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49 Cards in this Set

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Q: Catarrhal states and hayfever
A: Arundo mauritanica
Q: Annoying itching in the nostrils and roof of mouth
A: Arundo mauritanica (Wyethia – with need to rub soft palate with tongue)
Q: Nasal obstruction – to suffocation feeling
A: Arundo mauritanica
Q: Averse pickles, gherkins, sour drinks, sour foods/acids, salt
A: Arundo mauritanica
Q: Desires sour drinks, sour foods/acids
A: Arundo mauritanica
Q: Urine, SEDIMENT, sand, red
Q: Male: Pain in spermatic cord after embrace
A: Arundo mauritanica
Q: Female: Menses too early and profuse. Neuralgic pains from face to shoulders and pubis. Desire with vaginal pruritis
A: Arundo mauritanica
Q: Mind, ANXIETY, mucus, from accumulation of, bronchi, in (1)
A: Arundo mauritanica-1
Q: Mind, CHEERFUL, foolish, and (16)
A: Arundo mauritanica-1 (SULPH, Calc, arund)
Q: Mind, INDIFFERENCE, pain, to pain (9)
A: Arundo mauritanica-1 (Chin, arund, op, puls, sapo – saponaria officinalis)
Q: Mind, THOUGHTS, intrude and crowd around each other, sexual
A: Arundo mauritanica-1 (Graph, Phos, Plat, Staph, arund)
Q: Head, PAIN, stunning, stupefying, vertex (9)
A: Arundo mauritanica-1 (arund, bov, cycl, dulc, lyss, phos)
Q: Eye, INFLAMMATION, catarrhal, cold, from (57)
A: Arundo mauritanica (9 3’s, incl: ACON, ALL-C, BELL, CALC, EUPHR, MERC, PULS, Arund)
Q: Ear, BORING fingers in, children, in (5)
A: ARUNDO MAURITANICA (ARUND, Cina, Psor, Sil, nat-m)
Q: Mouth, SALIVATION, coryza, during (5)
A: ARUNDO MAURITANICA (ARUND, Calc-p, cupr-ar, hep, kali-i)
Q: Mouth, ERUPTIONS, eczema, mouth, corners (6)
A: Arundo mauritanica (Arund, Graph, Hep, Rhus-t, lyc, sil)
Q: Rectum, DIARRHEA, children, in (71 – CALC, CHAM, MAG-M, PODO), DIARRHEA, children, in, nurslings (9 – Sulph), DIARRHEA, dentition, during (57 – CALC, CHAM, DULC, FERR, RHEUM, SIL, Kreos)
A: Arundo mauritanica-1 in all
Q: Injuries, lacerations to areas rich in nerves (tips of fingers, tongue, eyes, teeth, genitalia, coccyx)
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Mouth, INJURIES, tongue, laceration (2)
A: Hypericum perforatum (CALEN, Hyper)
Q: Male Genitalia/Sex, injuries (7)
A: Hypericum perforatum (Arn, Calen, Hyper, Rhus-t, Staph)
Q: Spasms after every injury
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Pains appear and disappear gradually
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: < cold, < cold air, < foggy weather, < change of weather
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Melancholy. Despair. Depression following surgery or wounds
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Mistakes in writing or speaking
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Sees spirits or specters
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Ailments from: Fright or fear, Injuries or accidents, Being magnetized, Shock
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Fears: Falling, Downward motion (Borax)
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Insanity from pain, Mania from pain
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Eyes, staring, Eyes, fixed
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Eye, STYES, lid, lower (12)
A: Hypericum perforatum (Colch, Graph, Hyper, Phos, Rhus-t)
Q: Desires pickles and wine
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Violent after-pains
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Retention of urine
A: Hypericum perforatum
Q: Focus: GI Tract, mucous membranes
A: Gambogia
Q: Diarrhea remedy, similar to Crot-t
A: Gambogia
Q: Diarrhea in daytime only
A: Gambogia
Q: Stool like curdled milk, Comes out all at once with a single and somewhat prolonged effort, Urging is very sudden (Crot-t, Sulph), great relief in abdomen
A: Gambogia
Q: Sadness during diarrhea or since suppression of chronic diarrhea.
A: Gambogia
Q: Suicidal depression
A: Gambogia
Q: Cheerful and talkative
A: Gambogia
Q: Irritability on waking, violence < morning
A: Gambogia
Q: Dreams anxious, vexatious, of dancing
A: Gambogia
Q: Violent thirst in evening, at night – prevents falling asleep
A: Gambogia
Q: < summer (summer diarrhea), < daytime, < before stool
A: Gambogia
Q: > motion in open air, > stool
A: Gambogia
A: Gambogia
Q: Chilly
A: Gambogia