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37 Cards in this Set

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Past perfect to talk about new experince

Had + not + done + (before)

For the first. Time

Sub + had + not \ never+ p.p + obj + ( before)

He had never a cash register before

Before+ past simple+ past perfect

Before he got married , he had never worn a tuxedo( بدلة ) diaper حفاضات اطفال

Past perfect --- past simple ,----now


Go over sth

يراجع شيئا ما مثل ورقة الامتحانواو رقم

1- We use the past perfect to describe the first action or event from the past

2 - Reported speech

3 - we use it to describe an unreal or imaginary situation in the past

if he had walked to work , had would have been late

If i had had more money i would have bought you a watch

Used to

Sub + used tob+ verb

Sub+ didn't+ use to +verb

Did + sub + use to + verb

Past perfect simple

It used for an action which had already happened before a specific time or another action in the past

*After I had read the book i lent it ro joan* she had finished work by 6: 00 pm

* she had finished work by 6: 00 pm

Past perfect progressive

It used for an action which had been going on for some time before another action or a specific time in the past

*We had been waiting for hours when the bus finally arrived

Preposition _ to\ for

1 - to express reason

I went to the store to buy milk

= = = = = = = = = for milk

2- to point out recepient

Give this to her

This is for her

invite someone to a party

= = = = = for a dinner

Had better

Sub+ had better + verb + obj

It refers to the present or future not the past

Used for action we think people should do

You'd better ask a doctor about it

Other (صفة)

others (اسم

The other (صفة)

The others (اسم)


Otherwise وإلا

Other than (غير ذلك (فقط

they don't make anything other than cars

reciprocal : متبادل

each other بعضهم البعض

One other الاخر

themselve نفسه

Tom and jerry hated each other

Tom and jerry hated one another

Present perfect

Position of adverbs ( always, only , never , ever , still, just , already)

When we use it :

1- news reports

2- unspecified time- before now

3- we can use the present perfect to describe new experience we have gained at an unspecified time in the past ( i have learnned to play the piano )

4- change over time ( video games have become very popular with youmg people) , ( your english has improved)

5- An uncompleted action you are expecting

(Mark hasn't finished his homework yet) ,( i still haven't washed the dog)

6- several action at different time ( I've called him 3 times)

7- Duration -from the past until now

We can use present perfect to describr sth that started in the past and has continued up until now

The action or event is continuing , it is Not finished

*we can only do this with these types of verbs :

A- noun-continuous verbs ( love , hate, want, be, need , etc)

B- Non- continuous uses of mixed verbs ( have , hear , feel , see, etc )

C- live , work , teach and study

Since and For

He has loved her foe seven years

He has loved her since 2006

I have had this car for 3 weeks

I have had this car since Augusat


We can limit the period of the past with unfinished time expressions like : in the last week , this week , today

I have been to london

I have been to london 4 times in the last month

I have lost my keys three times this week

in the last month not equal last month

last mont = the previous month . it is a specific time( past simple)

in the last month = period of time from 1 month ago until now( present perfect )

Present perfect

1- unfinished action that started in the past and continue to the present ,I have worked at IBM for 3 years

2- a finished action at an unspecified time with a connection to the present ( please call an ambulance ! I have broken my leg .

3- we use unfinished time expressions ( this week , this month , in the last week )

Past simple

1- finished action ,I worked at IBM for 3 years ( i no longer work there )

2- a finished action at a specific time without a connection to the present " I broke my leg yesterday . it was terrible !

3- we use finished time expressipns ( yesterday , last month. ,2 weeks ago )

* we do NOT use the present perfect with a finished time expression :

I have broken my leg yesterday. X

We use was with ( I , he , she , it )

We use were with ( they , you , we )


Present perfect progressive is used for :

1- an action or situation which started in the past and continue up to the present

( emphasis on the duration)

(Tom's been listening to music for hours)

2- an action which happened over a period of time in the past and may have finished , but its result are obvious in the present

( it's been raining hard , the roads are still wet )

present simple is used for :

1- permanent situation

she works in a bank .

2- routines\ habitual actions

He often goes out on saturday

3- general truths

Present progressive is used for :

1- temporary situation

2- action happening at the moment of speaking

3- future arrangements

Past simple is used for :

1- completed actions that took place at a definite time in the past , the time is either mentioned or implied:

We walked to the station

She arrived here last week

2- habitual or repeated past actions

I played on a team when I was ten

3- completed actions which happened one after the other in the past

He got up , washed and left for work


1- a is used for :

# general

# consonant

# first time


# specific

# second time

Articles we don't use it with:

1- countries

Except ( The usa , the uk , the virgin island)

2- meals ( breakfast ، lunch , lunch , dinner)

Except a specific meal as the dinner

3- jobs

4- proper nouns

See you on monday

He is in london

5- languages:

6- uncountable nouns


6- uncountable nouns Bread Except (specific ) the bread

7- abstract nouns

The information was helpful specific

Freedom is worth dying for (general)

We use ( the) with :

1- sth , smo already mentioned

2- unique things

3- smo , sth specific

4- the superlative degree of adjactive \adverbs

5- seas , rivers, oceans, deserts

6- group of islands , mountine randes , countries in the plural 7- nationalities ( when we refer to the whole nation ) :The english

7- nationalities ( when we refer to the whole nation ) :

The english

8- family names ( when we refer to the whole family)

9- name of hotels , restrants , theatres, cinemas , newspaper

10- musical instrument

The violin

11- before this word : morning , afternoon , evening

We don't use ( the )

1- names of people , streets , islands , mountains , cities , countries

2- days and months

3- uncountable or plural countable nouns in their general sense

4- magazines , sports , games , colours, languages , and school subjects

5- abstract nouns

Love is a beautiful thing


7- the word : hospital , school , work , home , bed , church , prison , university ,



Period .

Exclamation mark!

Question mark ?


Continouns tense

1- to describe a long in the past that started before a specific time

The long time continuo after the specific time

Yesterday at 8 i was eating

2- we use it to describe a long action in the past is interrupted by a short action

We use past simple for the short action that interrupts it

I was walking wgen you called me

3- we use it to ( set) describe the scene in a story before the real action start , we use the past simple for the real action

( superman was walking in the park , a family was playing football and dogs were barking ,

Suddenly a man ran towards him )

4- We use it with "always" it describe annoying habits or annoying repeated action in the past.

David was always smoking

5 - we use it to describe actions that happen at the same time

while mark was washing the car , jane was reading .

A stative verbs

1- verb of the senses :

feel , hear , smellb, taste , notice , seem , look(= seem )

2- verbs of emotions :

Love, hate, like, dislike, want, need , prefer , mind , etc.

3- verbs of preception and opinion :

Know, think , believe , understand , remember

4- other verbs : be , have( = posses) , own ,belong , cost ,etc

5 common mistakes ielts \ tofel

1- you're traying too hard : big words ,idioms, long complemented sentences

2- No topic sentence

3- too many ideas

4- good point( concrete example ) , no examples يعني اعطاء اشارة قوية بدون تعداد امثلة كثيرة

5-I think X,2, 3,4،

يعني تستخدم العبارة مرة واحدة فقط

Notes about writing :

1- One paragraph should have one central point of focus

2-It is better to be simple and clear than complicated and misunderstood


1- indent or skip line just on of them

2- all other ideas directly related to main idea

3- any length

4- details - why important

- reasons

- examples

5- flow - bridges - key terms

- avoid repetition

6- end with bridge ( or start with bridge)

7 - one central idea

Mistakes in english

I am agree. X

i agree

Are you agree X

Do yoy agree.

I am a student

I am student X

Synonyms of writing :

Education = schooling

big = large

important = significant , essensial , vital

development = advancement, progression , evolution

Factor= aspect , element

Country = nation

a big fun of = enjoy= like

easier= simpler

Smart = intelligent

Candy = dessert = sweet

incredible = amazing

Student = pupil

For example = for instance

* you can your opinion and what other people think as: ( Although many people would argue that the economy is the most important factor in nation- building , I think education has a far greater impact )

According to Time magazine january 2013 edition,

New research in harvard university in last month said ,

Writing- Trasition

[ In addition ( to )



Another ]

( All of them mean + and must 1+1= 2 idea + idea )



even though.

( all of them adverb )

Are followed by a clause ( sub + verb )

[ despite +

in spite of ].

Are followed by a noun , a pronoun or an -ing form

5 tips about writing :

1 - dont use contraction اختصار

Can't X


2- avoid there are and there is

3- Don't use this words ( really, very , a lot , so )

We can use many ( for acoountable ) or much ( unaccountable) instead of ( a lot of )

4- passive voice vs Active voice active is better

5- use strong verbs:

He gave assistace to my friend ( weak verb )

He assisted my friend ( strong verb)


1- using comma in a series

( i went to eat apple, peaches , and bananes)

2- using comma with two or more adjectives

( the young, energetic dog barked loudly .

3- using comma with a conjection

( tom likes to play with toy cars , and johney likes to play with toy dinosaurs ) 4- using comma after introductory phrases

( after we won the game , we celebrated by going to a nice restairant )

Notes about reading :

1) learn synonyms

2) pay close attention to negative words : ( hardly , never, rarely, seldom )

3) pay attention to frequency words ( always, often , sometimes, never )

4) stick with first answer

5) question often follow passege order

6- know what topic sentences are

7) be careful - word in question \ reading not always correct

8) scan backwards for practice تدور بالعكس على اشياء واضحة