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70 Cards in this Set

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sq. root of 2
sq. root of 3
sq. root of 5
factor -

x^2 - y^2
(x+y) (x-y)
x^2 - 4
(x+2) (x-2)
9 - y^2
(3+y) (3-y)
Supplementary Angle
straight angle, 180 degrees
Obtuse angle
over 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
Complementary angles
Angles that sum up to 90 degrees
Reflex Angle
Angle that-s greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees
Vertical Angle
opposite angles and have equal measure
Corresponding angle
angles that have the same position formed by two parallel lines and a transversal line (that cuts through two parallel lines)
Similar figures
figures that have congruent angles and proportional sides (size might differ, but proportions stay the same)
Area of similar figures
Ratio of the area of two similar figures is equal to the ratio of their sides
Area of Triangle =
1/2 base * height

(height might be outside the triangle)
Pythagorean Theorem
a^2 + b^2 = c^2

Ratio 3:4:5
In right triangle, ratio of sides
Ratio 5:12:13
In right triangle, ratio of sides
Ratio s:s: sq. root of s remainder 2
in Isoscoles right triangle, ratio of sides
Ratio of 30:60:90 degree triangle
s: s *sq. root of 3 : 2s
Area of rhombus
A = 1/2 d1 *d2

where d is diagonal
4 equal sides, four angles not necessarily right angles
Area of trapezoid
A = 1/2 (b1 + b2) * height

where b is base 1 and base 2.

and height is possibly measured outside the figure (not length)
Area of a parallelogram
A = b * height

where b is base
Area of a circle
pi * radius^2
Total Interior Angle Measure Formula (TIA)
measure of all interior angles of figure.


where n is number of sides
TIA for triangle
(3-2)180 = 180
TIA for quadrilateral
(4-2) *180 = 360
TIA for pentagon
(5-2) *180 = 540
TIA for hexagon
(6-2) *180 = 720
TIA for heptagon
(7-2) *180 = 900
TIA for octagon
(8-2) *180 = 1,080
TIA for nonagon
(9-2) *180 = 1,260
TIA for decagon
(10-2) *180 = 1,440
Avg. measure of ONE interior angle formula
(n-2)*180 / n
Volume of cylinder
V = pi *r^2 x height
Total surface Area formula (TSA)
TSA = 6 x s^2
TSA of rectangle
TSA = 2(lw) + 2(wh) + 2(hl)
TSA of cylinder
TSA = circumference x height + 2(pi*r^2)
inscribed angle
angle that has both endpoints and its vertex on the circumference of the circle. The degree measure of an inscribed angle is half the degree measure of its intercepted arc
Length of an arc, formula
1. Find circumference of circle

2. Put degree measure of arc over 360 and reduce the fraction

3. Multiply the circumference by the fraction
Area of a sector
1. Find area of entire circle

2. Put degree measure of sector of 360 degrees and reduce the fraction

3. Mult. area by the fraction
FOIL rule
when multiplying in algebra,
First Outer, Inner Last

ex. (a + b) (a -b)
Consecutive Probabilities
In order to find out probability of consecutive events (i.e. tossing coin and landing heads twice in a row):

1. Find probability separately for each

2. then multiply the two
DIRT formula

(Distance, Rate, Time)
D = Rate x Time
Avg. of evenly space terms
(first + last) / 2
Finding missing term in Avg. problem
Avg. = Sum / Number of terms

solve with algebra

ex. 90 = (535 + x) / 7
Percent increase / decrease
= (Number increase or decrease) / original whole

1. Find amount by which the thing has inc. or dec.

2. Find the original whole (not total whole)
Zero = prime or composite?
not prime, not composite
One = prime or composite?
not prime, not composite
Two = prime or composite?
Interest formula
PRT = I,

P = principal amount
R = Rate of interest
T = Time
I = Interest
Work formula
work = Time put in / Capacity
Order of Operations
1. parentheses
2. power
3. Mult. or divide
4. Add or subtract
1 lb = ?? oz
16 oz
1 Ton = ?? lbs
2,000 lbs
1 pint = ?? cups
2 cups
1 qt = ?? pints
2 pints
1 gallon = ?? qts
4 qts
1 mile = ?? feet
5,280 feet
1 mile = ?? yds
1,760 yds
"Figure not drawn to scale"
often answer is D, not enough information
Sacred Six numbers
Use to plug in when there are variables in deciding which answer is greater

In this order:

1, 2, 0, -1, -2, 0.5
What to insert with variety of variables
consecutive numbers, then non-consecutive numbers for a, b, c