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42 Cards in this Set

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10 types of graphics primitives as defined by openGL
1. Points
2. Lines
3. Line Strip
4. Line Loop
5. Triangles
6. Triangle Strip
7. Triangle Fan
8. Quads
9. Quad Strip
10. Polygon
Asynchronous graphics operation
The cpu sends graphics instructions to the gpu. The gpu executes them while the cpu continues with other tasks.
The interface of OpenGL is called a what?
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
What is VRAM?
Video Random Access Memory - the 3D graphics board's memory core
What does the front image buffer contain?
The pixel data visible in the viewport.
What is the viewport?
The area of the display containing the rendered image. May be a subregion of a window.
How is the back image buffer used?
The GPU renders the scene to there in its entirety before being shown to the user.
What is a buffer swap?
Once a scene is fully rendered, the front and back image buffers are exchanged.
What happens when the buffer swap is not synchronized with the refresh frequency of the display?
The artifact known as tearing. Tearing causes the upper and lower parts of the viewport to show data from different image buffers.
What is the other name of the depth buffer?

What is the depth buffer?
The z-buffer

The depth buffer stores, for every pixel of the image buffer, a value that represents how far away the pixel is or how deep the pixel lies in the image.
What is the depth buffer used for?
To perform hidden surface elimination by only allowing a pixel to be drawn if its depth is less than the depth of the pixel already in the image buffer.
How is depth measured for the depth buffer?
Measured as the distance from the virtual camera through which the scene is being rendered.
What does the stencil buffer contain?
Contains an integer mask for each pixel in the image buffer that can be used to enable or disable drawing on a per-pixel basis.
What is the bulk of the usage of vram?
Texture maps, images applied to the surface of an object to give greater visual detail.
What is a bump map?
An image map that contains vectors that represent varying slopes at different locations on an object's surface.
The vertices of a model are generally stored in what space?
Object space, a coordinate system local to a model and used only by that model.
The position and orientation of objects are generally stored in what space?
World space, a global coordinate system that ties all of the object space together.
Before an object is rendered, it is converted into what space?
Camera space (eye space), the space in which the x and y axes are aligned to the display and the z-axis is parallel to the viewing direction.
What is the process of the model-view transformation?
Transforming the vertices from object space directly into camera space by concatenating the matrices representing the transformations from object space to world space and from world space to camera space.
What does the projection transformation do?
It applies perspective so that geometry becomes smaller as the distance from the camera increases.
Projection is performed in what coordinates?
Homogeneous, four-dimensional space.
After projection, what space are the vertices in?

Why is it called that?
Homogeneous clip space.

So named because it is in this space that graphics primitives are clipped to the boundaries of the visible region of the scene.
What are normalized device coordinates?
Coordinates in which the x,y,z range falls in the range [-1,1], and reflect the final positions in which they will appear in the viewport.
What is viewport transformation?
Transformation that maps normalized coordinates to the actual range of pixel coordinates covered by the viewport.
After viewport transformation, what space are the vertices in?
After this transformation they are in window space.
What are the 5 spaces that the vertices go through before rendering?
1. Object
2. World
3. Camera
4. Homogeneous clip space
5. Window space
What are the 3 transformations which vertices undergo before rendering?
1. model-view transformation (object, world, camera)
2. Projection (homogeneous clip space)
3. Viewport transformation (window space)
What is per-vertex lighting?
Determining the color and intensity of light reaching each vertex and then calculating how much of that light is reflected toward the camera. The reflected color is then interpolated over the area of a graphics primitive.
What is per-pixel lighting?
Used to achieve highly detailed lighting interactions at every pixel covered by a graphics primitive.
What is rasterization?
The process of filling in the horizontal spans of pixels belonging to a primitive.
What 4 pieces of information are contained in a fragment?
For each pixel:
1. the depth,
2. interpolated vertex colors,
3. interpolated texture coordinates,
4. location.
What is face culling?
Removes either the polygons that are facing away from the camera or those facing towards the camera.
What is backface culling?
Face culling of polygons facing away from the camera for optimization.
What is fragment shading?
Also known as pixel shading, specifies how the fragment data is used to determine the final color and final depth of each pixel during rasterization.
What is the pixel ownership test?
The first fragment operation performed, and the only one that cannot be disabled. It determines whether a fragment lies in the region of the viewport that is currently visible on the display.
What is the scissor test?
Test which specifies a rectangle in the viewport to which rendering should be restricted.
What is a scissor rectangle?
The rectangle used in the scissor test.
What is the alpha test?
The test that calculates the degree of transparency associated with a fragment.
What is the stencil test?
This test reads the value stored in the stencil buffer at a fragment's location and compares it to a value previously specified by the application. Passes only if a specified relationship is satisfied (e.g. the stencil value is equal to a particular value).
What is the depth test?
Test comparing the final depth associated with a fragment to the value currently residing in the depth buffer. Normally configured so that it passes only if depth less than or equal to the value in the depth buffer. When passes, the depth buffer is updated with the depth of the fragment to facilitate hidden surface removal for subsequently rendered primitives.
What is blending?

What are the 2 configuration options?
Calculating a new color by combining the fragment's final color and the color already stored in the image buffer at the fragment's location. May use the fragment's alpha value and the alpha value stored in the image buffer to determine the color that ultimately appears in the viewport. May be configured to simply replace the previous color in the image buffer, or may produce a special visual effect like transparency.
What are the 6 operations that a fragment undergoes before being written to the image buffer?
1. Pixel Ownership Test
2. Scissor Test
3. Alpha Test
4. Stencil Test
5. Depth Test
6. Blending