-mi ndedness)(记) abs(离开)+tract(拉) +ion→拉开,抽取; 比较: abstractness (n.抽象)
abstruse ABSTRUSE [2b'stru:s]
ABSTRUSE adj.难懂的,深奥的(英) adj.难懂的,深奥的( hard to understand; deep; recondite)(考) 反义词:accessible( 可理解的); patent(显著的)(记) abs+trus(走,推)→ 走不进去→难懂的;(同) 同根词:intrusion( 闯入), protrusion(突出,隆 起)
absurd ABSURD [2b's2:d]
ABSURD adj. 荒谬的,可笑的(英) adj. 荒谬的,可笑的( laughable or ridiculous; ludicrous)(记) ab+surd(合理的) →不合理的→荒谬的(同) 派生词: absurdity(n. 荒谬)
abundance ABUNDANCE [2'b3nd2ns]
ABUNDANCE n. 充裕,多量(英) n. 充裕,多量(more than sufficient quantity)(考) cornucopia : abundance / mace : authority(丰饶角象征富饶/权 仗象征权力)(记) 请和abound(丰富)一 起记
abuse ABUSE [2'bju:z]
ABUSE v. /n. 辱骂;滥用(英) v. /n. 辱骂(to use insulting language; revile);滥用(to use wrongly; misuse)(考) diatribe : abuse / declamation : grandiloquence / burlesque : mockery(辱骂之词用在抨击性 演讲/夸大之词用在高 谈阔论/嘲弄之词用在 滑稽表演)polemic : disputatious / invective : abusive(同义: 争论的=好争辩的/辱 骂的=漫骂的)(记) ab+use(用) →用不好→滥用; 注意:disabuse(打消 …错误念头)(同) 派生词:abusive(adj .辱骂的)
abut ABUT [2'b3t]
ABUT v. 接界,毗连(英) v. 接界,毗连(border upon)(考) contiguous : abut / simultaneous : coincide(临近的是两物毗连/ 同时的是两事巧合)(记) 注意不要和abet(教唆 )相混;(同) n. abutment
abysmal ABYSMAL [2'bizm2l]
ABYSMAL adj. 极深的;糟透的(英) adj. 极深的(bottomless; unfathomable);糟透的(wretched ; immeasurably bad)(考) stygian : dark / abysmal : low(极暗比暗程度深/极 深比低程度更深)(记) 来自下面的单词abyss(例) The foe was abysmal.
abyss ABYSS [2'bis]
ABYSS n. 深渊,深坑(英) n. 深渊,深坑(bottomle ss gulf; chasm)(记) a+byss(深)→不知多 深→深渊
academician ACADEMICIAN [2`k9d2'mi62n]
ACADEMICIAN n. 院士,学会会员(英) n. 院士,学会会员(membe r of an academy)
accede ACCEDE [2k'si:d]
ACCEDE v. 应允,同意(英) v. 应允,同意(to give assent; consent)(记) ac+cede(走)→走到一 起→同意;(同) 同根词:concede(让 步), recede(后退, 撤退)(例) He acceded to our request.
accelerate ACCELERATE [2k'sel2reit]
ACCELERATE v. 加速;促进(英) v. 加速(to increase the speed);促进( to develop more quickly)(考) expedite : process / accelerate : pace(加速进程/加快步伐)accelerate : speed / prolong : duration(加快速度/延长时间)crescendo : sound / acceleration : tempo(声音渐强增强的是声 音/加速增加的是速度)反义词:retard(减速 )(记) ac+celer(速度)+ate →加速(同) 派生词:acceleratio n(n.加速);acceler ating (adj. 加速的)同根词:celerity(速 度, 迅速), decelerate(减速)
accentuate ACCENTUATE [2k'sent6ueit]
ACCENTUATE v. 着重;强调(英) v. 着重(to pronounce with an accent or stress);强调(to emphasize)(记) ac+cent=cant(唱,说 )+uate→不断说→强调(同) 同根词:accent(重音 ), cantata(清唱剧)
acceptable ACCEPTABLE [2k'sept2b2l]
ACCEPTABLE adj. 合意的,令人满意的(英) adj. 合意的,令人满意的( satisfactory)(记) accept(接受)+able( 能...的) →可接受的→令人满 意的
acceptance ACCEPTANCE [2k'sept2ns]
ACCEPTANCE n. 接受,认可(英) n. 接受,认可(act of taking sth offered willingly)(考) tender : acceptance / exhibit : inspection(提出是为了别人接受 /展览是为了别人参观)authoritative : acceptance / conspicuous : attention(权威的容易让人接受 /引人注目的容易让人 注意)
access ACCESS ['9kses]
ACCESS n.通路;途径(英) n.通路(a way of approaching.);途径(approach)(记) ac+cess(走)→走过去 →通道; 注意词组: have access to(接近, 到达)(同) 同根词:excess(过度 , 过剩), procession(行列,队 伍), success(成功)
accessible ACCESSIBLE [9k'ses2bl]
ACCESSIBLE adj.易达到的;易受影 响的(英) adj.易达到的(easy to approach);易受影响的(open to the influence of)(考) 反义词:abstruse(奥 妙的)(同) n. accessibility
accessory ACCESSORY [2k'ses2ri]
ACCESSORY adj.附属的,次要的(英) adj.附属的,次要的( extra, additional; supplementary; subsidiary)(考) 反义词:of primary importance(最重要的 )
accidental ACCIDENTAL [`9ksi'dentl]
ACCIDENTAL adj. 意外的,偶然的(英) adj. 意外的,偶然的(fort uitous, incidental, adventitious, casual)(考) inventiveness : accidental / effect : casual(偶然的发明/意外的 结果)safeguard : accident / hedge : loss(保护为了防止意外/ 围栏为了防止损失)intentional : accidental / arrogant : humble(故意的不是偶然的/ 傲慢的不是谦虚的)(记) 来自accident(事故 ,意外):ac+cid(落 下)+ental→意外的(同) 同根词:deciduous( 落叶的), incident(偶然事件)
acclaim ACCLAIM [2'kleim]
ACCLAIM v. 欢呼, 称赞(英) v. 欢呼, 称赞(to greet with loud applause; hail)(记) ac+claim(叫喊)→不 断叫喊→欢呼(同) 同根词:claim(要求, 声称), proclaim(声明), exclaim(大喊)
acclaimed ACCLAIMED [2'kleimd]
ACCLAIMED adj. 受欢呼的,受称赞的(英) 欢呼的,称赞的(记) 来自acclaim(v.欢呼, 喝彩 ac[一再]+claim[呼喊 ] →一再喊→欢呼)
acclimate ACCLIMATE [2'klaimit]
ACCLIMATE v.使服水土;使适应(英) v.使服水土;使适应( adjust to climate; adapt)(考) 反义词:make unfamiliar with(不习惯)(记) ac+climate(气候) →适应气候→服水土(例) We lived in Africa for five years, but we never really got acclimated to the hot weathers.
acclivity ACCLIVITY [2'kliviti]
ACCLIVITY n.向上的陡坡(英) n.向上的陡坡(an upward slope of ground)(记) ac+cliv(斜坡)+ity→ 向上的陡坡(同) 同根词:proclivity( 倾向,癖性), declivity(下坡)(例) The car could not go up the acclivity in high gear.
accolade ACCOLADE ['9k2leid]
ACCOLADE n. 推崇备至;赞扬(英) n. 推崇备至(approval, appreciation);赞扬(words of praise)(考) 反义词:cutting remark(说坏话); speak ill(说坏话); derogate(诋毁); denounce(谴责)(记) ac+col(脖子)+ade→ 把奖品挂上脖子→赞美(同) 同根词:collar(领口 ,项圈),(例) His new book received accolades from the papers.
accommodate ACCOMMODATE [2'k0m2deit]
ACCOMMODATE v. 与...一致,提供食宿(考) obliterate : remove / accommodate : supply(同义: 删除=去除/供应=供给 )(记) ac+commod(方便)+ate →给人方便→提供食 宿);(同) 派生词: accommodation(n. 住宿)同根词: commodity(商品), commodious(宽敞的)
accommodating ACCOMMODATING [2'k0m2deiti8]
ACCOMMODATING adj. 乐于助人的(英) adj. 乐于助人的(ready to help; obliging)(同) v. accommodate(与...一 致,提供食宿); n. accommodation
accompany ACCOMPANY [2'k3mp2ni]
ACCOMPANY v. 伴随,陪伴(英) v. 伴随,陪伴(walk with sb as a companion )(记) ac+company(伙伴, 公司);(同) 派生词: accompaniment (n.伴随物; [音]伴奏); accompanist (n.伴奏者)
accomplice ACCOMPLICE [2'k3mplis]
ACCOMPLICE n. 同谋者,帮凶(英) n. 同谋者,帮凶( partner in a crime; associate)(记) ac+com(共同)+plic( 重叠)→重叠一起干→ 同谋(同) 同根词:duplicity( 口是心非), complicated(复杂的)
accomplish ACCOMPLISH [2'k3mpli6]
ACCOMPLISH v. 完成,做成功(英) v. 完成,做成功(succeed in doing sth)(记) ac+compl(满)+ish→ 满了→完成了;(同) 派生词: accomplishment ( n.完成)(例) accomplish one's aim
accomplished ACCOMPLISHED [2'k3mpli6t]
ACCOMPLISHED adj.有技巧的, 有造诣的;完成了的(英) adj.有技巧的, 有造诣的(skilled);完成了的(being achieved)
accord ACCORD [2'k0:d]
ACCORD v./n. 同意;给予(英) v./n. 同意(to make agree; reconcile);给予(to grant or bestow)(记) ac+cord(心)→心心相 通→一致,同意;(同) 派生词: accordance(一致, 相应)同根词: discord(不和, 不一致), concord(协和, 协调)(例) He was accorded permission to use the library.
accost ACCOST [2'k0st]
ACCOST v.贸然上前与人攀谈(英) v.贸然上前与人攀谈( approach and speak first to a person boldly)(记) 中间有cost(花费), 和人认识后要化钱(例) She was accosted by a complete stranger.
accountability ACCOUNTABILITY [2`kaut2'bil2ti]
ACCOUNTABILITY n. 负有责任(英) n. 负有责任( responsibility )(记) account(解释)+abili ty→对事情应做解释 →负责任
accrete ACCRETE [9'kri:t]
ACCRETE v. 添加生长, 连生(英) v. 添加生长, 连生(grow together)(考) erode : diminish(destruction)/ accrete : enlarge(growth)(侵蚀使减少[是破坏] /增加使扩大[是成长])(记) ac(一再)+crete(增加 )
accretion ACCRETION [2'kri:62n]
ACCRETION n.自然的增加;增加物(英) n.自然的增加(growth in size by accumulation);增加物( addition)(考) 反义词:reduction in substance caused by erosion(由侵蚀引起 的物质减少)(记) ac+cret(增加)+ion(同) adj. accretive
accrue ACCRUE [2'kru:]
ACCRUE v.(利息等)增大;增多(英) v.(利息等)增大( increase the interest on money);增多(to accumulate)(记) ac+crue(增加)(例) The interest on my bank account accrued over the years.
accumulate ACCUMULATE [2'kju:mjuleit]
ACCUMULATE v.积聚,积累(英) v.积聚,积累(to pile up, collect)(考) 反义词:dissipate( 使消散,浪费)(记) ac+cumul(堆积)+ate →再堆积→积累;(同) 派生词: accumulation(n. 积累, 堆积物)
accuracy ACCURACY ['9kjur2si]
ACCURACY n. 精确,准确(英) n. 精确,准确(precision or exactness)(记) ac+cur(关心)+acy→ 不断关心→使其精确;(同) 派生词: accurate (精确的,准确的)(例) predict sth with great accuracy
accuse ACCUSE [2'kju:z]
ACCUSE v. 谴责,指责(英) v. 谴责,指责(say that sb is guilty or has broken the law)(记) ac+cuse(理由) →有理由说别人→指 责;(同) 派生词: accusation (n.指控,指责); accused (adj./n.被控告的;被 告)同根词: excuse(借口)(例) accuse SB of cheating, cowardice, theft
acerbic ACERBIC [2's2:bik]
ACERBIC adj.苦涩的; 刻薄的(英) adj.苦涩的( sour, astringent);刻薄的(sharp, bitter, or harsh)(记) acerb(尖,酸)+ic→ 尖酸的;(同) 派生词: acerbity (n.苦涩, 刻薄)
achievement ACHIEVEMENT [2't6i:vm2nt]
ACHIEVEMENT n. 完成,达到; 成就,成绩(英) n. 完成,达到(action of completing );成就,成绩(thing done successfully with effort)(例) the greatest scientific achievement of the decade
acidity ACIDITY [2'siditi]
ACIDITY n. 酸味,酸性(英) n. 酸味,酸性( quality of being acid)(考) detoxification : poison / neutralization : acid(解毒是为了去除毒药 /中和是为了去除酸性)(记) acid(酸,酸的)+ity( 表性质) →酸性
acidulous ACIDULOUS [2'sid7ul2s]
ACIDULOUS adj.有酸味的; 刻薄的(英) adj.有酸味的(somewh at acid or sour);刻薄的(somewhat sarcastic)(记) acid(酸)+ulous(多… 的) →多酸的
acknowledge ACKNOWLEDGE [2k'n0lid7]
ACKNOWLEDGE v. 承认,供认(英) v. 承认,供认(accept the truth of sth)(记) ac+knowledge(知识, 知道) →已知道→承认(例) acknowledge(receipt of)a letter
acme ACME ['9kmi]
ACME n.顶点,极点(英) n.顶点,极点(the highest point; peak; summit)(例) the acme of perfection(完善的极 至)
acolyte ACOLYTE ['9k2lait]
ACOLYTE n.(教士的)助手,侍 僧(记) 在宗教仪式(a liturgical service)中帮助教士( priest)的助手
acorn ACORN ['eik0:n]
ACORN n.橡实,橡子(英) n.橡实,橡子(an oak nut)(记) a+corn(谷物) →一个谷物→橡实
acoustic ACOUSTIC [2'ku:stik]
ACOUSTIC adj.听觉的,有关声 音的(英) adj.听觉的,有关声 音的(having to do with hearing or sound )
acoustics ACOUSTICS [2'ku:stiks]
ACOUSTICS n.声学(英) n.声学(the branch of physics dealing with sound with its transmission)
acquaintance ACQUAINTANCE [2'kweint2ns]
ACQUAINTANCE n.熟知; 熟人(英) n.熟知(knowledge from personal experience);熟人(a person whom one knows, but not intimately)(记) ac+quaint(知道)+anc e→熟知;注意: quaint(adj. 奇妙的, 古怪的); acquaint(v. 和…相知)(同) v. acquaint
acquainted ACQUAINTED [2'kweintid]
ACQUAINTED adj. 对某事物熟悉的; 对某人认识的(英) adj. 对某事物熟悉的(fami liar with sth);对某人认识的(knowin g personally)(记) 来自acquaint(v.使了 解,告知ac[使]+quain t[知道] →使[人们]知道→告知)
acquiesce ACQUIESCE [`9kwi'es]
ACQUIESCE v.勉强同意,默认(英) v.勉强同意,默认(to agree or consent quietly without protest; consent)(考) intransigent : acquiesce / deferential : offend(不妥协的不会同意/ 恭顺的不会冒犯)反义词:defy(反抗); resist(拒绝)(记) ac+quiesce(安静)→ 保持安静→默认(同) 同根词:quiescent( 不动的,静止的), quietude(安静);派生词: acquiescent(adj.默 认的,顺从的); acquiescence(n. 默许)(例) He acquiesced in the plans his parents had made for him.
acquired ACQUIRED [2'kwai2d]
ACQUIRED adj. 后天习得的(英) adj. 后天习得的(gained through one's own efforts or actions);(考) 反义词:indigenous( 天生的)(记) ac+quir(寻求)+ed→ 一再寻求→努力得到
acquisition ACQUISITION [`9kwi'zi62n]
ACQUISITION n. 获得; 获得物(英) n. 获得(action of acquiring);获得物(thing acquired)(考) 反义词:divestiture (剥夺)(记) ac+quisit(寻求,询问 )+ion→一再寻求后得 到→获得
acquisitive ACQUISITIVE [2'kwizitiv]
ACQUISITIVE adj.贪得的,物欲重 的(英) adj.贪得的,物欲重 的(eager to acquire; grasping; greedy )(记) ac+quisit(得到)+ive →一再想得到→贪婪 的;(同) 同根词:requisite( 必需品), prerequisite(先决条 件)
acquittal ACQUITTAL [2'kwitl]
ACQUITTAL n.宣告无罪, 开释(英) n.宣告无罪, 开释(free by judgment of the court)(记) ac+quit(免除,抛弃) +tal→得到免除→开释(同) 同根词: requite(报答, 报应), ubiquitous(无处不在 的)
acrid ACRID ['9krid]
ACRID adj.辣的,刻薄的(英) adj.辣的,刻薄的(bi tter; sharp; bitterly pungent)(考) 反义词:gentle(温和 的)
acrimony ACRIMONY ['9krim2ni]
ACRIMONY n.尖刻,刻薄(英) n.尖刻,刻薄(bitter ness or harshness of temper; asperity)(考) 反义词: harmonious(和谐的, 和睦的)-acrimonious (adj.尖刻的)(记) acri(尖,酸)+mony( 表示名词)→尖刻;(同) 派生词: acrimonious (adj.尖刻的)
acrobat ACROBAT ['9kr2b9t]
ACROBAT n.特技演员,杂技演 员(英) n.特技演员,杂技演 员(an expert performer; skilled gymnast)(考) surgeon : dexterity / acrobat : agility(外科医生很熟练/杂 技演员很敏捷)(记) acro(高)+bat(走)→ 高空走的人→杂技演 员;(同) 同根词:acronym(首 字母缩写词), acrophobia(恐高症)
acronym ACRONYM ['9kr2nim]
ACRONYM n.首字母简略词,简 称(英) n.首字母简略词,简 称(a word formed from the first letters of a series of words)(记) acro(高)+nym(名称) →把高出小写字母的 大写字母放在一起, 如: GRE,TOEFL,GMAT.
acrophobia ACROPHOBIA [`9kr2'f2ubi2]
ACROPHOBIA n. 恐高症(英) n. 恐高症( fear of heights)(记) acro(顶点,高点)+pho b(憎恨)+ia→憎恨高 的病
activate ACTIVATE ['9ktiveit]
ACTIVATE v.使活泼; 加速反应(英) v.使活泼(to make active);加速反应(accelerati ng a chemical reaction)(记) active(活跃的)+ate(同) n. activation; adj. active
actuarial ACTUARIAL [`9ktju'e2ri2l]
ACTUARIAL adj. (保险)精算的;保险计 算的(英) adj. (保险)精算的;保险计 算的(calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics)(记) actual(精确的, 实际的)+arial;(同) 派生词: actuary (n.精算师)
actuate ACTUATE ['9kt6ueit]
ACTUATE v.驱使,激励(英) v.驱使,激励(motivat e; activate )(记) act(行动)+uate(动词 后缀) →使...行动(例) He is actuated not by kindness but by ambition.
acuity ACUITY [2'kju:iti]
ACUITY n.(尤指思想或感官) 敏锐(英) n.(尤指思想或感官) 敏锐(sharpness, acuteness)(记) acu(尖,酸,锐利)+ity (表性质) →尖的性质→敏锐(同) 同根词:acupuncture ( 针灸), acumen(敏锐)
acumen ACUMEN [2'kjum2n,2'kju:m2n]
ACUMEN n.敏锐,明智(英) n.敏锐,明智(keenne ss and quickness in understanding; shrewdness)(考) alacrity : prompt / acumen : shrewd(同义: 敏捷和敏锐/聪明和精 明)(记) acu(尖端)+men(表示 名词);联想记忆: 尖锐的人(同) 同根词:acupuncture( 针灸)(例) His business acumen has made him very successful.
acute ACUTE [2'kju:t]
ACUTE adj.灵敏的; (病)急性的(英) adj.灵敏的(keen; shrewd; sensitive);(病)急性的(severe but of short duration; not chronic)(考) perspicacity : acute / caprice : whimsical(同义: 敏锐和敏锐的/多变和 多变的)反义词:mild(和缓的 ,不严重的)(同) n. acuteness
adage ADAGE ['9did7]
ADAGE n.格言,古训(英) n.格言,古训(an old saying accepted as a truth)(记) 分割记忆:ad+age(年 龄) →有年龄→有智慧
adamant ADAMANT ['9d2m2nt]
ADAMANT adj. 强硬的; 固执的(英) adj. 强硬的(too hard to be broken);固执的(unyielding ; inflexible)(考) adamant : flexibility / refractory : control(固执的无弹性/难控 制的无控制)impossible : execute / adamant : moved(不可能的无法执行/ 固执的无法打动)adamant : yield / cautious : gamble(固执的不会屈服/谨 慎的不会赌博)反义词:vacillatory (犹豫不决的); moved(打动的)(记) 联想记忆:adam(亚当 )+ant(蚂蚁),'亚当' 和'蚂蚁'都有坚定的 性格。
adaptable ADAPTABLE [2'd9pt2b2l]
ADAPTABLE adj.有适应能力的; 可改编的,可改写的(英) adj.有适应能力的(ab le to adjust oneself to new circumstances);可改编的,可改写的( that can be adapted)(记) adapt(适应)+able(能 …的);注意: adept(adj. 老练的);(同) 派生词: adapt(v.适应, 改写);adaptor(变 压器)同根词:aptitude(能 力); ineptitude(无能ept= apt)
adaptation ADAPTATION [9d9p'tei62n]
ADAPTATION n (尤用于生物学)适应, 适应性; 改制物(英) n (尤用于生物学)适应, 适应性; 改制物(thing made by adapting sth else)(记) adapt(适应;ad+apt[ 适应,能力])+ation→ 适应
addendum ADDENDUM [2'dend2m]
ADDENDUM n.补充,附录(英) n.补充,附录(additio n; appendix to book)(记) add(增加)+endum(表 名词)(例) The addendum contains many new words.
addict ADDICT [2'dikt]
ADDICT v./n.沉溺,上瘾(者)(英) v./n.沉溺,上瘾(者) ( being an addict; habitually use narcotic drugs)(记) ad+dict(要求)→不断 要求→上瘾(同) 派生词: addictive (adj.使人上瘾的); addiction(n.上瘾)
addition ADDITION [2'di62n]
ADDITION n. 增加, 附加(英) 加(act of putting sth together with sth else so as to increase the size, number, amount)(考) disabuse : error / rehabilitate : addiction(纠正错误是为了根除 错误/恢复健康是为了 根除毒隐)(记) add(增加)+ition;(同) 派生词: additional (adj.附加的,外加的)
additive ADDITIVE ['9ditiv]
ADDITIVE n. 添加剂(英) n. 添加剂(substance added in small amounts for a special purpose)(例) addictive drugs
addle ADDLE ['9dl]
ADDLE v.使腐坏; 使昏乱(英) v.使腐坏(to make rotten);使昏乱(become muddled or confused )(记) addled (adj.头脑混乱的); 联想记忆:add(增加) →事情增加容易混乱
adduce ADDUCE [2'dju:s]
ADDUCE v. 给予(理由); 举出(例证)(英) v. 给予(理由)(to give as reason or proof);举出(例证)(cite as an example)(记) ad+duce(引导)→引导 出→举出(同) 同根词:induce(引诱 ), education(教育)
adept ADEPT ['9dept]
ADEPT adj.老练的,精通的(英) adj.老练的,精通的( highly skilled; expert)(记) ad+ept(能力)→老练 的;注意分辨: adopt(采纳,收养), adapt(适应), inept(无能)(同) n. adept(老手), adeptness; 注意分辨adopt(采纳, 收养),adapt(适应
adequate ADEQUATE ['9dikw2t]
ADEQUATE adj. 令人满意的,充分的(英) adj. 令人满意的,充分的(s atisfactory in quantity or quality)(记) ad+equ(平等)+ate→ 比平等的多→充分的;(同) 派生词: adequacy (n.足够,充分)同根词: equable(脾气温和的) , equation(方程式)
adhere ADHERE [2d'hi2]
ADHERE v.粘着(英) v.粘着(to stick fast; stay attached)(考) dingy : glisten / slippery : adhere(无光泽的不会闪光/ 光滑的不会粘附)fanatic : admirer / zealot : adherent(狂热者是过分仰慕者 /狂热者是过分追随者)etch : corrosive / glue : adhesive(烛刻需要腐蚀剂/粘 贴需要粘和剂)tackiness : adhesive / sharpness : scalpel(黏合剂的特点是粘/ 手术刀的特点是锋利)(记) ad+here(粘连)→粘在 一起;(同) 派生词: adhesion(坚持, 忠于); adherent (n.拥护者,党徒)
adjacent ADJACENT [2'd7eis2nt]
ADJACENT adj.接近的,毗连的(英) adj.接近的,毗连的( adjoining, contiguous, neighboring)(记) ad+jacent(to lie躺)→躺在附近→ 接近的;(同) n. adjacency(毗邻)
adjourn ADJOURN [2'd72:n]
ADJOURN v. 使延期, 休会, 推迟(英) v. 使延期, 休会, 推迟 (postpone)(考) 反义词:convoke(召 集会议)(记) ad+journ(走路) →再走一次路→推迟(同) 同根词: journey(旅行), journal(期刊)(例) After dinner we all adjourned to the lounge.
adjudicate ADJUDICATE [2'd7u:dikeit]
ADJUDICATE v.充当裁判; 判决(英) v.充当裁判(to serve as a judge in a dispute);判决(to hear and decide)(记) ad+judic(to judge 判断)+ate→进行判断 →裁决;(同) 派生词: adjudication (n.判决,裁决)同根词:judicious( 明智的), prejudice(偏见)(例) Who will adjudicate this matter for us?
adjunct ADJUNCT ['9d738kt]
ADJUNCT n. 附加物, 附件(英) n. 附加物, 附件(thing that is added to sth elsel); 附加语,修饰语(考) 反义词:essential element(本质要素)(记) ad(增加)+junct(结合 ,连接) →加上连接→附属物(同) 同根词: junction(交汇点), disjunction(分离, 折断)
adjure ADJURE [2'd7u2]
ADJURE v.郑重敦促(英) v.郑重敦促(to command solemnly; to entreat solemnly)(记) ad+jure(发誓)→让人 发誓去做→恳请; 注意: abjure(悲惨的)(例) She adjured him to tell the truth.
adjust ADJUST [2'd73st]
ADJUST v. 整顿,整理; 适应(英) v. 整顿,整理(put into order );适应(become suited)(记) ad+just(正确) →变正确→整顿, 适应;(同) 派生词: adjustment (n.调节,调整)(例) former soldiers who have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life
adjutant ADJUTANT ['9d7ut2nt]
ADJUTANT n.(军队的)副官(英) n.(军队的)副官(an administrative assistant to the commanding officer)(记) 请和adjust(调整)一 起记
adlib ADLIB [9d'lib]
ADLIB v.即兴演讲(考) ad-lib : impromptu / aside : divergent(即兴演讲特点是即兴 的/旁白特点是旁意的)
administer ADMINISTER [2d'minist2]
ADMINISTER v. 管理; 供给(英) v. 管理(manage);供给(provide)(记) ad+minister(部长,大 臣) →做部长→管理;(同) 派生词: administration (n.管理, 行政); administrator (n.管理人,行政人员)(例) administer a charity
admirable ADMIRABLE ['9dm2r2b2l]
ADMIRABLE adj.令人钦佩的,极好 的(英) adj.令人钦佩的,极好 的(causing respect, excellent)(考) craven : admirable / deft : awkward(怯懦的不令人尊敬/ 灵巧的不笨拙)hero : admirable / eccentric : unconventional(英雄是令人尊敬的/ 怪人是非传统的)(例) an admirable performance
admire ADMIRE [2d'mai2]
ADMIRE v. 钦佩,赞赏(英) v. 钦佩,赞赏(regard with respect and satisfaction)(考) elegy : sorrow / eulogy : admiration(哀诗的特点是哀伤/ 颂词的特点是赞美)gripe : discontent / praise : admiration(因为不满而抱怨/因 为赞赏而赞扬)lionize : admire / vituperate : despise(崇拜是十分钦佩/辱 骂是十分鄙视)反义词:abhor(憎恶)(记) ad(一再)+mire(惊奇, 看) →一再让人惊喜→羡慕(同) 派生词: admiration (n.钦佩,赞赏); admirer (n.赞赏者,羡慕者)同根词: mirage(海市蜃楼); miraculous(奇迹般的 )
admissible ADMISSIBLE [2d'mis2b(2)l]
ADMISSIBLE adj. 可容许的(英) adj. 可容许的(that can be allowed)(记) 来自admit(允许, 承认)(例) Such behavior is not admissible among our staff.
admission ADMISSION [2d'mi62n]
ADMISSION n.许可(考) lottery : raffle / ticket : admission(奖卷为了抽奖/入场 券为了进入)
admonish ADMONISH [2d'm0ni6]
ADMONISH v.训诫; 警告(英) v.训诫(to reprove mildly);警告(warn; advise )(考) admonish : denounce / punish : pillory/ persuade : convince(谴责是严重警告/示 众是严厉惩罚/使信服 是完全说服)peccadillo : sin / admonishment : castigation(过失使小罪恶/警告 是轻惩罚)pretense : deceive / admonition : reprove(借口为了欺骗/警告 为了责备)alibi : exc(记) ad+mon(警告)+ish→ 告诫;(同) 派生词: admonitory (adj.警告的)
adobe ADOBE [2'd2ubi]
ADOBE n.泥砖,土坯(英) n.泥砖,土坯(sun-dr ied brick)(记) 不要和abode(住处)相 混;分割记忆:a+do+be, 一次做完的(土坯)
adolescent ADOLESCENT [9d2'les2nt]
ADOLESCENT adj.青春期的; n.青少年(英) adj.青春期的( typical of adolescence);n.青少年(young person between childhood and adulthood)
adopt ADOPT [2'd0pt]
ADOPT v.收养(英) v.收养( to take as one's own child);采纳(记) ad+opt(选择)→通过 选择→采用(同) 同根词:option(选择 ), adoptable(可采纳的)
adorable ADORABLE [2'd0:r2b2l]
ADORABLE adj.迷人的,可爱的(英) adj.迷人的,可爱的( delightful; charming);
adore ADORE [2'd0:]
ADORE v.崇拜; 热爱(英) v.崇拜(to worship as divine) ;热爱(to love greatly; idolize; revere)(考) abhorrence : dislike / adoration : fondness / fascination : interest(厌恶是十分不喜欢/ 热爱是十分喜爱/入迷 是十分有兴趣)adulate : fawn / woo : adore(谄媚是很奉承/求爱 是很爱慕)apprehension : terror / affection : adoration(担忧过分是恐惧/情 感很强是热爱)(记) ad+ore(讲话)→不断 想对某人讲话→热爱( 某人);(同) 派生词: adoration (n.爱慕, 崇拜)同根词:oration(演 讲), inexorable(说不动的 , 无情的)
adorn ADORN [2'd0:n]
ADORN v. 装饰(英) v. 装饰(decorate, embellish, beautify)(记) ad+orn(装饰);(同) 派生词: adornment (n.装饰,装饰品)同根词:suborn(贿赂 ), ornate(华丽的)
adroit ADROIT [2'dr0it]
ADROIT adj.熟练的,灵巧的(英) adj.熟练的,灵巧的( skillful ; clever; expert; dexterous)(考) loquacious : succinct / adroit : ungainly(多话的不简洁/灵巧 的不笨拙)反义词:ungainly(笨 拙的);fumble(笨拙 地处理)(记) a+droit(灵巧);(同) 参考:maladroit(笨 拙的);派生词; adroitly (adv. 熟练地,机敏地)
adulate ADULATE ['9d7uleit]
ADULATE v.谄媚,奉承(英) v.谄媚,奉承(to praise or flatter sycophantically)(考) aversion : disinclination / adulation : admiration(厌恶是强烈不喜欢/ 奉承是过分赞赏)scorn : reject / adulate : flatter / fulminate : criticize /disparage : ignore(不屑是强烈拒绝/谄 媚是十分奉承/斥责是 强烈批评/蔑视是十分 忽视)反义词:scorn(轻蔑 拒绝); disdain(轻蔑)(记) 和下面的adulterate( 掺假)一起记,都可以 看作是成人(adult)做 的坏事;(同) n. adulation; adj. adulatory
adulterate ADULTERATE [2'd3lt2reit]
ADULTERATE v.掺假(英) v.掺假(to make impure by adding another substance)(考) adulterate : purity / enervate : vigor / embellish : austerity(掺假使不纯粹/削弱 使没有活力/装饰使不 朴素)(同) n. adulteration
adumbrate ADUMBRATE ['9d3mbreit]
ADUMBRATE v. (对将来事件)预示(英) v. (对将来事件)预示(fo reshadow in a vague way)(记) ad+umbr(影子)+ate→ 影子提前来到→预示;(同) 同根词:umbrella(雨 伞);umbrage(不快)
advanced ADVANCED [2d'vnst]
ADVANCED adj. 远远在前的; 高深的(英) adj. 远远在前的(far on in progress);高深的(not elementary)(例) advanced studies
advantageous ADVANTAGEOUS [`9dv2n'teid72s]
ADVANTAGEOUS adj. 有利的,有益的(英) adj. 有利的,有益的(profi table, beneficial)(记) 来自advantage(好处, 优势)
advent ADVENT ['9dvent]
ADVENT n.到来,来临(英) n.到来,来临(coming or arrival)(记) ad+vent(到来); 注意词组: with the advent of(随着…的来临)(同) 同根词:interventio n(干涉); convention(大会)
adventitious ADVENTITIOUS [`9dven'ti62s]
ADVENTITIOUS adj. 偶然的(英) adj. 偶然的(accidental; casual)(记) advent(来到)+itious →(突然)来到的→偶 然的
adventurous ADVENTUROUS [2d'vent62r2s]
ADVENTUROUS adj. 渴望冒险的; 充满危险和刺激的(英) adj. 渴望冒险的(eager for adventure);充满危险和刺激的(fu ll of danger and excitement)
adversary ADVERSARY ['9dv2s2ri]
ADVERSARY n.对手,敌手(英) n.对手,敌手(oppone nt; enemy)(考) humility : supplicant / resistance : adversary(哀求者的特点是低三 下四/对手的特点是对 抗)反义词:ally(联盟)(记) ad+vers(转)+ary→对 着转的人→对手;注 意:adversity(灾难)(同) 同根词: versatile(多功能的, 多才的); aversion(反感)
adverse ADVERSE ['9dv2:s]
ADVERSE adj. 不利的,相反的; 敌对的(英) adj. 不利的,相反的(not favorable; contrary);敌对的(hostile, opposing)(记) ad(坏)+verse(转) →逆反的
adversity ADVERSITY [2d'v2:siti]
ADVERSITY n.不幸,灾难(英) n.不幸,灾难( wretchedness or misfortune; poverty)(记) ad+vers(转)+ity→转 来坏运气→不幸
advert ADVERT ['9dv2:t]
ADVERT v. 提及, 提出看法(英) v. 提及, 提出看法( refer)(记) ad(一再)+vert(转) →一再转到这个话题 →提及(例) He adverted to a topic mentioned earlier by another speaker.
advisable ADVISABLE [2d'vaiz2bl]
ADVISABLE adj.适当的,可行的(英) adj.适当的,可行的( proper to be advised or recommended)(记) 来自advise; 注意区别: advisory (adj.劝告的)
advocate ADVOCATE ['9dv2keit]
ADVOCATE v. 拥护, 支持; n.支持者,拥护者(英) v. 拥护, 支持(speak publicly in favor)n.支持者,拥护者(per son who supports)(考) exponent : advocate / pollster : canvass(支持者主要动作是支 持/民意测验者主要动 作是调查)反义词:denounce(谴 责)(记) ad(增强)+voc(叫喊, 声音)+ate→增强声音 →拥护;(同) 派生词: advocacy (n. 拥护,提倡)同根词: equivocal(说话含糊 的), revocable(可废除的)
aegis AEGIS ['i:d7is]
AEGIS n.保护,支持(英) n.保护,支持(shield; protection; defense)(例) Medical supplies are being flown in under the aegis of the Red Cross.
aeon AEON ['i:2n]
AEON n.千万年(=eon)(英) n.千万年(thousands and thousands of years)
aerate AERATE ['e2reit]
AERATE v.充气,让空气进入(英) v.充气,让空气进入( cause air to circulate through)(考) aerate : oxygen / hydrate : water(充气需要氧气/水化 需要水)(记) aer(气)+ate(表示动 作)→充气(同) n. aeration
aerial AERIAL ['e2ri2l]
AERIAL adj.空中的, 空气中的(考) aerial : air / aquatic : water(空气的和空气/水的 和水)
aeronautics AERONAUTICS [`e2r2u'n0:tiks]
AERONAUTICS n.航空学(记) aero(空气 )+naut(航行)+ics→ 航空学
aesthete AESTHETE ['i:s4i:t]
AESTHETE n.审美家(英) n.审美家(connoisseu r, virtuoso)(考) aesthetics : beauty / epistemology : knowledge(美学研究美/认识论 研究认识)反义词: philistine(俗气的人 )(记) a+esthete(感觉); 参考: anesthetic(麻醉剂);派生词: aesthetically (adv. 悦目地,雅致地); aesthetics (n.美学)(同) connoisseur,virtuo so(反) philistine(注) epistemology(n. 认识论)
affable AFFABLE ['9f2b2l]
AFFABLE adj. 易于交谈的; 和蔼的(英) adj. 易于交谈的(pleasant and easy to approach or talk to);和蔼的(gentle;amia ble)(考) 反义词:irascible( 暴躁的)(记) af+fable(说,讲)→ 可以说话的→和蔼的;派生词:affability (n.和蔼可亲)同根词:ineffable( 无法表达的); fabulous(像传说一样 的)(同) affable,pleasant, approachable,gentl e,amiable(反) ineffable,fabulous ,irascible
affect AFFECT [2'fekt]
AFFECT v. 影响; 感染(英) v. 影响(have an influence on );感染(infect)(记) af(使)+fect(做,制作 )→使人做→影响(同) influence ,infect
affectation AFFECTATION [`9fek'tei62n]
AFFECTATION n. 做作,虚假(英) n. 做作,虚假(artificia l behavior meant to impress others)(记) af+fect(做,造)+ati on→做出来的→做作 ; 注意affection(友爱) ,affecting(感人的)(同) pretense,artificia l,deceive,deceit ,deception
affected AFFECTED [2'fektid]
AFFECTED adj. 不自然的; 假装的(英) adj. 不自然的(behaving in an artificial way);假装的(assumed)(考) 反义词:natural(自 然的)(记) af+fect(做,造)+atio n→做出来的→做作; 注意affection(友爱) ,affecting(感人的) 和上面二词的区别(例) Jane is annoyed with her date because he had such affected table manner.(同) influenced
affection AFFECTION [2'fek62n]
AFFECTION n. 亲情,柔情(英) n. 亲情,柔情(fond or tender feeling)(考) affection : embrace / submission : obeisance / displeasure : frown/ indifference : shrug(拥抱是爱的表示/鞠 躬是谦恭的表示/皱眉 是不高兴的表示/耸肩 是不关心的表示)caress : affection / swagger : bravado(爱抚是爱的表示/大 摇大摆是虚张声势的 表示)mercurial : mood / fickle : affection{ENT(例) The baby is full of affection for its mother.
affectionate AFFECTIONATE [2'fek62n2t]
AFFECTIONATE adj. 挚爱的(英) adj. 挚爱的 (full of affection; tender and loving)(例) an affectionate hug
affidavit AFFIDAVIT [`9fi'deivit]
AFFIDAVIT n. 宣誓书(英) n. 宣誓书(a written statement made under oath)(记) af+fid(相信)+avit( 名词)→让人相信的东 西→宣誓书(同) 同根词:perfidy(不 忠,背叛); confidence(自信)
affiliate AFFILIATE [2'filieit]
AFFILIATE v. 加入; 联合(英) v. 加入(to join);联合(to connect or associate)(考) 反义词: dissociation(分裂)(记) af+fili(儿子)+ate→ 成为儿子→加入;(同) 派生词: affiliation (n.入会,加入)同根词:filial(子女 的);(例) We chose not to affiliate with our competitor.
affinity AFFINITY [2'finiti]
AFFINITY n. 密切关系; 吸引力(英) n. 密切关系(close relationship);吸引力(a mutual attraction between a man and a woman)(考) 反义词:aversion(厌 恶)(记) af+fin(范围)+ity→ 在范围内→密切关系(同) 同根词:infinite(无 限的); confine(限制, 监禁)
affirm AFFIRM [2'f2:m]
AFFIRM v. 赞成; 肯定(英) v. 赞成(confirm );肯定(being confident in asserting)(考) 反义词:recant (放弃信仰、主张); abjure (放弃意见); gainsay (否定、否认)(记) af+firm(坚定)→再坚 定→肯定;(同) 派生词: affirmative(adj. 赞成的, 肯定的)
affix AFFIX ['9fiks]
AFFIX v 粘上,贴上; 在合同上添写某事物n .词缀(英) v 粘上,贴上(stick, fasten or attach);在合同上添写某事物( add sth in writing);n.词缀(prefix or suffix )(记) af(加强)+fix(固定) →固定上去
affliction AFFLICTION [2'flik62n]
AFFLICTION n. 痛苦,折磨(英) n. 痛苦,折磨(pain; suffering; misfortune)(记) af+flict(打击)+ion →一再受到打击→痛苦(同) 同根词: conflict(冲突); infliction(痛苦)
affluent AFFLUENT ['9flu2nt]
AFFLUENT adj. 富裕的,丰富的(英) adj. 富裕的,丰富的(rich)(考) 反义词:needy(贫困 的); impecunious(身无分 文的); indigent(贫乏的)(记) af(一再)+flu(流动)+ ent→一再流入→富裕 的;(同) 派生词: affluence (n. 丰富,富裕)同根词: confluence(汇流); superfluous(多余的)
affordable AFFORDABLE [2'f0:d2bl]
AFFORDABLE adj. 能够支付的(英) adj. 能够支付的(being able to buy sth)(记) 来自afford(v. 买得起; af[一再]+ford[拿出] →一再拿出[钱] →买得起)
affront AFFRONT [2'fr3nt]
AFFRONT v.侮辱,冒犯(英) v.侮辱,冒犯( to confront defiantly; offend)(记) af+front(前面,脸面 )→冲着别人的脸→冒犯(同) 同根词:effrontery (厚颜无耻); confront(当面对抗)
aftermath AFTERMATH ['ft2m94]
AFTERMATH n.事件的后果,余波(英) n.事件的后果,余波 (a unpleasant result or consequence)
agape AGAPE [2'geip]
AGAPE adj./adv. (嘴)大张着的(英) adj./adv. (嘴)大张着的(openmo uthed)(记) a+gape(张开,张大)→ 张开的
agenda AGENDA [2'd7end2]
AGENDA n.议程(英) n.议程(program of things to be done)(考) repertoire : performance / syllabus : course / itinerary : trip / program :concert / agenda : meeting(演出要有剧目表/课 程要有教学大纲/旅行 要有行程安排/音乐会 要有节目单/会议要有 议程表)agenda : minutes / itinerary : log(会议记录记录会议议 程/旅行日志记录旅行 行程)(记) ag(做)+enda(表示名 词多数)→做的事情→ 议事日程(同) 同根词:agility(灵 活,敏捷); agitate(鼓动)
agglomerate AGGLOMERATE [2'gl0m2reit]
AGGLOMERATE v. 凝聚,结块(英) v. 凝聚,结块(to gather into a cluster, mass, or ball)(记) ag+glomer(球)+ate→ 滚成球→凝聚; 参考: conglomerate(凝聚成 团)
aggrandize AGGRANDIZE [2'gr9ndaiz]
AGGRANDIZE v.增大,扩张(英) v.增大,扩张(to make greater, more powerful)(考) 反义词:disparage( 贬损)(记) ag+grand(大)+ize→ 增大(同) 同根词:grandeur(宏 伟); grandiloquent(说大 话的)
aggravate AGGRAVATE ['9gr2veit]
AGGRAVATE v. 加重,恶化(英) v. 加重,恶化(to make worse; intensify)(考) 反义词:succor(援助 ); ameliorate(改进)(记) ag+grav(重)+ ate→加重;(同) 派生词: aggravation (n.恶化,激怒; 恼人的事物)同根词:gravity(庄 重;地球引力); gravitation(引力作 用)(例) The lack of rain aggravated the already serious lack of food.
aggravating AGGRAVATING ['9gr2veiti8]
AGGRAVATING adj. 激怒的,惹恼的(英) adj. 激怒的,惹恼的(annoy ing)
aggregate AGGREGATE ['9grigeit]
AGGREGATE v. 集合; 合计(英) v. 集合( to gather into a whole);合计( total; sum)(记) a g+greg(团体)+ate→ 成为团体→集合;(同) 派生词: aggregation (n. 聚集,总合)同根词:gregarious( 喜社交的); egregious(过分的, 极坏的)
aggression AGGRESSION [2'gre62n]
AGGRESSION n. 侵略; 敌对的情绪或行为(英) n. 侵略(the practice of attacks);敌对的情绪或行为(ho stile feelings or behavior)(记) ag+gress(走)+ion→ 一再走→侵略(同) 同根词:egress(出口 ); progress(进步); transgress(违背)(例) She was always full of aggression as a child.
aggressive AGGRESSIVE [2'gresiv]
AGGRESSIVE adj.好斗的; 进取的(英) adj.好斗的 (militant; assertive);进取的(full of enterprise and initiative)(记) ag(一再)+gress(走)+ ive→一再走→进取的(同) 同根词:egress(出口)(例) The country made an aggressive attack on a neighboring land.
aggrieve AGGRIEVE [2'gri:v]
AGGRIEVE adj.使受委屈; 使痛苦(考) 反义词: gratify(满足)
aggrieved AGGRIEVED [2'gri:vd]
AGGRIEVED adj. 愤愤不平的,痛心的(英) adj. 愤愤不平的,痛心的( having a grievance; offended)(记) ag+griev(悲伤)+ed→ 悲伤的(同) 同根词:grievous(令 人悲痛的,伤害严重 的); grief(悲伤)
aghast AGHAST [2'gst]
AGHAST adj. 惊骇的,吓呆的(英) adj. 惊骇的,吓呆的(feel ing great horror or dismay; terrified)(记) a+ghast(=ghost鬼, 害怕)→害怕的,吓呆 的
agile AGILE ['9d7ail]
AGILE adj. 敏捷的,灵活的(英) adj. 敏捷的,灵活的(able to move quickly and easily)(记) ag(做)+ile→能做的 →敏捷的;(同) 派生词: agility (n.敏捷)(例) as agile as a monkey
agitated AGITATED ['9d7iteitid]
AGITATED adj.被鼓动的; 不安的(英) adj.被鼓动的(excite d);不安的(perturbed)(考) literate : erudite / agitated : frenetic(博学是非常有文化/ 狂乱是非常不安)abandon : inhibition / tranquility : agitation(放纵无抑制/宁静无 躁动)反义词:equanimity( 镇静)-agitation (n. 鼓动;焦虑)(记) ag(做)+itate(表示不 断的动作)→不断地做 →鼓动;(同) 派生词: agitation (n. 鼓动;焦虑)(例) The agitated monkey pounded on the wall.
agnostic AGNOSTIC [9g'n0stik]
AGNOSTIC adj. 不可知论的(人类不可 知上帝是否存在)(英) 不可知论的(of a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God or an ultimate cause, or anything beyond material phenomena)(记) a+gnost(知道)+ic→ 不知道→不可知的(同) 同根词:diagnostic( 诊断的); ignorance(愚昧)(例) My agnostic friend believes that we can't know whether or not there is a God.
agog AGOG [2'g0g]
AGOG adj. 兴奋的,有强烈兴趣 的(英) adj. 兴奋的,有强烈兴趣 的(in a state of eager anticipation, excitement)(考) interested : agog / careful : meticulous(兴趣很强是急切渴望 /十分小心是一丝不苟)(记) agog可以作词根,意 为'引导',如: demagogue(煽动者)
agony AGONY ['9g2ni]
AGONY n. 极大痛苦(英) n. 极大痛苦(very great mental or physical pain)(考) agonized : distress / obsessed : concern(极度痛苦和一般痛苦 /着迷和一般关心)painful : agonizing / important : paramount(程度: 痛苦的 : 极度痛苦的/重要的 : 极为重要的)(记) agon(挣扎)+y→拼命 挣扎→痛苦(同) 同根词:agonizing( 引起大痛苦的); antagonistic(对抗性 的)
agrarian AGRARIAN [2'gre2ri2n]
AGRARIAN adj. 土地的(英) adj. 土地的(of land)(考) agrarian : farming / mercantile : trade(农业的做农业/商业 的做贸易)(记) agr(田地,农业)+aria n(表形容词)→土地的
agreeable AGREEABLE [2'gri:2b2l]
AGREEABLE adj. 令人喜悦的; 欣然同意的(英) adj. 令人喜悦的(pleasing );欣然同意的(ready to agree)(考) 反义词:irritable( 坏脾气的)
agronomy AGRONOMY [2'gr0n2mi]
AGRONOMY n. 农学, 农艺学(英) n. 农学, 农艺学(science of controlling the soil to produce crops)(记) agro(田地,农业)+nom y(学科) →农学;(同) 派生词: agronomist (n. 农学家)
ailment AILMENT ['eilm2nt]
AILMENT n.(不严重的)疾病(英) n.(不严重的)疾病(a mild, chronic disease)(考) malinger : ail / flatter : appreciate(装病和真病/奉承和 真赞扬)(记) ail(小病)+ment
airborne AIRBORNE ['e2b0:n]
AIRBORNE adj. 空气传播的(英) adj. 空气传播的(airborne bacteria, airborne troops)
airtight AIRTIGHT ['e2tait]
AIRTIGHT adj. 密封的(英) adj. 密封的(too tight for air or gas to enter or escape)(考) foolproof : fail / airtight : leak(十分简单的不会出错 /密封的不会泄露)
airy AIRY ['e2ri]
AIRY adj. 通风的; 不切实际的, 无实质的;无忧无虑的(英) adj. 通风的(open to the fresh air);不切实际的, 无实质的( unreal ,immaterial );无忧无虑的( high in the air)
alabaster ALABASTER ['9l2bst2]
ALABASTER adj. 雪白的(英) adj. 雪白的(translucent, smooth and white)(记) 原指透明的雪花石膏 ,引申为'雪白的' air)
alacrity ALACRITY [2'l9kriti]
ALACRITY n. 爽快, 乐意(英) n. 爽快, 乐意(prompt and eager readiness)(考) husbandry : dissipate / alacrity : procrastinate(节俭防止浪费/敏捷 防止延迟)alacrity : apathetic / temerity : timid(反义: 活泼对冷漠/鲁莽对胆 小)alacrity : prompt / acumen : shrewd(敏捷的[人]敏捷/聪 明的[人]聪明)反义词:hesitance and reluctance (犹豫且不情愿);(例) He accepted her offer with alacrity.
albeit ALBEIT [`0:l'bi:it]
ALBEIT conj . 虽然,尽管(英) conj. 虽然,尽管(although)(例) I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to contact him.
albino ALBINO [9l'bi:n2u]
ALBINO n.白化病者, 白化变种(考) albino : pigment / prairie : tree(白化病者没有色素/ 大草原上没有树)
alchemy ALCHEMY ['9lk2mi]
ALCHEMY n.炼金术(英) n.炼金术(an early form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages)(考) alchemy : science / nostrum : remedy(炼金术是伪科学/秘 方药是假药物)astrology : astronomy / alchemy : chemistry(占星术非天文学/炼 金术非化学)(记) al+chemy(化学); 参考: chemistry(化学)
alcohol ALCOHOL ['9lk2h0l]
ALCOHOL n. 酒, 酒精(英) n. 酒, 酒精( beer, wine, brandy and whisky)(考) ascetic : luxury / teetotaler : alcohol(苦行者不会奢华/禁 酒者不会饮酒)
alcove ALCOVE ['9lk2uv]
ALCOVE n. 凹室(英) n. 凹室(a recessed section of a room)(考) alcove : recess / dome : roof(凹室是一种壁凹/圆 屋顶是一种屋顶)(记) al+cove(拱)→拱入→ 凹入;常考的同义词 有:recess(壁凹),n iche(壁龛)
alert ALERT [2'l2:t]
ALERT adj. 警惕的,机警的; n. 警报(英) adj. 警惕的,机警的(quick to think or act);n. 警报(warning);(考) stupor : alert / despair : hopeful(昏迷不再机警/绝望 不再有希望)(同) 派生词: alertness (n. 警戒,戒备)
alias ALIAS ['eili2s]
ALIAS n.化名,别名(英) n.化名,别名(an assumed name; pseudonym)(考) epithet : disparage / alias : mislead(用贬人的话来贬低/ 用别名来误导)
alibi ALIBI ['9libai]
ALIBI n. 某人当时不在犯罪现 场的申辩或证明;借口 ,托辞(英) n. 某人当时不在犯罪现 场的申辩或证明(form al statement that a person was in another place at the time of a crime);借口,托辞(excuse of any kind)(考) alibi : exculpatory /warning:admonitory(申辩起辩解作用/警 告起警告作用)(记) ali(其他)+bi可能等 于be=being存在→其 他存在→不在现场; alibi(拉丁文)=elsew here
alienate ALIENATE ['eili2neit]
ALIENATE v. 疏远,离间某人(英) v. 疏远,离间某人(cause to become unfriendly or indifferent)(考) 反义词:reunite(使 再结合)(记) alien(外国的)+ate→ 把别人当外国人→疏 远;(同) 派生词: alienated (adj. 疏远的,被隔开的); alienation (n. 疏远,离间)
alight ALIGHT [2'lait]
ALIGHT adj. 烧着,点着; v. (从马上或车上)下来(英) adj. 烧着,点着(on fire; lit);v. (从马上或车上)下来( get down from a horse or vehicle)(例) Passengers should never alight from a moving bus.
align ALIGN [2'lain]
ALIGN v. 将某物排列在一条直 线上; 与某人结盟(英) v. 将某物排列在一条直 线上; 与某人结盟(join as an ally)(考) 反义词:improperly adjusted(调整不当); irregular(不规则的) ; curved(曲的); askew(歪斜的)(记) a+lign(木头) →[放]在[直的]木头 旁边→在一条直线上 →结盟
aligned ALIGNED [2'laind]
ALIGNED adj. 有序的(考) 反义词:askew(歪斜 的); awry(歪斜的)
alimentary ALIMENTARY [`9li'ment2ri]
ALIMENTARY adj. 饮食的, 营养的(英) adj. 饮食的, 营养的(supplying nourishment)(记) ailment(病)一起记, 没有alimentary的食 品, 人就会得ailment.
alimony ALIMONY ['9lim2ni]
ALIMONY n. 离婚赡养费(英) n. 离婚赡养费(payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce )
alkali ALKALI ['9lk2lai]
ALKALI n. 碱;(同) 派生词: alkaline (adj. 碱性的)
allay ALLAY [2'lei]
ALLAY v. 减轻, 缓和(英) v. 减轻, 缓和(relieve)(考) 反义词:increase the intensity of(加强) ; aggravate(加重); intensify(强化)(记) 和alley(胡同)一起记(例) allay trouble, fears
all-consuming ALL-CONSUMING [k2n`sju:mi8]
ALL-CONSUMING adj. 消耗一切的(英) adj. 消耗一切的(consumin g time, energy etc.)
allege ALLEGE [2'led7]
ALLEGE v. (无证据)陈述,宣称(英) v. (无证据)陈述,宣称(s tate without proof)(记) al(一再)+lege(讲,读 ) →一再讲→宣称;(同) 派生词: alleged (adj. 宣称的); allegation (n. 无证据的指控)
allegiance ALLEGIANCE [2'li:d72ns]
ALLEGIANCE n. 忠诚,拥护(英) n. 忠诚,拥护(loyalty or devotion to a cause, person)(考) authoritativeness : pundits / allegiance : partisans(学者有权威/爱党者 有忠诚)renegade : allegiance / apostate : faith(叛徒不会有忠诚/叛 教者不会信念)(记) al+leg(法律)+iance →靠近法律→拥护
allegory ALLEGORY ['9lig2ri,'9lig0:ri]
ALLEGORY n.寓言(英) n.寓言( fable)
allergic ALLERGIC [2'l2:d7ik]
ALLERGIC n. 过敏的; 对…讨厌的(英) n. 过敏的(of allergy)对…讨厌的(averse or disinclined)(考) sensitization : allergic / habituation : inured(敏感化成过敏的/习 惯化成习惯的)(记) all(其他)+erg(起作 用,工作)+ic→起其他 作用→过敏(同) 同根词:ergophobia( 厌工作症)
allergy ALLERGY ['9l2d7i]
ALLERGY n. 过敏症; 厌恶(英) n. 过敏症(a hypersensitivity to a specific substance);厌恶(a strong aversion)(考) allergy : reaction / lancet : instrument(过敏是一种反应/柳 叶刀是一种工具)(记) all(其他)+erg(起作 用,工作)+y→起其他 作用→过敏
alleviate ALLEVIATE [2'li:vieit]
ALLEVIATE v.缓和,减轻(英) v.缓和,减轻(lighte n or relieve[pain, suffering])(考) abate : tax / alleviate : distress(减少税收/减轻痛苦)反义词:exacerbate( 恶化)(记) al+lev(轻)+iate→减 轻(同) 同根词:levity(轻率 ), elevate(举起, 升高)(例) Winning the lottery alleviated the couple's financial problems.
alley ALLEY ['9li]
ALLEY n.小巷,小径(英) n.小巷,小径(a lane between buildings or in a garden)(同) 近形词: allay(减轻); alloy(合金)
alliteration ALLITERATION [2`lit2'rei62n]
ALLITERATION n.头韵(英) n.头韵(repetition of beginning sound in poetry)
allocate ALLOCATE ['9l2keit]
ALLOCATE v.配给,分配(英) v.配给,分配(assign sth for a special purpose ; distribute)(记) al(一再)+loc (地方)+ ate→不断送给地方→ 分配[东西];(同) 派生词: allocation ( n. 拨给,分配)同根词: location(地理位置); locomotive(机车, 火车头)
allopathy ALLOPATHY [2'l0p24i]
ALLOPATHY n.(医)对抗疗法(英) n.(医)对抗疗法(trea tment of disease by remedies that produce effects opposite to those produced by the disease)(考) 反义词:homeopathy( 顺势疗法)
allowance ALLOWANCE [2'lau2ns]
ALLOWANCE n. 津贴, 补助; 承认,允许(英) n. 津贴, 补助(amount of money, allowed or given regularly);(记) allow(允许)+ance(例) get an allowance for your old car
alloy ALLOY ['9l0i]
ALLOY n.合金; v.混合(英) n.合金(a mixture of two or more metals);v.混合(to mix )(考) alloy : purity / thin : density(掺杂降低纯度/变淡 降低密度)(记) 注意单词:unalloyed (纯粹的)
allude ALLUDE [2'lu:d]
ALLUDE v.间接提到,暗指(英) v.间接提到,暗指(to refer in a indirect way)(考) 反义词:mention explicitly(明确提出 )(记) al+lude(嬉笑)→在嬉 笑中说→暗指(同) 派生词: allusion (n.暗示an indirect reference); allusive (adj.含暗示的,暗指 的)同根词:ludicrous( 嬉弄的,可笑的); elude(躲避, 使…困惑)(例) She alluded to her birthday, hoping I would buy her a present.
allure ALLURE [2'lju2,2'lur]
ALLURE v.引诱; n. 诱惑力(英) v.引诱(to tempt; entice);n. 诱惑力( fascination)(记) al+lure(引诱); lure(诱惑力)本身是 一个单词(同) 派生词: allurement (n. 诱惑物)(例) The book has a certain allure for which it is hard to find a reason.
alluring ALLURING [2'lju2ri8]
ALLURING adj. 吸引人的, 迷人的(英) adj. 吸引人的, 迷人的(attractive, charming)(考) slippery : elude / alluring : entice(狡猾的人会逃避/迷 人的人会诱惑)(记) 来自动词allure(引诱 ): al+lure(吸引力, 魅力); lure本身是一个单词.(例) an alluring smile, prospect or promise
alluvial ALLUVIAL [2'lu:vi2l]
ALLUVIAL adj. 冲积的(记) al+luv(冲洗)+ial→ 冲出来的→冲积的(同) 同根词:alluvium(冲 积土), ablution(沐浴)
ally ALLY ['9lai,2'lai]
ALLY n. 盟国,支持者(英) n. 盟国,支持者(countr ies etc. joined for a common purpose)(考) ally : war / teammate : game(战争中联合成为盟军 /比赛中联合成为队友)反义词:adversary (对手)
almond ALMOND ['m2nd]
ALMOND n. 杏树,杏仁(同) 近形词: alimony(赡养费)
alms ALMS [mz]
ALMS n.施舍物,救济品(英) n.施舍物,救济品(mon ey or goods given to the poor)
aloft ALOFT [2'l0ft]
ALOFT adv. 在空中,在头顶上(英) adv. 在空中,在头顶上(upw ard; high up in the air )(考) 反义词:grounded(接 地的)(记) a+loft(阁楼, 鸽房)
aloof ALOOF [2'lu:f]
ALOOF adj. 冷淡的,疏远的; 不参加的(英) adj. 冷淡的,疏远的(cool and remote in manner);不参加的(take no part in sth)(考) politic : offend / aloof : associate(有策略的不会冒犯/ 冷淡的不会联合)反义词: gregarious(合群的)(同) 派生词: aloofness (n.孤零零,冷淡)(例) I find her very aloof and unfriendly.
alphabetical ALPHABETICAL [`9lf2'betik2l]
ALPHABETICAL adj. 按字母表顺序的(英) adj. 按字母表顺序的(in the order of the alphabet)(考) dictionary : alphabetical / annals : chronological(字典是按照字母顺序 /编年史是按照年代顺 序)(例) Put these words in alphabetical order.
alter ALTER ['0:lt2]
ALTER v. 改变, 更改(英) v. 改变, 更改(cause to become different)(考) friable : crumble / malleable : alter(易碎的容易破碎/可 变的容易改变)(记) alter本身就是词根: 其他的,改变状态(同) 派生词: alteration (n.改变,变更 change)近形词: altercation(争吵); alternation(交替)
altercation ALTERCATION [`0:lt2'kei62n]
ALTERCATION n.争吵,争论(英) n.争吵,争论(an angry argument; quarrel)(例) They won't let the altercation ruin their friendship.
alternative ALTERNATIVE [0:l't2:n2tiv]
ALTERNATIVE adj. 代替其它事物的;n.可 能的选择(英) adj. 代替其它事物的;n.可 能的选择(choice of two or more possibilities)(记) altern(其他的,改变 状态)+ative→用其他 方式做事→代替的
altitude ALTITUDE ['9ltitju:d]
ALTITUDE n. 海拔,高度(英) n. 海拔,高度(height above sea-level)(记) alt(高)+itude(表名 词) →高度(同) 同根词: exalt(赞扬, 升高); altimeter(高度计)
altruism ALTRUISM ['9ltruiz2m]
ALTRUISM n. 利他主义;不自私(英) n. 利他主义;不自私(un selfish; selflessness )(考) selflessness : altruist / expertise : connoisseur(利他主义者无私/行 家具备专业知识)反义词: egoism(自我主义); egocentric(利己主义 )(记) altru(其他的)+ism( 主义) →利他主义(同) 派生词: altruist (n.无私的人); altruistic (adj.无私的)(例) Altruism means doing good things simply because they are worth doing.
aluminium ALUMINIUM [`9lju'mini2m]
amalgam AMALGAM [2'm9lg2m]
AMALGAM n.混合物(英) n.混合物(a combination or mixture; blend)(记) 联想记忆: am-alg-am,前后两者 am结合→混合
amalgamate AMALGAMATE [2'm9lg2meit]
AMALGAMATE v.合并; 混合(英) v.合并(unite; combine);混合(to combine in an amalgam)(考) 反义词: separate(分离); isolate(隔离)(记) 来自单词amalgam(合 金, 混合物)(例) Our school will amalgamate with another school.
amass AMASS [2'm9s]
AMASS v. 积聚(英) v. 积聚(collect together; to accumulate)(记) a+mass(一团)→变成 一团→积聚(同) 同根词:massive(巨 大的); massacre(大屠杀)
amateurish AMATEURISH ['9m2t2ri6]
AMATEURISH adj. 业余爱好的,不熟练 的(英) adj. 业余爱好的,不熟练 的(inexpert; unskillful)(记) 来自amateur(业余爱 好者), amat=amor(爱)+eur( 人)→爱好的人→业余 爱好者(同) 同根词:amorous(多 情的); enamored(迷恋的)(例) Some inexperienced painters did an amateurish job here.
ambidextrous AMBIDEXTROUS [`9mbi'dekstr2s]
AMBIDEXTROUS adj. 十分灵巧的(英) adj. 十分灵巧的(very skillful or versatile)(记) ambi(二个)+dextr(右 的)+ous→两只手都像 右手一样→灵巧的;(同) 同根词:ambiguous( 模棱两可的); dextrous(灵巧的)
ambience AMBIENCE ['9mbi2ns]
AMBIENCE n.环境,气氛(英) n.环境,气氛(environ ment; atmosphere)(同) 派生词: ambient (adj.周围的,四面八 方的)
ambiguous AMBIGUOUS [9m'bigju2s]
AMBIGUOUS adj. 含糊的(英) adj. 含糊的(not clear; uncertain; vague; obscure)(考) ambiguous : clarity / mendacious : truth(含糊的不清晰/虚假 的不真实)ambiguous : understand / blatant : ignore(含糊的不容易理解/ 炫耀的不容易忽视)equivocation :ambiguous / platitude : banal(含糊其词的特点是含 糊/陈词滥调的特点是 陈腐)反义词:watershed( 分水岭)-ambiguity( 含糊不(记) ambi(二)+guous(做… 的) →做二件事的→含糊的(同) 派生词: ambiguity (n. 含糊不清)(例) an ambiguous answer ambiguity
ambition AMBITION [9m'bi62n]
AMBITION n. 雄心,志向; 夙愿(英) n. 雄心,志向(strong desire to achieve sth);夙愿(object of this desire)(考) shiftless : ambition / ingenous : guile(懒散的[人]不会有雄 心/真诚的[人]不会有 诡计)(同) 派生词: ambitious (adj.有雄心的,野心 勃勃的)(例) filled with ambition to become famous, rich, powerful
ambivalent AMBIVALENT [9m'biv2l2nt]
AMBIVALENT adj. (对人或物)有矛盾看 法的(考) 反义词:commitment( 一心一意; 许诺)(记) ambi(二)+val(强大)+ ent→两边都有力量→ 矛盾看法(同) 派生词: ambivalence (n. 矛盾心理 simultaneous conflicting feelings)同根词:valiant(勇 敢); valor(勇气)(例) They are ambivalent concerning where to go on vacation.
amble AMBLE ['9mbl]
AMBLE n. / v. 漫步,缓行(英) n. / v. 漫步,缓行(walk in a leisurely manner)(考) walk : amble / talk : chat(漫步是无目的的走/ 闲聊是无目的的聊)(记) amble=ambul(走路)(同) 同根词: ambulance(救护车); preamble(前言, 序言)近形词: ample(丰富的); ramble(漫步, 闲逛)
ambrosia AMBROSIA [9m'br2uzi2,9m'br2u72]
AMBROSIA n.神的食物(英) n.神的食物(food of the gods)(考) mellifluous : music / ambrosial : food(流畅的音乐/美味的 食品)
ambulatory AMBULATORY ['9mbjul2t2ri]
AMBULATORY adj. (适宜于)步行的(able to walk)(记) 词根记忆:ambul(行 走) + atory→行走的,步行的
ameliorate AMELIORATE [2'mi:li2reit]
AMELIORATE v. 改善,改良(英) v. 改善,改良(cause to become better)(考) 反义词: aggravate(恶化)(同) 派生词: amelioration (n. 改善,改良improvemen t)(例) ameliorate conditions, circumstances, living standards
amenable AMENABLE [2'mi:n2bl]
AMENABLE adj. 愿服从的,通情达理 的(英) adj. 愿服从的,通情达理 的(responsive; submissive;obedien t)(考) 反义词:inimical(敌 意的);recalcitrant (不顺从的); obdurate (顽固的); ossified(僵化的)(记) 分割记忆:a-men-abl e→一个人能共事→通 情达理的(例) If everyone is amenable, let's have the picnic on Sunday.
amendment AMENDMENT [2'mendm2nt]
AMENDMENT n.改正,修正; [法律]修正案(英) n.改正,修正(a correction of errors, faults);[法律]修正案(a revision made in a bill, law, constitution, etc.)(记) a+ment(补,修)+ment →改正的东西(同) 同根词:amends(赔偿 ,补偿); emend(校订, 改正)
amenity AMENITY [2'mi:niti]
AMENITY n. 带来愉快的设施; 适意(英) n. 带来愉快的设施; 适意(a desirable feature; convenience)(考) amenity: comfortable / honorarium : grateful(适意表示舒服/酬金 表示感谢)(记) 和amenable一起记, 都是以amen开头(例) The hotel's amenities included a whirlpool.
amethyst AMETHYST ['9mi4ist]
amiable AMIABLE ['eimi2bl]
AMIABLE n. 和蔼的,亲切的(英) n. 和蔼的,亲切的(good natured, affable, genial, cordial)(考) 反义词:inimical(敌 意的)(同) 派生词: amiability (n. 友好,和蔼可亲)(例) She is amiable, not aloof.
amicable AMICABLE ['9mik2bl]
AMICABLE adj. 友好的(英) adj. 友好的(friendly in feeling; showing good will)(考) 反义词:inimical(敌 意的)(记) amiable强调人自身具 备的性格和蔼; amicable强调对外界 人物的态度友好(例) Although we had argued, our parting was amicable.
amity AMITY ['9m2ti]
AMITY n. (人或国之间的)友好 关系(英) n. (人或国之间的)友好 关系(friendly relationship between people or countries)(记) am(爱,情爱)+ity→爱 的状态→和睦
amnesia AMNESIA [9m'ni:zi2]
AMNESIA n. 健忘症(英) n. 健忘症(partial or total loss of memory)(记) a+mnes(记忆)+ia(病) →没有记忆的病(同) 同根词:amnesty(大 赦)
amnesty AMNESTY ['9mn2sti]
AMNESTY n. 大赦,特赦(英) n. 大赦,特赦(a pardon for political offenses against a government)(记) a+mnes(记忆)+ty→不 再记仇→赦免
amoral AMORAL [`ei'm0r2l]
AMORAL adj. 不知是非的(英) adj. 不知是非的(incapabl e of distinguishing between right and wrong)(记) a+moral(道德的)构成 ; 注意:immoral(不道 德的,淫荡的)
amorous AMOROUS ['9m2r2s]
AMOROUS adj. 有性欲的; 情爱的(英) adj. 有性欲的; 情爱的(of sexual love or lovemaking)(记) amor(爱)+ous; amour(情爱)本身是一 个单词
amorphous AMORPHOUS [2'm0:f2s]
AMORPHOUS adj. 无定形的(英) adj. 无定形的(without definite form; shapeless)(考) amorphous : shape / errant : course(无定形的没有形状/ 游离的没有路线)amorphousness : definition / lassitude : energy(无定形没有形状/疲 倦没有精力)(记) a+morph(形状)+ous→ 无形状的(同) 派生词:amorphousne ss(无定形)同根词:metamorphos e(变形); morphology(形态学)
amortize AMORTIZE [2'm0:taiz,9'm2rtaiz]
AMORTIZE v.分期偿还(英) v.分期偿还(to put money for gradual payment of a debt)(考) 反义词:suddenly increase one's indebtedness(突然不 负债)(记) a+mort(死亡)+ize→ 使死亡→偿还(同) 同根词:immortal(不 朽的); mortality(死亡率)(例) They amortized the debt over a ten-year period._
amphibian AMPHIBIAN [9m'fibi2n]
AMPHIBIAN n. 两栖动物;水陆两用飞 行器(英) 两栖动物(animal able to live both on land and in water)水陆两用飞行器(airc raft that can take off from on either land or water)(考) eagle : bird / frog : amphibian(鹰是一种鸟/青蛙是 一种两栖动物)(记) amphi(两个,两种)+bi (生命)+an→两个生命 →两栖动物(同) 派生词: amphibious (adj. 两栖的,水陆两用的)
ample AMPLE ['9mpl]
AMPLE adj. 富足的; 充足的(英) adj. 富足的(abundant)充足的(enough; adequate)(记) ampl(大、多)+e(同) 同根词:amplify(放大 ); amplitude(广阔, 充足)
amplify AMPLIFY ['9mplifai]
AMPLIFY v.放大; 详述(英) v.放大(to make larger;extend);详述(to develop with details)(考) mute(减弱); abridge (缩短)(记) ampl(大)+ify→使大 ,放大(同) 派生词: amplification (n. 扩大,充实); amplified (adj. 扩大的,充实的); amplifier (n. 放大器)(例) amplify the sound. amplify one's objections.
amplitude AMPLITUDE ['9mplitju:d,'9mplitu:d]
AMPLITUDE n.广大, 广阔(考) 反义词: meagerness(稀少)
amputate AMPUTATE ['9mpjuteit]
AMPUTATE v.截肢(英) v.截肢(to cut off an arm or leg by surgery)(记) am+put(切除)+ate→ 切除(同) 同根词:amputee(截 肢者)(例) The doctors amputated the mangled(砍坏的) leg.
amulet AMULET ['9mjulit,`let]
AMULET n. 护身符(英) n. 护身符(piece of jewelry worn as a charm against evil )(考) amulet : evil / helmet : injury(用辟邪物来避免邪恶 /用头盔来避免伤害)
amuse AMUSE [2'mju:z]
AMUSE v. 逗某人笑;使某人笑消 遣(英) v. 逗某人笑(make sb smile)(考) didactic : instruct / comic : amuse(说教的用来教导人/ 喜剧的用来取悦人)(记) a+muse(缪斯, 古希腊文艺女神)(同) 派生词: amused (adj. 被逗乐的); amusement (n. 娱乐品,消遣); amusing (adj. 好笑的,有趣的)(例) Everyone was amused at/by the story about the dog.
anachronism ANACHRONISM [2'n9kr2niz2m]
ANACHRONISM n. 年代错误;落伍之物(英) 年代错误(the representation of something at other than its proper time);落伍之物(anything that is or seems to be out of its proper time in history)(考) anachronism : chronology / fallacy : logic(年代错误是年代学中 的错误/逻辑谬误是逻 辑学中的错误)(记) ana(错)+chron(时间) +ism→时间错误(同) 同根词:chronicle( 编年史); synchronous(同步的)
anachronistic ANACHRONISTIC [2`n9kr2'nistik]
ANACHRONISTIC adj. 时代错误的,落伍过时 的(英) adj. 时代错误的,落伍过时 的(old-fashioned)(考) anachronistic : time / discordant : sound(年代错误是时间错误 /不和谐是声音错误)(记) 联系anachronism(n. 时代错误;ana[错误, 在旁边]+chron[时间] +ism→时代错误)
anaerobic ANAEROBIC [`9ne2'r2ubik]
ANAEROBIC adj. 厌氧的 n.厌氧微生物(考) 反义词: living in oxygen(生活在氧气中 的); respiration(呼吸)
anagram ANAGRAM ['9n2gr9m]
ANAGRAM n. 变形词(英) n. 变形词(word made by rearranging the letters of another word )(记) ana(错误,分开)+gram (写,图) →[容易]写错的→变 形了的; 例如: silver写成 sliver
analgesic ANALGESIC [`9n2l'd7i:zik]
ANALGESIC n. 镇痛剂; adj. 止痛的(英) 镇痛剂(a drug that produces a fully conscious state in which a person does not feel painful stimuli);(考) analgesic : pain / anesthetic : sensation / palliative : symptom(镇痛剂可以消除疼痛 /麻醉剂可以消除感觉 /缓和剂可以消除症状)aseptic : disinfection / anesthetic : numbness(消毒剂可以用来消毒 /麻醉剂可以用来麻醉)tonic : invigorate / analgesic : deaden(滋补品可以使强壮/ 镇痛剂可以使疼痛减(记) an(没有)+alg(痛)+es ic(药)→止痛药(同) 同根词:nostalgia( 怀旧); neuralgia(神经痛)(例) an analgesic medicine for one's headache
analogue ANALOGUE ['9n2l0g]
ANALOGUE n. 类似物,相似体(英) n. 类似物,相似体(thing that is similar to another thing)(记) 来自analogy的变体
analogy ANALOGY [2'n9l2d7i]
ANALOGY n. 相似; 类比(英) n. 相似(partial resemblance);类比(the likening of one thing to another)(考) 反义词:lacking similarity(缺乏相似 性)(记) ana(并列)+log(说话) +y→放在一起说→类比(同) 派生词: analogous (adj. 类似的)同根词:prologue(序 言); epilogue(尾声, 后记)
analysis ANALYSIS [2'n9l2sis]
ANALYSIS n.分析(英) 分析(study of sth by examining its parts and their relationship)(考) 反义词: synthesis(综合)(记) ana+lysis(分开)→分 开来→分析
analytical ANALYTICAL [9n2'litik(2)l]
ANALYTICAL adj. 分析的,分解的(英) adj. 分析的,分解的(of or using analysis)(记) 来自analysis(分析): ana+lysis(分开) →分开来→分析
anarchist ANARCHIST ['9n2kist]
ANARCHIST n. 无政府主义者(英) n. 无政府主义者(person who believes in anarchism)(考) anarchist : rebel / apologist : defend(无政府主义者反叛/ 辩论者辩护)anarchist : government / abolitionist : slavery(无政府主义者不要政 府/废奴主义者不要奴 隶制)(记) an(不,无)+arch(统治 )+ist(表人) →主张不统治的人→ 无政府主义者
anarchy ANARCHY ['9n2ki]
ANARCHY n. 无政府;政治上的混 乱(英) n. 无政府;政治上的混 乱(political disorder)(考) 反义词: order(有序)(记) an+archy(统治)→不 统治→无政府(同) 派生词: anarchic (adj. 无政府的); anarchist (n. 无政府主义者)同根词:matriarchy( 母权制); hierarchy(等级制度)
anathema ANATHEMA [2'n942m2]
ANATHEMA n. 诅咒(英) n. 诅咒(a solemn ecclesiastical condemnation)(考) anathema : curse / theocracy : state(anathema是神的诅咒 /theocracy是神权政 权)反义词:panegyric( 颂词)(记) 联想记忆:ana-them- a,骂他们啊→诅咒(例) Taxes are anathema to the people of this district.
anatomical ANATOMICAL [`9n2't0mik2l]
ANATOMICAL adj. 解剖学的(英) 解剖学的(of scientific study of the structure of animal bodies)(记) 来自anatomy(解剖学) : ana[分开]+tomy[切] →切开→解剖
ancestor ANCESTOR ['9nsest2]
ANCESTOR n. 祖先, 祖宗(英) 祖先,祖宗(any of the people from whom SB is descended)(考) 反义词:heirloom : ancestor / bequest : testator(传家宝是由 祖先留下/遗产是由立 遗嘱人留下)(同) 派生词: ancestry (n. 世系line of ancestors)(例) His ancestors had come to England as refugees.
anchorite ANCHORITE ['98k2rait]
ANCHORITE n. 隐士(英) n. 隐士(a person who lives alone ; hermit; recluse)(记) 分割记忆: anchor(铁锚)+rite( 仪式) →像铁锚一样固定在 一个地方不出来的人
ancillary ANCILLARY [9n'sil2ri]
ANCILLARY adj. 辅助的;n. 助手(英) adj. 辅助的(subordinate; auxiliary);n. 助手(aid)(记) 来自ancilla(女仆)
anecdote ANECDOTE ['9nikd2ut]
ANECDOTE n. 短故事; 轶事(英) n. 短故事(a short, entertaining account);轶事(entertaining facts of history)(考) anecdote : amusement / lecture : instruction(轶事是为了娱乐/讲 课是为了教育)anecdote : story / skit : play(轶事是故事的一种/ 幽默短剧是戏剧的一 种)ditty : oratorio / anecdote : novel(短曲对长调/短轶事 对长故事)(同) 派生词: anecdotal (adj. 轶事的,趣闻的)
anemia ANEMIA [2'ni:mi2]
ANEMIA n.贫血,贫血症(记) a+nem(血)+ia→无血 病→贫血(例) Bill took iron supplements to compensate for his anemia.
anesthetic ANESTHETIC [9nis'4etik]
ANESTHETIC n.麻醉剂(英) 麻醉剂(a drug, gas, etc. used to produce anesthesia, as before surgery)(考) analgesic : pain / anesthetic : sensation(镇痛剂消除疼痛/麻 醉剂消除感觉)aseptic : disinfection / anesthetic : numbness(消毒剂用来消毒/麻 醉剂用来麻醉)anesthetic : numbness/intoxicant : drunkenness/sedativ e :drowsiness/astring ent : contraction(麻醉剂使麻木/酒精 可以使人沉醉/收缩剂 造成收缩)(记) an+esthet(感觉)+ic →无感觉→麻醉(同) 同根词:aesthetic( 美学)
anguish ANGUISH ['98gwi6]
ANGUISH n. 极大痛苦(英) n. 极大痛苦(great suffering;distress )(记) angu(痛苦)+ish;(同) 参考:anger(愤怒)
angular ANGULAR ['98gjul2]
ANGULAR adj. 有角的; (指人)瘦削的(英) adj. 有角的(having angles);(指人)瘦削的( thin and bony)(同) 派生词: angularity (n. 有角性,多角)
anhydrous ANHYDROUS [9n'haidr2s]
ANHYDROUS adj. 无水的(英) adj. 无水的(shortage of water)(考) 反义词:wet(湿的)(记) an(无)+hydr (水)+ ous→无水的(同) 同根词: dehydrate(脱水); carbohydrate(碳水化 合物)
animate ANIMATE ['9nimit,'9nimeit]
ANIMATE adj. 活的,有生命的; v.赋予生命(英) adj. 活的,有生命的(livin g, having life);v.赋予生命(give life to sth/sb)(考) 反义词: lassitude(疲乏);dr one(单调的声音)(记) anim(生命,精神)+ate →使有生命(同) 派生词: animated (adj. 活跃的,活泼的); animation (n. 兴奋,活跃, 动画 vivacity)同根词:magnanimous (大度的); unanimous(意见一致 的)
animosity ANIMOSITY [9ni'm0siti]
ANIMOSITY n. 憎恶,仇恨(英) n. 憎恶,仇恨(a feeling of strong dislike or hatred)(记) anim(生命)+osity; 联想: 用整个生命去恨(例) Much animosity exists between the two opponents.
animus ANIMUS ['9nim2s]
ANIMUS n. 憎恨,敌意(英) n. 憎恨(animosity)
ankle ANKLE ['98k2l]
ANKLE n.脚踝(英) n.脚踝(the joint that connects the foot and the leg)(同) 近形词: rankle(怨恨, 激怒)
annals ANNALS ['9n2lz]
ANNALS n. 编年史(英) n. 编年史(story of events year by year)(考) dictionary : alphabetical / annals : chronological(字典是按照字母顺序 /编年史是按照时代顺 序)(记) ann(年,一年)+als(同) 同根词: anniversary(周年纪 念日); annuity(养老金)
annexation ANNEXATION [`9nek'sei62n]
ANNEXATION n. 并吞,附加(英) n. 并吞,附加(act of combining )
annihilate ANNIHILATE [2'nai2leit]
ANNIHILATE v. 消灭(英) v. 消灭(to destroy completely; demolish)(记) an+nihil(无)+ate→ 消灭(同) 派生词:annihilatio n (n. 灭绝,消灭)同根词:nihilism(虚 无);nihil(虚无)(例) The leaders of the country try to annihilate poverty.
annotate ANNOTATE ['9n2teit]
ANNOTATE v.注解(英) v.注解(to provide critical or explanatory notes)(记) an+not(=note,意义)+ ate→给以意义→注解(同) 派生词: annotated (adj. 注释过的,评注的); annotation (n. 注解)同根词: connotation(内涵); notorious(臭名昭彰 的)(例) to annotate the new edition of Shakespeare's plays
announce ANNOUNCE [2'nauns]
ANNOUNCE v. 宣布,发表;通报…的 到来(英) v. 宣布,发表(to make known publicly);(记) an+nounce(讲话,说出 ) →一再讲→宣布(同) 派生词: announced (adj. 公开宣称的); announcement (n. 宣布,通告)
annoy ANNOY [2'n0i]
ANNOY v. 惹恼; 打搅,骚扰(英) v. 惹恼(cause slight anger);打搅,骚扰(cause trouble to sb)(考) testy : annoy / tractable : control(易怒的容易被惹恼/ 驯良的容易被控制)(同) 派生词: annoyance (n. 烦恼;烦恼的事物); annoyed (adj. 颇为生气的)(例) His constant sniffing annoys me.
annoying ANNOYING [2'n0ii8]
ANNOYING adj. 使人颇为生气的(英) adj. 使人颇为生气的(caus ing slight anger )(考) annoying : gadfly / rude : churl(牛虻[讨厌的人]很烦 人/乡下人很粗鲁)(例) This interruption is very annoying.
annul ANNUL [2'n3l]
ANNUL v. 宣告无效; 取消(英) v. 宣告无效(invalidate );取消(cancel,abolis h)(考) 反义词:make legal(使合法化)(记) an+nul(消除)→取消(同) 同根词:nullify(取 消)(例) Her marriage was annulled after six months.
anodyne ANODYNE ['9n2udain]
ANODYNE n. 止痛药(英) n. 止痛药(anything that relieves pain or soothes)(记) an+odyne(痛)→不痛 →止痛药
anomaly ANOMALY [2'n0m2li]
ANOMALY n.异常,反常(英) n.异常,反常(depart ure from the regular arrangement or usual method)(考) stream : eddy / trend : anomaly(与溪流方向不同的是 旋涡/与趋势方向不同 的是异常)anomaly : paradigmatic / blemish : flawless(典范的不会异常/无 瑕的不会有瑕疵)反义词: typical(典型的); normal(正常的);pre dicted occurrence(预料中的 事); conformity to norms(遵守常规的)(记) a+nomal(相同,正常) +y→不正常(同) 派生词: anomalous (adj. 反常的,不规则的)
anonymous ANONYMOUS [2'n0nim2s]
ANONYMOUS adj. 匿名的(英) adj. 匿名的(written by a person whose name is unknown)(考) anonymous :identify / nonchalant:excite(化名的无法辨认/冷 淡的无法刺激)(记) an+onym(名称)+ity→ 无名称→匿名(同) 派生词: anonymity (n. 无名,匿名)同根词:synonym(同 义词); pseudonym(假名)
anorexia ANOREXIA [`9n2'reksi2]
ANOREXIA n. 厌食症(英) n. 厌食症( an eating disorder, aversion to food)(记) an+orex(胃口)+ia→ 无胃口的病
antagonize ANTAGONIZE [9n't9g2naiz]
ANTAGONIZE v. 使对抗; 与…对抗(英) v. 使对抗; 与…对抗(arouse hostility; show opposition )(考) 反义词:placate(安 抚); synergic(合作的); propitiate(劝解); mollify(平息)(记) ant(反)+agon(打斗, 比赛)+ize→对着打→ 对抗(同) 派生词: antagonism (n.对抗,敌对opposi tion; enmity); antagonist (n. 敌手,对手); antagonistic (adj. 对抗的,敌对的)(例) It would be dangerous to antagonize him.
antarctic ANTARCTIC [9n'tktik]
ANTARCTIC adj. 南极的(英) adj. 南极的(of the regions around the South Pole)(记) arctic(北极的)
antecedence ANTECEDENCE [`9nti'si:d2ns]
ANTECEDENCE n. 居先,优先(英) n. 居先,优先(being prior; precedence)(记) ante(前面)+ced(走)+ ence→走到面前(同) 同根词:recede(后退 ); accede(答应, 同意)
antecedent ANTECEDENT [`9nti'si:d2nt]
ANTECEDENT n. 前事,前情(英) n. 前事,前情(thing that comes before another)(记) ante(前面,先)+ced( 走)+ent→走在前面的 (事) →前事
antedate ANTEDATE ['9ntideit,`9nti'deit]
ANTEDATE v. (在信、文件上) 写上较早日期;早于(英) v. (在信、文件上) 写上较早日期;早于 (to happen at an earlier date than)(记) ante(前面)+date(日 期)
antediluvian ANTEDILUVIAN [`9ntidi'lu:vi2n]
ANTEDILUVIAN adj. 史前的; 陈旧的(英) adj. 史前的(of the time before the Biblical Flood);陈旧的(old-fashione d, or primitive)(记) ante+diluv(洪水)+ia n→洪水以前→史前的
antenna ANTENNA [9n'ten2]
ANTENNA n. 触角,天线(考) antenna : signal / net : fish(天线的功能是接收信 号/鱼网的功能是捕捉 鱼)(记) ante(前面)+nna(表示 名词)→前面的东西→ 触角; 注意复数: antennae (n. 触角,触须)
anterior ANTERIOR [9n'ti2ri2]
ANTERIOR adj. 较早的,以前的(英) adj. 较早的,以前的(prev ious; earlier)(考) 反义词: ensuing(跟着发生的)(同) 近形词: superior(上面的, 优越的); interior(内部的); inferior(低下的); exterior(外部的)
anthem ANTHEM ['9n42m]
ANTHEM n.圣歌; 赞美歌(英) n.圣歌(an religious choral song);赞美歌(a song of praise , as to a nation)(记) 分割记忆:an-them: 一首他们一起唱的歌
anthology ANTHOLOGY [9n'40l2d7i]
ANTHOLOGY n. 诗集,文选(英) n. 诗集,文选(a collection of poems, stories, songs)(考) compendium : summary / anthology : collection(纲要是一种总结/诗 选是一种文集)(记) anth(花)+ology→像 花一样的文章→文选(同) 同根词:anthesis(开 花期); chrysanthemum(菊花)
anthropoid ANTHROPOID ['9n4r2p0id]
ANTHROPOID adj. 像人类的;n. 类人猿(英) adj. 像人类的(resembling a human)(记) anthrop(人)+oid(像 …一样)→像人的(同) 同根词:misanthrope (厌世者); philanthropist(博爱 家)(例) The chimpanzee has many anthropoid facial features.
anthropology ANTHROPOLOGY [9n4r2'p0l2d7i]
ANTHROPOLOGY n. 人类学(记) anthrop(人)+ology( 学科)→人类学(同) 派生词: anthropologist (n. 人类学家)
antibiotic ANTIBIOTIC [`9ntibai'0tik]
ANTIBIOTIC n. 抗生素;adj. 抗菌的(英) adj. 抗菌的(destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms)(考) antibiotic : infection / coagulant : bleeding(抗生素用来抑制感染 /止血剂用来抑制流血)(记) anti(反)+bio(生命)+ ic→反生命→抗生素
antibody ANTIBODY ['9ntib0di]
ANTIBODY n.抗体(身体中的抗病 物质)(考) food : nourish / antibodies : protect(食物的功能是滋养/ 抗体的功能是保护)
antic ANTIC ['9ntik]
ANTIC adj. 古怪的(英) adj. 古怪的 (fantastic and *****; grotesque)(考) facetious : speech / antic : behavior(幽默的演讲/奇怪的 行为)(记) 和antique(古董)来自 同一词源; 注意: antics (n. 古怪滑稽的动作)(同) 近形词: attic(阁楼)
anticipate ANTICIPATE [9n'tisipeit]
ANTICIPATE v.预期,期待(英) v.预期,期待(to look forward to;expect )(考) 反义词: retrospective(回顾 的);untoward (不利的)(记) anti(前)+cip(落下)+ ate→提前落下→预期(同) 派生词: anticipation (n. 预料); anticipatory (adj. 预期的)同根词: incipient(开始的); emancipate(解放)(例) We anticipated the storm and brought raincoats.
anticlimax ANTICLIMAX [`9nti'klaim9ks]
ANTICLIMAX n. 令人扫兴的结局(英) n. 令人扫兴的结局(disa ppointing end to a series of events which had seemed likely to become more interesting, exciting or impressive)(记) anti(反对,相反)+cli max(高潮,结局) →与高潮相反→没有 高潮
antidote ANTIDOTE ['9ntid2ut]
ANTIDOTE n.解毒药(英) n.解毒药(a remedy to counteract a poison)(考) antidote : poisoning / remedy : disease / balm : irritation(解毒剂用来消除毒/ 药物用来消除疾病/油 膏用来消除刺痒)antidote : poison / tonic : lethargy(解毒剂用来解除毒素 /补药用来解除疲乏)(记) anti(反)+dote(药剂) →反毒的药→解毒药; 注意:dote=dose(药 剂),如overdose(用 药过量)(同) 近形词: anecdote(短故事)(例) an antidote to the poison. One antidote to crime is to create jobs.
antigen ANTIGEN ['9ntid72n]
ANTIGEN n.抗原(注射于动物体 内,能使之产生抗体 的物质)(英) 抗原(substance which, when it is put into the body, causes it to produce antibodies)(记) anti(反对)+gen(出生 ,生产)→[能]产生对 抗物质的东西→抗原
antihistamine ANTIHISTAMINE [`9nti'hist2mi:n]
ANTIHISTAMINE n. (治疗过敏的)抗组胺 剂(英) 抗组胺剂(any of a variety of drugs used to treat allergies)
antipathy ANTIPATHY [9n'tip24i]
ANTIPATHY n. 反感,厌恶(英) n. 反感,厌恶(strong dislike)(考) 反义词:affection( 友爱);benevolence (善意); settled fondness (坚定的喜爱); propensity (偏好)(记) anti+pathy(感情) →反感(同) 同根词: apathy(冷漠); sympathy(同情)
antiquated ANTIQUATED ['9ntikweitid]
ANTIQUATED adj. 陈旧的,过时的(英) adj. 陈旧的,过时的(obso lete, old-fashioned)(记) 来自antique(古董的) +ated; 参考: antiquity(古老,高 龄)
antiseptic ANTISEPTIC [`9nti'septik]
ANTISEPTIC n. 杀菌剂(英) n. 杀菌剂(any substance that inhibit the action of microorganisms);ad j. 防腐的( preventing infection, decay)(考) oil : lubricate / antiseptic : disinfect(油用来润滑/杀菌剂 用来消毒)sedative : pacify / antiseptic sterilize(镇静剂的功能是使平 静/杀菌剂的功能是杀 菌)(记) anti(反)+sept(菌)+i c→杀菌剂(同) 同根词:septic(有菌 的,感染的)
antithesis ANTITHESIS [9n'ti4isis,9n'ti42sis]
ANTITHESIS n. 对立;相对(英) n. 对立;相对(a contrast or opposition)(记) anti+thes=set(放置) +is→反着放→对立(同) 派生词: antithetic (adj. 对立的)同根词:thesis(论文 ); hypothesis(假设)(例) What he said is the antithesis of the truth.
antitoxic ANTITOXIC [`9nti't0ksik]
ANTITOXIC adj. 抗毒素的(英) adj. 抗毒素的(acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect)(记) anti+tox(毒)+ic→抗 毒素的(同) 同根词: detoxify(解毒); intoxicate(使中毒, 使陶醉)
anvil ANVIL ['9nvil]
ANVIL n. 铁砧(英) n. 铁砧(a steel block )(考) hammer : anvil / pestle : mortar(锤子砸在铁砧上/研 棒砸在研钵上)
aorta AORTA [ei'0:t2]
AORTA n. 主动脉(英) n. 主动脉(the main artery of the body)
apathy APATHY ['9p24i]
APATHY n. 漠然,冷淡(英) n. 漠然,冷淡(listless condition; indifference)(考) ennui : enthusiastic / fervor : apathetic(厌倦无兴奋/热情无 冷漠)arrhythmic : regularity / apathetic : concern(无节奏的无规则/冷 漠的无关心)alacrity : apathetic / temerity : timid(活泼相对冷漠/鲁莽 相对胆小)apathetic : emotion / imprudent : discretio(记) a=path(感情)+y→无 感情→冷淡(同) 派生词: apathetic (adj. 冷漠的,无动于衷的)
aperture APERTURE ['9p2tju2]
APERTURE n. 孔隙,窄的缺口(英) n. 孔隙,窄的缺口(an opening; hole; gap)(记) aper=open(开)+ture →开口→孔
apex APEX ['eipeks]
APEX n. 顶点,最高点(英) n. 顶点,最高点(the highest point; peak; vertex, summit)
aphasia APHASIA [2'fei72]
APHASIA n. 失语症(记) a+phas(语言)+ia→无 语言的病→失语症; 参考: phrase(词语)
aphorism APHORISM ['9f2riz2m]
APHORISM n. 格言(英) n. 格言(a short, pointed sentence; maxim; adage)(考) brevity : aphorism / distortion : caricature(格言的特点是简洁/ 漫画的特点是扭曲)euphemism : offensive / aphorism : diffuse(委婉语言不会是冒犯 的/格言不会是散漫的)pithiness : aphorism / exaggeration : caricature(格言的特点是简洁/ 漫画的特点是夸张)aphoristic : terse /(记) 提醒您已学到的adage (格言),以及要学到的 maxim(公理,格言)(同) 派生词: aphoristic (adj. 格言似的,警句似的)
apiary APIARY ['eipi2ri]
APIARY n.养蜂场(记) api(蜂)+ary(场所)→ 养蜂场(同) 同根词:aviary(养鸟 场)
apiculture APICULTURE ['eipi`k3lt62]
aplomb APLOMB [2'pl0m]
APLOMB n. 沉着,镇静(英) n. 沉着,镇静(self-pos session; assurance)(记) 来自法语
apocalyptic APOCALYPTIC [2`p0k2'liptik]
APOCALYPTIC adj. 预示世界末日的;启 示的(英) adj. 预示世界末日的;启 示的 (prophetic)(考) 反义词:inconsequen tial(不重要的)(记) 来自apocalypse(天启 ,启示): apo(离开,远)+calyp s(盖上)+e→揭开→启示
apocrypha APOCRYPHA [2'p0krif2]
APOCRYPHA n. 伪经,伪书(英) n. 伪经,伪书(books not canonical)(考) 反义词:canon(真作) ;authenticated(经 鉴定的)(记) apo (远)+cryph(隐藏)+a →非珍藏之物→伪经(同) 派生词: apocryphal (adj. 伪经的;假冒的 spurious; counterfeit )
apogee APOGEE ['9p2d7i:]
APOGEE n. 远地点(太阳等距离地 球最远的点)(考) 反义词:perigee(近 地点)(记) apo(远)+gee(地球)→ 远离地球的点→远地点(同) 同根词:geology(地 质学),gee=geo
apolitical APOLITICAL [`eip2'litik2l]
APOLITICAL adj. 不关心政治的(英) adj. 不关心政治的(not interested in politics)(记) 分割记忆: apo(离开,远离)apoli tical→远离政治的→ 不关心政治的
apologist APOLOGIST [2'p0l2d7ist]
APOLOGIST n. 辩解者(英) n. 辩解者(a person who speaks in defense of a doctrine or faith)(考) saboteur : disrupt / apologist : defend(怠工者破坏/辩解者 保护)反义词:critic(批评 者); detractor(诋毁者)
apologize APOLOGIZE [2'p0l2d7aiz]
APOLOGIZE v. 道歉; 辩解(英) v. 道歉(say one is sorry )(考) apologize : contrite / compliment : impressed(道歉表达后悔/称赞 表达被打动)(记) apo(远离)+log(说话) +ize →离(别人)远一点说 话→不面对面骂→道歉
apophasis APOPHASIS [2'p0f2sis]
APOPHASIS n.[修辞]表面否认要 说的话(实际承认)(考) apophasis : claim / oxymoron : paradox(表面否认法是用无证 据的说法/矛盾修饰法 是用似是而非的论点
apoplectic APOPLECTIC [`9p2'plektik]
APOPLECTIC adj.中风的, 愤怒的(考) 反义词: calm(平静的)
apostasy APOSTASY [2'p0st2si]
APOSTASY n. 背教,脱党(英) n. 背教,脱党(an abandoning of what one has believed in)(考) apostasy : faith / recantation : heresy(变节叛教背叛信仰/ 放弃信仰抛弃异端)反义词:fidelity(忠 诚)(记) apo(远)+stas(站)+y →站到远处→叛教(同) 同根词:status(社会 地位); statute(法令法规)
apostate APOSTATE [2'p0steit]
APOSTATE n. 背教者,变节者(英) n. 背教者,变节者(a person guilty of apostasy; renegade)(考) renegade : allegiance / apostate : faith(叛徒没有忠诚/叛教 者没有信仰)
apostrophe APOSTROPHE [2'p0str2fi]
APOSTROPHE n. 书写中撇号(')(表示 省略或所有格)(考) apostrophes : word / ellipsis : sentence(撇号省略字/省略号 省略句子)(记) apo+strophe(转)→用 '把字语省略(同) 同根词:strophe(诗 节,轮流唱的诗); catastrophe(大灾难)
apothegm APOTHEGM ['9p24em]
APOTHEGM n.格言,警句(英) n.格言,警句(pithy, compact saying)
apotheosis APOTHEOSIS [2`p04i'2usis]
APOTHEOSIS n.神化; 典范(英) n.神化(the act of raising a person to the status of a god; deification);典范(a glorified ideal)(记) apo+theo(神)+sis→ 离神不远→神化;(同) 参考:deify(神化)同根词:theology(神 学); atheism(无神论)
appall APPALL [2'p0:l]
APPALL v. 使惊骇,使恐怖(英) v. 使惊骇,使恐怖(to fill with horror or dismay; shock)(考) 反义词:embolden(使 勇敢); nerve(鼓起勇气); encourage(鼓励)(记) ap+pal=pale(苍白)→ 脸色变白→惊骇
appalling APPALLING [2'p0:li8]
APPALLING adj. 骇人的,可怕的(英) adj. 骇人的,可怕的(caus ing horror, shock, or dismay)(同) 近形词: appealing(吸引人的)
apparatus APPARATUS [`9p2'reit2s]
APPARATUS n. 仪器,设备(英) n. 仪器,设备(set of instruments in scientific experiments)(例) laboratory apparatus
apparel APPAREL [2'p9r2l]
APPAREL n. (精致的)衣服(英) n. (精致的)衣服(clothi ng; garments; attire)(考) gaudy : apparel / grandiloquent : speak(俗丽的衣服/夸张的 演讲)tonsorial : hair / sartorial : apparel(理发的对象是头发/ 裁缝的对象是衣服)(记) appar(出现)+el→穿 出来的东西→衣服; 联想:apparent(明显 的)(例) woman's apparel / daily apparel
apparition APPARITION [`9p2'ri62n]
APPARITION n. 幽灵,神奇的现象(英) n. 幽灵,神奇的现象(a strange figure appearing suddenly and thought to be a ghost)(记) appar(出现)+ition→ 出现的幽灵;(同) 参考:appearance(出 现,外貌),来自同一 词源
appeal APPEAL [2'pi:l]
APPEAL v. 恳求; 吸引(英) v. 恳求( supplicate);吸引(to be attractive, interesting)(考) remonstrator : dissuade / applicant : appeal(忠告者是为了劝阻/ 申请者是为了请求)(记) ap+peal(拉) →拉过去→吸引,pea l=pu ll(例) appeal for justice. I never understand the appeal of living in the city.
appealing APPEALING [2'pi:li8]
APPEALING adj. 吸引人的,打动人心 的(考) 反义词:noisome(有 害的)
appearance APPEARANCE [2'pi2r2ns]
APPEARANCE n. 出现,来到; 外表,外貌(英) n. 出现,来到(coming into view)外表,外貌(visu al aspect)(考) garishness : appearance / stridency : sound(过分绚丽的外表/过 分刺耳的声音)fetid : smell / ugly : appearance(恶臭的气味难闻/丑 陋的外表难看)bravura : performance / resplendent : appearance(壮丽的演奏/灿烂的 外表)(例) Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.
appease APPEASE [2'pi:z]
APPEASE v. 使平静,安抚(英) v. 使平静,安抚(to pacify or quiet)(考) implacable : appease / indomitable : subdue(难平息的无法平息/ 难征服的无法征服)反义词:roil(煽动); vex(烦恼); rile(激怒)(记) ap+pease(和平)→变 和平→平息(同) 派生词: appeasement (n. 平息,满足)(例) John appease his angry boss by offering to work overtime.
appellation APPELLATION [`9p2'lei62n]
APPELLATION n. 名称,称呼(英) n. 名称,称呼(a name or title; de signation)(记) 实际来自appeal(恳求 ),转化为appellant( 上诉人),再成为appe llation
appendage APPENDAGE [2'pendid7]
APPENDAGE n. 附加物(英) n. 附加物(anything appended; adjunct)(记) ap+pend(挂上)+age→ 挂上的东西→附加物(同) 同根词:appendix(附 录); pendulum(钟摆)
appendix APPENDIX [2'pendiks]
APPENDIX n. 附录(英) n. 附录(section that gives extra information at the end of a book )(考) synopsis : condensed / appendix : supplementary(概要是浓缩的/附录 是补充的)(例) This dictionary has several appendices .
appetite APPETITE ['9pitait]
APPETITE n.食欲(英) n.食欲(a desire for food , or , sometimes, a desire for some specific food)(考) gourmand : appetite / skinflint : thrift(贪吃者过分有食欲/ 吝啬鬼过分节俭)
appetizer APPETIZER ['9pitaiz2]
APPETIZER n. 开胃品(英) n. 开胃品(thing eaten to stimulate the appetite)(例) Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer.
appetizing APPETIZING ['9pitaizi8]
APPETIZING adj. 开胃的(英) adj. 开胃的(stimulating the appetite)
applaud APPLAUD [2'pl0:d]
APPLAUD v. 鼓掌表示欢迎或赞赏(英) v. 鼓掌表示欢迎或赞赏( show approval by clapping the hands)(考) mirth : laughter / approval : applause(欢笑表示高兴/鼓掌 表示赞成)(记) ap+plaud(鼓掌) →拍手鼓掌(同) 派生词: applause (n. 鼓掌欢迎)
applicable APPLICABLE ['9plik2b2l]
APPLICABLE adj. 生效的,适合的(英) adj. 生效的,适合的(that can be applied, appropriate; relevant)(记) 来自apply 一词(同) 派生词: applicability (n. 适用性)(例) The new law is applicable from next Monday.
applicant APPLICANT ['9plik2nt]
APPLICANT n. 申请人(英) n. 申请人(person who applies, esp for a job)(考) remonstrator : dissuade / applicant : appeal(忠告者是为了劝阻/ 申请者是为了请求)interview : applicant / audition : actor(申请者工作前要进行 面试/演员演出前要进 行试听)
appoint APPOINT [2'p0int]
APPOINT v.任命, 指定(英) v.任命, 指定(name for an office or position)(考) appoint : official / cast : actor(任命官员/委派演员)
apposite APPOSITE ['9p2zit]
APPOSITE adj. 适当的,恰切的(英) adj. 适当的,恰切的( appropriate, apt, relevant)(考) 反义词:opposite(相 反的); extraneous(外来的)(记) ap+pos(放)+ite→放 一起→适当的
apposition APPOSITION [`9p2'zi62n]
APPOSITION n. 同位语,同格(英) n. 同位语,同格(additio n of one word to another word as an explanation)(记) ap+posit(放)+ion→ 放在一起→并置→同位
appraise APPRAISE [2'preiz]
APPRAISE v. 评价,鉴定(英) v. 评价,鉴定(assess the value or quality)(记) ap(加强动作)+praise (价值) →给以价值→评估(同) 派生词: appraisal (n. 评价,估价evaluation )
appreciable APPRECIABLE [2'pri:62b2l]
APPRECIABLE adj.明显的(英) adj.明显的 (enough to be perceived; noticeable, perceptible)(考) 反义词:imperceptib le(感觉不到的)(记) ap+prec(赞扬)+iable →看到并赞扬→明显 的;_(例) The improvement in your tennis game is quite appreciable.
appreciate APPRECIATE [2'pri:6ieit]
APPRECIATE v. 欣赏; 感激(英) v. 欣赏(understand and enjoy);感激(gratefully recognize)(记) ap+preci(价值)+ate →给以价值→评价,欣赏(同) 派生词: appreciation(n. 欣赏, 感激); appreciative (adj. 感谢的,赞赏的)
apprehend APPREHEND [`9pri'hend]
APPREHEND v.逮捕; 恐惧(英) v.逮捕(capture or arrest);恐惧(to anticipate with anxiety;dread)(考) apprehension : terror / affection : adoration(担忧过分是恐惧/喜 欢过分是爱慕)反义词:intrepid(无 畏的)(记) ap+prehend(抓住)→ 抓住不放→逮捕(同) 派生词: apprehension (n. 焦虑,担忧); apprehensive (adj. 恐惧的uneasy)同根词:prehensile( 能抓住的); comprehensive(综合 性的)
apprentice APPRENTICE [2'prentis]
APPRENTICE n. 学徒(英) 学徒(person who has agreed to work for a skilled employer for a fixed period in return for being taught his trade)(例) an apprentice plumber
apprise APPRISE [2'praiz]
APPRISE v. 通知,告诉(英) v. 通知,告诉(to inform or notify)(考) apprise : information / admonish : warning(通知传达消息/警告 传达警示)反义词:withhold information(保留消 息)(记) ap+prise(学习)→学 到→告诉
approach APPROACH [2'pr2ut6]
APPROACH v.接近,靠近; 着手处理; n. 方法(英) v.接近,靠近(come nearer);着手处理(begin to handle);n. 方法(method)(记) ap(一再)+proach(接 近) →靠近(同) 派生词: approachable (adj. 可接近的,随和的)同根词:reproach(指 责)
approbation APPROBATION [`9pr2'bei62n]
APPROBATION n.称赞, 认可(英) n.称赞, 认可(official approval, sanction, or commendation)(考) praise : approbation / demur : objection(赞扬表示认可/异议 表示反对)censure : blameless / approbation : reprehensible(无过失的不应该受责 难/应谴责的不应该受 称赞)反义词:opprobrium( 谴责,恶名声);cond emnation(谴责); castigation(斥责)(记) ap+prob=prove( 证实)+ation→证实是 好的→称赞
approbatory APPROBATORY [2'pr2ub2t2ri]
APPROBATORY adj. 表示赞许的(英) adj. 表示赞许的(showing approbation or approval)
appropriate APPROPRIATE [2'pr2upri`it,2'pr2uprieit]
APPROPRIATE v. 拨款; 盗用; adj. 恰当的(英) v. 拨款(to set aside for a specific use)盗用(to take improperly)(考) lurk : wait / purloin : appropriate / abscond : depart(潜伏是偷偷等/盗窃 是偷偷获得/潜逃是偷 偷离开)smuggler : import / embezzler : appropriate(走私者偷偷进口/贪 污者偷偷挪用)反义词:surrender( 交出); infelicity(不适当, 不得体)(记) ap+propr(拥有)+iate →自己拥有→挪用(同) 派生词: appropriateness (n. 适当,适合): appropriating (adj. 适当的); appropriation (n. 拨款,挪用公款)同根词: property(财产); propriety(礼貌, 规矩)(例) The city appropriated funds to fix the roads.
approve APPROVE [2'pru:v]
APPROVE v. 赞成,认可(英) v. 赞成,认可(say that sth is good )(考) mirth : laughter / approval : applause(欢笑表达高兴/鼓掌 表示认可)endow : income / endorse : approval(捐赠获得收入/背书 获得认可)(记) ap+prove(测试,证明) →证明可行→赞成(同) 派生词: approval (n. 赞成,同意)
approximate APPROXIMATE [2'pr0ksimit]
APPROXIMATE adj. 大约的,估计的(英) adj. 大约的,估计的(much like; more or less correct or exact)(考) paraphrase : verbatim / approximate : precise(意译不是逐字的/估 计不是精确的)stickler : approximation(impre cision)/ purist : adulteration(坚持细节的人不估计 /纯粹者不掺假)(记) ap+proxim(接近)+ate →接近的,大约的(同) 派生词: approximately (adv. 大约地); approximation (n. 近似值)同根词:proximity( 接近)
apron APRON ['eipr2n]
APRON n. 围裙
apropos APROPOS [`9pr2'p2u]
APROPOS adj./ adv. 适宜的; 有关(英) adj./ adv. 适宜的; 有关(with reference to; regarding)(例) I thought her remarks were very apropos.
apt APT [9pt]
APT adj.易于……, 恰当的(考) 反义词: extremely inappropriate(十分 不合适的); unlikely(不可能的)
aquatic AQUATIC [2'kw9tik]
AQUATIC adj. 水生的,水中的(英) adj. 水生的,水中的(grow ing or living in or upon water)(考) aerial : air / aquatic : water / arboreal : trees(空气的和空气/水的 和水/树木的和树木)(记) aqu (水)+atic→水中的(同) 同根词:aqueous(水 的); aquarium(水族馆)(例) Aquatic animals can be seen at the aquarium.
aqueduct AQUEDUCT ['9kwid3kt]
AQUEDUCT adj. 高架渠,渡槽(考) aqueduct : water / pipeline : gas / vessel : blood(水在水渠中流/气在 管道中流/血在血管中 流)(记) aque(水)+duct(引导) →引水渠
aquifer AQUIFER [`9kwif2(r)]
AQUIFER n.含水土层(考) shale : lode / well : aquifer(矿脉中有页岩含油/ 含水土层有源泉含水)
aquiline AQUILINE ['9kwilain]
AQUILINE adj. 鹰的,似鹰的(英) adj. 鹰的,似鹰的(of or like an eagle)(记) aquil(鹰)+ine→鹰的 (aquiline nose 鹰钩鼻)
arabesque ARABESQUE [`9r2'besk]
ARABESQUE n. 蔓藤图饰(记) arab(阿拉伯)+esque →有阿拉伯风格的图案
arable ARABLE ['9r2b2l]
ARABLE adj. 可耕的,适合种植的(英) adj. 可耕的,适合种植的( suitable for plowing and planting)(记) ara(耕种)+able→可 耕的
arbiter ARBITER ['bit2]
ARBITER n. 权威人士,泰斗(英) n. 权威人士,泰斗( umpire; arbitrator; a person fully qualified to judge or decide)(记) arbit(判断,裁决)+e r→能作判断之人→泰 斗,权威
arbitrary ARBITRARY ['bitr2ri]
ARBITRARY adj. 专横的,不理智的(英) adj. 专横的,不理智的(di scretionary; despotic, dictatorial)(记) arbitr(判断)+ary→ 自己作判断→武断的(同) 派生词: arbitrarily (adv. 随心所欲地,霸道地)(例) Bill is sometimes a very arbitrary person and won't explain his decisions.
arbitrate ARBITRATE ['bitreit]
ARBITRATE v. 仲裁,公断(英) v. 仲裁,公断(to decide [a dispute] as an arbitrator)(考) arbitrator : disputants / judge : litigants(仲裁者为争论者裁决 /法官为诉讼人裁决)faultfinder : criticize / arbitrator : mediate(吹毛求疵的人擅长批 评/仲裁者擅长调停)(同) 派生词: arbitration (n. 仲裁,公断); arbitrator (n. 公断人)(例) A team of lawyers arbitrated the property dispute.
arboreal ARBOREAL ['b0:ri2l]
ARBOREAL adj. 树木的(英) adj. 树木的(of or like a tree)(考) arboreal : trees / sidereal : stars / aquatic : water(树木的和树木/恒星 的和恒星/水的和水)(记) arbor(树)+eal→树的
arboretum ARBORETUM [`b2'ri:t2m]
ARBORETUM n.植物园(英) 植物园(a place where many kinds of trees and shrubs are grown for exhibition or study)(考) arboreum : trees / aviary : birds(植物园有树供观赏/ 鸟舍有鸟供观赏)
arcade ARCADE ['keid]
ARCADE n. 拱廊(英) n. 拱廊(a covered passageway usually lined with shops)
arcane ARCANE ['kein]
ARCANE adj. 神秘的,秘密的(英) adj. 神秘的,秘密的(hidd en or secret; esoteric)(考) 反义词:well-known( 众所周知的)(记) arcan(秘密)+e 神秘的(同) 同根词:arcanum(秘 传知识, 秘药)
archaeology ARCHAEOLOGY [`ki'0l2d7i]
ARCHAEOLOGY n. 考古学(英) 考古学(the scientific study of life and culture of past, esp. ancient, peoples, as by excavation of ancient cities, relics, artifacts,etc.)(记) archae(古)+ology→ 考古学(同) 派生词: archaeological (adj. 考古学的)同根词:archaic(古 代的); archaism(古词, 古语)
archaic ARCHAIC ['kei`ik]
ARCHAIC adj. 古代的;已不通用的(英) adj. 古代的( ancient);已不通用的(no longer in current use)(考) evanescent : permanence / archaic : currency(转瞬即逝的不永久/ 古老的不现代)反义词:current(现 在的)
archaism ARCHAISM ['keiiz(2)m]
ARCHAISM n. 古字,古语(英) n. 古字,古语(archaic word or expression)(考) 反义词: neologism(新词语)
archer ARCHER ['t62]
ARCHER n.(运动或战争中的) 弓箭手,射手(记) arch(弓)+er→弓箭, arch本身是一个单词 ,意为'使…形成弓形'
archetype ARCHETYPE ['kitaip]
ARCHETYPE n. 原型; 典型例子(英) n. 原型 (the original pattern, or model; prototype);典型例子(a perfect example)(考) harbinger : presage / archetype : exemplify(先驱可以预示/典型 可以示范)(记) arche(原来的)+type( 形状)→原型(同) 派生词: archetypally (adv. 原型地)
archipelago ARCHIPELAGO [`ki'pel2g2u]
ARCHIPELAGO n. 群岛(英) n. 群岛(a group or chain of many islands)(考) range : mountain / chain : link / archipelago : island(山组成山脉/链环成 链条/岛屿组成群岛)(记) archi(多)+pelago(海 )→海中的东西→群岛
architect ARCHITECT ['kitekt]
ARCHITECT n. 建筑师(英) n. 建筑师(person who designs buildings and supervises their construction)(记) archi(统治者,主要的 )+tect(做)→统治造 房的人→建筑师(同) 派生词: architecture(建筑学 )
archive ARCHIVE ['kaiv]
ARCHIVE n. 档案室(英) n. 档案室(a place where public record or document are kept)(考) archive : manuscript / arsenal : weapon / museum : paintings / library : books(档案室保管手稿/军 火库保管武器/美术馆 保管画/图书馆保管书)curator : art / archivist : documents(博物馆管理员管理艺 术品/档案馆管理员管 理档案)archive : records / museum : artifacts(档案室用来保存记录 /博(同) 派生词: archives (n. 档案); archivist (n. 档案保管员)
ardent ARDENT ['d2nt]
ARDENT adj. 热心的,热烈的(英) adj. 热心的,热烈的(inte nsely enthusiastic or devoted; passionate)(记) ard (热)+ent→热心的, 热烈的(同) 同根词:arduous(费 力的); ardor(热心)(例) Jane's ardent admirer sent her flowers every day.
ardor ARDOR ['d2]
ARDOR n. 热情,狂热(英) n. 热情,狂热(eagernes s; enthusiasm; zeal; passion)(考) assuage : sorrow / dampen : ardor(缓和痛苦/降低热情)
arduous ARDUOUS ['dju2s]
ARDUOUS adj. 费力的,艰难的(英) adj. 费力的,艰难的(diff icult to do; laborious; onerous)(考) 反义词:sinecure(闲 职)-arduous employment(劳苦工作)(记) ard(热)+uous (多…的)→多热,出 汗→费力的(例) The arduous journey across the desert.
arena ARENA [2'ri:n2]
ARENA n. 竞技场(英) n. 竞技场(an Roman amphitheater where gladiatorial contests took place)(考) aren gladiator/ court: lawyer(角斗士在竞技场上斗 争/律师在法庭上斗争)
argot ARGOT ['g2u]
ARGOT n.隐语,黑话(英) n.隐语,黑话( slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people)(考) 反义词:standard language(标准语言); common verbalism(一般用语)
argue ARGUE ['gju:]
ARGUE v. 争论(考) box : fight / debate : argue(拳击是互相打斗/辩 论是互相争论)
argument ARGUMENT ['gjum2nt]
ARGUMENT n.辩论(考) sermon : homiletics / argument : logic(布道术学布道/逻辑 学学辩论)反义词:fallacy(谬 误)-valid argument(正确论点)
argumentation ARGUMENTATION [`gjumen'tei62n]
ARGUMENTATION n. 立论,辩论(英) n. 立论,辩论(process of debating)(同) 派生词: argumentative (adj. 爱争论的); argumentativeness (n. 好争论)
aria ARIA ['ri2]
ARIA n. 独唱曲,咏叹调(英) n. 独唱曲,咏叹调(an melody in an opera, cantata, or oratorio for solo voice with instrumental accompaniment)(考) soliloquy (monologue) : play / aria : opera(独白是戏剧中独自说 的部分/独唱曲是歌剧 中独自唱的部分)
arid ARID ['9rid]
ARID adj. 干旱的; 枯燥的(英) adj. 干旱的( dry );枯燥的(dull, uninteresting)(考) marsh : sodden / desert : arid(沼泽的特点是潮湿的 /沙漠的特点是干旱的)反义词:damp(潮湿的 )(同) 派生词: aridness (n.干燥dryness)(例) have long arid discussions about unimportant matters
aristocrat ARISTOCRAT ['9rist2kr9t]
ARISTOCRAT n. 贵族(英) n. 贵族(a member of the aristocracy; nobleman)(记) aristo(最好)+crat( 统治者)→贵族(同) 派生词: aristocracy (n.贵族;贵族政府)同根词:autocrat(独 裁者); democrat(民主主义者)
arithmetic ARITHMETIC [2'ri4m2tik]
ARITHMETIC n. 算术(记) arithm(数字)+etic →算数→算术
armada ARMADA ['md2]
ARMADA n. 舰队(英) n. 舰队(a fleet of warships)(考) armada : vehicles / fusillade : projectiles(舰队由船只组成/连 续射击由射弹组成)(记) arm(army)+ada (fleet舰队)→舰队(同) 同根词:armor(装甲 ,盔甲); armory(军械库)
armistice ARMISTICE ['mistis]
ARMISTICE n. 休战,停战(英) n. 休战,停战(a temporary stopping of warfare; a truce)(记) armi(武器)+stice(停 止)→停止武器→停战
armory ARMORY ['m2ri]
ARMORY n. 军械库(英) n. 军械库(place where arms and armor are kept)(考) larder(pantry): food / armory : munitions(weapons)(食品储藏室储藏食品 /军火库储藏军火武器)(记) 来自arm(武器)
aroma AROMA [2'r2um2]
AROMA n. 芳香,香气(英) n. 芳香,香气(a pleasant, often spicy odor; fragrance)(同) 派生词: aromatic (adj. 芳香的 )
arouse AROUSE [2'rauz]
AROUSE v. 唤醒; 激发(英) v. 唤醒(wake up);激发(cause to become active)(记) 可能由arise(升起)变 化而来(例) arouse SB from apathy, inactivity
arraign ARRAIGN [2'rein]
ARRAIGN v.传讯; 指责(英) v.传讯( charge in court; indict)(记) 由arrange(安排)到ar raign(审讯) →安排对犯人审讯
arrangement ARRANGEMENT [2'reind7m2nt]
ARRANGEMENT n. 安排(英) 安排,布置(putting in order)计划,筹备(plan, preparation)(考) 反义词:welter(混乱 )-orderly arrangement(有秩序 安排)(例) Can I leave the arrangement of the tables to you
array ARRAY [2'rei]
ARRAY v. 部署; n. 数字排列; 陈列(英) v. 部署(place armed forces in battle order);n. 数字排列; 陈列(impressive display )(考) array : numbers / formation : soldiers(数列是数字排列/队 列是士兵排列)(例) an array of facts, information, statistics
arrears ARREARS [2'ri2z]
ARREARS n.欠款; 未完成的工作(英) n.欠款(money that should have been paid);未完成的工作(work that should have been done)(例) arrears of taxes(积欠税款)
arrest ARREST [2'rest]
ARREST v. 依法逮捕; 阻止,抑制(英) v. 阻止,抑制(stop or check)(考) 反义词:vitalize(激 发)(例) The police made several arrests.
arresting ARRESTING [2'resti8]
ARRESTING adj. 显著的,引人注意的(英) adj. 显著的,引人注意的(a ttracting attention )(考) blatant : arresting / odious : disgusting(炫耀的[东西]引人注 意/讨厌的[东西]令人 厌恶)反义词:banal(陈腐 的)(例) an arresting smile
arrhythmic ARRHYTHMIC [2'ri5mik]
ARRHYTHMIC adj. 无节奏的,不规则的(英) adj. 无节奏的,不规则的(h aving no regulation)(考) arrhythmic : regularity / apathetic : concern(无节奏的无规则/冷 漠的无关心)反义词:regular(规 则的);exhibiting regularity(展现规则 的)(记) ar(无)+rhythm(节奏) +ic→无节奏的,心率 不齐的
arrogant ARROGANT ['9r2g2nt]
ARROGANT adj. 傲慢的,自大的(英) adj. 傲慢的,自大的(over bearing, haughty, proud)(考) mean : prodigality / meek : arrogance(吝啬的不挥霍.温顺 的不傲慢)confidence : arrogant / inquiry : interrogatory(过分自信是傲慢/过 分询问是质问)intentional : accidental / arrogant : humble(故意的不是偶然的/ 傲慢的不是谦逊的)frugal : miserly / confident : ar(记) ar+rog(要求)+ant→ 一再要求→傲慢的(同) 派生词: arrogance (n. 傲慢,自大)同根词:abrogate(废 除); interrogate(审问)(例) The tennis player's arrogant reaction offended the fans.
arrogate ARROGATE ['9r2ugeit]
ARROGATE v. 冒称具有…权利(英) v. 冒称具有…权利(to claim or seize without right)(记) ar+rog(要求)+ate→ 一再要求→霸占(例) He arrogated to himself the right to change the law. (他擅自修改法律)
arroyo ARROYO [2'r0i2u]
ARROYO n.旱谷,干涸的沟壑; 小溪(英) n.旱谷,干涸的沟壑(g ully);小溪( narrow channel)
arsenal ARSENAL ['s2n2l]
ARSENAL n. 军械场(英) n. 军械场(place where weapons and ammunition are stored)(考) archive : manuscript / arsenal : weapon / museum : paintings/ library : books(档案室保管手稿/军 火库保管武器/美术馆 保管画/图书馆保管书)
arson ARSON ['s2n]
ARSON n. 纵火,放火(英) n. 纵火,放火(the crime of purposely setting fire)(记) ars (热)+on放火,ars=ar d;(同) 参考:ardent(热情的 )派生词: arsonist (n. 纵火犯)
artery ARTERY ['t2ri]
ARTERY n. 动脉(英) 动脉(any of the tubes carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body)(考) aqueduct : water / artery : blood(水渠流水/血管流血)artery : plaque / channel : silt(血小板阻碍血管/淤 泥阻碍河道)(记) arter(管道)+y→动脉
artful ARTFUL ['tful]
ARTFUL adj.狡猾的,奸诈的(英) adj.狡猾的,奸诈的(e xhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning)(同) 派生词: artfulness (adj. 狡猾,欺诈slyness )
arthritis ARTHRITIS ['4raitis]
ARTHRITIS n. 关节炎(记) arthr(连结,关节)+i tis(炎症)→关节炎
article ARTICLE ['tik2l]
ARTICLE n. 文章(考) article : byline / movie : credits(姓名行表明文章作者 /片头字幕表明电影制 作名单)
articulate ARTICULATE ['tikjuleit]
ARTICULATE v. 清楚说话; 接合(英) v. 清楚说话(to express clearly; enunciate);接合(to put together by joints)(考) articulate : speech /graceful : movement(发音清晰的演讲/优 雅的运动)articulate : clearly / shout : loudly(清楚说话特点是清楚 /喊叫特点是大声)articulate : unclear / elaborate : sketchy(清楚地说不会不清楚 /详细阐述不会粗略)ratiocination : thinking / articulation(记) articu(接合)+ate→ 连接得好→说话清楚(同) 派生词: articulation (n. 发音; 连接,关节)(例) The baby could not articulate specific words.
artifact ARTIFACT ['tif9kt]
ARTIFACT n. 人工制品(英) n. 人工制品(object made by human beings)(考) archive : records / museum : artifacts(档案馆存放记录/博 物馆存放史前遗物)(记) arti(技巧)+fact(制 作) →制作出的东西→人 造物(同) 派生词: artifacts(n. 史前遗物)
artifice ARTIFICE ['tifis]
ARTIFICE n. 巧办法; 诡计(英) n. 巧办法(skill or ingenuity);诡计(a sly trick)(考) 反义词:candor(坦白 )(记) arti(技巧)+fice(做) →做的技巧(例) The use of mirrors in a room is an artifice to make the room look larger.
artificial ARTIFICIAL [`ti'fi62l]
ARTIFICIAL adj. 人造的,假的(英) adj. 人造的,假的(unnatur al )(记) artifice(技巧)+ial →用技巧做出的人→ 人工的
artillery ARTILLERY ['til2ri]
ARTILLERY n. 大炮, 炮兵(记) 分割记忆:art-ill-e ry(艺术得病用大炮解 决)
artisan ARTISAN [`ti'z9n]
ARTISAN n. 技工(英) n. 技工(skilled work man or craftsman)(记) arti(技术)+san(人); 参考: partisan(党徒)
artistry ARTISTRY ['tistri]
ARTISTRY n. 艺术技巧(英) n. 艺术技巧(skill of an artist)
artless ARTLESS ['tl2s]
ARTLESS adj. 粗俗的; 自然的(英) adj. 粗俗的(uncultured; ignorant)自然的(without artificiality)(考) blemish : impeccable / guile : artless(无瑕疵的无瑕疵/朴 实的无狡诈)反义词:cunning(狡 猾的); disingenuous(无诚意 的)(例) an artless village girl(纯朴的村姑)
ascend ASCEND [2'send]
ASCEND v. 上升; 攀登(英) v. 上升(to go up; rise)攀登( mount; climb)(考) 反义词:go down(下降)(记) a+scend(爬)→爬上→ 攀登(同) 同根词:descend(下 降); transcendent(超越的)(例) ascend in the ranks of his company. ascend the mountains
ascendancy ASCENDANCY [2'send2nsi]
ASCENDANCY n. 统治权,支配力量(英) n. 统治权,支配力量(su premacy; dom ination)
ascendant ASCENDANT [2'send2nt]
ASCENDANT adj. 上升的,优越的(英) adj. 上升的,优越的(havi ng a controlling power or influence)(考) 反义词:having no influence(没影响力)
ascent ASCENT [2'sent]
ASCENT n. 上升攀登(英) n. 上升攀登(rising or climbing)
ascertain ASCERTAIN [`9s2'tein]
ASCERTAIN v. 查明,确定(英) v. 查明,确定(to find out with certainty)(记) as+certain(肯定的) →弄肯定→确定
ascetic ASCETIC [2'setik]
ASCETIC adj. 禁欲的; n. 苦行者(英) adj. 禁欲的(self-denying ; austere);n. 苦行者(anyone who lives with strict self-discipline)(考) glutton : overindulgence / ascetic : self-denial(暴食者特点是过分放 纵/禁欲者特点是过分 自律)indulge : ascetic / restrain : libertine(禁欲者不放纵/放荡 者不克己)ascetic : luxury / teetotaler : alcohol(苦行者不讲奢华/禁 酒者不饮酒)反义词:sybarite(纵 情享乐者); voluptuary((记) 直接来自希腊文,原 意是'刻苦锻炼并隐居 的人'(同) 派生词: asceticism (n.禁欲主义)
ascribe ASCRIBE [2'skraib]
ASCRIBE v. 归功于、归咎于某人 、某事物(英) v. 归功于、归咎于某人 、某事物(consider sth to be caused by )(记) a+scribe(写) →把...写上去→归因 于(同) 同根词: scripture(圣经, 经典); conscribe(招募)
aseptic ASEPTIC [ei'septik]
ASEPTIC adj. 无菌的,洁净的(英) adj. 无菌的,洁净的(not septic; putrefying microorganisms)(考) aseptic : disinfect / anesthetic : numb(杀菌剂消毒/麻醉剂 麻醉)反义词:contaminate d(被污染的)(记) a+sept(菌)+ic→无菌 的;(同) 参考:antiseptic(杀 菌剂)
asinine ASININE ['9sinain]
ASININE adj. 愚笨的(英) adj. 愚笨的(of *****; stupid, silly, obstinate)(记) asin=ass(驴子)+ine →像驴子的→笨的
askance ASKANCE [2'sk9ns]
ASKANCE adv. 侧目而视,瞟(英) adv. 侧目而视,瞟(with a sideways or indirect look )(例) She looks askance at the price.
askew ASKEW [2'skju:]
ASKEW adj. 歪斜的; v. 歪斜, 弯曲(考) 反义词: aligned(排列成一行)
asparagus ASPARAGUS [2'sp9r2g2s]
ASPARAGUS n. 芦笋,龙须菜(可作蔬 菜)
asperity ASPERITY [9'speriti]
ASPERITY n. 粗鲁; 艰苦(英) n. 粗鲁(harshness)艰苦(roughness of circumstances)(考) 反义词:mildness of temper(性情温和);m ildness(温和)(记) a+sper(希望)+ity→ 无希望→艰苦(同) 同根词:prosperity (繁荣); desperate(绝望的)
aspersion ASPERSION [2'sp2:62n]
ASPERSION n. 诽谤,中伤(英) n. 诽谤,中伤(disparag ing remark; slander, inn uendo)(考) 反义词:tout(极力赞 扬); flattery(奉承); glowing tribute(热情的赞词)(记) a+spers(散开)+ion →散布坏东西→诽谤(同) 同根词:intersperse (点缀); disperse(散布, 分散)
asphyxia ASPHYXIA [9s'fiksi2]
ASPHYXIA n. 窒息(英) n. 窒息(loss of consciousness)
asphyxiate ASPHYXIATE [9s'fiksieit]
ASPHYXIATE v. (使)无法呼吸,窒息 而死(英) v. (使)无法呼吸,窒息 而死( to suffocate)(记) a+sphyx (跳动)+iate→脉搏不 再跳动→窒息(例) The smoke asphyxiate the victim.
aspirant ASPIRANT [2'spai2r2nt]
ASPIRANT n. 有抱负者(英) n. 有抱负者(a person who aspires after honors, high position)
aspiration ASPIRATION [`9sp2'rei62n]
ASPIRATION n. 抱负,热望(英) n. 抱负,热望(strong desire or ambition)(考) audacious : trepidation / apathetic : aspiration(大胆的不会颤抖/冷 漠的不会热望)(记) a+spir(呼吸)+ation →屏住呼吸等待→渴 望(同) 同根词:respiration (呼吸); conspire(同谋)
assail ASSAIL [2'seil]
ASSAIL v. 抨击; 猛攻(英) v. 抨击(to attack with arguments)猛攻(to assault)(记) as+sail(跳上去)→跳 上去打→猛攻;也可 用联想:as-sail(帆) :扬帆起航向前攻(例) The army assailed the town.
assault ASSAULT [2's0:lt]
ASSAULT n.突然袭击; 猛袭(英) n.突然袭击(a suddenly attack)猛袭(a violent attack)(记) as+sault=sail; 参考: assail(例) He led an assault against the castle.
assay ASSAY [2'sei,'9sei]
ASSAY n./v. 试验, 测定(英) n./v. 试验, 测定(testing of metals for quality )(例) make an assay of an ore
assemble ASSEMBLE [2'semb2l]
ASSEMBLE v. 集合,聚集; 装配,安装(英) v. 集合,聚集(collect );装配,安装(fit together the parts)(记) as(不断)+semble(和. ..相像) →不断使东西相同→ 组装(东西)(同) 同根词: resemble(和…相象); dissemble(掩盖, 假装)
assent ASSENT [2'sent]
ASSENT v. 同意,赞成(英) v. 同意,赞成(to express acceptance; concur, consent )(考) 反义词:buck(反对)(记) as+sent(感觉) →感觉一致→同意(同) 同根词:dissent(反 对); resent(怨恨)(例) John refused to assent to the proposal.
assert ASSERT [2's2:t]
ASSERT v. 断言,主张(英) v. 断言,主张(to state positively; declare, affirm)(考) calumny : assertion / perjury : testimony(诽谤是假断言/伪证 是假证词)反义词:diffidence( 羞怯,缺乏自信)(记) as+sert(参与)→一再 参与(讨论)→主张(同) 派生词: assertive(adj. 言语果断的,断言的) ; assertiveness(n. 坚定而自信); assertion(n.坚决断 言)(例) The lawyer asserted that his client was innocent.
assess ASSESS [2'ses]
ASSESS v. 确定, 评定; 估计…质量(英) v. 确定, 评定(evaluate);估计…质量(estimate the quality )(考) assess : value / plumb : depth(评估价值/探测深度)misjudge : assess / misconstrue : interpret(判断错是评定有误/ 误解是解释有误)(同) 派生词: assessment (n. 确定,评定)(例) It is difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech.
asset ASSET ['9set]
ASSET n. 财产; 可取之处(英) n. 财产(anything owned);可取之处(a desirable thing)(考) 反义词:liability( 负债)
assiduous ASSIDUOUS [2'sidju2s]
ASSIDUOUS adj. 勤勉的;专心的(英) adj. 勤勉的(diligent; persevering)(考) 反义词:remiss(玩忽 职守的);desultory( 散漫的)(记) as+sid (坐)+uous→坐得多的 →勤勉的(同) 派生词: assiduity (n. 勤勉)同根词:preside(主 持); insidious(阴险的)
assignment ASSIGNMENT [2'sainm2nt]
ASSIGNMENT n.指定给某人的任务 或职责(英) n.指定给某人的任务 或职责(task or duty that is assigned to sb )(例) Your next assignment will be to find these missing persons.
assimilate ASSIMILATE [2'simileit]
ASSIMILATE v. 同化;吸收(英) v. 同化;吸收(to absorb and incorporate into one's thinking)(记) as+simil(相同)+ate →使相同→同化(同) 同根词:simulate(伪 装,模仿); similarity(相似性)(例) I can't assimilate all this new information so quickly. The company quickly assimilated the new employees.
assist ASSIST [2'sist]
ASSIST v. 帮助,协助; 参加某事物(英) v. 帮助,协助( help);参加某事物(take part in sth)(考) 反义词:interferenc e(干涉)(记) as(加强动作)+sist( 站立) →站在一起→帮助(同) 派生词: assistance (n. 帮助)同根词: persistence(坚持); resistance(抵抗)