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17 Cards in this Set

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What is purchasing power parity?

A measure of per capita income that shows the purchasing power of an income

Instead of it's worth at current exchange rates

What is a third world?

Less developed countries

What are underdeveloped countries?

A term used to describe third world countries

What are developing countries?

Countries that have not reached the same level of development as the Richer, Advanced countries

What is development?

A condition that involves the satisfaction of the basic needs of all of the people

As well as the means for them to live the fulfilling and productive lives

Based on the creation of a more Diversified, sophisticated, and sustainable economy

Development may be thought of in terms of three goals:

1) Satisfying the basic needs of everyone, such as food, housing, clothing, and clean water

As well as the means to live the fufilling and productive lives, such as education, Healthcare, employment, and security against severe hardships

2) to build a more Diversified and sophisticated economy

3) development needs to be environmentally sustainable

What is the human development index?

An annual index for most countries

Calculated by the UN development programme

Based on educational attainment, life expectancy and per capita gross Nation income

What are two approaches of how countries can develop?

Market driven approach

State directed approach

What's a free market economic model?

An economic model to emphasize private Enterprise

Significantly limits the economic role of the state

What is the statistic economic model?

An economic policy that gives government a significant role in selecting a country's economy

What are two major free market models?

Modernization Theory

Washington consensus

What is modernization theory?

Development model that views the Traditional Values, practices, and institutions of third world countries as the basic cause of under development

To develop, poor countries should change their cultural outlooks, social structures, economic organization, and political system based on the model of the advanced Western Society

What is Dependency Theory?

Criticizing modernization Theory

Under development results from unequal power relationships

Between the Centre( Dominant capitals countries) and the periphery (poor, dependent countries)

What is the Washington consensus?

Encourage developing countries to generate revenue for debt repayment by cutting government expenditures

What are state-directed approaches on how countries develop? (Statist approach)

Socialist models

Capitalist models.

What are two capitalist development policies?

Import substitution industrialization.

Asian model

What is import-substitution industrialization?

A model of Economic Development where a country established High tariffs

To protect the businesses settings up to manufacture Goods that replace Imports