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81 Cards in this Set

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Genera: Vibrio, Aeromonas, Photobacterium, and Plesiomonas are in what family?
Growth in O2 +
Growth w/out O2 +
Gluc Metabolism Fermentation
Polar Flagella
Oxidase +
Inhibited by 0/129
Vibrionaceae Vibrio
Family Vibrionaceae
Polar Flagella
Lipase +
Mannitol +
Inhibited by 0/129
Genus Vibrio
Family Vibrionaceae
No Polar Flagella
Lipase Delayed
Mannitol -
Inhibited by 0/129
Genus Photobacterium
Family Vibrionaceae
No Polar Flagella
Lipase +
Mannitol +
Not Inhibited by 0/129
Genus Aeromonas
Family Vibrionaceae
No Polar Flagella
Lipase -
Mannitol +
Inhibited by 0/129
Genus Plesiomonas
Gram -, curved, motile, oxidase +. growth @ pH 9.0 - 9.6
What are the serotypes of V. cholera based on?
When was it isolated, and what strains?
Based on the LPS O Antigen
5th Pandemic - 01 Strain (classical strain)
7th Pandemic - new 01 Strain (El Tor)
8th pandemic - non 01 (serotype 0139)
V. cholerae
B hemolysis -
VP -
Classic 01 Strain
V. Cholerae
B Hemolysis +
VP +
El Tor 01 Strain
sever diarrheal, survives in water, Temp. 4 - 45 C
Asiatic Cholera, 01 Agent, produces Cholera Toxin
Pathogenesis of Cholera
Ingest from contaminated water, virulence genes expressed, adheres to small intestine mucose (flagella/pili/adhesions), produces cholera toxin, causes extensive fluid/ion loss and electrolyte imbalance
2-5 day incubation, abdominal cramps, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea (rice water), sunken eyes, shock, cardiac problems, renal failure, death.
H2O Loss: 20 L/day
T or F:
Symptoms of Cholera are caused by A-B ADP-ribosylating toxin
Same thing as cholera toxin
1 Enzymatic A
5 binding B
Pathophysiology of cholera toxin
noninvasive, disrupts normal intratintestinal exchanges of H2O/electrolytes, A1 - toxic activity, A2 facilitates penetration of A1 into cell, B subunit binds to the cell.
A1 causes cAMP to rise, causes hyperscretion of salt/H2O.
No antibiotics, self-limiting, diarrhea washes it out.
What are the steps of evolution in V. cholerae?
1. acquistion of Tcp pili
2. cholera toxin genes transferred by phage
ID of V. cholerae on:
Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts
Mac: colorless, slow lastose ferm
Oxi: +
TSI A/A No gas/H2S
Grow in alk peptone water then streak on TCBS w/ bromothymol indicator
- yellow colonies
What is 0/129?
Thiosulfate-Citrate-Bile-Sucrose Agar
Fe citrate 1g
Yeast Extract 5g
Proteose Peptone 10 g
Na Citrate 10 g
Oxgale 8g
Sucrose (sacchrose) 20 g
Bile Methyl Blue 0.014 g
Treament of V. cholerae
H2O and electrolyte replacement therapy, IV.
No antibiotics
Lives in sea water, causes fatal septicemia in people with liver disease, necrotizinf flesh eating bacteria, oysters. Most virulent of the noncholera vibrios.
Lactose +
Green Colonies on TCBS
V. vulnificus
- cytotoxin/hemolysins
less severe than vulnificus, produces an enterotoxin/hemolysin.
Growth on Wagasuma Agar
Kanagawa RX =?
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Virulent Strain is K+
Nonvirulent Strain is K-
- causes gastroenteritis
Growth Patterns of Vibrio on TCBS:
V. cholerae
V. vulnificus
V parahaemolyticus
V. Cholerae - good growth, 100% yellow
V. vulnificus - good growth 90% green, 10% yellow
V. parahaemolyticus - 99% green, 1% yellow
found in fresh water, mesophilic growth @ 37 C.
Cause wound infections, acute diarrheal disease that mimics cholera, enterotoxigenic, and stimulate cAMP.
Oxi +
ferment glucose
Ind +
- hydrophilia
- caviae
- sobria
Infects frogs, turtles, snakes, and lizards.
NaCl: 0 - 5%
pH: 4 - 9
Not inhibited by 0/129
Plesiomonas shigelloides
motile, polar flagella, rRNA group I-V.
Gram - rods, straight or slightly curved, strict aerobes, oxidize carbohydrates, cytochrome oxidase +.
entner-Dourdoroff pathway
Family Pseudomonadaceae
Smell like grapes?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
rRNA group I,
fluorescent group.
Oxi +, mot, glu +, arg decarboxylase +, produce pyoveridin
P. aeruginosa/fluorescens/putida
Pyocyanin +. Pyoveridin +, NO3 reduction V, Growth @ 42 C +, Gelatin liq V
P. aeruginosa
Pyocyanin -, Pyoverdin +, NO3 Reduction V, Growth @ 42 C -, Gelatin liq +
P. fluorescens
Pyocyanin -, pyoverdin +, NO3 Reduction -, Growth @ 42 C -, Gelatin liq -
P. putida
Can infect burns, eyes, lungs, noscomial. Can cause dermatitis,
reduces nitrate and utilizes acetamide, growth at 42 C, produces both pigment pyoverdin/pyocyanin
P. aeruginosa
Virulence factors of P. aeruginosa:
___ allows cell to adhere, forms a gel around the bacterium.
____ removes sialic acid residues from receptors
____ _, tissure destruction, inhibition of protein synthesis
_____ toxin, GI Tract, diarrhea
_____ _ inhibits protein synthesis
______ _ destroys P.M.
_____ cleaves immunoglobin
_____ disrupts repiratory cilia
_____ inhibits neutraphils
Exotoxin A
Exoenzyme S
Phospholipase C
Grow anaerobic in nitrate, produce nitrogen gas, grow at elevated temp.
Stutzeri Group
P. stutzeri/mendocina
Assachrolytic members of alkaline pseudomonas. Alcaligenes groups
P. alacligenes
rRNA group II, Pseudomallei group.
Resitant to polymyxin antibiotics
Burkholderia mallei - obligate parasite in horses, causes glanders
pseudomallier - causes meliodosis in humans and animals
cepacia - plant and human pathogen
gladiolo - flower rot in gladiolus, oxi -
rRna Group III
acidovorans, up to 6 flagella tufts in this group, alkaline pseudomonads
Comamonas acidovorans/terrigena/testosteroni
rRNA group III
Facilis-delafieldii group
Acidovorax delafieldii/facilis/temperans
rRNA group IV
Diminuta Group, members of alkaline pseudomonads, single tightly coiled polar flagella, dark yellow to orange pigment
Brevundimonas diminuta/vesicularis
rRNA group V
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Large gram -, ovoid cells, pleomorphic, rods to cocci, non spore, make cysts (resting structure), aerobic, N-fixer, non symbiotic.
Highest respiration rate of any living organism, grown on Winogradsky media
Family Azotobacteraceae
Gram - rods, no endospores, motile aerobic,induce nodule formation on roots og legumes, symbiotic, N-fixation, growth on Carbs = slime formation.
Nod D genes
Family Rhiozobiaceae
Genus rhizobium
Function of resting sturcture
resitant to UV, not heat
Nod D
recognizes specifc favonoids secreted by root hairs
forms nodules and fixes N on sweet clover and alfalfa, peritrichous flagella, utilizes glu/galac, grows at pH 8.0-9.5, aerobic
Rhizobium meliloti
Nitrogen fixation
NH2->NH3 via enzyme nitrogenase

Allows growth of plants in poor soils
2 distinct proteins
Component I (nitrogenase) - iron and molybdenum
Component II (nitrogen reductase) - iron

Needs ATP Mg++ and redcuing agent.
Very O2 sensitive
induces nodule frmation and fixes N in soybeans, similar to rhizobium, alkaline reaction in sugar medium
Bradyrhizobium japonicum
soil bacteria, gram - rods, motile aerobic, slime production on carbo medium, does not fix N, no nodule formation, causes plant wounds and tumor formation.
Genes Ti plasmid
Genus Agrobacterium
Ti + = virulent
Ti - = non virulent
invades up to 640 species of plants, Ti plasmid is a shuttle vector. transforms plant cells, microbe enters plants through wounds
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
diverse groups of rods, vibrios, and cocci.
Utilize methane as sole C&E source via methane monooxygenase.
Family Methylococcaceae
Family Methylococcaceae,
gram - rod, polar flagella, strict anaerobe, utilize methane, cat +, oxi - , cytochromes c,a,o,b
Genus Methylomonas
Family, Methylococcaceae,
gram negatice cocci, non motile, strict anaerobe, utilize methane, cat +, oxi - , cytochromes c,a,o,b
Genus Methylococcus
Methane Utilization
Methane - methanol - formaldehyde-formate-CO2

1. methane monooxygenase
2.methanol dehydrogenase
3. formaldehyde dehydrogenase
4. formate dehydrogenase
Control of Crown Gall
inspect nursery tosck for signs of infection.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Example of Methylococcus/ MEthylomonas organisms?
Methylococcus capsulatus
Methylomonas methanica
Cell walls lack PG, gram -, grow in high [Salt], always Na >18%
Carotenoid pigments offer UV protection, Archaea Members
Family Halobacteriaceae
Fmily Halobacteriaceae, gram negative rods, motile, grow at 4.5 M NaCl, oxi +, cat +, gel +, uses amino acids fr growth, cells divide by constriction, red/pink/orange colonies, containt gas vacuoles
Genus Halobacterium
- Ex. H. salinarium
Family Halobacteriaceae
Gram - coccus, non motile, aerobic, oxi +, cat +, grow at 4.5 M NaCl, red colonies, use amino acids for energy
Genus Halococcus
- Ex. H. morrhuae
Gram - rods, motile, peritrichous flagella, aerobic, grow at 25-30 C, convert ethanol into acetic acid at pH 4.5, Pink disease in Pineapples
Family Acetobacteraceae
Genus Acetobacter
- Ex. A. aceti
gram - rods, cocci, motile, peritrichous flagella, aerboic, non pigmented, oxi +, gel -, acetate + NO3 reducer, soil/water/vertebrate GI tract
Genus Alcaligenes
- Ex. A. faecalis
gram - rods, non motile, thermophilic, growth 70 - 75 C, PG contains muramic acid no diaminopimelic acid, ornithine instead.
Found in thermal springs.
gorws on thermus mdeium
Genus Thermus
- Ex. T. aquaticus
gram - pleomorphic, short-slender coccobacilli, non motile, strict anaerobes, slow growers, facultative intracellular parasites
grow @ 20 - 40 C
cat +, oxi +, gel -, Vp -, MR -
Genus Brucella
- B. melitensis
- B. abortus
- B. suis
Causes Brucellosis, Undulent Fever, Malta Fever
Genus Brucella
Malta Fever, associated with unpasteurize goat's milk
Brucella melitensis
Bang's Disease
Brucella abortus
How to detect for B. abortus
Abrotus Bang Ring Probe Test
- mix drop of stained bacteria + 1 ml milk
- incubate 1 hr @ 37 C
- agglutinated bacteria rise to the surface with fat globules. colored ring
incubation 1- 3 weeks, nonspecific symptoms, fising and falling fever. Fever at night, none at day, weakness fatigue, enlarged lymph, liver, and spleen
Undulant Fever
B. melitensis
Pathogenesis of Brucella
smooth form is virulent, ednotoxin, enter body through ingestion, broken skin, or conjuctva.
enter RES system, intracellular multiplication --> inflammatort response, host response is granulamtous abscesses/caseation. No exotoxins
Treatment of Brucellosis
deoxycycline, rifampin, trimethoprim
Identification of Brucella in the lab
Incubation in 10% CO2, slow growth on blood/chocolate agars, oxi +, cat +, check H2S/Urease.
Good growth on buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar, grows in the presence of Thionin blue/Basic fuchsin
thionine -
Basic fuchsin +
H2S -
B. melitensis
thionine -
basic fuchsin +
H2S +
B. abortus
thionine +
basic fuchsin -
H2S -
B. suis
Gram negative rod, pleomorphic, forms filaments, cocci and bacilli, non motile, non encapsulated
Genus Francisella
causes rabbit fever, plague like lesion, trasnmitted throu skin by handling infected animal, bite of deer fly, or ingestion of infected meat
Francisella tularensis
Pathogenesis of Tularemia
organism enters through the skin, forms an ulcer, granulomas occur, caseation and necrosis.
Lab Identifcation of Francisella
francis afar (cysteine containing medium, blood-glucos-cysteine agar @ 37 C, aerobically)

F ab test
Agglutination test
Treatment of tularemia
streptomycin and gentamicin
small encapsulated, gram negative rod or coccobacilli, polysaccharide capsule needed for virulence, transmitted through air droplets, whooping cough
Bordetella pertussis
- Bordet-Gengou MEdium
PAthogenesis of B. pertussis
Pertussis toxin: 6 polypetides 1 enzymatic, 5 binding, lymphocytosis promoting factor (prevents migration of lymphocytes from blood vessels), increased cAMP (adenylate cyclase toxin)
Tracheal Cytotoxin: inhibits ciliary activity
Dermonecrotic toxin: causes smooth muscle contraction