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57 Cards in this Set

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word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea
concrete noun
names an object that occupies space or can be recognized by any of the senses; things you can hear, see, taste, touch, smell, or feel
abstract noun
names an idea a quality or a characteristic
proper noun
name of a particular person, place, thing, or idea
common noun
is the general name of a person place, thing, or idea
collective noun
names a group
word that takes place of a noun, a group of words acting as a noun or another pronoun
word or group of words that a pronoun refers to
personal pronoun
refers to a specific person or thing by indicating the person speaking, the person being spoken to, or any other person or thing being spoken about
reflexive pronoun
refers or reflects back, to a noun or pronoun used earlier in the sentences (adds information)
intensive pronoun
adds emphasis to a noun or pronoun
demonstrative pronoun
points out specific persons, places, things, or ideas
interrogative pronouns
used to form questions
relative pronoun
used to begin a special subject-verb word group
indefinate pronoun
refers to persons, places, or things in a more general way than a noun does
words that expresses action or state of being and is necessary to make a statement
action verb
tells what someone or something does
transitive verb
is an action verb that is followed by a word or words that answer the question "what" or "whom"
intransitive verb
an action verb that is followed by a word that answers the question "when" or"why"
linking verb
links or joins the subject of a sentence with a word or expression that identifies or describes the subject. DOESN'T SHOW ACTION
verb phrase
consists of a main verb and all its auxiliary or helping verbs
word that modifies a noun or pronoun by limiting its meaning
a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb by making its meaning more specific
word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in a sentence
compound preposition
prepositions that is made up of more than one word
word that joins single words or groups of words
correlative conjunctions
work in pairs to join words and groups of words of equal weight in a sentence
subordinating conjunction
joins 2 clauses or ideas in a such a way as to make one grammatically dependent upon the other
conjective adverb
used to clarify the relationship between clauses of equal weight in a sentence
word or phrase that expresses emotion or exclamation
a group of words expressing a complete thought
part of the sentence about which something is being said
the part that says something about the subject
simple subject
the key noun or pronoun that tells what a sentence is about
simple predicate
verb or verb phrase that tells something about the subject
complete subject
consists of the simple subject and all the words that modify it
complete predicate
consists of the simple subject and all the words that modify it or complete its meaning
compound subject
made up of two or more simple subjects that are joined by a conjunction and have the same verb
compound predicate
made up of two or more verbs or verb phrases that are joined by a conjunction and have the same subject
word or group of words that completes the meaning of a verb
direct object
answers the question "what" or "whom" after an action verb
indirect object
answers the question "to whom" "for whom" "to what" or "for what" after an action verb
object complement
answers the questions "what" after a direct object
subject complement
follows a subject and a linking verb and identifies or describes the subject
predicate nominative
a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and points back to the subject to identify it further
predicate adjective
follows a linking verb and points back to the subject and further describes it
a group of words that acts in a sentence as a single part of
prepositional phrase
a group of words that begins with a preposition and usually ends with a noun or pronoun
a noun or a pronoun that is placed next to another noun or pronoun to identify or give additional information about it
appositive phrase
an appositive plus any words that modify the appositive
a verb form that function in a sentences as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb
verbal phrase
a verbal plus any complements and modifiers
a verbal plus any complements and modifiers
participle phrase
contains a participle plus any complements and modifiers
verb form that ends in -ing and is used in the same way a noun is used
gerund phrase
a gerund plus any complements and modifiers
a verb form that is usually preceeded by the word "to" and is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb