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21 Cards in this Set

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Bargaining and compromise

is essential for producing successful political outcomes.

Which of the following is a formal definition of a government?

Those institutions created by a constitution and the legally prescribed process for making and enforcing collective agreements

Political institutions include which of the following?

A set of rules prescribing a political process for reaching and enforcing collective agreements

The discrepancy between what principals ideally desire and what agents actually do is called which of the following?

Agency loss

Politics occurs whenever a solution to a problem requires cooperation even when that cooperation is which of the following?

Costly or difficult

The tragedy of the commons can be solved through

regulation and privatization.

"Collective action" refers to which of the following?

The efforts of a group to reach and implement agreements

The problem that arises from the costless consumption by a large number of individuals of a public good that results in its ruination is called

a tragedy of the commons.

Why do citizens often look to government to provide public goods?

Government has coercive authority to prevent free riding and the necessary resources to undertake expensive projects.

The idea that "social choices breed conflict" is especially true

when the choices involve issues that affect the political parties' core constituencies.

All organizations are governed by rules and procedures

for making and enforcing decisions.

Assigning authority to make and implement decisions to a smaller number of persons who are expected to act on behalf of the larger group's interest is an example of which of the following?


Which of the following are two features of public goods?

Their costs are borne collectively and no one can be excluded from their benefits.

The fight over the extension of slavery into the western territories and the resulting Civil War demonstrates that

some issues do not offer mutual gains through cooperation.

Constitutions, charters, and bylaws all serve which of the following purposes?

Guiding the organization's members in making essentially political decisions

Which of the following does not explain why institutions are stable and resistant to change?

The specific authority of each institution prevents any changes from occurring.

Which of the following is true about direct democracy, where citizens participate directly in collective decision making?

It typically is reserved for small communities and organizations.

Which of the following is true of the constitution of a nation?

It creates the governing institutions and the set of rules prescribing the political process these institutions must follow to reach and enforce collective agreements.

The free-rider problem is often found in

large groups.

The difference between authority and power is which of the following?

Authority is the right to make a particular decision and power is the actual influence the institution has over that action.

One of the fundamental problems for government is reconciling preferences because

a diversity of preferences is natural among men.