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43 Cards in this Set

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a word that signifies a person, place, thing, idea, action, condition, or quality
takes the place of a noun in a sentence
a word that modifies a noun or pronoun
a word expressing an action or a condition of a subject
a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; adverbs generally answer one of four questions: how, when, where, or to what extent
words that join words, phrases, or sentence parts
a word or phrase showing emotion or surprise which has no grammatical relationship to any other words or part of a sentence (ouch, wow, oh my)
words which relate a noun or pronoun (called the object of the preposition) to another word in the sentence (ex. around, near, by, for)
describe a word or make the meaning of the word more specific (adjectives and adverbs)
adjectives and adverbs ending in -er or modified by the word more compare two items
adjectives or adverbs ending in -est or modified by the word most compare three or more items
shows ownership or association ('s)
personal pronoun
takes the place of a specific or named person or thing
relative pronoun
begins a subordinate clause and relates the clause to a word in the main clause
demonstrative pronoun
points out a specific person, place, or thing
definite article
type of adjective which makes a noun specific (the)
indefinite article
type of adjective which makes a noun indefinite (a and an)
the part of the sentence or clause about which something is being said
indirect object
precedes the direct object and tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done and who is receiving the direct object
direct object
a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action
a word that follows a verb and completes the meaning of the sentence or verbal phrase (direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, and object complement)
a verb which links or establishes a relationship between the subject and a term in the predicate which describes or renames the subject (be, become, appear, seem)
a group of words containing a subject and verb which forms part of a sentence
main clause
a clause that is not introduced by a subordinating term
subordinate clause
usually introduced by a subordinating element such as a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun; it depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning; it does not express a complete thought, so it does not stand alone
usually introduced by a subordinating element such as a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun. It depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning. It does not express a complete thought, so it does not stand alone
1st person
refers to the speaker (I, me, we)
2nd person
refers to the one being spoken to (you)
3rd person
refers to the one being spoken about (he, she, it)
shows the time when an action or condition occurred
past, present, future tense
show whether a simple action or condition occurred, occurs, or will occur in the past, present, or future
the form of the verb used in relation to what the subject is doing
active voice
the form of the verb used when the subject is the doer of the action
passive voice
the form of the verb used when the subject is being acted upon rather than doing something
the form of a word representing or associated with one person, place, or thing
more than one
the manner in which the action or condition is conceived or intended
a verb stating an apparent fact or asking a question
a verb expressing a doubt, desire, supposition, or condition contrary to fact
a verb stating a command or request
a verb used as an adjective
the simple present form of a verb used as either a noun, adjective, or adverb
a sentence that asks a direct question