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31 Cards in this Set

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The first orbit of a neutral atom holds how many electrons?

The first orbit holds 2 electrons

How many electrons are in the second orbit of a neutral atom?

There are 8 electrons..

How many electrons in the third orbit of a neutral atom?


How many atoms in the fourth orbit of a neutral atom?


According to bohr, when a element is energized by heat the electrons jump to _________ orbits.


When they jump back down

Is potassium more or less reactive then sodium?


What is static electricity

An electric charge at rest

Define insulator

Anything which does not allow the free flow of electrons .

Define conductor

Anything which allow the free flow of electrons

State the three laws of electricity

Like charges repel

Unlike charges attract

Charge objects always attract a neutral

Define electric current

An electric charge in motion along a complete and continuous path called a circuit

Define voltage

The energy of electrons upon leaving the source

Define load

Any electrical device which converts electrical energy into another useable form such as light, heat or mechanical energy

How long ago do astronomers believe the big bang occurrd

13.6 billion years ago

What does red shift mean

Means the galaxy is moving away from us

Galaxies farther away from earth are moving faster or slower away from galaxies closer to earth

The farther away the galaxy the faster it moves away

how do most stars form

Rotating clouds of dust and gas , material accumulated force of gravity increases with mass to gather more matter

What does the colour of a star tell you

Temperature, age,

What is the occurrence when solar winds collide with earths magnetic feild


Which planets are the inner or terrestrial planets.

Mercury , Venus, earth , Mars

Which planets are the outer gas giants

Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune

What is found between Mars and Jupiter

Astroid belt

Which planets will have the longer revolution inner or outer planets

Outer planets

Define light year. What is the speed of light

Distance light travels in one year and the speed of light is ( 3X 10 M/S )

Explain the difference between a meteoroid , meteor, and in meteorite

Meteoroid is a metal or rock smaller than an astroid pulled by or is gravity

I meteor is a shooting star

Meteorites are those which not completely burned up upon entry in reach the ground

What is the difference between rotation and revolution

Tatian is the spinning of a body on its own axis for example it takes 24 hours to rotate on its axis and revolution is the mole movement about another object example it takes the earth 365 days to revolve around the sun

Why do we have seasons on earth

The tilt of the earth in revolution about the side effect the angle of incidence

What are some of the limitations to space travel

Food, fuel, waste, oxygen, and loss of body muscle

Why does the Comets tail always points away from the sun

The solar wins blows the tales away from the sun

What is the only planet that has one moon


Which of the following is an example of population

1. All the animals in the valley

2. All the rattlesnakes and garter sharks in the a valley

3. All the pacific rattlesnakes in the galley

ALLL the pacific rattlesnakes