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54 Cards in this Set

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Meaning of these on peripheral smear?

1. Microcytosis, anisocytosis

2. Spherocytes

3. Macrocytes or macroovalocytes

4. Target cells (codocytes)

5. Schistocytes

6. Nucleated erythrocytes

1. Iron deficiency

2. Hereditary spherocytosis, warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia

3. Cobalamin or folate deficiency; myelodysplasia, use of antimetabolites

4. Hemoglobinopathy, liver disease, splenectomy

5. Microangiopathy (TTP, HUS, DIC)

6. Marrow stress (hemolysis, hypoxia)

Meaning of these on peripheral smear?

1. Teardrop cells (dacryocytes)

2. Bite cells

3. Rouleaux

4. Burr cells (echinocytes)

5. Spur cells (acanthocytes)

1. Fibrosis, marrow granuloma, marrow infiltration

2. G6PD deficiency

3. Paraproteinemia (myeloma)

4. Kidney disease

5. Severe liver disease

=== ANEMIA ===

=== ANEMIA ===

Iron deficiency and Hepcidin?

- Hepcidin causes decreased iron absorption from enterocytes and decreased iron release by macrophages through internalization and proteolysis of the membrane protein ferroportin.

- iron deficiency is characterized by low hepcidin levels

i. Iron is absorbed predominantly in the

ii. how soon after starting iron can you check the results?

i. proximal small bowelii. retic count will go up in 5 days

test for folate deficiency?

Serum homocysteine levels increase in folate deficiency, whereas BOTH homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels are increased in cobalamin deficiency.

- Measuring serum folate levels is typically unreliable

target hgb in anemia of CKD

Current guidelines recommend the use of supplemental erythropoiesis-stimulating agents to achieve target hemoglobin values of 11 to 12 g/dL (110-120 g/L) in patients receiving dialysis.

basic findings in hemolytic anemia

An increased reticulocyte count,

increased indirect bilirubin

increased LDH levels,

decreased haptoglobin level

morphologic changes in erythrocytes

Hemolytic anemia, in addition to correcting underlying condition, what to give pt?

Folic acid 1 mg / day

hereditary spherocytosis tx?

asymptomatic: none

symptomatic: splenectomy

alpha thal trait (-α/-α or --/αα), how to tell from iron deficiency?

Presents similarly, but IDA has increased RDW, alpha thal has normal RDW

Beta - thal trait findings

mild anemia, microcytosis, hypochromia, target cells, and increased hemoglobin A2 (α2δ2) and, at times, hemoglobin F (α2γ2) on electrophoresis.

Sickle trait (AS)

hgb findings, clinical features?

NORMAL: Hgb, MCV, smear

Hb S < 50%, rest HbA

Can have splenic sequestration and hematuria

Crisis with severe hypoxia

Sickle cell SC

electrophoresis finding, clinical features?

Hgb 10-15, HbS 50% MCV 75-normal

Avascular necrosis

retinal infarcts

Sickle cell HbSS

electrophoresis findings, clinical features?

Hb 6-8, > 90% HbS

Vasocclusive crises, functional asplenia

Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia , dx?

- The direct Coombs (antiglobulin) test is used

- typically positive for IgG and negative or only weakly positive for complement (C3) in warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, whereas it is positive for only complement (C3) in cold agglutinin disease

Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia , tx?

- steroids

- Splenectomy if non responsive

- refractory: azithioprine, cyclo(phos/sporin)

Cold Agglutinin Disease, dx / tx?

peripheral blood smear in CAD may show clumping, which leads to a falsely elevated MCV

- direct Coombs test is typically negative for IgG and strongly positive for complement

TX: cold avoidance, plasmapheresis if acute

Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia, description?

refers to the disruption, fragmentation, and subsequent lysis of erythrocytes during travel through the vascular system

Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia, smear and lab findings?

- Erythrocyte fragmentation leads to the smear finding of schistocytes or helmet cells

- Lab: intravascular hemolysis with low haptoglobin levels, hemoglobinuria, and elevated serum LDH

Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia causes?

Macrovascular: turbulen flow around mech valves, pumps, etc

Microvascular: TTP / HUS

PNH, consider in pt with __?

hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, or unprovoked atypical thrombosis.

PNH caused by? dx?

- Mutations in the PIG-A gene -> absence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol

- absence of decay-accelerating factor (CD55) and membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (CD59)

DX: flow cytometry with CD55 and CD59 deficiency

PNH, tx?

* Eculizumab (c5 compl Ab) has resulted in decreased transfusion requirements, improved quality of life, and potentially decreased thrombosis in transfusion-dependent patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

infectious causes of hemolysis?

- Malaria (most common)

- Babesiosis: NE USA

- Clostridial sepsis (alpha toxin)

- Bartonellosis (s. america, sand fly)

Brown recluse spider, bee sting, snake bite

tx for secondary iron overload?

Deferasirox PO (can cause agranulo / AKI)

- deferoxamine IV



FFP indications?

- Multiple clotting deficiencies with active bleeding (e.g., DIC, liver disease)


- Reversal of warfarin in patients with intracranial bleeding

- Factor replacement when specific factor concentrates not available

- Massive transfusion of packed red blood cells to avoid dilutional coagulopathy

Indication for plt transfusion as prophylaxis?

<10,000/µL in patients with leukemia with no other bleeding risk factors

<50,000/µL and planned surgery

<100,000/µL and planned intracranial surgery

Indication for plt transfusion as treatment?

Active bleeding with platelet count <50,000-100,000/µL (50-100 × 109/L)

Active bleeding with dysfunctional platelets

cryoprecipitate, contents and indication?

- contains a concentrated source of factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, factor XIII, fibronectin, and fibrinogen

- treatment of choice in bleeding patients with hypofibrinogenemia from liver disease, thrombolytic therapy, or DIC

Product of choice to reverse warfarin in life-threatening bleeding?

IV vitamin K + Prothrombin Complex Concentrate

Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury, presentation? tx?

- hypoxia and dyspnea resembling noncardiac pulmonary edema during or within 6 hours of a transfusion.

- Fever and hypotension, b/l infiltrates with pulmonary edema on CXR.

tx: Intubation may be required, supportive, improve in few days, ban blood donor

Febrile Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reaction, management?

- stop trf

- rule out AHTR

- resume with close monitoring

- Pretransfusion antipyretics or leukoreduction of cellular blood products may prevent recurrence.

Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (T-GVHD)

- who is at risk?

- ppx?

- HSCT recipients, recipients of blood transfusion from first-degree relatives, and pt with immunosuppression associated with hematologic malignancies

- ppx with gamma irradiation of blood prdcts

severe anaphylactic rxn from RBC trf usually associated with:_____


IgA def pt with anti-IgA Ab

Give washed cells


i. What is it?

ii. indications?

iii. monitor for

iv. withhold these before elective procedure:

i. separation of whole blood into components, tx and return

ii. sickle cell ACS, malaria, babesia

iii. hypocalcemia

iv. ACE Inhibitor



Clotting Cascade

primary hemostasis?

injured blood vessel constricts and platelets adhere to TF–bearing cells through interactions between glycoprotein Ib/IX/V and (vWF).

- platelets secrete their granular contents

- Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa undergoes a conformational change, allowing it to bind fibrinogen, which then cross-links platelets

secondary hemostasis?

- phospholipid scaffold is formed in primary hemo

- prothrombin -> thrombin

- fibrinogen -> fibrin

- 13a X-links fibrin to meshwork

A history of bleeding into muscles and joints is characteristic of ?

disorders of humoral clotting factors

mucosal bleeding occurs more commonly in ?

disorders of primary hemostasis


qualitative platelet defects

Bleeding associations:

i) enlarged tongue, carpal tunnel syndrome, and periorbital purpura

ii) A harsh systolic murmur

iii) Splenomegaly

i) may indicate amyloidosis, which is associated with an acquired deficiency of clotting proteins, especially factor X.

ii) may indicate severe AS, which can cause an acquired type 2 vWD.

iii) can be associated with thrombocytopenia and may indicate underlying cirrhosis.

In general, (i) a prolonged PT is most commonly due to ____

(ii) An isolated prolonged aPTT is most commonly due to __

i) an acquired deficiency of factor VII, from vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, DIC, or warfarin use

ii) a lupus inhibitor, but hemophilia is also a concern

hemophilia A/B are from? tx?

Factor 8 and 9 deficiency respectively

tx with concentrates, desmopression for mild Hemo A. No ASA or NSAID

normal PTT with

i. giant platelets

ii. abnormal platelet aggregation

i. Bernard-Soulier dz

ii. Glanzmann's dz

vWD dx, tx?

dx: decreased Ristocetin cofactor assay


mild type 1: desmopressin

severe type 1 or bleeding type 2/3 - vWF-containing factor 8 concentrate

acquired hemophilia: lab findings? Assoc with?

i) bleeding with an isolated aPTT prolongation, factor 8 low, mixing study won't correct

ii) postpartum state, malignancy, or autoimmune conditions, but 50% of cases are idiopathic

acquired hemophilia, tx?

if factor 8 inhibitor

titre low: factor 8 concentrate

titre high: factor 7a, PTC to activate factor X, immunosuppresion

coagulopathy of liver dz, tx?

FFP + vitamin K

DIC, lab findings, tx?

Low platelet levels, a prolonged PT, a low or decreasing fibrinogen level, and an elevated D-dimer level are diagnostic

- tx: underlying cause + supportive plasma, cryoprecip, plt transfusions

Hemophilia A, mild, scheduled for dental extraction, wtd

Desmopression spray +/- aminocaproid acid / tranexamic acid

Hemophilia A + trauma to head, wtd

Give factor 8 concentrate, keep level > 50%