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28 Cards in this Set

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다음 분기 자원 배치에 대한 경영진 결정은 관리자가 출장에서 돌아올 때까지 보류되어야 할 것이다.
board decision about resorce location next quarter should be avoided by when administrator come back.
1. 경영진 board management
2. decision about 이 아닌 decision on.
3. 배치란 어휘는 location이 아닌 allocation
4. 기간을 할당하는 전치사 for.
5. 어휘 coming = next
6. 어휘 be set aside
7. until과 그 뒤에는 절이 올수 있다는 것
8. 어휘 business trip.
Management decision on resource allocation for the coming quarter will have to be set aside until the director arrives back from his business trip.
소묘나 유화의 가격은 액자와 구매자의 주소로 작품을 배송하는 비용을 포함한다.
The price of the sketch and oil painting includes cost of frame or delivering the artwork to buyer's address.
1.관사는 분명하지 않고 일반적인 대상일 때 the는 a를 쓴다.
2. cost of ing
3. deliver A to B
The price of a sketch or an oil painting includes the frame and the cost of delivering the artwork to the buyer's address.
Logan Square역에 도착하는 통근자들은 에스컬레이터가 수리 중이었기 때문에 계단을 이용할 수밖에 없었다.
The commuters arrived at Logan Square had no choice but to use a stairway becuase the escalator was being repaired.
1. arrived and arriving. 자동사의 분사형은 능동과 수동의 억향차이.
2. had and was ing
3. becuase and becuase
4. have no choice but to do
commuters arriving at Logan Square station had no choice but to use the stairway because the escalator was being repaired.
많은 수의 립스틱 케이스에 결함이 있음이 밝혀졌을 때 그 샘플들은 제조업자에게 돌려보내졌다.
The sample were sent back to the manufacturer when it was discovered lot of lipstick cases have a defective.
1. 부사절에 과거형 들어간다는점이 의문이다.
2. 철자 manufacturer.
3. a number of
4. defective.
The lipstick samples were sent back to the manufacturer when it was discovered that a number of the lipstick cases were defective.
Patterson 이사의 결론은 협회가 본부를 텍사스 주의 Austin으로 이전해야 한다는 것이었다.
Director Patterson's conclusion was that the institute should move to Austin, Texas.
1. Director 이사를 나타냄
2. institute
3. headquarters
4. move의 뜻이 이동도 있지만 대상을 옮기다라는 뜻도 있다.
Director Patterson's conclusion was that the institute should move its headquarters to Austin, Texas.
회사의 새 광고 캠페인 시행 이후 판매수익이 상당히 증가해왔다.
Sales revenue has increased significantly since the start of company's new ad campaign.
1. 제품관련의 시작은 start 보다는 launch.
Sales revenue has increased significantly since the launch of company's new ad campaign.
아파트를 수리할 예정이라면, 당신이 추진한 변화들이 임대계약의 조건에 맞는지를 확인하시오.
If you have a plan to renovate your apartment, be sure that the changes you make comply with the stipulation of the contract.
1. have plan to v & plan on ~ing
2. stipulation
If you plan on renovating your apartment, be sure that the changes you make comply with the stipulations in your rental contract.
교육 부서는 경험이 많은 직원들 까지도 안전 강좌에 참석하기를 권하는데, 이는 직장에서의 사고 방지가 매우 중요하기 때문이다.
the trainning department requires the seasoned employees to attend the safety courses because prevention of accident is very important.
the training department requires even seasoned employees to attend safety courses because prevention of accident is paramount in the workplace.
Katherine Bryant는 40년 전에 Purcell사에 입사하였고, 그녀는 회사가 처음 설립된 이래로 가장 오래 근무한 직원 중 한 사람이 되었다.
Katherine Bryant joined Purcell firm 40 years ago, she had been one of the longest-serving employees since the company was first established
Katherine Bryant joined Purcell firm forty years ago, making her one of our longest-serving employees since the firm was first established
일본 대표단은 인원의 절반 이상이 출국 전날 독감에 걸리자 세계 평화회의 참석을 취소했다.
Japanese delegation cancel to attend the World Peace Conference because a half of group get a flu day before flight.
++만점 방지 문제, backed라는 것이 동사가 아닌 분사로 본다면 동사찾기 문제가 되므로 주의해야한다.
1. 형용사가 없다면 무조건 관사
2. 참석 취소 cancel to attend & back out of
3. more than a half
4. come down with the flue
5. the day after x
The Japanese delegation backed out of the World Peace Conference when more than half its members came down with the flu the day before their flight.
요리사는 콩소메(맑은 수프)와 다른 프랑스 수프를 만드는 방법을 가르치기 위해 주부들을 위한 요리 강좌를 개설했다.
The chef organized a food lecture for housewives to teach the way to make a consomme and the other franch soup.
1. 요리 강좌를 개설하다. organize a cooking clinic/ 강의 lecture 강좌 clinic
2. teach B A 혹은 teach A to B가 된다.
3. soup가 수프
The chef organized a cooking clinic for housewives to teach them how to make consomme and other franch soups.
Harvey Wyman의 갑작스러운 전무이사직 사임은 회사를 불안정한 상태로 만들었다.
The sudden resignation of Harvey Wyman as executive director make the company state of uncertainly.
1. 어휘 executive director 전무이사
2. 만들었다를 make A B고 여기선 leave A in B
3 불확실한 상태는 state of uncertainty.
The sudden resignation of Harvey Wyman as executive director has left the corporation in state of uncertainty.
Sabian & Randolf사의 직원 중 대략 절반 정도가 자하철로 통근한다.
Approximately half of the employees of Sabian & Randolf Ltd. commute on the subway.
1. of 보다는 at의 분위기
2. commute to work
3. 이동수단을 경우 by x
Approximately half of the employees at Sabian & Randolf, Ltd. commute to work by subway.
1사분기 말까지, 그 회사는 예상수익율을 10퍼센트 이상 초과 달성하였다.
By the end of the first quarter, this company had exceeded estimating profit by a ten percent.
1. exceed가 초과하다는 의미인데 여기서는 어떤 양을 넘다.
2. by는 양을 over은 넘었다를 의미.
By the end of the first quarter, the company had exceeded estimated profit by over 10 percent.
++ 그의 성과는 예상을 초월했다.
His achievements have exceeded expectations
15. 합의가 취소되면서 임차인은 새로운 계약을 이루는데 필요한 법적 요구사항들을 따라야 했다.
The cancellation of the agreement forced lessee to comply with legal requirement necessary to take a contract
1. lessee 임차인 lessor 임대인
2. force O 뒤에 to가 온다는 것
3. necessary to의 분위기 그리고 발음
The cancellation of the agreement forced lessee to comply with legal requirements necessary to obtain a new contract
++3 일상생활의 필수품
things necessary for day life.
+ necessary가 뒤에서 꾸밀때는
16. 프로젝트 개발관리자는 지난 분기에 운영되었던 모든 프로젝트의 평가서가 내일 아침까지 그녀의 책상 위에 있기를 기대하고 있다.
The Project development administrator expects evaluation for all project operating to be on her desk by tomorrow monring.
1. evaluation은 단수로 봤는데, 의미상 복수일 경우 s를 붙이자.
2. evaluation for 를 기억하자
3. 운영되었던을 operate라고 했는데 administrated도 그런 의미를 가진다.
The project development director expects evaluations for all projects administrated in the last quarter to be on her desk by tomorrow monring.
17. 이사회는 마케팅 부서에서 작성된 제안서가 현재의 확장단계에서 너무 복잡하다고 생각하여 압도적으로 이를 거절하였다.
The board overwhelmingly rejected the proposal of the market division, considering it too complex at present level of expansion.
1. 마케팅 부서에서 작성된 made by marketing division.
2. 단계를 level 과 stage.
3. expansion 어휘
The board overwhelmingly rejected the proposal made by marketing division, considering it too complex at present stage of expansion.
18. 모든 생산공장 방문객들이 조립 구역에서 보안경과 안전모를 착용하는 것은 매우 중요하다.
It is important that all visitor to the production plant to wear protective glasses and helmet in assemble area.
1. visitor 복수이므로 s르 붙이자.
2. assemble은 동사야
It is important that all visitors to the production plant wear protective glasses and helmets in the assembly area.
19. 새로운 본사 사무실은 밝고 현대적인 건물에 입주되었으나, 그 위치가 차를 갖고 있지 않은 직원들에게는 불편했다.
The new headquarter office was housed in bright and modern building, but the location was inconvenient to employees who did't have a car.
1. 본사 사무실은 main office
2. a를 붙이면 was houesed in 뒤의 내용이 명사가 된다.
3. its의 사용을 아끼지 말자.
4. it is 형용사 for 대상 을 알자.
The new main office was housed in a bright and modern building, but its location was inconvenient for employees who did't have a car.
20. 중요한 서류를 배달할 때는, 물건이 배송 중임을 수취인에게 통보해 주십시오.
When having a important document delivering, notify its receiver that it is on way.
1. a 대신 an
When having an important document delivering, notify the receiver that the package is on its way.
21~23-1. 오는 5월 31일 월요일에 1주일간의 교육 세미나를 시작할 예정입니다.
We will begin our week-long trainning seminar this coming Monday, May 31.
1. We will begin으로 시작한다..
2. week-long
3. 날짜 앞에 전치사가 없다는 것.
21~23-2. 금번 세미나의 목적은 사무실 효율성과 생산성을 향상시키는 것입니다.
this? seminar's objective is enhancing the efficiency and productivity in office.
1. 어휘 intention
2. 어휘 improve.
The intention of this seminar is to improve office efficiency and productivity.
21~23-3. 회의실 D에서 세미나가 개최될 예정입니다.
Seminar have plan on placing in conference room D
1. 시제 공부 '미래 진행'
We will be holding the seminar in conference room D.
21~23-4. 좌석이 40명으로 제한되어 있으므로, 교육에 참가하실 직원들은 미리 등록하시기 바랍니다.
As number of seat is limited, we are hopeful for employees attending the seminar to register ahead of time.
1. 좌석, seating의 어휘
2. limited to 의 분위기.
3. wishing 의 현재분사형태
4. advised to의 분위기
As seating is limited to only forty people, employees wishing to attend the workshop are advised to register ahead of time.
21~23-5. 인사부에서 등록하실 수 있으며, 금번 행사에 등록하기 위해서는 직속상사의 서면 허가증이 필요합니다.
registration is available on resource department, and it is necessary face agreement by your boss to register this seminar.
1. 등록하다 sign up
2. 인사부 personnel office.
3. please be aware that
4. written permission
5. 직속 상사 manager
6. before 뒤에 절이 올 수 있다.
7. register A for B
You can sign up at the personnel office, but please be aware that we require written permission from your manager before we can register you for this event.
21~23-6. 협조에 감사 드리며 월요일 세미나에서 만나 뵙겠습니다.
Thank you for your help and see you seminar on coming Monday.
1. 협조 어휘 cooperation
2. hope to see you
3. on Monday
Thanks for your cooperation, and we hope to see you at the seminar on Monday.