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196 Cards in this Set

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Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What needs of living things does the environment provide?
air, water, food, and shelter
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

When may living things have to share the things the environment provides?
when many living things share the same environment
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What may happen to the living things that share an environment if there is not enough food for all of them?
If some of the living things don't move to another area, some may become ill or die because they cannot get enough food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What is an environment?
is everything around a living thing
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What is population?
a group of the same kind of living things that live in the same place at the same time
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What is a community?
all the popluations that live in an ecosystem
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What is a habitat?
the specific place where an organism (animal) lives
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What makes up an ecosystem?
the living and nonliving things that interact in an environment
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Why do ecosystems change?
Ecosystems change because of nature and becaue of the activities of living things.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What are some natural events that can change ecosystems?
fires, floods, and other weather phenomena
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What are some ways that living things can change an ecosystem?
Beavers build dams and lodges that block steams or destroy the trees other animals may live. People cut down trees to build homes, removing possible habitats of other animals.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Sometimes the changes people make are for the better. List some of them.
They may add irrigation to dry areas to grow crops or plant new forests where old ones have burned down.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Some changes can harn an ecosystem. List some of them.
Removing trees can cuase erosion; destroying habitats can cause animals to leave an area and plants that grow there to disappear.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Name two ways people change ecosystems.
cutting down trees, using water, or mining resources
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

How can strip mining affect an ecosystem?
It an leave huge holes in the ground with no plants to prevent erosion
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Today some mining companies must reclaim lands they had previously destroyed. How are they doing that?
They fill in holes and replant an area in order to make land usable again.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What is an enviornoment?
The environment is everything that surrounds a living thing.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What nonliving things are found in an ecosystem?
Air, water, rocks, soil, and sunlight are nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

What is a population?
A population is all the living things of the same kind that live in the same place at the same time.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

How can building a new road change an ecosystem?
As land is cleared to build the road, habitats may be destroyed or damaged, forcing living things to leave the area.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 1

A pond that contains waterlilies, frogs, fish, insects, and cattails is an example of ---.
a community
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What is a forest?
A forest is an area in which the main plants are trees.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What is a deciduous forest?
trees that lose and and grow their leaves each year
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are two examples of deciduous trees?
maples and oaks
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What happens to the leaves of deciduous trees before they fall from the tree?
They change color.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

When do deciduous trees drop their leaves?
in the fall (in general)
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Where do deciduous forests grow?
Deciduous forest grow in areas that are warm and wet in summer and cold in winter.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

How do animals that live in the canopy get their water?
They drink water that collects on leaves.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Why do you think plants in the understory get less light than those of the canopy?
The large leaves of the canopy plants block much of the sunlight, preventing it from reaching the understory.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Where do tropical rain forests grow?
where it is hot and wet all year
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Tropical rain forests are found in Hawaii and Costa rica. what is the climate like in these places?
It is warm and wet all year.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are coastal forests?
forests that grow where there is a lot of rain.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

How are coastal forests different from tropical forests? same as tropical forests?
Unlike a tropical rain forest, a coastal forest grows where it does not get too warm or too cold. But like tropical rain forests, coastal forests are thick with many kinds of tall trees. Coastal forestes thave the same kinds of layers as tropical rain forests.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are the layers of a rainforest?
canopy, understory, forest foor
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Describe the canopy of a rain forest.
The leave of the canopy get lots of water and sunlight. Many animals drink water that collects on the leaves.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Describe the understory of a rainforest.
Plants of the undertory get less sunlight and water than those in the canopy. Orchids, mosses, and ferns grow on the trunks of the tall trees.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Describe the forest floor of a rainforest.
Little sunlight reaches the rain forest floor, and few nutrients are found in the soil. Plants that grow here must find other ways to get nutrients.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

How does the amount of light that plants on the forest floor get differ from the amount of light that plants in the canopy receive?
Plants in the canopy get a lot of sunlight year-round. Those on the forest floor receive very little sunlight at any time of year.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What kinds of trees grow in a coniferous forest?
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are coniferous?
evergreens; a tree that forms seeds in cones
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesso

What are some examples of conifers?
pines, spruces, and firs
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Besides cones, what are two other characteristics of conifers?
needles-shped leaves that remain green and on the tree all year; a triangular shape
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

The branches of conifers tend to be flexible and bend easily. How may this help a conifer survive harsh winter conditions?
They bend easily, so the branches of conifers are not easily broken off the tree by heavy snow or ice accumulation.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are deciduous forests?
Deciduous forests grow in places that have warm, wet summers and cold winters. Deciduous forests lose their leaves in the fall and regrow them in the spring.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Why are tropical rain forests?
Tropical rain forests grow in places that are warm and wet all year. The trees are tall and the leaves stay green all year
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are coastal forests?
Coastal forests grow where there is a lot of rain and it is not too warm or too cold.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are coniferous forests?
Coniferous forests grow where there is less rain than other types of forests need. Coniferous forests have conifer trees, which have needle-like leaves and stay green year-round.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What is a forest?
A forest is an area in which the main plants are trees.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

Which kind of forest has trees that lose their leaves in the fall?
a deciduous forest
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What are the layers of a tropical rain forest?
The rain forest has three layers: the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What is the main difference between a tropical rain forest and a coastal forest?
A tropical rain forest has a higher average temperature than a coastal rain forest.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Are Forest Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 2

What kind of climate do deciduous forest have?
warm, wet summers, and cold winters
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What are the two kinds of deserts?
hot deserts and cold deserts
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What is a desert?
an ecosystem found where they is very little rainfall.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

How do desert plants get water?
Desert plants get water through roots that grow close to the surface.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What do many desert plants grow low to the ground?
Shorter plants lose less water.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What structures do many desert plants have for storing water?
Thick stems; some also have thick leaves.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What are some animals that live in the desert?
reptiles such as snakes and lizards; small mammals, such as bats, rabbits, and squirrels; scorpions and insects
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

How is the job of a desert reptile's scales similar to the job of a scorpion's hard body covering?
Both sturctures help prevent the animal from losing water from its body.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What is a desert?
an ecosystem that gets very little rainfall
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

Where do plants of the hot desert store water?
They store water in thick stems and leaves.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

Where do plants of the hot desert store water?
They store water in thick stems and leaves.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

Other than by eating plants, how do desert animals get water?
Animals also get water by eating other animals.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

More kinds of animals and plants live in hot deserts than in cold deserts. Why might this be so?
The temperature changes from very hot to very cold, it wold be much harder for an animal or plant to survive.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Desert Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 3

What is the average amount of rain a desert gets in one year?
25 cm
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

What are winter and summer temperatures like in grassland ecosystems?
The summers are warm, and the winters are cold.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

How much rain falls in grassland ecosystems?
30 to 60 centimeters each year
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

What is a grassland?
a place were there is not enough rain for most trees to grow but too much rain for a desert to form and just enough rain for grasses
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

Where are grasslands found?
in places where 30 to 60 cm of rain falls each year
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

On what continent are the steppes located?
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

On what continent are the pampas located?
South America
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

On what other continents are there grassland ecosystems?
every continent except Antaractia
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

In what kind of environment do grassland animals live?
These animals live in grasslands that have cold winters and hot summers; there is not s much rainfall as in forests; the vegetation is mostly grasses
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

In what kind of environment do temperate forest animals live?
Temperate forest animals live in areas with cold winters and warm summers; there is more rainfall than in grass lands; there are many trees
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

Which animals do you think would be better at conserving water: those in grasslands or those in forests? Explain.
Those in grasslands; they live in a drier environment. They need ways to conserve the water that is available.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

Constrast the shelters of forest animals and grassland animals.
Forest animals shelter in trees, under bushes, or in burrows. Many grassland animals shelter underground.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

Name three animals that live in the grasslands?
antelope, rabbits, deer, mice, prairie dogs, foxes, coyotes, badgers, snakes, hawks, and so on
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

How are all grasslands alike?
They have about the same seasonal temperatures and the same amount of rainfall.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

What might happen on the open prairier, there is no place for large animals to hide.
They run fast to escape predators.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

What might happen on the open prairie, when there is no place for small animals to hide.
Many small animals live in burrows.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

What is the rainfall like in a grassland?
The summers are hot and winters are cold. There is more rainfall than in deserts, but less rainfall than in forests.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

How is grass adapted for growing in grasslands?
Grass palnts branching roots that gather water from large areas of soil; they have long, slender leaves that do not lose much water to the air around them.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

How are prairie dogs adapted for living in grasslands?
Prairie dogs are animals that cn dig underground burrows for shelter; they eat the grass growing in the grasslands.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What Is a Grassland Ecosystem?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 4

Corn, wheat and rye are grasses. Why do you think many grasslands have been plowed up to make farms that grow these plants?
Because they are grasses, these plants would grow well in a grassland ecosystem.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What are two types of water ecosystems?
saltwater and freshwater
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What is salt water?
water that has a lot of salt in it
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What is fresh water?
water that has little salt in it
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Why might salt water be less salty near shore?
Fresh water flowing into the ocean from rivers and streams may make water less salty near shore
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

How does the amount of salt at the surface of ocean water compare to the amount of salt in water deep in the ocean?
Surface water is less salty than deep water.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

How does the amount of salt in water near the shoreline differ from that of water farther from shore?
Water near the shore may be less salty than water far from shore.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What is a tide pool?
a saltwater ecosystem that forms at a shoreline
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What are some animals that live in tide pools?
sea anemones and barnacles
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

The water temperature of tide pools is often warmer than that of the nearby ocean. Why do you think this is so?
The shallow waters of the tide pool are easily warmed by the sun.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Why might salt water be less salty near shore?
Fresh water flowing into the ocean from rivers and streams may make water less salty near shore.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What do all ocean plants and animals have in common?
They all live in salt water.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What determines an ocean zone?
how much sunlight pentrates the water
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

How do the plants in shallow water differ from the plants in deeper ocean water?
Plants in shallow water are rooted at the bottom. Plants in deeper water float near the surface.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Where are the fewest numbers of plants and animals found in the ocean? Why?
In the deep ocean; becuase sunlight cannot reach the bottom, few if any plants grow. Without the plants there is not much food, so few animals live here.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Many different kinds of plants and animals live in the ocean. Why is the ocean able to support a large variety of differnt types of living things?
The ocean is Earth's largest ecosystem; its characteristics are not the same in all places.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What do all ocean plants and animals have in common?
They all lives in salt water.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What are the main kinds of freshwater ecosystems?
rivers, steams, lakes, and ponds
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

How do rivers and streams differ from lakes and ponds?
Rivers and streams have moving water; the water in lakes and ponds is still.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

How do lakes differ from ponds?
Lakes are usually larger and deeper than ponds.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Many insect larvae, such as the mayfly, that live in streams have structures that allow them to stick to rocks. Why is this important?
Without such structures, the insects would be washed away by the moving water.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Why are there few animals living at the bottom of a deep lake?
There is not enough sunlight there for plants to grow, so food is limited. Also, the water is much colder in the deep parts of a lake.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What are two kinds of freshwater ecosystems?
lakes, ponds, river, or streams
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What are the two kinds of water ecosystems? Name two ways they are different.
Freshwater and slatwater; saltwater ecosystems contain salt water and are very large. Freshwater ecosystems contain fresh water and vary in size, but none are as large as the ocean.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

In a pond, where do most of the animals live?
in shallow water
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

Which zone of the ocean gets the least amount of sunlight?
The ocean bottom gets the least sunlight. In areas of deep water, the deep ocean gets no sunlight.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Lesson 5

What would happen to the animals and plants in a saltwater ecosystem if t were flooded by fresh water? Explain your answer.
Many of the plants and animals would die because they couldn't adjust to the change in the amount of salt in the water. Some animals would move to differnt areas. Some plants animals may be able to adjust and survive.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

An area where the main plants are trees is called a ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

All the living things of the same kind that live in the same area at the same time make up a ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

Populations that live in the same place make up a ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

An ecosystem that is very dry is a ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

The interactions between the living and nonliving parts of the environment make up an ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

To a population of frogs living near a pond, the pond is its ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

Rivers and most lakes are --- ecosystems.
fresh water
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

A --- has warm summers and cool winters. The trees drop their levaes in the fall.
deciduous forest
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

Two types of forests that get a lot of rain are a --- and a ---.
tropical rain forest; coastal forests
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

An --- is everything that surrounds a living thing.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

The winters are cold in a --, and the trees have needle-shaped leaves.
coniferous forest
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

The water in the ocean is ---.
salt water
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

A --- has hot summers and cold winters.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

--- are ecosystems where the main plants are trees.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

What type of ecosystem has trees with flat leaves that drop off each fall?
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

What type of ecosystem has evergreen trees; grow in cold winters and cool summers?
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

What type of ecosystem has hot and wet weather and trees form in three layers?
tropical rain
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

What type of ecosytem has wet climate; thick trees that keep floor dark and cool?
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

Why do grasslands have few large tree? They are too ---.
dry to support trees
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

What are the two types of desert?
hot and cold
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

What are the two types of water ecosystems?
fresh and salt
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
What are Water Ecosystems?
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

Why might a raccon hunt for food in a trash can instead of in a forest?
An anmail gets what it need from its enviornment. Raccoons that live in or near cities may not have forest resources available.
Plants and Animals Interact
Where Living Things Are Found
Unit B Chapter 1 Review

How can the building of new homes and roads by humans affect the plants and animals in an area?
animals may have to move to new places with similar environments to survive. Some animals may remain in the changed ecosystem if they can get what they need from the new environment.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What does it mean to interact?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1
plants and animals working together
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

Why do plants and animals interact with the environment?
to get the things they need to live
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do the ways plants and animals get food differ?
Plants make their food. Animals get food by eating plants or other animals.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What are some ways that plants interact with their environment?
Plants use sunlight, air, and water from the environment to make food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What are some ways animals interact with their environment?
Animals interact with other animals and with plants to get food. They also interact with nonliving things such as water, sunlight, soil, and rocks.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do living things get food?
They interact with their environment to get what they need.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do plants interact with their environment to get food?
Plants (producers) interact with sunlight, air, and and water to make their own food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do animals interact with the environment to get food?
Animals are consumers. They eat other living things.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do decomposers interact with their environment to get food?
eat other livng lthings that have died
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What is a producers?
a living thing that makes it own food (plants)
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How does the way producers get their food differ from the way consumers get their food?
Producers make their food; consumers get food by eating other living things.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What kinds of living things are producers?
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What kinds of living things are consumers?
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What is a consumer?
A consumer is a living thing that eats other living things as food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What is a herbivores?
Animals which only eat plants.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What is a carnivore?
animals thta get food by eating other animals
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What is an omnivore?
an animal that eats both plants and other animals
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What is a decomposer?
a living thing that breaks down and feeds on wastes or dead things
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do producers get their food?
Producers make their own food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do consumers get their food?
Consumers eat other living things for food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

What are the three groups of consumers?
Three groups of consumers are those that eat plants, those that eat other animals, and those that eat both plants and animals.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
How Do Animals Get Food?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 1

How do decomposers help keep the environment clean?
Decomposers break down the wastes or bodies of living things. This helps remove these things from the environment and helps return the materials that make up the wastes and bodies to the environment.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

What is a food chain?
the path of food and energy from one living thing to another
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

What is an energy pyramid?
shows how energy decreases at each level of the food chain
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

What will happen to the energy contained in the turtle if it is eaten by another animal?
The energy in the turtle will be passed to the new animal.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

Which level in the pyramid has the greatest amount of energy?
the producer level
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

Why did scientists chose a pryamid as a model of energy flow through an ecosystem?
A pyramid is larger at the bottom (the level that contains the most energy) and narrower at the top (the level that contains the lest energy)
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

How does energy get from a producer to a meat-eating consumer?
Energy is passed from a plant to a plant-eating animal. A meat-eating consumer eats the plant-eating animal for energy.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

What kind of living thing is at the top of a food chain?
An animal that is not eaten by other animals is at the top of a food chain.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

Where is the most food energy in an energy pyramid found?
The most energy is found at the bottom, or at the producer level, of an energy pyramid.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

What is the source of all the energy on Earth?
the sun
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Chains?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 2

What is passed in a food chain from one living thing to another?
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

What is a food web?
a model that shows how food chains overlap and link together
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

What are predator and prey?
An animal that hunts another animal for food is a predator, and the animal that is eaten is the prey.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

How can an animal be both a predator and prey?
An animal that is a predator becomes prey when it is eaten by another animal.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

What does a food web show that a food chain cannot show?
The producers and consumers in an ecosystem can be used as food by more than one kind of living thing.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

What is a food web made up of?
food chains that overlap and link together
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

What are the three members of a food web?
plants, predators, and prey
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

How are food webs and food chains alike? How are they different?
They both show how living things interact in an ecosystem. A food web is formed by overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

How can an animal be both predator and prey?
When a fish eats an insect, the fish is a predator. When the same fish is eaten by a bird, the fish is the prey.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
What Are Food Webs?
Unit B Chapter 2 Lesson 3

In the following food chain, name the predators and the prey.

The insect is the prey, the fog is beoth predator and prey, and the snake is a predator
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A --- feeds on the wastes of other living things.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A fish that is hunted and eaten by another consumer is called ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

The path of food in an ecosystem can be shown is a --.
food chain
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A --- makes its own food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Consumers that eat both plants and animals are ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

The living things in a community --- with each other and with nonliving things.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Several linked food chains make up a ---.
food web
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Consumers that eat only plants are ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A shark is a --- because it hunts its food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A model of how energy moves through a food web is called an ---.
energy pyramid
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Consumers that eat only animals are ---.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A --- is a living thing that makes its own food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Give an example of a producer.
grass, any plant
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A --- is a living thing that uses another living thing for food.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Give an example of a consumer.
horse, any animal that eats plants
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A --- is a living thing that uses as food living things that have died.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Give an example of a decomposer.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A model that shows how energy moves through a food chain is ---.
an energy pyramid
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A spider hunts and kills other animals for food. It is ---.
a predator
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

Producers get their energy from ---.
the sun
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A bear lives in the woods near a river. How might the bear interact with its environment to get food?
Bears can eat both plants and animals. This can include fish from the water as well as berries from its surroundings. Bears also eat small rodents.
Plants and Animals Interact
Living Things Depend on One Another
Unit B Chapter 2 Review

A cat and a dog meet. How does each animal defend itself?
cats and dogs use their teeth and claws to defend themselves, but they may also run.