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87 Cards in this Set

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clay tablets were used as what for sumerisan stone
bronze/ iron age
what were the tablets made of that sumerian stones used
sumerian stone was what kind of writing system
cuneiform which was the first writing system
3500 bc as when this type of roll and case was created
for papyrus roll and case what are the scrolls made from
for papyrus roll why were the scrolls known as inefficient
you had to roll and unroll
the reason of rolling and unrolling made this type of roll very inefficent
papyrus roll
for papyrus roll what were they placed in for protection
leather cases
the first evidence of book binding was known as
diamond sutra
the diamond sutra was first firest evidence of what
book binding
what was the earliest dated print book
diamond sutra
the diamond sutra was the _______ printed book
where was the diamond suta found
dunhuang hall
what was found in dunhuang hall
the diamond sutra
what was glued to create the diamond sutra
sections of the paper
what was the diamond sutra placed in
a wooden spindle
a wooden spindle was what the -_______ placed in
diamond sutra
how did we fasten a diamond sutra
palm leaf
the palm leaf was used to
fasted the diamond sutra
what was known to originality be the accordion and concertina fold
the codex was orginially what kind of fold
accordion and cncertina
why are concertina inefficent
the text couldnt be printed on back side
the text not being printed on the backside is why this is not a efficent fold
what year did book covers evolve
1500 ad
1500 ad what happend
What were book covers first made of
wood was what ______ covers were first made of
what did pages for book covers used to be called
catch words
catch words is what ______ used to be called for book covers
for jewled books what was usually embedded into the covers
jewls , precious stones and gold leafs
jewels were ebeded into covers (true or false)
precious stone were embedded into jeweled covers (t or f)
gold leafs were embedded into jewleed covers ( t or f )
what people usually bought jeweled books
wealthy people
who created the first commercial bindery
william claytorn
william clayton did what during the first renesase
created the first commercial bindery
what time was book binding techniques developed
during the renesanse
the casing press is also known as
imperial arming press ( 1820-1870)
the imperial arming press is also known as
impperial casing press
what year was the imperial arming press created
1820 to 1870 was the year that the
imperial arming press was created
who created the first guillotine machine
austin guilidtine
what did autin guillotine do?
created the first cutting machine
what year was the first gulltoine machine created
in 1861 this was created
autin gullotine machine ( 1st one )
what machine is good for pressing many books at one time
adam hydraulic standing press (1856)
in 1856 what was created
adam hyraulic standining press (1856)
the adam hyraulic standing press is good for
pressing many books at once
cyrus chambers created what
chambers folding, pasting and cover machine
who created the chambers folding pasting and cover machine
cyrus chambers
what is the machine that is powered by stream
chambers folding pasting and cover machine
how does the chambers folding pasting and cover machine powered
by steam
how many folds can the chambers folding pasting and cover machine
16 signatures
16 signatures is what this machine can fold
chambers folding pasting and cover machine
his works with a knfie folding principal
chambers folding pasting and cover machine
the chambers folding pasting and cover machine uses what folding principal
knife folding
how is the chambers folding pasting and cover principal passed thru press
under a arm that causes the fold
the hyel no.2 wire book sewing machine was created in
in 1880 this was created
heyl no.2 wire book sewing machine
this machine can create a saddle stich book
heyl no.2 wire book sewing machine
the heyl no.2 wire book swing machine can create a ______ ________ book
saddle stich
a wire stiching machine is able to create a
saddle stich book
the american hand rounding and backing machine was created in
in 1890 this was created
in what year was the american roundign and backing machine created
the american rounding and backing machine does what to a book
rounds and backs it
this machine rounds and backs the machine
american rounding and backing machine
what machine was created in 1893
lovell bretnenberg auto matic periodical covering machine
the lovel bretenber auto was created in
covers that are added to a signatrue that can be folded, collagted and stich
lovell bruendber
what was a ancient style of binding
chineese was the anciel style of
explain buttery binding
flat sheet folded in half
a flat sheed folded in half is what kind of binding
butterfly binding
multiple foloded sheets that are folded and they do collate
butterfly binding
the sides sewed using a thread is known as
stiched binding
stiched bindind uses a thread to sew what
the dies
stiched bindings does what method to make holes
the book is stabed and
what type of binding stiches and stabs the book
stiched binding
this has bamboo sticks tired together
pothi uses this to tie the book together
polti is usually placed inside of a
a sleeove is where a _____ is placed (ancient chineese)
scrolls within scrolls is
whirlwind binding
whirlwind binding is ____ within ______
scrolls within scrolls
whirlwind binding is stabed where
at the spine
at the spine is where ______wind binding is
stabbed whirl